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Glamour Puss

Page 40

by R. J. Kaiser

  “This is going to be the talk of Hollywood for months,” Jade said. “The story will be all over the country. Stella’s going to get the fame she’s always craved, just not the way she’d hoped. And who knows, they may not convict her. There are some self-defense and justifiable-homicide arguments to be made.”

  “Plus, she was an abused wife. Aubrey did beat her.”

  “She could get a break from the prosecutors or, if it gets to that, sympathy from the jury. My guess is the worst she’s facing is a manslaughter conviction.”

  “I hope for her sake it’s not too gruesome. Stella’s not truly evil, though she is selfish.”

  “Well, she certainly took advantage of you. Look what she put you through all those years. And recently the notes, the blackmail. Then she came here expecting you to give her a couple of million dollars.”

  “At least she ended up telling the truth. I can be thankful for that.”

  Jade put her arm around him and leaned her head on his shoulder. “Mac, I’m really happy for you.”

  “I’m not completely off the hook, but I’ve gotta tell you, I feel like a tremendous burden has been lifted,” he said, caressing Jade’s fingers. “The sad thing is that I wasted all these years. If I’d been tougher and smarter I’d have saved myself and some others a lot of grief.”

  “You know,” Jade said, “I was complaining to my friend, Ruthie, once about all the stuff I’ve gone through, with my mother, Ricky and everything. You know what she said?”


  “She said, ‘Hey, girlfriend, don’t knock it. All that shit got you here, didn’t it? Think about it. Isn’t this where you want to be?”’

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-3581-6


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