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Be Careful What You Wish For: A Cuckold's Story

Page 2

by J. W. McKenna

  He went into the bathroom and Liz climbed under the covers. She reached down and felt herself again, relishing the sensations her fingers caused her. She was randy enough not to put up much of a fight to Rick. But she wanted to make him work for it.

  He came out and she slipped her hand away and reached up to turn off the bedside lamp on her side. “Well, good night,” she said and clicked it off, leaving the room illuminated only by the light on his side.

  “Wait a minute,” he protested. “You can’t just go to sleep!”

  “Why not?”

  “Because, I know that movie got you all worked up! I could tell.”

  “It was kinda boring. Those movies from the ‘70s all seem to be shot as if they’re out of focus.”

  Rick removed his clothes except for his tighty-whiteys and crawled into bed, snuggling up against Liz.

  “Hey, now, don’t get frisky on me. You just got laid the other night.”

  “That was on our anniversary, more than a week ago! Come on, I’m all worked up after watching that slave fuck the wife,” he protested.

  “Go watch some porn and come to bed later.”

  “Why watch porn when I have the real thing right here?” He rubbed up against her.

  “Oh? You think I’m a porn star?” She delighted in thwarting him. She’d better not go too far or she’d talk herself out of getting laid.

  “You know I didn’t mean it like that!” He cupped her breasts tentatively and she pushed him aside. He allowed his hand to fall away. She wished just for once he would be more aggressive! Just grab the hair on the back of her neck and pull it. It always made her instantly compliant.

  He kissed her cheek, which Liz allowed, begrudgingly. At least he was a decent kisser. She allowed him to turn her face toward him and give her a sideways kiss on the lips.

  “Oh, baby,” he moaned and Liz tried hard not to roll her eyes.

  She could tell he was going to pester her until she gave in, so she rolled over onto her back. That was all the signal Rick needed. He yanked off his briefs, climbed up over her, pushed her nightgown out of the way and slid his cock right into her pussy. No foreplay, as usual. She sighed to herself and lay still while Rick jerked on top of her. Within a minute, he groaned and was done. She could feel his watery discharge leaking out between her legs. She felt frustrated – she hadn’t come, despite her ardor. She hoped she might slip in a quick fingering after he fell asleep.

  He climbed off and lay next to her for a moment. It was as if he knew she was disappointed in their love-making. Again.

  “I’ve, uh, got a candidate in mind,” he said suddenly.

  She turned, suddenly alert. “What?”

  “I’ve got a black guy you might like. He used to work for us.”

  Liz sat up, her stomach suddenly throbbing. And her pussy too. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. I mean, we both said we liked the idea.”

  “As a fantasy! Not in real life!”

  Rick didn’t say anything for a moment. Then: “I’ve got pictures.”

  Now she was curious. “You got pictures?” Had he really gone that far into the planning? She figured she might as well take a look. She reached over and turned on her light.

  He grinned and jumped out of bed. He returned with some photos and handed them over. Liz looked them over, one at a time. She remembered him. God, the man was so handsome! And strong! In many ways, he was like the actor in that movie. Her body began to grow warm and she wished Rick would just leave for fifteen minutes and let her take care of her long-denied orgasm!

  “Pretty good, huh?”

  She shrugged. “He’s handsome, I’ll give you that.” She wondered how he wound up selecting him. This guy looked like he’d be at home in a gay porn movie. Was Rick a bit gay? It would explain a lot – why he was such a pushover and why he wanted another man to fuck his wife while he watched. Maybe he would get off more by seeing the man’s hard cock than seeing the actual sex.

  “His name’s Darrell. You saw him once.”

  “I did?” She didn’t want to admit she recognized him.

  “Yeah, it was one day you came down to meet me for lunch. He was in the office with a couple of other guys.”

  “Oh. I guess he didn’t make much of an impression on me.” What a lie! When he had looked at her, she had gotten wet. That she remembered. After lunch, when she had returned home, she had enjoyed a nice fantasy fuck with the man.

  “You did on him. When I got back, he congratulated me on having a hot wife.”

  “Really?” She was flattered and studied the pictures more closely, trying to imagine his arms around her. Her pussy grew warmer and her nipples became erect. She hoped Rick wouldn’t notice.

  “He quit a few months ago.”

  “Too bad.” She caught herself sounding a bit too eager. “Uh, I mean…”

  “I can still find him.”

  She nodded. “Well, I’d love to see that conversation! ‘Hey, Darrell, you wanna come home and fuck my wife?’ He’d probably think you were a weirdo.”

  “He might. But I wanted you to see the photos and tell me if you want me to call him. I won’t do it unless you say it’s okay.”

  Fuck, she thought, why not just do it and surprise me? Am I supposed to admit I wanted to fuck a real man? “I don’t think that’s a good idea, do you?”

  “Why not? We talked about it.”

  “Come on, Rick – this is dangerous. He could be a thief. Or a killer. Besides, not all black guys are…” She stopped, stricken. She didn’t want to make Rick feel worse.

  “It’s all right – you can say it. ‘Not all black guys have big dicks’, right?”

  She nodded. It was time to change the subject, get away from penis size. “You don’t really know this guy all that well, do you?”

  “Sure, we talked. He seemed very level-headed. Not a jerk at all.”

  “That’s just because you were his boss. I’m sure he’s a different person when you’re not looking.”

  “So maybe you should meet him, decide for yourself.”

  “I’m not going to do that! It’s too risky.”

  “I see. So we’re just going to go on the way we’re going?”

  Liz turned toward him, allowing the photos to drop to the bed. “What do you mean?”

  “Come on, with both know our sex life has gotten, um, boring over the last six years. I thought we could spice it up a bit.”

  “By inviting someone else into it? That’s your idea?”

  “No, it was both of our ideas, remember?”

  He had her there. “I’m sorry I shared that with you. I knew it would come back to bite me.”

  “Come on, Liz, at least meet the man. We don’t have to tell him why, just invite him for drinks. I can say we miss him at work and we’d love to have him come back.”

  “Do you? Miss him?” Maybe Rick missed him in another way, too.

  “Sure. He was a good worker. I think Mr. Thomas would take him back in a heartbeat.”

  “Why did he quit?”

  “He said he got a better job that didn’t require so much manual labor. I couldn’t blame him. Putting up fences around constructions sites and taking them down again is hard work.”

  She picked up the photos again and stared at Darrell’s face. Could this really be happening? She thought how easy it would be to refuse and keep the status quo. Nothing wrong with it, really. She was comfortable in her marriage. Mostly. But, god, was she bored in bed! Maybe this was her chance.

  “Okay, so we’ll have drinks. But that’s all! And don’t tell him why, for god’s sakes. Let me see him and later, we’ll talk. Okay?”

  Rick grinned. “Sure! That’s great!” He hugged her, wrinkling one of the photos. She allowed the embrace, but when he pulled back, she found herself straightening out the picture, thinking she might want to use it later, when Rick was at work.

  Chapter Two

  Rick was thrilled. He went into the boss’s office to talk
to him about staffing levels. He wanted to have a real job for Darrell if he decided he wanted to come back.

  “Hi, Mr. Thomas, got a minute?”

  “Sure. Come in.” Frank Thomas was a big man who had gone to seed, but he still carried himself like the football player he once had been. He had built the company from the ground up fifteen years ago after working for one of the biggest construction firms in Atlanta. They kept having problems getting reliable companies to erect temporary fences around their construction sites and had to put them up themselves in a few cases, which only delayed their projects. He had heard similar complaints from some of the other contractors in town, so he left his company to start a reliable fencing firm. With his reputation and connections, he soon grew the company into one of the largest in Atlanta and had plans to keep growing.

  Like many Southerners, Thomas was somewhat racist, although he kept his opinions to himself for the most part. Rick had been around him long enough to know his true thoughts.

  “I talked to Darrell Johnson recently. You remember him, don’t cha?”

  “Oh yeah, the guy in the PR pictures. Sure, how’s he doing?”

  “He’s got a new job, but I’m not sure he’s happy with it,” he lied. “If I can convince him, do you think you’d have room for him here again?”

  “Maybe. He was an OK guy. He knew his place, didn’t talk sass, always showed up on time – not like most of ‘em. I could use a guy with his experience.” He paused. “But didn’t he quit because he said the work was too hard?”

  “Yeah, but also because you wouldn’t give him a raise.”

  “Oh, right. Yeah, I suppose he had earned it. I was just in a bad mood that day, I think.” He paused. “You know, we’re expanding into the residential market now. If he was willing to come back, we might be able to give him a more supervisorial role.”

  That surprised Rick. “Really?”

  “Yeah. We’re growing like gangbusters. We could use all the hard-working guys I can find. You know how tough it is to find a guy who can handle working in the sun all day? Seems like we’re surrounded by lazy people. I didn’t get the impression that Darrell was one of them.”

  “I didn’t either. We should’ve offered him more money.”

  “I know. I’ve come to regret that. If you can get him back, offer him a ten percent bump. Between you and me, I’ll go fifteen in six months if he works out.”

  “That’d be great! I’m meeting him for drinks later this week, I’ll tell him.”


  He called Darrell right away and found him at his new job, working for the city as a garbage man.

  “Hey, it’s Rick Smith, remember me? I was hoping to talk to you,” he said. In the background, he could hear the sounds of a large truck and the clatter of cans.

  “Oh, hey, Rick, yeah, sure I remember. Listen, I can’t talk now, can you call me back after three? I’ll be done then.”


  He’d call later and explain Mr. Thomas’ offer and suggest they meet for drinks. Now he just had to see how Liz reacted to Darrell.

  They met for drinks that Friday at a bar halfway between their two neighborhoods. Darrell had sounded receptive to listening to Rick’s offer and Rick had casually mentioned that he would be bringing his wife along as well. That seemed to perk up Darrell’s interest.

  “I remember her, she came in a coupla times. She seemed like a real nice lady.”

  Rick was pleased he remembered her. It bode well for their meeting.

  He drove to the bar with Liz. Neither one talked. She was dressed casually in a long dress that showed just a hint of cleavage, as if she was only along for the drinks. He could tell she was nervous. When they pulled up and he shut off the engine, she turned to him and said, “Remember, just business tonight! Don’t say anything else!”

  “I got it, I got it,” he said. He would be very interested to read her body language.

  They walked in and found Darrell at the bar. He had changed out of his city uniform and had on a blue shirt and jeans. He waved and they made their introductions. Darrell seemed both pleased and puzzled that Liz was along.

  “You’re lookin’ mighty fine, Miz Smith. I don’t know if you remember me.”

  “Oh, sure. And please, call me Liz. Your pictures were a big hit for the company.” She blushed slightly and Rick noticed. He thought Darrell did too.

  “Come, let’s sit. There’s an empty booth in the corner, where we can talk.”

  Darrell followed them and they settled in, Darrell across from the married couple. The waitress came by and they ordered drinks, shot-and-a-beer for the men and a white wine for Liz. They made small talk until they came and after a sip, Darrell asked, “So, what’s this all about? Not that I mind meeting you guys – especially you, Liz.”

  She blushed again and looked down. Rick smiled. “Uh, well, I was talking to the boss about staffing the other day and how hard it is to find good guys…”

  “Hold it right there, Rick,” Darrell interrupted. “I quit because it was killing me. I could handle it all right in the winter, but putting up those damn fences in July and August? I liked to have died!”

  Rick nodded in agreement. “That’s right – and I don’t blame you. But we’re growing all the time and Mr. Thomas said he’s looking for some additional supervisors. They’d have to pitch in too, but mostly they’d be making sure the jobs were done right.”

  Darrell’s face showed his interest. “You know I’ve got a steady job now. The city even has a pension plan.”

  “Yeah, but I can’t see you as a garbage man the rest of your life. Can you?”

  He grimaced. “Yeah. It does kinda suck. The smell clings to ya. That part I don’t like. But it pays pretty well. The work’s not as hard.”

  “Come on, you’re telling me in the summer, you’re not working just as hard as you did with us?”

  “It’s all right. The cans aren’t that big. Not like lifting poles with concrete attached.”

  “Okay, okay. But Mr. Thomas says if you came back, he’d offer you a ten percent bump in salary now and another five percent in six months. There would be a try-out period, you know, to see how you took on the new duties.”

  “Well, that’s interesting, I have to admit. I’ll have to think about it, okay?” He turned to Liz. “I’m sorry to bore you with all this. How about another drink?”

  She smiled and held up her glass. “Sure.”

  They ordered another round and chatted like old friends. Rick noticed his wife was giving Darrell the once-over and he was doing the same to her. He gave her a look with a raised eyebrow and she offered a tiny nod of her head in return. Rick decided it was time to lay their cards on the table, despite what she had told him.

  “Darrell,” he said, feeling the effects of the alcohol, “there’s another reason why Liz is here.”

  Liz’s mouth dropped open and she just stared at Rick, unable to believe he might broach the subject right in front of Darrell. “Rick! No!”

  “Liz’s fantasy is to have a black man and I’d like to make it happen for her. We were wondering if you’d be interested.”

  Now it was Darrell’s turn to look surprised. His gaze shifted from Rick to Liz and back again. “You’re kidding, right?”

  Rick shook his head and turned to Liz. “Are we kidding?”

  Liz was suddenly on the spot. She looked down at the table, her face flushing red. “God, Rick! You’re embarrassing me! You weren’t supposed to say anything tonight!”

  “We both have this fantasy. Well, I mean, they kinda dovetail. Liz likes the whole black-on-white thing and I’d like to see her with another man.” He took a deep breath, amazed at himself for blurting it out like that.

  Darrell didn’t say anything for a moment. He stared at Rick, who returned his level gaze, before turning his attention to Liz. She remained head down, her ears pink with embarrassment.

  “Liz,” he commanded. “Look at me.”

er head came up at once and she caught his eyes and blinked and looked away.

  “No, look at me,” he said and she obeyed. Rick was impressed. “Tell me about your fantasy.”

  “God! I’m so embarrassed! It wasn’t supposed to be like this! I thought we’d talk it over, Rick and I.” Her eyes darted around again.

  Darrell reached out and found her hand. She seemed to shiver at his touch but she didn’t pull away. Her eyes met his again and stayed there. “I find you incredibly sexy, Liz. I always did,” he told her. “And I’m honored that you chose me.”

  She bit her lip and tears came to her eyes. “But I’m so fat,” she whispered.

  Darrell shook his head. “I’ve seen fat and you’re definitely not it. You’re not even plump. You look wonderful.”

  She blushed and gave him a small smile. “Well, thanks.”

  He turned to Rick. “You sure about this? I mean, watching another man…”

  “I am. I know it may sound weird to you, but it’s always been kind of a turn-on. I can’t explain it.” He wasn’t about to admit the truth to this man. He’d find out soon enough.

  He smiled. “No, I know guys like that.”

  “So it’s not just a white-guy thing?”

  Darrell laughed. “I think it’s more common for white guys, because, well, you know.”

  Rick felt his face grow hot and it was hit turn to stare at the tabletop. He had practically admitted to his problem!

  “The whole slut-wife thing can be pretty darned exciting,” Darrell added.

  “I’m not a slut,” whispered Liz, looking around as if afraid someone might hear.

  He smiled. “I’m sorry. That’s just the term that’s used sometimes. I think more accurate terms would be ‘hot wife,’ or ‘wife sharing’.”

  “I’m not sure I want to be shared, either! I just…” she seemed at a loss on how to explain it. “I wouldn’t want to get a reputation!”

  “Relax, your secret is safe with me.”

  “Yes, that would be a key point,” Rick said. “If we pursue this, discretion would be a must. And you’d have be, uh, safe.”

  “Of course. But for the record, I don’t have any diseases. And I don’t kiss and tell, if that’s what you’re worried about.” He returned his gaze to Liz and Rick seemed to fade away. He watched as the heat grew between them.


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