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Coincidences: #3 Diana & Anya

Page 22

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “Grammy says you’re going to have a big giant wedding with all your friends,” Mark looked startled by her laughter.

  “Grammy has a grand imagination,” Anya said with another laugh.

  “Don’t you wanna get married? Uncle Ian is a good catch.”

  “How old are you?” Anya asked.

  “Five. But I listen a lot.”

  “ I noticed. People do not notice you and just keep talking and you listen. Very smart,” she complimented warmly.

  “Are you a doctor, too?”

  “I am a doctor, yes.”

  “Is it fun?”

  “Sometimes…sometimes not so fun.” She told him honestly.

  “You think there will be a big cake when you marry Uncle Ian? I really like cake,” Mark watched her intently.

  “I really like cake, too…especially when it has a lot of roses and icing,” Anya knew she hit the jackpot, his eyes wide and head nodding.

  Ian almost burst out laughing, shaking his head and coming around the last curve to the pool area. “Hey…you trying to steal my girl, Mark?”

  “Uncle Ian! You come to swim with us? I’m not stealing her, honest,” Mark pushed his little arms and legs with more determination to get to the side where Ian stood.

  “I’m glad…she might think you’re cuter than me,” Ian moved into the water, hefting his nephew into the air and sending him splashing into the water several feet away. He bounced to the surface laughing and swiping water from his face.

  “Hmm…” Anya looked from one to the other, her hands moving to his shoulders when he circled her waist, pulling her into his arms. “I think your status is safe. He is too short for me,” Anya teased, meeting his kiss. “The fire?”

  “We didn’t lose anyone,” he told her with a sigh. “Lots of smoke problems…a broken ankle…how’s the shoulder?”

  “Throbbing…I have been keeping it still,” Anya told him, moving back to the wall and laying her arms along the warm concrete. She watched Ian swim over to Mark, tossing him into the water, laughing and splashing with him for thirty minutes before hefting him to the side.

  “Go get your dinner. Anya and I are going to leave now,” Ian jumped out on the side of the pool, climbing to his feet and going after his towel.

  Anya walked slowly to the stairs, her gaze watching the water slide over his tanned body. He draped a towel around his neck, lifting hers and holding it out to her, wrapping her in it and pulling her close, holding her for a long minute before striding over and picking up the sling. He helped her position her arm before fastening the sling around her neck.

  “It hasn’t even been a week, Anya…don’t give me a headache worrying about you,” Ian saw the wrinkled nose out of the corner of his eye, chuckling softly.

  “I called and spoke to Chloe and Jane. Chloe is going to drop off some keys to the new shop,” Anya stopped outside the patio door, walking carefully to the low wall and sitting to stare into the water. The sun was still high at six and reflected beautifully over the huge body of the Sound.

  “It’s not yet six. Let’s change and go up to the main dining room. My sister is here, if Mark is here,” Ian met the skeptical look as she walked to join him. “I’ll get dressed quick, you pick out a sexy dress to knock my socks off,” he told her with a wink.

  “Ian…we must talk about all this…” Anya stood before the large walk in closet, trying to take in all the colors and clothing now hanging there. “They even bought shoes,” the girl in her was drawn to a pair of two inch open toed heels.

  “Hmm…they seem to go well with a swimsuit,” Ian chuckled when she hastily scrambled out of the shoes as he came around the corner, buttoning his shirt. He pulled his phone out, scrolling through numbers and putting it to his ear. “Hi Gramps….could you let cook know Anya and I will be there for dinner in a few? We’re changing now…thanks…okay, see you soon.”

  “Gramps says hi,” Ian dropped the phone into his pocket. “Okay, which dress?”

  Anya went to one of the halter dresses, a soft fabric in apricot with tiny gold specks through it. A happy laugh broke free when he took the dress from her and seemed to be considering the logistics.

  “I’m usually getting you out of these things…”

  “Simple,” Anya stripped the swimsuit down and took it to the bathroom, returning with a pair of panties in place a minute later. She unzipped the back, opened the single button at the halter and spread the dress on the floor in an open circle. She stepped into the middle, smiling at the dawning understanding on his face. Between them, they managed to position the halter, adjust the sling and zip the dress. She stepped into the heels, enjoying the comfort in the rounded toed shoes. She took a few tentative steps, glancing at the girl in the mirror.

  Ian stepped up behind her, his hands resting gently on her shoulders.

  “Do you see how beautiful you are?” His lips brushed her neck.

  “I see me,” was her simple response, turning carefully in his arms.

  “Between Gramps and Mark…I better be on my guard,” Ian held her hand as they crossed the lawn to the dining room.

  “I think I am like the girl in the fairy tale,” Anya grinned at him. “I prefer something in the middle between the choices…and you are just right for me,” she whispered as they entered the dining room, hugging his arm tightly.

  Ian felt his voice leave him even as he plastered a social smile on his face.

  “Anya!” Mark was up and around the table before anyone could speak, his hand in hers.

  Anya laughed and bent down, whispering something only for him to hear.

  “Oh,” Mark nodded and stepped back, only the bouncing told of his impatience.

  “Mark, come and sit down,” Shannon said with a shake of her head. “Hi, I’m Shannon, mom and sister.”

  Anya smiled in greeting but crossed to stand next to Millicent, dark eyes filled with moisture she had sworn she would control as she bent and hugged the older woman tightly. Her thanks were whispered, even as Tom patted her arm gently.

  “Quite alright, dear. You look lovely tonight,” Millicent’s eyes twinkled, a side glance at the five year old and the thirty-five year old. “So many beaus vying for your favors.”

  “They are both so very handsome,” Anya let Mark lead her to a chair, fortunately there was one right next to her for Ian.

  “Me and Anya like cake with lots of icing,” Mark informed the table, holding his plate out to his mother for potatoes.

  “And very cold milk,” she added with a wink at the little boy who nodded.

  “It was very nice of you to swim with Mark today, Anya, thank you,” Shannon said with a smile at her son. “I was trying to talk to my mother…”

  “It is not a problem. I needed to stretch my shoulder and he was very nice companion for me,” Anya looked at the empty seats. “Your mother is not coming to dinner?”

  Shannon looked at the plate she was placing back before Mark, a vague shrug.

  “It is because I am here,” Anya set her fork down, looking from Ian to his sister.

  “Anya, my daughter is just in one of her moods,” Millicent waved a manicured hand. “Believe me, if I could figure out what the issue was, I would mend it immediately.”

  “Your father told us Logan was on his way north,” Tom said casually. “Said he sold the Double Eagle.”

  “That’s curious,” Ian bit into the crunchy bread. “Logan loved building up that casino. Can’t say I liked Reno much, though.”

  “You have a brother? And another sister? What a large family,” Anya slowly began eating, realizing no one wanted to discuss Emily Sheffield.

  “We got lots of relatives,” Mark said through his chicken. “We can share them with you.”

  “You are most generous, Mark, thank you,” Anya leaned over, whispering in his ear. She met the surprised look on his face with a nod. “I will bring you some.”

  Ian took a long drink of water. “You moving in on my girl, nephew?�

  Mark giggled, tugging Anya’s hand until she leaned closer. She managed to keep her lips pursed and continue eating.

  “I’m afraid to ask,” accustomed to her little boy’s imagination, Shannon just shook her head at the exchange.

  They were on the walk back across the lawn, fingers entwined and a storm building out over the Sound and moving their way.


  “Ian, I am scared.”

  Ian led the way into the house, locking the door behind them. He continued to the sofa, sinking with her hand in his. He helped her out of the sling, taking both hands in his.

  “Move in with me, Anya. We can be scared together,” he told her softly, his thumbs rubbing over the backs of her hands as he tried gathering his thoughts. “Are you afraid of us?” He looked up in time to see a very large tear roll down her cheek. He felt his stomach lurch, his groan loud as he carefully gathered her in his arms.

  “I am afraid of losing you…of…..of….”

  “Like Will,” he filled in the empty space, her head nodding slowly.

  “I know running was…there was so much pain, Ian…”

  “Honey…I wouldn’t want to put you through that ever again…” He lifted her face so their eyes met. “I’ll do my very best to be with you until we are older than my grandparents,” he sat back on the sofa, pulling her onto his lap. He heard the shoes fall to the floor, her tears falling silently. He’d comforted people of all sizes and shapes as an emergency room doctor, but none of them had pulled at his heart this strongly.

  “I know there are no guarantees…”

  “Do you promise to talk to me? About everything and anything? Even throw things to get my attention?” He loosened his arms enough to let her sit upright. He pulled a box of tissues from behind the sofa table, waiting while she sniffled. “No running, Anya…whatever it is…if we talk it through…even cry it through,” he was relieved when a smile tugged at her lips.

  “You want me to live with you,” Anya sniffled, dabbing at her nose. “Your grandparents…”

  “Are sneaky little devils,” Ian said with a laugh. “How about this…marry me.” He had no idea a woman could move so quickly, long bare legs planted firmly on the floor within seconds. “Anya…”

  “No…you will listen to me now,” Anya paced the floor, wincing when her hands naturally began to move, her shoulder aching with the effort. “I love you, Ian Sheffield. I do not know how or why or when, but I will not miss a day telling you that. I made a mistake…a terrible mistake being afraid to…” Her palm when out when he moved to the edge of the sofa. She only saw his movement, not the stunned satisfaction in his eyes. “I do not need to be married to live with you, but I do need you to know how I feel. I kept that to myself too long before…and never got the chance to tell him…”

  “He knew, Anya…even without the words, he knew,” Ian stood up and pulled her against him before she could move. “No…we’re a couple. We’re partners and friends and lovers…” He let her lean back when he held his palm out, a sparkling ring in the center of his palm. “I gotta move quick before Mark sweeps in and steals my girl,” he whispered, taking her hand and sliding the ring on her finger. “So…will you marry me? Or do I have to tell my grandparents on you…”

  “Hmm…it is a lovely ring,” Anya looked at her hand and then at his crooked grin.

  He closed her fingers around his, carrying them to his lips. “You’re teasing me…”

  “Yes…yes, Ian…I will marry you,” she breathed against his mouth.

  Ian looked at his phone and frowned, answering the call in the quiet of his office. “Ian Sheffield.”

  “Ian…Simon here…and we’re conferenced with Damian and Gideon, of Jane and Diana, respectively,” Simon explained easily. “I’m looking for information…”


  “I told Simon he’s worried about nothing,” Damian said, reading through the report he’d been waiting for.

  “I’m married to the redhead, probably the ring leader,” Simon’s comment brought laughter through the lines.

  “I know they picked up Anya this afternoon,” Ian said. “Let me check what her email says,” he scanned his in box. “Ahhh…Diana was driving, they were hitting the mall to shop and then Chloe was taking her to an all-girl fun place.”

  “A spa?” Gideon asked curiously. “All I got was be home late, don’t worry.”

  “Some place called Strawberry Fields…in Tacoma,” Ian finished the email. “I really don’t like all the groans, guys.”

  “I told you…ring leader,” Simon groaned.

  “Hmm…the new guy doesn’t know Strawberry Fields,” Damian straightened up with a stretch and glanced at the clock. “I figured I’d put in a few late hours, now I’m not so sure.”

  “Okay, guys…” Ian did a search and slowly sat up straight. “They took her to a strip club?”

  “Ahh…ain’t the internet great,” Gideon chuckled.

  “So we got options here…we sit around and wait until they surface,” Damian closed his file and began shutting things down.

  “I need a ride,” Gideon sighed. “Diana has the Range Rover.”

  “You want to go to Tacoma?” Ian checked his watch. “Alright…I’ve already briefed the evening shift. I can swing by and pick up Gideon. Anya has all the addresses programmed into our phones.”

  “Here I had some illusion it would be a quiet evening,” Damian chuckled.

  “On the upside, Baron’s restaurant has some really good food,” Simon tossed a file to the inbox. “See you guys in Tacoma.”

  The four of them moved as a quiet unit across the parking lot, aware that the majority of the people moving toward the entrance, were female. While the females noticed them, each of them had their senses open to only one. Simon took out his phone and tapped in a brief text as they headed toward the restaurant.

  Dark hair and eyes watched them at the entrance to the restaurant, his hand up and on Simon’s shoulder with a clap.

  “Lose something?” Baron Lathrom laughed at the expression on his friend’s face. “Redhead about this tall? Marjorie, I’ll take these guys with me to my table,” the waitress nodded, handing him some menus.

  Simon just chuckled. “You got them pegged?”

  “I’ve known Chloe for several years,” Baron remarked. “It’s been a while since she’s been here, and I noticed the ring on three of them…”

  Damian met the quizzical looks. “Hey…Jane’s skittish…I gotta move slow with her. Believe me, if I thought collaring the woman would work, it would have been done in the first week.”

  “So what’s the special occasion?” Baron asked after the laughter died off and their orders were placed.

  “If I had to guess,” Ian began, taking a slow taste of the microbrew he’d ordered. “Anya grew up in Croatia. From some of her comments, it wasn’t a safe place to be a girl, so her wardrobe, until recently, consisted of cargo pants in all colors and tee shirts. I think Chloe’s easing her into being a girl and not being afraid of the people around her. Which I am seriously grateful for her help.”

  “War is a crap place to grow up in,” Damian agreed with a tired sigh. “But we never seem to run out of them.”

  While they were having dinner, the girls were sequestered in a separate section of the huge entertainment complex. For the first two dancers, Anya sat in silence, eyes wide and focused on the men moving to the music.

  “They are very good dancers,” Anya finally said after emptying her iced water a second time. “The women…I have never seen women behave like this.”

  “It’s grand fun,” Chloe said in the pause between dancers, she tipped her wrist up. “So what do you bet they’re already here somewhere?” She glanced at Diana and Jane.

  “Gideon trusts me,” Diana said simply. “Why would he come down here?”

  “Because I laid a trap for them,” Chloe said with a chuckle.

  “You made sure I am the only one who k
new where we would be after shopping,” Anya said after a few thoughtful minutes, more interested in the conversation than the males now.

  “We knew,” Jane said with a shrug. “But we didn’t share the information with the guys. I don’t think it’s about trust at all. I think they worry about us.”

  “Gideon has done nothing but worry since I told him,” Diana said with a smile. “Hopefully, he’ll lighten up a bit over the next few months.”

  “I’d love to have seen the look on his face,” Chloe chuckled.

  “I took him into the room where I painted the wall,” Diana recalled the look of pure disbelief on Gideon’s face as he stood staring at the newborn she had drawn surrounded by flowers and small woodland animals. The baby was nestled in the center of a large wildflower, lightly covered with the petals. “His mouth kind of opened and closed a few times,” she recalled with a laugh shared around the table. “Then he wasn’t sure whether to apologize or hoot for joy.”

  “You’re okay with it?” Jane asked carefully.

  “Yes…yes, very okay,” Diana smiled peacefully. “We agreed that it’ll be a few years before we add a second child, but it feels so incredibly right to me.”

  Anya turned back to the dancers, looking but not really seeing much. The music was nice, upbeat and fun. She had never allowed herself to dream of a child. She would not allow a child to live in the world she had seen for too long.

  “Anya?” Chloe nodded in the direction of the opened curtains, males that had been waiting in the outer room, now moving inside. The male review was over and it was time to dance, the floor filling with couples of long standing and others who just met.

  “Ian,” she smiled and moved into his arms. “This is a surprise.”

  “I thought it was carefully choreographed,” Simon dropped a heated kiss on Chloe’s mouth. “You’ve become a ringleader.”

  “And I’m so darned good at it,” she threw back, nose wrinkled pertly.

  “I’ll take Ian out and move whatever Anya bought to his car,” Gideon looked at the women expectantly. “How do we tell the difference?”


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