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Dust and Ashes: The Apocalyptic Prequel to The Alien Corps (Prosperine)

Page 5

by PJ McDermott


  “This is the lowest level and obviously the most secure,” he said as they entered a room dimly lit by a purple LED light source. He locked the door behind them. “This room is encased in a foot of solid steel surrounded by three feet of concrete. Room temperature, pressure, humidity, and light are controlled automatically, and each artifact is encased in a vacuum. There’s only one way in and one way out. Not even a nuclear bomb would penetrate these walls. The only items placed in storage here are those personally authorized by the Pope.”

  The vault was small, about twenty feet square, and the steel walls lent it a sterile look. Three elongated cabinets with shallow locked drawers were spaced evenly around the walls, and four tall display cases stood in the middle of the room.

  Talya’s eyes widened. A metal cup rested on a pedestal inside one of the cases. “Is that…is…”

  “The holy chalice of the Cathedral Valencia. Recognized by the Church as the only cup that may be the one Christ drank from. Although that is by no means certain, the cup is still a hugely valuable relic.” He moved to the next display case. “And over here is the crown of thorns the soldiers placed on Jesus’s head at the crucifixion. This has been authenticated by the Vatican after extensive analysis using PROCYN.” He gazed at it for a few seconds, then smiled at the girl.

  The value of the treasures in the vault was inestimable. Every single item was unique. Talya held out the specially designed container that held the ancient scroll and several of the bones of Thomas and passed it to Morgan who received it in both hands.

  Talya sighed with relief. Her responsibility for the manuscript was at an end. She recalled the shock when Cardinal Rousseau had whispered the mission to her. “This is Philip’s original script. We must not let it fall into the hands of the Antichrist. The Turkish authorities will take some time to discover their scroll is a copy. There will be sufficient time for you to deliver these to Morgan before the High Moderator is informed. Don’t be put off by Morgan’s rough exterior. He is a godly man and knows what these represent. He will guard them with his life, as must you.”

  AD 2119

  Talya heaved the sack of potatoes into the dark cellar and wiped the sweat from her brow. They will keep fresher for longer in here, she thought. One of the best things about living on Sumer is that people are encouraged to settle the land and grow crops. She had been at Shilotte ranch for twelve of her fifteen years here, and she loved the lifestyle.

  She removed her gloves and went into her rustic kitchen, then washed and dried her hands. She stared at them critically. For every upside, there’s a price to pay. Her hands and face had prematurely aged, and her skin was brown and leathery from the wind and the sun in the fields. Still, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Talya was happy. Sumer was a peaceful place. It hadn’t always been that way. When the war on Earth began in earnest, many had tried to flee the carnage, and those who made it to Sumer had ended up in the internment camps. Some of them had been infiltrators, terrorists keen to enforce their beliefs on others, and not shy about using force to get their message across.

  The authorities on Sumer took an uncompromising stance. Those found guilty of violent acts were sterilized and shipped back to Earth. Any who preached hatred escaped the sterilization, but not the extradition. They figured such people were more Earth’s problem than Sumer’s. By the time the war ended, few on the colony advocated violence to advance their cause, and these few quickly lost enthusiasm when they saw what had happened to the home planet.

  Talya often thought of her family, left behind on Earth. All communication with them had ceased shortly after the beginning, and she had no way of knowing if they were alive or dead. From the occasional news reports by a few brave war correspondents and the official bulletins issued by Sumer’s administration, Talya was able to cobble together a brief history of events.

  After the attacks on China and Russia and their bearish reply, the White House had met with the leaders of both countries plus the Prime Minister of the UK to see whether anything might be achieved through a uniform approach.

  The CIA were called upon to provide an intelligence update and reported that the civilian population in all four major countries had become unstable and that rioting and infighting would soon be beyond the capability of the police and military to control.

  Unless something was done to reduce the tension, the Intelligence Agency’s view was that civil war was imminent across the globe. In answer to a question from the American President, they stated there was a sixty-five percent chance that the Crusade leadership was, at that moment, meeting in a disused munitions factory in Crusade-dominated Iraq.

  The four countries agreed on a “quick but measured response.”

  A missile salvo was fired from high altitude drones controlled by the CIA’s Special Activities Division. Unfortunately, some of the payload missed its target and instead struck a children’s hospital and a nearby university.

  The High Moderator appeared on holovision to refute claims he had been killed and condemned the strike as an attack on the free people of Iraq.

  Syria joined Iraq in retaliatory attacks on American and British interests in India, Malta, and Australia. Libya sent a missile into Jerusalem.

  Isreal launched the first tactical nuclear warhead.

  Pakistan retaliated within six hours.

  North Korea sent a battery of nuclear warheads into the heartland of the USA.

  The Earth burned for five years.

  We have learned some lessons. Earth’s population is less than half what it was, but the nations and peoples of Earth are finding ways to live together and act as one. Talya hoped it would last.

  The United World Government was located in the rebuilt city of Rome. Few buildings had survived the war, but famous landmarks such as the Coliseum and the Pantheon had been restored to their original glory and were surrounded by parklands. Spiraling towers and domes, made from glass and plastiskin, breathed and changed color and shape depending on the weather and time of day. It was a shining example to all of what was possible.

  Cardinal John Rousseau was now John Rousseau, head of the United Congress of God, the governing body for all religions on Earth. He was also the Chairperson of the People, Education and Health Cabinet in the UWG.

  People, Education and Health, were the number one priorities of the UWG. They poured Billions of dollars into improving infrastructure and communications in third world countries. Humanitarian projects were being entirely funded by big business. The ammunitions industry had downsized overnight, and a bill was passed that made it illegal to sell guns to anybody except government sanctioned departments. The armed forces of all countries were either abolished or absorbed as divisions of the world military.

  Some things were simplified to enable quick responses where needed—international law, criminal law, taxation, currency. Substance abuse, whether alcohol or drug related was halved in the first year of the new program and them halved each year after that.

  It’s not Utopia, but it sure is a lot better than before. There’s still plenty of opportunity for corruption and exploitation of the weak by the unscrupulous, but it seems to be working.

  Many had concerns about how a single world government could operate to protect the people and also be corruption free. It wasn’t democracy, nor was it communism, and it wasn’t totalitarian, it was something new, and fresh. Nobody wanted a return to the old system. They wanted governments to be aspirational and inspirational, and stand up for the things that were important to them.

  Talya re-read the message on her desk computer.

  “Come home. I have work for you.” It was signed John Rousseau.

  Thank you for reading this prelude to the Prosperine Trilogy. As an author, I highly appreciate the feedback I get from my readers. It helps others to make an informed decision before buying my book. If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a short review at the following link:

  Continue the adventure with Avanaux: The Adventures of the Space Heroine Hickory Lace.

  World War III lasted five years, and the New Dark Age lasted another ten. When humankind emerged, a new era of prosperity followed. The Alien Corps was formed to search for signs of the second coming. Sixty years on, they’re still looking for the Second Son of God. When an extra-terrestrial is reported to be performing miracles on the planet Prosperine, Hickory and her team are sent to investigate.

  Avanaux: The Adventures of the Space Heroine Hickory Lace is available on Amazon.

  About the Author

  PJ McDermott lived in Scotland until he was twenty-five, working in factories, and on building sites, and earning pocket money as a performer on the folk club circuit and pub scene. As a mature-age student, he graduated with a Science degree from the University of Glasgow, met his future wife, and immigrated to Australia. He has two daughters and three seriously cheeky grandchildren.

  PJ’s debut novel, Small Fish Big Fish: Coming of Age in Scotland, is a gripping coming of age/murder mystery. It is available in paperback and e-book format.

  Contact PJ:





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