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Demonically Tempted (Frostbite)

Page 3

by Stacey Kennedy

  “That Hector guy Anna had talked about?” I offered.

  Max inclined his head. “The detective’s notes indicated they held no doubt he was involved somehow.”

  “Anna said otherwise,” Zach stated.

  “That’s right,” I said to Max. “Anna was adamant he had no involvement whatsoever.”

  “She might have thought he wasn’t involved,” Max replied. “But people under stress forget things.”

  “Fair enough,” I said, in total agreement. I glimpsed down to Lizbeth’s picture. Her blue eyes were so kind, dark hair flowing over her shoulders. She did, by all appearances, look happy in the photo. I had to wonder what changed. How would anyone as young as her have the strength to drown herself?

  “A month after Lizbeth’s death, Hector attacked a young woman around the same age as Lizbeth,” Max said.

  Zach lowered his coffee cup. “Yes, I read that, too, but since Tess doesn’t know, might want to fill her in.”

  “He abducted a woman and attacked her,” Max explained.

  “But didn’t kill her?”

  Max shook his head. “He attacked her in a public place. Stupid, if you ask me. Citizens saw the attack and called the police. When they arrived they found Hector with blood all over his hands.”

  “Where is Hector now?” Eddie asked.

  “Riverbend Penitentiary.”

  I needed to lighten the mood a little. The tension in the air had grown thick enough to cut with a knife. Even with that weapon, I wasn’t totally convinced it would work. I raised my hand to my mouth. “Hector’s still alive?”

  Max glared at me. “Dammit, Tess, I’m not that old.”

  The men around me laughed.

  Max ignored us all, which was classic Max, and glanced at Zach. “I’ve made an appointment for you to go and talk to Hector tomorrow morning. Maybe time in the penitentiary has given the man a conscience.”

  He turned to Eddie. “I’ve only skimmed the case file so you and I can dig through it and see if anything else reveals itself. Maybe we’ll catch a lead.”

  Eddie groaned. “Is that an order?”

  Max’s gave the stern look he had down pat. “You’re still recovering and on restrictive duty. As much as you might hate being here, the choice isn’t yours to make.”

  Eddie whispered a curse and raised his cup to his mouth. He had received a shot in the side and returned to work a week ago, but the healing of his gunshot wound that Brody inflicted still affected him. I tried not to let my expression show that I noticed when he lowered his cup, he flinched.

  Who was I to point it out? These men had become more than friends to me, almost family, especially Zach. We had been through a lot together in a very short time, which included their believing in ghosts. I might dig at Max to rev him up, but I’d never been closer to a group of men in my life.

  “Does that mean we get to go home?” I asked.

  This job might not be so bad after all. Great pay, good coffee and weekends off. Well, as off as they could be for me since ghosts didn’t understand the meaning of not working on a weekend.

  “Not likely,” Max said, ruining my good mood. “I wanted to have a little chat with you about this, but because you ran out of here after I assigned the case I didn’t have the chance.”

  He winked, showing pride in my eagerness to get the job done. “But like I told you before, I talked with some of the higher-ups to bring you onto the team and I’ve brought someone in to help you.”

  I blinked. “Help me?”

  He waved away my remark, stood from the chair, and approached the telephone on the wall. After a quick call, and instructions to send Dane—whoever that was—in, he smiled at me. “Something you need help with, so don’t argue with me.”

  My lips parted to find out exactly what he was up to, when the door opened. A wave of heat rushed over my body. A strange sensation stole my breath as tingles fluttered through me.

  Then I looked toward the door and my mouth dropped open.

  Chapter Three

  The man who entered was tall, at least a few inches taller than Kipp. Built like a brick shithouse and with his slicked blond hair and blue eyes, he was worth a second look.

  But why did I care?

  This wasn’t about attraction. It was something different and whatever it was made me squirm in my seat.

  Max strode toward the man, offered his hand, and after a good shake he glanced my way. “This is Dane Wolfe.” He waved out at me. “Meet Tess Jennings.”

  Dane gave my body a once over, and grinned. “You were right. She does have the gift.”

  “Who is this fucker?” Kipp all but growled.

  Dane stiffened, glancing around the room with a disdained expression. “Tell the ghost to back off.”

  My mouth practically hit the floor. I blinked twice before I found my voice. “You can see him?”

  Dane shook his head. “No, I don’t have the special gifts you do, but I can feel him.” He sat next to me, filled the chair completely with his large body, and that charming grin remained. “I’m a medium who works with the F.B.I.. I hear that you’re uneducated in your ability.”

  I wasn’t sure if I should be offended or just plain pissed off. I scowled at Max. “What have you done?”

  He snorted, seemingly unbothered by my glare. “Do you honestly think I wouldn’t look into your ability further? You’re part of our team now, which makes you family. You needed answers. I went and found them.”

  I pointed at Dane. “In him?”

  “He comes highly recommended.” Max cocked his head. “Wouldn’t it be nice to know more about why you can do this, instead of always looking as if you haven’t a clue what’s going on.”

  My glare deepened.

  Zach chuckled. “What do you do for the Bureau?”

  “I’ve been working with them for close to five years now in an official capacity,” Dane replied. “I help much like Tess does, but clearly, I’m not nearly as talented. While Tess here is proficient on cold cases, I assist on present cases.”

  “And do what?” I couldn’t help but ask.

  Dane’s intense stare shifted to mine. “Find missing bodies, much as you do. I channel the ghost’s presence at the murder scene and sense clues about how I can help solve their murder.” At my eager expression for more since that answered jack-shit of my questions, he added, “I tap into energy and get feelings off that energy.”

  “Oh,” was my response.

  Dane leaned in, rested his open hand on the table, and gestured toward it. “Let me have a look to see what I’m dealing with.”

  Kipp grunted. “Touch him, Tess, and I swear I’ll lose it.”

  I peeked sideways at Kipp. Tension radiated off him, and his lips were in a firm line. I had no intention in pissing off the man I loved. “Sorry. Not going to happen.”

  “Tess,” Max chastised.

  Dane’s brow furrowed. “I’m here to help you, nothing more.” He folded his arms. “What’s the problem?”

  I glanced at Kipp awaiting his answer since I wasn’t the one with the problem. Sure, I had no idea what Dane wanted to look for, but I couldn’t deny that Max was right. Having more answers about my ability did intrigue me, and finding another person who was like me was a relief. Could someone truly understand what I went through?

  After a long pause, and Kipp’s on-going stare-down of Dane, as if he wanted to poltergeist him, I waved him on. “Well…”

  Kipp glowered. “I don’t want him to touch you.”

  I rolled my eyes. Instead of continuing with the ball-bashing, I focused on Dane and sought answers. “Why do you want to hold hands, anyway?”

  He shrugged. “Discover more about you, is all. My abilities are stronger through touch, so I’ll sense things in you that would take a very long time to explain with words.”

  I nibbled my bottom lip. “What exactly do you want to sense?”

  “Your gifts,” he replied, cool and collected.

��I have no idea what your problem is, Kipp,” Max interjected. “But I went to great lengths to get Dane to come here and talk to her.” He looked hard at the chair that Kipp sat in. “You will allow her to do anything he wants.” He sent that look Dane’s way. “Within reason, of course.” His glare returned to Kipp, tone lowered. “He’s here to help her and that, is a direct order.”

  Kipp sighed, so deep, his jaw clenching. “I don’t like him.”

  I studied Dane, who looked bored, and couldn’t see what the problem was. Was Kipp jealous? Dane might be attractive, but I had my own sexy beast of a man. Had I shown an attraction to Dane? I didn’t think so. And Dane hadn’t shown any to me either. His only interest seemed to be all about helping me. Nothing more than that.

  Regardless of Kipp’s hesitation, an order was an order. Dane held his hand out, and I placed mine in it. The second Dane closed his hand, my eyes fluttered closed, and Kipp cursed.

  A surge of energy soared from my arm and sent tingles right down to my toes. It sped through me so fast, my breath whooshed out, and I shivered.

  I snatched my hand away. “What was that?”

  “What was what?” Max asked.

  I rubbed my hand, willing the sensation away, but shivered. “He made me tingle.”

  Zach’s eyes widened.

  Before he could either laugh at how that sounded, or be pissed off for Kipp, I added, “Don’t go there. I didn’t mean it in how you’re taking it, pervert. I meant like a weird buzz in my body.”

  Dane smiled and dropped his hand onto his lap, but stretched his fingers out as if the feeling affected him too. “It’s a joining of energy, that’s all. If you were more aware, you’d know this.”

  I scowled at the curtness of his tone. “Excuse me?”

  Kipp stood from his chair in a flash, strode over to Dane, and glared at him. “Yes, explain yourself.”

  Dane snorted, clearly not seeing him, but the little smile that quirked up his lip indicated he felt Kipp’s disdain. “All I’m saying is that my being here is important. You are remarkably gifted, and yet you know nothing of the abilities you hold. It’s a waste.”

  Kipp leaned away. “This guy is a fucking asshole.”

  I turned to Kipp and nodded in agreement before looking at Dane. “You can tell me more about my gifts?”

  A twinkle hit Dane’s gaze. “There are reasons you have these gifts that are more important than your ability to talk to and…” He paused, his nostrils flaring, and something else crossed his features I couldn’t quite identify. “Whatever else you are doing with them.” All that tension fled and he carried on, “It will help you have a better understanding of ghosts, and the Netherworld, so you know what you’re up against.”

  My mouth—once again—dropped open. Max wore a similar bewildered look to mine, even Zach and Eddie appeared dumbfounded. “The what world?”

  Dane snorted, as if annoyed with my lack of knowledge. “I’d imagine it’s what you think of as the ghost world. The place they go between here and there. It’s known as the Netherworld.”

  “And you can help me learn about all this?”

  “It’s why I’m here,” he replied in a flat tone. “I’ve been aware of my abilities since a young age and have had mentors over the years to assist me, like you should have had.”

  I peeked at Kipp. He looked curiously at Dane. Maybe he realized now the importance of having him here since he didn’t give him a death stare. “What do you think of all this?” I asked him.

  He hesitated, then finally turned his head. “There’s something about him I don’t trust. And it’s not that I’m jealous of him, which I can tell you’re thinking. I feel bad intentions around him.”

  I scanned over Dane and couldn’t deny there was something surrounding him. Maybe his harsh tones or that darkness in his features that did set off warning bells. I nodded at Kipp, but didn’t want to say as much aloud.

  “But Max is right, though,” Kipp continued. “You need to learn these things. If it means helping you with the cold cases, then I will allow it.”

  I restrained my laughter since in all actuality Kipp was dead, and really didn’t have a say in too much in this world. “When do I start this…err…training?”

  Max shook his head, as if clearing himself from the shock of hearing about another world. “Not today.” He glanced at his watch. “It’s nearly five o’clock now, and our shift is over.” His expression firmed. “I will set boundaries so you’re not overworked. Go home and rest.”

  I smiled, unable to stop myself. Max could be tough, but he did care. Then my good mood fled as he continued, “You can start tomorrow after y’all go the prison.”

  “To the what?”

  Max’s brow furrowed. “I do believe I already mentioned that you were going to see Hector at the prison so I have no idea why you’re surprised.”

  “Um, no, you said Zach was going to the prison,” I corrected. “I’m not going to talk with a criminal.”

  “He’s incarcerated, Tess.” Kipp chuckled. “What can he do?”

  I narrowed my eyes on my sexy ghost. “I don’t give a flying flip if he’s incarcerated. I’m not going.”

  “You’re going,” Max said.

  I huffed, folded my arms, staring him down. And the jerk laughed. “That look has worn off. It’s not going to work. You might see something there that could help us.”

  “He’s right.” Dane stood, his chair scrapping against the floor. “I’ll come along too. It’ll help me see into Tess a little more and maybe I can offer some insight on this case.”

  Max nodded. “That’ll work.”

  I scowled at each and every man—ghost—in the room, including the laughing Eddie. “I hope you all realize that I hate you right now.”

  Max tucked the file under his arm and strode toward the door. “Too bad you’re stuck with us, so the point is moot.”

  I sighed. “What did I do to deserve to be brought into this hell?”

  Dane followed behind Max and glanced over his shoulder. “This isn’t Hell, I assure you.”

  Chapter Four

  A tickle started at my toe and sped toward my ankle. Kipp’s lips traveled the path as he made his way up my leg, lightly brushing his lips against my skin. His body, though, resting over me as my stomach pressed into the bed, never touched mine.

  He stilled over my bottom and nibbled at the fleshy part of my rump. I sighed into the pillow. The heat racing in my blood was nearly unmanageable to contain. He continued on his travels, his tongue now paving a way up my spine. Slowly moving upward, as if he had all the time in the world, and wanted to do nothing else but touch me like this.

  “You’re killing me,” I whispered.

  Kipp’s chuckle sent a wave of warm breath to wash across my skin. “Good. Maybe you’ll sympathize with how I feel.”

  He kissed along my shoulder, biting, and I shivered. The dampness between my thighs stole over my coherent thoughts. He slid his arms beneath mine over my head, his biceps so thick and flexing, while he dropped a kiss on my cheek. His warm body pressed down onto my back. I sighed, relishing in the weight of him.

  I lifted my bottom, offering myself, yet he didn’t oblige me. He rubbed his thick erection against the seam of my bottom and groaned.

  He slid his warm hands into mine and I laced my fingers through his, as he kissed my neck. His hips lifted and his erection pressed against my entrance. I didn’t give him the time to make the decision. I pushed against him and he dipped inside of me, causing all sorts of tingles to soar through me.

  I moaned.

  He grunted.

  I circled my hips beneath him, but he never thrust in. Never pounded me, as I’d like him to, and merely allowed me to tease us both. I savored in the way his warm body blanketed mine. How the weight of him, the hard lines of his body, made me understand the differences in our bodies. And proved he was all male…every last hard bit of him.

  He pushed further into my warmth and my eyes flutt
ered closed. Exactly what I needed, stretched by him, filled by him. Rocking his hips, he moved ever so slowly. I reciprocated by pressing against him. He cursed, and his hot breath spread along my neck. I shivered, my body responding to him being so deep inside of me, clenching around him.

  “You drive me crazy,” Kipp said huskily in my ear. A promise of pleasure. A whisper of adoration. A show of his own need.

  I moved all the way back, taking all of him, and wiggled my bottom against him. “Then stop playing and prove how crazy I make you.”

  In one second, he was off me, lifting my hips high and spread my legs while my head remained on the pillow. I expected his erection to fill me once again, but gasped when warm, wetness slid against my sensitive flesh.

  He buried his face between my thighs, and I gripped the sheets. Hanging on to survive the pleasure he forced upon me. A mix of light flicks, followed by harder movements to stir me, and oh, it stirred me far crazier than I thought I could endure.

  I arched my back, pleading—begging—for more from his wicked tongue. I panted, not hiding the level of insanity he brought me to. Then, his mouth was replaced by his hard erection. Pushing through the needy flesh and driving me to a place I never wanted to wake up from. He gripped my hips, digging his fingers into my skin telling me he was as overwhelmed as I.

  I reached between my legs, finding my source of pleasure, and swirled the little nub in times with his thrusts. My body strangled his erection, and his answering grunt spoke of his impending release.

  Somehow, in the midst of my building pleasure, he ended up beneath me, while I straddled over him. I sank down on him, needing to find that brink of satisfaction that had lost at the change in position, but he held my hips.

  “Don’t move,” he practically growled.

  He thrust upward, so slowly, it could have killed me. That is, if pleasure didn’t rock into every molecule of my body. But the position frustrated me. I needed more. “Let me go.”

  His hand tightened around my hips. “Don’t. You. Dare. Move.”


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