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Shelby's Secret (Once a Marine, Always a Marine Book 4)

Page 10

by David, Kori

  He heard what she said, but something else was bothering him. Why did he suddenly remember the words? “That song. It’s the one the killer stuffed into the hairdresser’s bag, isn’t it?”

  When he saw her nod, he felt like everything clicked into place. He’d been missing a piece of the puzzle and that was motive. Shelby thought it was something to do with Rebecca but it wasn’t. And the stalking wasn’t a weird fetish for this guy. Somehow, he’d been close enough to know that she was quitting the music business. “Who knows that you’re done after this set of concerts?”

  Shelby got to her feet slowly, staring as she cocked her head to the side. “What are you thinking?”

  “Who knows, Shelby?”

  “Madge, my agent, the band, and my road crew. I couldn’t just leave them hanging with no jobs after this. But everyone has been sworn to secrecy. I’m announcing my retirement at the end of the third concert.”

  “Somehow this guy knows. This is the secret that triggered him. And he’s trying to make you understand that you have to keep singing. That’s why the crime scenes are staged the way they are. He’s recreating your biggest hits. And the fact that they’re all love songs probably has something to do with his fixation.”

  “He thinks I’m singing to him, doesn’t he?”

  Mike heard the revulsion in her voice, but she was right. “He’s deluded and crazy, but yes, I’m sure that’s exactly what he thinks.”

  She shivered and hugged herself as she looked away and out the window. “All I ever wanted to do was sing and write songs.”

  “And be famous.”

  That produced a small smile. “True.”

  “I think you’ve achieved that, many times over.”

  Shelby turned back to Mike and shrugged. “My career been a lot of work with moments of sheer awesomeness. But no one ever realizes how tired I am, all the time. Or how many times my voice has been so overworked that I lose it for a week or so.”

  “Or how lonely you are?”

  She nodded. “Or that. The fans all think I have this amazing life that’s nothing but parties and glittering clothes. But I go to bed alone or sometimes I sneak in with Rebecca, because I can hold her close.”

  “You chose to walk away from everything you knew, into that world.”

  “I know.” She looked him over and took a step closer. “Sometimes I regret that choice.”

  Mike stayed where he was, but part of him felt like running. She was too close, smelled too good and looked too damned sexy for his piece of mind. His jaw clenched, but he stood his ground. “What do you want from me?”

  “A kiss, to start. One that isn’t filled with anger and regret.”

  She stalked him in the moonlight, seductive without even trying.

  She reached out and touched his stomach, which contracted at the light contact. “You make me feel things I thought were long buried.”

  Mike sucked in a breath. “This isn’t a good idea, Shelby Lynn.” He used her stage name in a sad attempt to keep her at bay. But she just smiled, as if she knew he was desperate.

  “I think it’s a very good idea, Detective.”

  She pressed her body against his, her palms on his pecs, shaping the muscles and setting fire to his bloodstream.

  “You brought me here to protect me. and right now I’m in danger.”


  “Yeah,” she whispered, “I’ll die if you don’t kiss me, now.”

  His body took over then, telling his brain to shut the hell up. She was in his arms, and he had her up on her tip-toes as his lips took hers. The years fell away, and she was his again, strong, passionate Shelby, who never shied away from telling him exactly what she wanted.

  And what she wanted was this kiss.

  Chapter 11

  Shelby’s whole body shuddered as Mike plundered her mouth. His tongue slipped inside and turned her inside out. She pressed up against his gorgeous body, and there was no doubt in her mind that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. “I’ve missed you,” she said when she could.

  “No, you didn’t,” he growled back at her.

  He might never forgive her, but Shelby couldn’t bring herself to be upset about it at this moment. Right now, all she cared about was that he was holding her and kissing her as if she was the only woman in the world.

  He made her feel alive. A real, live, red-blooded woman that was wanted by a man. Wanted because she was a woman, not just a famous face.

  She ran her hands up into his hair and scraped her nails along his scalp. It used to drive him wild, and she wanted him wild. Shelby knew that if he had time to think, he’d pull away. There was no way she wanted that, what she wanted was him. Hot and raw and inside her, making her forget everything but what they used to be together.

  “Damn it. What’re you doing to me?”

  Mike’s voice was ragged, and she couldn’t catch her breath enough to answer. So she nipped his chin and tugged at his hair, pulling his mouth back to hers. She rubbed her body against his, feeling his erection against her soft belly. “I want you.”

  He kissed her again, more out of control this time, picking her up and turning. He set her on the kitchen counter, putting himself between her legs. His hands were on her bare skin at her hips, touching her.

  “No panties,” he breathed out.

  “I never wear any to bed.”

  His hands flexed on her skin, but didn’t move.

  Shelby’s palms roamed his shoulders and down his biceps, feeling the power there. He could so easily crush her with those massive arms, but he’d never been anything but gentle , even when he was young.

  His body was rigid, and he moved his hands from her hips. “Shelby—”

  “Just kiss me.”

  And he did, as if he couldn’t get enough of her. She took control this time, sucking his full bottom lip and biting him gently. Hooking her ankles around his waist, she pulled him closer, pressing his hardness against her straining body. She was more than ready for him. One quick flick of his zipper, and he could be inside her.

  Shelby dove for the little strip of metal that separated her from heaven.

  But he trapped her hands. “I don’t think—” But whatever he was about to say was lost as a door opened and closed, and Mike’s head whipped toward the sound.

  Shelby also turned toward the hallway and saw the light to the bathroom shone under the bottom of the door. She sighed. Rebecca was awake. She looked at Mike, who was back to being the detective she didn’t know very well, instead of the passionate man she had in her arms just a few seconds ago. “I better go and check on her.”

  Mike nodded and then helped her down from the counter, letting go of her immediately once her feet were on the floor again. Then he moved around her and into the kitchen.

  That’s when she noticed the gun handle sticking out of the back of his jeans. “You always have a gun on you in the middle of the night?”

  He looked back with his eyebrow raised. “I do when I’m protecting stubborn women and innocent children.”

  She put her hands on her hips, the banter helping to calm her racing heart and out-of-control libido. “So you’ve had a parade of women up here then?”

  But he didn’t play back. He filled a couple of glasses with water and came back to hand her one. “My experience has been that kids get thirsty in the middle of the night.”

  Then he downed his own glass of water, and Shelby watched his throat work like a fascinated school girl. She shook herself out of it and held up the water in thanks. “You think of everything.”

  “You should get some sleep,” he said.

  Seemed like everyone in her life was always telling her that. But, she was tired. “You were about to stop just now, weren’t you?” She stared up into his eyes. “Before Rebecca went to the bathroom?”

  He nodded, and then reached out to snag one of her curls. He pulled it lightly and watched it spring back into shape. “You and me—”

  “Not a
good idea, is it?” Boy, did her body disagree. And maybe the cold lump of tissue called her heart did too.

  “I need to focus on catching this guy. My job is to protect you and Rebecca, and I can’t afford to be distracted.”

  “And, I’m just a distraction?” She couldn’t help the sharp slap of disappointment, but she also understood she couldn’t expect Mike to ignore their history and pick up where they left off all those years ago. Her big bad Marine was running. Shelby had hurt him in the deepest way a person could be hurt. She had a long way to go to heal that, but she was determined to try. She’d seen a glimpse of what life could be like, and she wanted it. Wanted it with all her heart. Wanted him. “Thanks for the water,” she said softly. “And for everything you’re doing for us.”

  She turned to go and take Rebecca back to bed, because the little girl was watching them from the darkened hallway, bright eyes inquisitive. When she went to her room a little while later, Shelby saw his door was closed.

  She decided to ignore the finality of that. There would be another opportunity in the next couple of days to change his mind. She hadn’t picked Phoenix to retire just because it was her home town. She’d lied when she’d told him she hadn’t looked into his past. Not that she’d read the report Madge had on him. She hadn’t had to read past the initial page. The word—single—had been all she was looking for.

  The truth was, she’d been wishing on a star when she chose to come back home. She wished with all her heart that the man she’d left behind might still harbor some feelings for her, the way she did for him. For a while now, she’d been lying to herself, thinking she’d never see him again. That the past was over. But she was a horrible liar. The possibility had always been in the back of her mind that she’d make sure to run into him. She had to.

  Shelby Lynn might have loved the spotlight and the fame, but plain and simple Shelby Collins had never stopped loving Mike Hanson.


  She’s not even there. I told you she doesn’t know you exist.

  “Where is she?” He strained his eyes but the room she stayed in was clean and devoid of movement. Two days had passed since he’d seen her, and he was taking a chance coming here during the daytime. “I know she watched the videos.”

  Maybe that big bitch she lives with wouldn’t let her watch.



  Slapping his head, he said, “Don’t yell at me. It hurts.”

  Too bad. Stop being a pussy and get back to work. Shelby will return and then you can do whatever you want.

  “I need to know where she is. What if she never comes back? What if—”

  But he couldn’t finish because his vision started blurring and he knew he was losing control. The shadow inside was fighting to come out, and it was winning. He gave his head a hard slap, but it was too late. He’d been so focused on where Shelby had gone that he hadn’t been vigilant enough.

  As he slid backward, he felt the rock and gravel dig into his back. He was on the side of the mountain again, looking down into Shelby’s room. But he wouldn’t wake up there. He never remembered what happened when the Shadow Man took over, but the outcome was always bad. Sometimes it was even worse than he could imagine.


  Mike had been doing some fancy maneuvering, and with the help of his friends, he’d avoided being alone with Shelby since the incident in the moonlight two days before. Even if he felt like a damned fool, he knew his weaknesses, and Shelby was number one on the list. He was falling under her spell. Giving in was not an option, but sleeping with an eternal hard-on was really fucking uncomfortable.

  At this point, he was afraid to leave his room in the middle of the night. He’d lain awake for hours, listening to the house and any movements within last night. Convinced everyone was asleep, he’d crept out for a beer. Mike figured he’d watch TV and drink a single adult beverage for relaxation. Just one beer was all he’d wanted. But Shelby had been there ahead of him, in little more than a couple strips of lace that had tied his tongue and made the situation in his pants so much worse. He’d hobbled back to his room and an ice-cold shower before she’d even had a chance to get up off the couch.

  Now he stood in his office, watching everyone have fun outside. The kids were playing with the kittens again, this time right outside the barn doors in the sunlight. Mama kitty stretched out in the sun, while the kids had the kittens bouncing around, chasing string. Zach and Jesse were cutting wood, each trying to out-do the other with single chops to split each piece. The women were having fun yelling encouragement or groaning when the log didn’t split open the first time.

  Mike was hiding. Again. The relief he felt when his cell went off was ridiculous. Finally, something to do besides stare at Shelby. “Hanson,” he answered. And if his tone was abrupt, it was too fucking bad.

  “Whoa, who pissed in your Wheaties?” Damon Dupree said.

  “No one.” Mike tried to interject some humor into his voice, but failed. “Sorry, buddy. I’m on edge with this case.”

  “That’s understandable, because this case just got a whole lot weirder.”

  Mike had known Damon would come up with something. His friend was smart and resourceful. And so was his wife. “Whatcha got?”

  “Two mysteries, not one.”

  “That’s all I need.” He moved away from the window, sat in his chair, and rubbed a hand over his tired face. Then he pulled out a pen and notebook.

  “Sorry, man. That detective Shelby Lynn hired was a high-priced hack. His office was fancy, but the guy specializes in cheating spouses, not missing persons. Dani got up in his face and read him the riot act for taking money he hadn’t earned and not doing a goddamn thing that was useful.”

  “Nice. I bet that was a sight.” Mike shook his head. He wondered why Madge hadn’t handled the investigating with her normal efficiency, but then decided Shelby had likely handled that aspect of it herself. Due to her guilt.

  “I love that woman,” Damon said. “What info do you want first?”

  “Tell me about Abby.”

  “She was good at hiding her end of the relationship, but her douche-bag boyfriend wasn’t as careful. His name’s Charles Weston. We learned he was a small time musician who did minor gigs pretty much everywhere. He worked with a few in-studio house bands, but he and Abby met when he was hired by Shelby’s opening act. He was on the tour for almost a year, off and on. For him, that was the ‘big time’.”

  “He was just part of the crowd, that’s why no one saw them together. Or why no one really noticed.”

  “Exactly,” Damon replied. “But the guy we talked to says he was always bragging Abby was just a stepping stone. He wanted an introduction to Shelby Lynn.”

  “Damn. I’m not telling her that part,” Mike said. “Were you able to locate him?” Because that type of guy could easily turn into the kind of stalker that went violent. And if what Shelby told him was true about Abby’s bruises, then he was already a violent man.


  Mike heard the pause. That wasn’t a good sign. “And?”

  “And he’s dead. That’s the second mystery.”

  “I’m guessing his death wasn’t an accident or something simple then?”

  “No, and this is where the case gets odd. At first the local PD thought it was a robbery, because clear evidence showed his wallet and all his money were taken. He was found alone in his studio apartment, with no signs of forced entry. But enough takeout remained to make them believe that whoever killed this guy stuck around for a couple of weeks with the body.”

  Mike dropped his head and rubbed his neck. This whole situation was getting stranger. “Do they have any leads?”

  “Not a single one.”

  Mike cocked his head to the side. “What haven’t you told me?”

  “Charles Weston has been dead exactly one year.”

  “The same time Abby went missing,” Mike said. “What did the police say about that?”
r />   “They can’t tie Charles to Abby by as much as a carpet fiber. If he was living in this apartment when they were together, then she never set foot in the place.”

  “They don’t know how long he was living there?”

  Damon sighed. “The place is an old textile warehouse that was turned into studio apartments. The landlord is shady as hell. He’s cash only and keeps lousy records. He said Charles had been there a number of years, but he couldn’t give an exact time. I’m going out there today to check out the place and nose around a little.”

  “And nothing new on Abby?”

  “I have feelers out to a few other departments in the outlying areas for any Jane Does, since nothing came up around Nashville. I figure her body was dumped a lot farther out.”

  “Sorry to drag you into all this, but everything you’ve found really helps.”

  “Hey, man, I owed you. Besides, Dani’s having a little too much fun playing detective. She’s good at it, though, or maybe it’s all that red hair and big green eyes. It’s amazing the way everyone just opens up and starts answering all her questions.”

  “Are you still coming out for the concert?”

  “We’ll be there, and I’ll be ready.”

  “Alright.” Mike would have to find Damon a nest at the concert, somewhere up high enough that he could see the whole arena. The logistics of sneaking him and his sniper rifle inside would be a nightmare, but Mike would get the task handled. “Call me if you find out anything else.”

  “You got it.” Damon disconnected.

  Mike slowly put down his cell. Now what? Someone else was involved, but who he was, and how, was unclear. Two mysteries.


  He would have to call in all the favors owed. Not that the guys would look at his request that way. When a Marine needed help, his brothers would always be there. That was their way. Their code.

  Right or wrong, he would protect Shelby during her shows any way he could. And while he trusted his brothers in blue to handle most of the regular security, they weren’t as good as his friends.


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