For The Thrill Of It: Leopold, Loeb, And The Murder That Shocked Chicago
Page 54
70. "Leopold Loses His Privacy Suit," Chicago Tribune, 28 May 1970. 71. Ray Brennan, "Leopold's Fiancee Tells of Romance in Letter," Chicago SunTimes, 12 January 1961; "Leopold and Widow Marry in Puerto Rico," Chicago Daily Tribune, 8 February 1961.
72. Elmer Gertz, To Life (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974), 192-193. 73. "Nathan Leopold Dies at Age 66," Chicago Tribune, 30 August 1971; "Leopold 'Atonement' Over, Widow States," Chicago Tribune, 31 August 1971.L EOPOL D A N D LOEB I N FIC T ION
1. Harry Salpeter, "F. Scott Fitzgerald Becomes Oracle," The World (New York), 3 April 1927.
2. Nigel Jones, Through a Glass Darkly: The Life of Patrick Hamilton (London: Scribner, 1991), 153-159; Sean French, Patrick Hamilton: A Life (London: Faber and Faber, 1993), 101-104.
3. Donald Spoto, The Art of Alfred Hitchcock: Fifty Years of His Motion Pictures, 2nd ed. (New York: Doubleday, 1992), 166-172; Robin Wood, Hitchcock's Films Revisited (New York: Columbia University Press, 1989), 349-357; Patrick McGilligan, Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light (New York: HarperCollins, 2003), 419-420.
4. James Yaffe, Nothing but the Night (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1957); Mary-Carter Roberts, Little Brother Fate (New York: Farrar, Straus, and Cudahy, 1957); Meyer Levin, Compulsion (New York: Simon and Schuster, 5. Barbara Leaming, Orson Welles (New York: Viking, 1985), 440-445. 6. John Logan, Never the Sinner: The Leopold and Loeb Story (New York: Overlook, 1999).SOU RCES
1. Hal Higdon, The Crime of the Century: The Leopold and Loeb Case (New York: Putnam, 1975); Paula S. Fass, "Making and Remaking an Event: The Leopold and Loeb Case in American Culture," Journal of American History 80 (1993): 919-951; Laurel Duchowny, "Life Plus 99 Years: Nathan Leopold and Chicago Criminology," Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 21 (2005): 336-349; Scott W. Howe, "Reassessing the Individualization Mandate in Capital Sentencing: Darrow's Defense of Leopold and Loeb," Iowa Law Review 79 (1993-1994): 989-1071.
2. Darrow published his version of the speech as Clarence Darrow's Plea in Defense of Loeb and Leopold (Girard, KS: Haldeman-Julius, 1926).
3. Lloyd Wendt, Chicago Tribune: The Rise of a Great American Newspaper (Chicago: Rand McNally, 1979), 480-486.
4. The history of the Hearst newspapers in Chicago is recounted in George Murray, The Madhouse on Madison Street (Chicago: Follett, 1965).
5. Frank Luther Mott, American Journalism: A History, 1690-1960, 3rd ed. (New York: Macmillan, 1972), 562-564, 662.
6. Joseph P. Savage, A Man Named Savage (New York: Vantage, 1975).
7. Clarence Darrow, The Story of My Life (New York: Scribner, 1932), 226-243.
8. Nathan F. Leopold Jr., Life Plus 99 Years (Garden City, NY: Doubleday,
Abelson, Lester, 123 Abt, Henry, 38
Addams, Jane, 34 Adler, Aaron, 69-70 Adventures of Jimmie Dale, The
(Packard), 35
(ACLU), 424
Ahern, Michael, 296
Allegheny College, 192
Allen, Elbert, 112, 136, 152, 155
Almer Coe and Company, 25-26 Alschuler, Adelia, 74
Altgeld, John Peter, 171, 174-75
Alwood, Fred, 16
Amalgamated Woodworkers Union, 179 American Civil Liberties Union
American Federation of Labor (AFL), 181
American Maize Company, 10, 13
American Psychiatric Association, 257, 265, 307, 312, 420-21
American Psychoanalytic Association, 421
American Railway Union, 166, 177
anarchism, 169-70, 183
Anderson, David, 362
Anderson, Dennis, 363
Anthony Trent, Master Criminal (Martin), 35
Antichrist, The (Nietzsche), vii
anti-Semitism, 140, 322-23
Aretino, Pietro, 125-26
Ashtabula, Ohio, 166, 168, 174
Atlanta Journal, 416
Bachman, John, 300-301
Bachrach, Benjamin, 143, 292
appearance, 242, 246, 253, 289 as attorney for Leopold family, 230, 231, 246, 289
background, 240-42
calendar in Leopold and Loeb case, 242-44
closing statement for the defense, 365-69
cross-examination of Hugh Patrick, 353
Crowe's cross-examination of psychiatrists and, 314-15
death of, 447
Bachrach, Benjamin (
defense of Jack Johnson, 241-42 fees in Leopold and Loeb case, 238 indictment against Leopold and
Loeb, 240-41
moves for joint psychiatric report on
mental condition of Leopold and
Loeb, 285-88
objects to Crowe's allegations, 381-83 questioning of Bernard Glueck,
threats during Leopold and Loeb
case, 398
verdict in Leopold and Loeb case, 400 Bachrach, Walter, 257, 278, 280, 289, 303 court hearing on mitigation of
punishment for Leopold and Loeb
and, 292-94
death of, 447
questioning of Harold Hulbert, 327-34 questioning of William White, 307-11 threats during Leopold and Loeb
case, 398
Bain, Rex, 296
Balzac, Honore de, 73
Barasa, Bernard, 206
Barish, David, 67
Barish, Gertrude, 141, 142
Barker, Gertrude, 23-24
Barnhart, Marvin, 221
Barrett, George, 187, 188
Bartholomew, W. D., 214
Beloved Traitor, The (Packard), 35 Ben-Hur (Wallace), 34
Birmingham Age-Herald, 416
Bither, William, 220
Black Hand kidnapping gangs, 16 Blaine, Edward, 252, 336
Blanton, Thomas Lindsay, 421
Bliss, George, 431
Bookwalter, John, 442-43
Boston Daily Globe, 418
Bowman, Andrew, 363
Bowman, Karl, 245, 246-56
endocrinology and mental health, 250 psychiatric examination of Leopold and Loeb, 251-56
report of, 312, 345-46, 354, 384, 385, 387
Brill, A. A., 420
Brockmeyer, Thomas, 397-98
Brown, Abel, 439, 444
Brown, Sanger, 253
Brundage, Edward, 204, 219, 223
Bryan, William Jennings, 424
Burton, Marion, 55
as city attorney, 241
death of, 447
death penalty and, 240
decides on admissibility of mitigating testimony, 294-304, 306
guilty plea by Leopold and Loeb, 282-88
hearing on mitigation of punishment, 284-304, 305-19, 324-38, 382-83
as judge in Leopold and Loeb case, 232, 240, 276
not guilty plea by Leopold and Loeb entered before, 240-42
options for punishment in murder cases, 277, 364
sets calendar in Leopold and Loeb case, 242-44
threats during Leopold and Loeb case, 323, 391-93, 398
verdict, 391, 399-403, 414-15, 417
verdict, public reaction, 410-20 Champion Manufacturing Company, 63, 64, 94
Charleston Gazette, 416
assassination of mayor, 166-68, 173
Back of the Yards, 359
Black Hand gangs, 16
Columbian Exposition of 1893, 104, 167
crime statistics, 215
Democratic Party in, 6, 168
election of 1920, 205-9
gangland killings, 363, 425
Haymarket bombing, 169-70
Hyde Park, 45, 61, 65, 66, 81, 87, 88, 123
illegal gambling in, 182, 217
Jewish community, 138-39, 140, 221, 419
Kenwood, 30, 45, 61, 79, 80-81, 98, 109, 117, 138-39, 231, 393-94
Caligraph machine, 330
Calkins, Robert, 273
Camponi, Frank, 363
Capone, Al, 425-26
Cardinella, Salvatore, 363
car used in murder of Bobby Franks
blood wash
ed from, 91-93
chauffeur's testimony and, 127-30 disposal of body and, 85-87 equipment for murder placed in, 78 kidnapping of Bobby Franks and,
81- 83
Leopold opens bank account as
Morton D. Ballard, 65-66, 291 Leopold rents car, 74, 76, 141, 291 Leopold rents car as rehearsal for
murder, 67-68
returned to rental office, 98
Caverly, Charlotte, 391-92
Caverly, John, 21-22, 140
address on his conduct of hearing,
apartment of, 391-92, 399
assassination of, hoax, 391-92 background, 241
as chief justice in Cook County
Criminal Court, 241
Ku Klux Klan in, 322-23
labor movement in, 177
Leopold family moves to, 29-30 murder of Janet Wilkinson, 197-201 murder rate, 162, 417, 425
organized crime in, 295, 425-26 police brutality in, 17, 18, 212, 235 police of, contacted about kidnapping
of Bobby Franks, 8-9
political corruption, 208-9, 218-24,
political reform movement, 218-20 politics, radical and progressive,
168 - 69
public opinion in Leopold and
Loeb case, 237-38, 243, 276-78,
319 -23
relationship of police and journalists,
146 - 47
Republican Party in, 6, 161, 203,
204-5, 426
roundup of pedophiles and
homosexuals, 21-22
settlement house movement, 34 spectators at Leopold and Loeb
hearings, 239-40, 293, 369-71,
violence at polls, 207
voter demographics, 203
West Side political machine, 203,
Chicago American, 100, 103, 463
Caverly statement to, 393
Leopold statement to, 396
Chicago Board of Education, 34, 144,
Chicago Church Federation, 275
Chicago Cubs, 395
Chicago Daily Journal, 207, 218-19, 462,
463, 464
Hughes interview, 233-34
Marshall interview, 234 Chicago Daily News, 12, 103, 119, 120, 463, 464
Loeb leads reporters to drugstore, 101-2
Chicago Daily Tribune, 146, 206, 426,
calls for death penalty in Fitzgerald
case, 200
cartoon, battle of the alienists, 355 cartoon, radio broadcast, 274
case of Emma Simpson, 190
clemency for Grant urged, 414 on Geary case, 297
Glueck interview, 326-27
Leopold interview (1952), 437
on Lundin acquittal, 224
radio broadcast of Leopold and Loeb
trial proposed, 272-76
reputation, 239, 462-63
verdict in Leopold and Loeb case and,
Chicago Evening Post, 322, 464
Chicago Herald-American, 463
Chicago Herald and Examiner, 146, 213,
editorial on guilt of Leopold and
Loeb, 237
Leopold and Loeb on guilty plea,
Leopold's statement on his sanity,
Chicago Latin School, 33
Chicago Sunday Tribune, 462-63 Savage interview on insanity defense,
Chicago Women's Club, 34, 39
Church, Archibald, 155-56, 191, 420 Darrow's cross-examination, 348-52 psychiatric interview of Leopold and
Loeb, 156-61
testimony, 339, 346-47
Church of the Brethren, 439, 446
288, 340-41, 394-96
Leopold's cell, 341
Leopold suicide rumor, 340-41 Loeb's cell, 341
Pethick in, 186
warden, 247, 340-41, 395
Coppersmith, Ella and Jack, 185-86, 187 coroner's report on Bobby Franks, 21,
234, 291, 382
court hearing on mitigation of
punishment for Leopold and Loeb,
3, 284-390
age of defendants as mitigating factor,
362, 365-66, 402-3
Bachrach's closing statement,
Bowman-Hulbert report, 27, 312,
345-46, 354, 384, 385, 387
Caverly address on conduct of
hearing, 389-90
Caverly decision on admissibility of
mitigating testimony, 306
as contest between Darrow and
Crowe, 162
cost to public, 320
Crowe alleges rape of Bobby Franks,
Crowe alleges secret crimes by Loeb,
Crowe's strategy, 291, 293-304 Crowe's summation, 357, 379-89 Darrow objects to state's witnesses,
Darrow's appearance, 292, 370, 377 Darrow's cross-examination,
Darrow's summation, 357, 369-79 defense team, 289, 290
defense witnesses, 292-93, 303,
endocrinological evidence, 327-34 Geary case precedent, 295-99
crime and punishment (continued)
Prohibition and, 216
punishment as destructive and detrimental, 175
punishment as deterrent, 161, 173-74, 216
recidivism, 175
rehabilitation and, 263
scientism and, 192-96
social maladjustment and, 263 Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky), ix
Crime: Its Cause and Treatment
(Darrow), 192-93, 194
crime scene, 10-12, 13, 85-87
body discovered, 10-12, 96, 233
corpse, condition of, 11, 12, 17
disposal of body at, 85-87
eyeglasses at, 11, 12, 13, 25-26, 87, 105
Leopold and Loeb choose drainage culvert to hide the body, 62
Crot, William, 111
Crowe, Robert, 197-224
aftermath of Leopold and Loeb case, 424-26
alibi of Leopold and Loeb broken, 127-28
alleges new secrets about murder, 383-89
alleges rape of Bobby Franks, 380-83
appearance, 198, 202
assistants in Leopold and Loeb case, 240, 290
attorney to Police Trial Board, 204
background, 198
blocking insanity plea defense, 151- 61, 236, 271-72
brings Leopold in for questioning, 108, 109 -11
calendar in Leopold and Loeb case and, 242-44
case against Carl Wanderer, 210-14 hearing on mitigation of punishment
for Leopold and Loeb, 291-390 insanity defense and, 271-72
as judge, 198, 202, 205-6, 372
links Underwood typewriter to
Leopold, 120-26
meeting with Leopold's father,
150 -51
moves for a speedy trial, 237
murder investigation, 145-46
office of, 152, 155, 160
parole of Leopold and, 438
philosophy of crime and punishment,
162, 216
police brutality and, 109
political ambitions, 201-2, 210, 217,
223, 224, 455
political power of, 219
preparation for trial, 140
press and, 213, 214, 217, 235-36, 272,
press conference after confessions, 136 on psychiatric evidence in Leopold
and Loeb case, 286-88
psychiatric examination of Leopold
and Loeb and, 151-61, 270-72 questions Leopold at Criminal Court
Building, 112-17, 122-23
questions Loeb at Criminal Court
Building, 116-17, 128-30
as Republican, 202, 206-8
retracing of Leopold and Loeb's
on day of murder, 140-43
Samuel Ettelson and, 6
on sexual compact of Leopold and
Loeb, 316
statement to media on Leopold and
Loeb homosexuality, 405-6
as state's attorney for Cook County,
198, 201, 206-18, 463
summation at court hearing, 357,
suspects in murder and, 17
tortoiseshell glasses investigated, 26 verdict in Leopold and Loeb case and,
Curran, Louis, 55
Darrow, Clarence (continued)
case of Thomas Kidd, 178-79
case of WFM officials, 179-80
as champion of weak and defenseless, 176
characterization of Leopold and Loeb murder, 3
in Cook County Criminal Court, 183 - 84
critics of, 173
cross-examination of state's
psychiatrists, 348-52, 355-57
Crowe's cross-examination of psychiatrists and, 314-15
Crowe's enmity toward, 161, 165
death of, 447
defense of anarchists, communists, and antiwar protesters, 183
defense of Fred Lundin, 161, 221-24
defense team in Leopold and Loeb case, 240-41, 289
as determinist, 161, 175, 184-85, 195 -96, 374 -76
fame of, 172, 176, 178, 180, 246, 379, 422-24
fees in Leopold and Loeb case, 238, 269, 410
guilty plea for Leopold and Loeb, 282-88
habeas corpus presented for Leopold and Loeb, 230, 231-32
Haymarket bombing case, 170, 175 -76
hearing on mitigation of punishment for Leopold and Loeb, 291-304
hired by Leopold and Loeb families, 143-45, 161, 196
humanitarianism of, 186
indictment against Leopold and Loeb, 232-44
inf luence of Altgeld's determinism on, 174-75
scientists for the defense, 245-68 Scopes trial, 423-24
summation at court hearing, 357,
threats during Leopold and Loeb
case, 398
verdict in Leopold and Loeb case, 400 wealth of Leopold and Loeb families
and, 234, 237, 268
writings and publications, 192-93,
Darrow, Jessie, 168, 178
Darrow, Paul, 168
Darrow, Ruby, 143-44, 178, 292, 410 Darrow, Sissman, Holly, and Carlin, 182 Dartmouth College, 4
Darwin, Charles, 192
Darwinism, 257
Scopes trial and evolution, 423-24 Davies, Gertrude, 249
Davis, Edwin, 220
Davis, H. I., 188
Day, James, 430-32
death penalty
age as mitigating factor, 361-63,
402-3, 412
arguments against, 173-74
case against Carl Wanderer, 213-14 case of Eugene Prendergast, 167-68,