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A Fox's Mate (American Kitsune Book 6)

Page 27

by Brandon Varnell

  The first step toward giving Iris a sponge bath was stripping her clothes off. This proved to be a tad difficult because Iris couldn’t move much on her own. Lilian had to place a hand behind her back and lift her into a sitting position, which caused Iris to slouch over as if all of her strength had been exhausted.

  “Can you raise your arms?”

  Iris managed to lift her arms, but they shook as she did. In the end, Lilian was forced to hold them up with her tails. She then grabbed the hem of Iris’s gym shirt and slowly raised it. She gulped as inch after inch of her sister’s pale, silky skin revealed itself to her. Even though it was covered in sweat, even though it looked pallid, her sister’s skin was quite possibly the loveliest thing she’d ever seen.

  Come on, Lilian! It’s just Iris! There’s no need to be so nervous.

  Lilian didn’t know why, but with each inch of skin that was revealed, Lilian felt herself becoming increasingly excited. Her palms became sweaty, and her face felt hot as the shirt traveled over Iris’s breasts. Much like Lilian, her sister didn’t wear a bra, and when the shirt moved past her chest, her breasts popped free of their confines with a flamboyant bounce.

  Lilian closed her eyes, thinking that maybe if she didn’t look, it would allow her to control her breathing, which had become heavy in the last few seconds. She slid the shirt over Iris’s head and up her arms until they were past her hands. Without anything keeping her up, Iris fell back onto the bed while Lilian discarded the sweaty, vomit-covered shirt.

  “My shorts, too, Lily.”

  “U-unn… right.”

  Moving to the foot of the bed, Lilian got a good look at her sister’s shorts. They were covered in puke, stained and disgusting. Her acute nose wrinkled at the smell coming off of them. She could see why Iris wanted to get clean now.

  Grabbing the hem of her sister’s blue gym shorts, Lilian proceeded to slowly pull them off. Iris tried to help by lifting her hips, but she couldn’t get them very far above the bed. An inch was about all that she was capable of.

  Despite this, Lilian was able to slide the shorts down across her sister’s lovely hips, beautiful thighs, and shapely calves, before pulling them over Iris’s small feet.

  She discarded the shorts, tossing them in the dirty hamper. Then she turned back around. Her breath was stolen from her.

  Kitsune are naturally drawn toward beauty in all its forms. While each kitsune has their own perceptions of what they feel is beautiful—example: Lilian thought Kevin was dashingly handsome—there are some things in this world that can be deemed as “universally beautiful.”

  Iris’s nude body was one of those things.

  Lilian couldn’t help but feel a mixed sense of awe, envy, and lust as she stared at Iris. She didn’t know what bothered her more: The fact that her sister looked so unbelievably sexy despite having flu-like symptoms, or the fact that Lilian felt drawn to her sister in a rather unsisterly way.

  Laying on the bed, the cheeks of Iris’s flushed and sweaty face held a vibrant glow, and her half-lidded eyes and dark red, partially opened mouth appeared to almost be teasing Lilian, as if saying “come get some, if you dare.” Her bosoms jiggled enticingly with each labored breath she took. Lilian found her eyes drawn towards a droplet of sweat that meandered a slow trail down her sister’s right breast. She watched, her mouth dry, as the drop trickled down the side and dripped onto the bed. Iris’s flat stomach and shapely hips flexed and squirmed as her legs moved, and a small thatch of midnight black hair hung just above the v of her crotch.

  “I know I’m sexy, Lily-pad, but if you could stop looking at me and hurry up with that sponge bath, I would be much obliged.”

  “Eep!” Lilian squeaked like a mouse. She shook her head and tried to set her mind straight.

  Damn it, Lilian! What’s wrong with you?! This is Iris! Didn’t you already break off all sexual relations with her? That’s right. You did. You need to think about something else, like Kevin! Yes, think about your beloved, Lilian. That’s it, think about Kevin. Think about Kevin. Kevin in a bathing suit—no, Kevin in a speedo.

  Within her mind, Lilian conjured an image of Kevin in nothing but a small speedo, his muscular arms and torso on full display, his strong runner legs unveiled before her eyes, and the bulge of his crotch completely visible.

  Unfortunately for Lilian, doing this turned out to be a mistake. Her mind, already fixated on Iris, suddenly conjured an image of her nude sister rubbing herself against Kevin in provocative ways, using her mate like he was a pole and she an expert pole dancer.

  Lilian’s hands flew to her nose to keep it from bleeding. This was not good. This was so not good.

  “Lily… the sponge bath?”

  “R-right!” Lilian’s squeaky voice came out several octaves higher than she would have liked.

  Lilian tried to remain calm as she grabbed a wet rag. Leaning over her sister, her breathing stilted, she wiped off Iris’s thighs, which was where her sister had vomited. Fortunately, the acrid scent helped calm her nerves. After that, she took the bowl away and filled it with warm, soapy water, and grabbed a sponge from underneath the cabinet. She discarded the towel that she’d used to wipe Iris’s thighs.

  Returning to the bedroom, she set the bowl back down, and, grabbing a soapy sponge, Lilian decided to start at the bottom.

  She sat at the end of the bed, lifted Iris’s right foot, and began cleaning it off. Her face felt hot as she slowly dragged the warm, wet sponge over the sole and arch of her sister’s foot, cleansing it of the sweat that had accumulated from the day’s events and flu-like symptoms. When she got to Iris’s toes, she moved the sponge between each toe.

  Iris had lovely feet. Her skin was soft, smooth to the touch. Delicate arches traced a curve along the bottom of her feet. Her long toes were practically begging to be sucked on. Lilian did not have a foot fetish—though if Kevin ever asked it of her, she would be more than willing to let him suck on her toes and vice versa—but as she stared at her sister’s feet, she wondered if maybe she was beginning to spontaneously develop one.

  “A-ahn! Lily, that… feels really good!”

  It didn’t help that Iris’s feet were apparently quite sensitive.

  Lilian’s body felt like it had been thrown into the sun. Her sister’s moan, combined with the unusual act of cleaning her sister’s feet, made Lilian more hot and bothered than she was willing to admit. Her face blazed like an inferno and she was sure that, were she to look into a mirror, it would have been luminescent.

  After cleaning both of Iris’s feet, Lilian began to move up. She licked her dry lips as she wiped the sweat from Iris’s ankles, which were every bit as sexy as her feet. Lilian moved the sponge up Iris’s shapely calves next. Their curvature was a perfect blend of toned and soft. It was hard on Lilian’s vivid imagination. Her mind played tricks on her, making her picture what would happen if she leaned down and kissed her way up those calves instead of cleaning them. That Iris had done something similar to her—the kissing, not the cleaning—only made her mind run that much more wild.

  When she got to cleaning Iris’s inner thighs, her face began to steam. Matters weren’t helped when Iris spread her legs to reveal herself in all her glory. Lilian was forced to pinch her nose with her free hand while cleaning the area between Iris’s thighs, lest more carnelian fluid came out.

  “A-ah!—oh! Lily… your hands—ahn! They feel amazing!”

  She’s enjoying this! Lilian’s mind screamed at her. My sister is totally getting off on this!

  Inari-blessed, this was so not cool. Her sister’s hot, naked body squirmed as she wiped the vixen down, and the moans that Iris released caused Lilian’s own body to feel like a video game console that had melted from overheating. So. Not. Cool.

  What made it worse was that Lilian could feel herself responding to Iris’s siren call and the incredible sensuality of her hands tenderly caressing her sister’s bare skin. She licked her dry lips, watching the muscles in Iris’s stomach twitc
h and flex as the sponge roved over pale flesh. Iris’s tummy was perfectly flat, without an inch of flab. Lilian had to close her eyes as a sudden urge to lick the sweat off Iris’s stomach came over her.

  Kitsune are very sexual creatures. Because they were, at their base, foxes, kitsune don’t hold the same taboos that humans do. They mimic human behavior, but they are not human.

  Like all kitsune, Lilian was curious about and craved the pleasure and intimacy that came from sex. Back when they were younger, Iris had been the person that she was closest to and therefore the one who she experimented with. Being in this situation, giving her sister a sponge bath and listening to the vixen moan, the two decades’ worth of erotic encounters that they shared all came back to her.

  Matters only became more exacerbated when Lilian reached her sister’s breasts. They were like two proud hills stretched across unblemished skin and capped with light pink nipples. Small droplets of sweat formed on them as Iris continued to exhibit her flu-like symptoms. Rather than detract, these symptoms only seemed to enhance Iris’s already impressive sex appeal.

  The moans and sighs that her fellow two-tails released as she wiped down her sister’s breasts caused her own breathing to pick up. Lilian’s chest felt tight, as if something had been lodged in her chest, constricting the flow of air. It caused her once regulated breathing to increase until she was panting.

  Lilian was glad when the moment ended. By this point, she felt like she was more sweaty and flushed than her sister.

  I’m almost done… I… surely I can hold out for just a little longer.

  Wanting to do something that was less stimulating, Lilian gently took Iris’s hands and soothingly rubbed them down, gliding from the tips of Iris’s slender fingers all the way down the vixen’s arm. Iris still exuded wanton moans of lust, but Lilian did her best to ignore those, even if her own face felt similar to someone who’d stuck their head in a raging bonfire.

  Oddly enough, it was when Lilian began wiping down Iris’s armpits that she became truly mortified. Cleaning someone’s armpits didn’t sound all that sexy. They were armpits. There wasn’t anything about them that could be sexy. But, when Lilian took the sponge and wiped them down, Lilian could no longer deny that she was aroused.

  Iris was laying with her hands above her head. With her flushed skin, breasts jiggling, and her smooth armpits on display, she looked like someone out of a pervert’s wet dream.

  Lilian didn’t understand how it was possible to feel sexually aroused by such a sight, but she couldn’t deny that she was, indeed, turned on. Her body was on fire. Her mind was clouded. Her panties had grown damp.

  She soon came to the startling conclusion that there was something seriously wrong with her.

  “Ha… ha…” Iris’s breathing was deep and heavy. Her face was a dark scarlet that, when combined with the smile on her lips and her half-lidded succubus eyes, made Lilian feel like she was drowning in a pool of ecstasy. “Lily… that was… ha… amazing…”

  “I’m glad someone enjoyed it,” Lilian muttered. She tried to make it sound bitter, but with how aroused she was, it sounded more sensual than she’d intended.

  “Can… can you clean my back, too? It’s… ha… it’s all sticky and gross…”

  Lilian felt trepidation at the request, but she ended up helping her sister anyway. She moved behind Iris, sitting with her fraternal twin tucked between her legs, and began to tenderly scrub her sister’s back after dunking the sponge in warm water again.

  The sponge glided over her smooth back, tracing delicate trails between her slender shoulders. Iris’s shoulder blades created a small crevice through which the sponge could move. The muscles in her back, supple and smooth, twitched as Lilian lathered them in warm soapy suds.

  Iris continued to moan and whimper. She released a string of alluring tones designed to provoke and tease, a liberal siren’s call that triggered a response from Lilian, whose desire skyrocketed. There was a fire in her belly, and it hadn’t come from eating flames. It didn’t help that her sister had started to massage her thighs.

  “Lilian…” A shudder ran through her body at the sound of her sister’s pleading tone. Iris turned her head, lips pursed in sultry temptation, eyes hooded with arousal. “Kiss me…”

  By this point in time, Lilian was so worked up that Iris could have asked her anything and she probably would have done it. Her mind was caught in a haze of lust. Her body had grown into a bonfire. The heat between her legs had spread out to encompass the rest of her body. Already, her head was leaning toward Iris, her eyes fluttering closed, mind silent, body ready to give into temptation.

  Then the door opened.


  And a voice spoke up, dropping several thousand gallons of metaphorical ice water on Lilian’s head.

  She turned her head slowly, almost afraid of what she’d find. Standing in the doorway with a “staring down the barrel of a Gundam” expression, Kevin gazed at the two sisters who sat together provocatively, a bowl of warm soup in his hands.

  “Beloved…” Lilian felt numb.

  “S-sorry,” Kevin stuttered, his face becoming a flame. “I-I’ll leave you two alone.”

  “W-wait!” Lilian’s mind jolted awake with a start. She shouted at Kevin, even going so far as to extend a hand toward him. “This isn’t what it looks like!”

  The door slammed shut. Anguish washed over Lilian, stronger than a riptide and more powerful than a hurricane. Her mate had just seen her… and with Iris! How could this have happened? Hadn’t she decided to have a normal human relationship with Kevin? It felt like she’d just broken the promise that she had made to herself.

  “Oh, dear,” Iris said, sounding almost disappointed, though Lilian couldn’t say if it was because Kevin had walked out or because his interruption shattered the hold that Iris had over her. “And I was going to ask if he wanted to join us, too.”

  Lilian twitched.

  “I hate you…” her shoulders slumped in dejection. “I really, really hate you right now.”

  “Now don’t say that.” Iris’s eyes glimmered in a teasing manner. “Because you know that I love you.”


  Despite having a metaphorical bucket of snow dumped on her via Kevin’s arrival, Lilian still felt aroused by what happened between her and Iris. That said, she couldn’t do anything about it. She was too embarrassed to face Kevin, and there was no way she’d restart what happened with Iris.

  She ended up taking a very cold shower.

  After her shower, she discovered that Kevin had gone into their bedroom and given Iris her soup. He hadn’t stayed for long, apparently leaving moments after delivering it, much to Iris’s silent amusement.

  “It’s almost cute how he’s still so innocent even after everything that you two have done,” Iris said before she opened her mouth and let Lilian feed her.

  Iris was sitting against the headboard. Several pillows were propped up behind her, apparently having been fluffed by Kevin before he ran out. She couldn’t move much. Indeed, even keeping her head raised made Iris shaky. It made being mad at her difficult.

  “I can’t believe you’d try to take advantage of your weakened state like that,” Lilian mumbled.

  “To get in your pants, I’ll take any advantage I can get.”

  Lilian sighed. She wanted to be angry, wanted to tell her sister off, but she couldn’t. It wasn’t just that Iris was sick. Her body still remembered being aroused, the deluge of pleasurable sensations that had been caused by what they’d done. It was hard to be mad when her thoughts were focused on those feelings.

  Either way, Lilian didn’t stay long. She fed Iris her soup, and then set the bowl on the nightstand before traveling out of the room in search of Kevin. She needed to clear the air between them somehow. She needed to let him know that what happened between her and Iris didn’t mean anything, that she still had every intention of being in a normal human relationship with him.

  She found Kev
in in the living room, cleaning. He didn’t clean anymore these days, as Kotohime and Kirihime had taken over that duty, which meant he was cleaning to keep busy. From the blush on his face, he was clearly not successful.

  “K-Kevin,” Lilian stuttered. Kevin stiffened, making her hesitate for a moment. “L-listen, I just want you to know that what happened between Iris and I… it wasn’t what it looked like. She asked me to give her a sponge bath because she was too weak to clean herself, so I…” Lilian trailed off.

  She didn’t even know where she was going with this anyway. Honestly, how could she say that what happened was just a sponge bath when she’d been ready to give her sister some serious tongue to tongue resuscitation?

  “I’m not upset or anything,” Kevin said, snapping Lilian out of her fugue and making her stare at him in surprise.

  “You’re not?”

  “No… it’s not like you cheated on me with another man, and I’m perfectly aware of Iris’s talents at temptation. Besides I… w-well, it’s not like what happened was gross or anything…”

  Did Kevin mean what she thought he meant? She studied his face, noting the inflammation of his cheeks. They were a brighter shade of red than she’d seen in a while. He hadn’t blushed this hard since their first two weeks living together.

  “So do you… does that mean you like this sort of thing…?”

  “Ah… ah…” Kevin tried to hide his blush by not facing her, but she could see the redness spread from his cheeks to the rest of his face through the window’s reflection. It was even beginning to travel down his neck. “W-well, I am a guy, so…”


  Lilian looked away, her own cheeks aflame. Maybe it was because of what happened, but she was actually seriously considering what it would be like to let Iris occasionally join her and Kevin when they were intimate. The images those thoughts invoked, which increased in rating until they were no longer borderline but straight out hentai, caused enough blood to rush to her head that it felt like her red-furred fox ears were emitting steam.


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