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Love in the Moment: The McCormicks—Book One

Page 9

by Elena Aitken

  She grinned and winked. “Then you get to take me for dinner.”

  He laughed. “Deal. I hear the chef up at the Springs is a fantastic chef.”

  “Not that we’re going to find out.” She winked at him again and tossed her hair behind her. “We’re ready to go, Seth.”


  She didn’t know how to drive a boat. What was she thinking?

  She’d been thinking it was the perfect opportunity to finally secure a date with Ian and that would definitely lead to the next step in their relationship or whatever it was and therefore would give her more writing material. And a date with Ian. Gwen took a deep breath. She didn’t need to know how to drive the boat. It was a win-win situation. Besides, it seemed simple enough to manage. It’s not as though she was totally incapable. She’d figure it out.

  Of course, that was before she was sitting alone in the boat as Seth backed it up into the water. She tried to look calm as the boat slowly got deeper and deeper. Finally, the truck stopped moving and Ian yelled at her from the shore. “Okay, start it up.”

  Right. First step was to start the boat. She looked down at the controls. Push the button, turn the key.

  Gwen pushed the button and turned the key. The boat sputtered and started.

  “I did it!”

  Ian laughed. “You did. Now, can you feel it floating?”

  Gwen stopped and paid attention to how her feet felt under her. She shook her head. “Not yet.”

  A moment later, the truck backed up and soon enough, Gwen felt the distinct sensation of floating. “Okay,” she yelled. “I’m floating.” Excitement filled her and she immediately felt ridiculous. “I’m floating.” She tried to sound calmer and look as in control as possible, but she could tell by the look on Ian’s face that she was failing miserably. His grin stretched across his face as he watched her, so without waiting for further instruction, Gwen smoothly put the boat in reverse and edged away from the trailer.

  It was much easier than she thought to drive the boat. When she was far enough away from the trailer, she changed direction, put the boat in motion and moved it forward.

  “Just slow down,” Ian yelled from the shore. “I’ll meet you on the dock.”

  Slow down? She wasn’t even going fast. She was barely moving at all. But it wouldn’t take much for her to really start moving. Gwen eyed the expanse of water in front of her. It was empty besides a few kayakers along the shoreline. It’s not as though she was going to hit anything if she went out in the lake. And it would give Ian and Seth time to get the second boat launched. Really, it was probably a good idea for her to take the new boat for a spin and warm it up anyway. She glanced back at Ian one more time as she edged farther away from the dock.

  “Just bring it over here, Gwen,” he called. “A little to the right and just edge it over here. I’ll grab the… Gwen? What are you doing?”

  She laughed and turned the boat sharply to the left.


  “Don’t worry, Ian.” She blew him a kiss. “I got this.”

  And she did. The boat was remarkably easy to handle. Way easier than a car and she’d been driving her entire adult life. And it’s not as if there was anything to hit in the lake. She’d be fine. She motored, a little faster now, out past the marina into the open lake and then with a laugh, she pushed the throttle down and the boat took off.

  It was unlike any feeling she’d ever had before. Sure, she’d been on a boat when she was a kid. A boat in that very lake, in fact. But never before had she been behind the wheel. It was exhilarating, to say the least. She pulled the elastic out of her hair and shook it out behind her, letting the wind catch the strands. The boat sliced across the calm water, cutting through the surface like a rocket. With one hand left on the wheel, she threw the other in the air and let out a whoop of joy.

  Ian might kill her when she got back, but it was totally worth the feeling of freedom she’d just experienced. Besides, she had no doubt that she could handle Ian. A shot of desire raced through her body at the thought of handling Ian in any way and she immediately tried to shut it down. She couldn’t let herself feel anything for him. Not anything more than exactly what he was. A means to an end.

  But that didn’t sit well with her. It wasn’t how she was wired. No matter how hard she tried.

  Well, just try harder, Gwen, she scolded herself.

  Unable—or more like, unwilling—to let herself think anymore, she turned the boat sharply to the right and headed toward the opposite side of the lake where cliffs lined the shore. Cliffs that they used to jump from when they were teenagers. At least, the other kids would jump. She usually sat in the boat, covered with a towel and an oversized t-shirt, so desperately ashamed of her body that she refused to take it off. Maybe she should go jump right now and finally have the experience she’d always missed out on. She could drop an anchor—surely there must be an anchor in the boat—swim to shore, climb up and—no. Not today. One major life rebellion was enough. Besides, she didn’t want Ian to worry. And she still had a bet to go win.


  He should be upset with her. He should be fuming, out-of-control angry that she’d take off without any kind of permission, or…training, for God’s sake. Gwen had just told him that she’d never driven a boat, and then moments later she was behind the wheel of his new eighty-thousand-dollar speedboat, taking off into the middle of the lake. The engine hadn’t even been warmed up, for goodness sake. You couldn’t just go pushing a brand-new engine that way. You’d ruin it.

  Yes. He should have been mad.

  But there was something undeniably sexy about seeing her throw her head back, laugh and take off with the wind whipping through her hair.

  No. He couldn’t be mad. Not for that.

  But he would have a talk with her about it. Just as soon as she got back. Maybe he’d have the chat over dinner. After all, it looked like win or lose, he was set to have a hot dinner date. And it was about time, too. He should have taken her on a real date right after they’d met. There was something about her that Ian liked. Really liked. And it wasn’t like him to hesitate that way with women. It must just be everything else he had going on with his sister and the marina that was causing him to be off his game a little. Either way, that was about to be remedied. Just as soon as she got back to the dock.

  “Looks like she’s coming in.” Seth, who had just finished unhitching the second empty trailer, pointed out to the lake.

  She hadn’t been gone very long, but the men had managed to get the second boat in and tied up on the dock, leaving lots of room for Gwen’s boat, when she returned. Just in case she wasn’t as smooth of a driver as she seemed to think she’d be. And they were just about to find out.

  Just as Seth said, Gwen was making her way back to the marina, a little slower now, but she still looked just as hot behind the wheel. Ian’s whole body tensed with need for her.

  “She looks like she handles well,” Seth said.

  “Oh, I don’t think she’s easy to handle at all.” The other man looked at Ian strangely and it took him a moment to realize Seth was referring to the boat, not Gwen. He chuckled and shook his head but didn’t bother to explain himself. Seth looked like the kind of guy who knew exactly what Ian was talking about.

  “Bring it over here,” he called out to Gwen when she got close enough. He walked down to the end of the dock and grabbed the rope he’d left tied there and readied it in his hand. “Bring it in nice and slow.”

  He needn’t have worried about the instructions, because Gwen looked like a natural behind the wheel. She pulled back on the throttle and the boat responded perfectly. As she came alongside the dock, she expertly put it into reverse and just as if she’d been doing it her whole life, the boat slid perfectly into place on the dock. Ian grabbed the bow and looped the rope around the cleat to secure it before he moved to the stern line. Gwen had cut the engine by the time he had finished and watched him warily.

  Ian offered her a hand
; she climbed from the boat and stood in front of him. She was so close he could feel the heat of her body and smell her intoxicating scent, which was now mixed with the heady scent of the lake and fresh air. It was an irresistible combination. His body vibrated from the effort it took to keep himself from touching her. “It looks like I owe you a dinner,” he said after a moment. “That was a pretty impressive docking.”

  She tilted her head and assessed him. “You’re not mad?”

  “For taking off in my boat?”

  She nodded.

  “For running the engine before warming it up properly?”

  She nodded again.

  “For not sticking around to help out with the other launch?”

  She nodded one more time. “For all that.”

  “No,” he said slowly. “I’m not mad. But I will determine a suitable form of payback.” He could think of a hundred different ways she could pay him back, and then a hundred more after that.

  Her face blushed for a second but then she straightened her back and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I can’t say I’m sorry.”

  “You can’t?”

  “No.” She licked her lips. “Especially because it means you’ll be cooking me dinner.” She trailed her finger along his forearm. “I’m free on Saturday.”

  Chapter Eight

  Dear Reader,

  I can’t explain to you the feeling of flying across the water in a boat with the wind in your face and nothing to slow you down but your own fear. It’s exhilarating and freeing and terrifying all at the same time. It’s better than sex.


  Okay, no. Not at all. But it was erotic and sexy and maybe it was the danger of it all because I’d taken Mr. Summer’s boat without asking. But I felt like I was doing something taboo and that made it even more exciting. And afterward…

  Oh….afterward…standing in front of Mr. Summer, feeling the tension from his body standing only inches away. Let me tell you, it was incredible.

  But what’s even more incredible is that we finally have a date. He’ll be cooking me an intimate dinner for two and we can finally take this relationship to the next level. Or at least, I can see how far he’d like to take it.

  Don’t you think it’s incredible how the tables have turned since all those years ago when I wasn’t good enough for him because I was fat? Sometimes I still need to stop and remind myself that I’m still the same person and so is he. Only this time, I’m totally in the driver’s seat and I’m calling the shots. And judging by the way he looks at me, I’m finally going to have a chance to get what I was looking for all those years ago. Only this time, it will be on my own terms.

  Stay tuned for all the juicy details.


  Gwen published her post and quickly closed her computer as a wave of nausea washed over her. It didn’t feel right to be doing what she was doing. Or at least, it didn’t feel right to be writing about it. She was a grown woman, completely in control of her own decisions. If that meant she was going to have sex, that was a decision she was perfectly capable of making and she shouldn’t feel guilty about it in the least. And she didn’t. Not about that part anyway. It was the whole deceiving Ian and writing about it for profit that she was struggling with. That wasn’t her. That wasn’t who she was.

  Movie deal. TV deal. Set up your career. Jade’s voice kept ringing through her head. She was doing all of this with an end in sight. There was a purpose. Her career. Besides, it’s not as if Ian was going to get hurt. He was clearly attracted to her, too. It was a win-win. She couldn’t think of many men who would complain about having sex. So what if he didn’t know all the details surrounding it? That shouldn’t matter anyway.

  She left her computer on her bed and grabbed her gym bag. She needed some air. And more importantly, some exercise. Deanna had lent her her car and she kept hearing about how amazing the pools were up at the Springs resort. It was about time she checked them out for herself. Besides, swimming was one of her favorite workouts and it would go a long way to clear her head. And the best part was she wouldn’t be able to check her messages or blog comments.

  The resort was easy to find and a few minutes later, Gwen pulled up to the front of the magnificent building. Deanna told her it was gorgeous but she hadn’t been able to convey just how breathtaking it was. The theme of water was prevalent as the resort used the natural hot springs to create the therapeutic pools within the resort, as well as the surrounding design. She left the car with an attendant and crossed the foot bridge that led over a steamy stream and entered through the towering glass doors.

  Inside, a feeling of calm and peacefulness immediately washed over her. The lobby was a huge room with a floor-to-ceiling glass wall at the far end that opened up to the mountain behind the resort. Everything was decorated in understated blue tones, with the constant sound of a bubbling fountain filling the air. Gwen was no longer sure she wanted to work out. Maybe a relaxing massage was exactly what she needed.

  “Can I help you?”

  Gwen turned to see a friendly smile on the woman behind the desk. She crossed the floor toward her.

  “My name is Carmen,” the woman said. “Are you checking in? I can have someone grab your bags for you.”

  “No.” Gwen shook her head. “I mean, I wish.” She laughed a little. “It’s beautiful here.”

  “Thank you. We try hard to create a peaceful space here. But you’re not checking in?” Carmen’s smile faltered a little.

  “I really do wish I was,” Gwen repeated herself. “But my friend Deanna Gordon said you have a beautiful pool facility that I could possibly use for an hour or two.”

  “Deanna?” Carmen’s smile was contagious. “You’re a friend of Deanna’s?”

  “You know her?” Of course everyone knew Deanna. She was the town doctor, after all. Besides the fact that she was a wonderful, vibrant woman who anyone would be lucky to be friends with.

  Carmen nodded. “We have quite a few friends in common. But last month my son, Hunter, had a terrible cough, and she was an absolute godsend helping me out with him. There’s nothing sadder than seeing your toddler so sick. Not that it slows them down any.” She shook her head and laughed. “He is quite a handful. But Dee was great in helping him feel better. A friend of hers is definitely a friend of mine.”

  Gwen smiled. The woman’s friendliness was contagious and she couldn’t help but feel better just standing in Carmen’s presence.

  “Let me show you the pools,” Carmen said. “And if you want to stay for lunch, I’ll have Jax make you something. Totally on the house.”

  Together they started walking across the room. “Oh, I don’t know if that’s necessary,” Gwen said. No doubt the resort food was delicious. But it was also probably ridiculously high in calories and she really did need to watch what she was putting in her mouth these days. “Especially after a workout.”

  “Ah.” Carmen nodded knowingly. “I get that. How about one of Jax’s fresh garden salads? He makes this very tasty and totally low-fat pomegranate vinaigrette dressing. It would be perfect.”

  “Now that, I can do.”

  “Kari?” Carmen called to a woman nearby. “I’ll be right back. I’m just going to show Gwen the pool area.” The other woman nodded and they continued walking. “Have you met Kari yet? She’s absolutely lovely. She’s dating Rhys Anderson. He’s the local—”

  “I know Rhys,” Gwen interrupted. “Well, I don’t know him know him. But I think I knew him when I was a kid.” He was definitely one of the local boys who Deanna would hang out with. Gwen couldn’t remember much about him, but he was a nice guy, and he’d always been friendly to Gwen.

  “You should totally come to the Grizzly Paw next Sunday. We try to get together as much as possible just to connect. But it’s so hard with everyone so busy and now that the summer season will start gearing up soon, well…you can imagine how crazy it gets around here.”

  Gwen nodded, although she really had no idea. She als
o had very little intention of stopping in at the Paw if there was going to be some kind of reunion with people who might remember her from when they were teenagers. It was probably good if she kept a low profile for a little while. At least until things with Ian were settled or advanced. Or whatever it was she was trying to do with Ian. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Thankfully, by that time they’d reached the pool area. Carmen opened the door for her and waved her ahead into what could only be described as an oasis. The humid air immediately sank into Gwen’s skin, softening it and making her feel as if she’d just received thousands of dollars of spa treatments and she’d only hardly walked through the door. There was a pathway that wound through an area, heavy with plants. Individual pathways, marked by numbers, led away from the main path. Carmen explained that those were the private therapy pools. They could be rented for private use and although they were all fed from the natural hot springs, the private pools were kept at specific temperatures, depending on the guests’ needs.

  “The main lap pool is over here.” Carmen pointed to her left, where a few guests were swimming laps. “And these are the hot pools for all guests to use. This one goes inside and out, so you can get some fresh air while you soak.”

  “Oh, I don’t think I’ll have time for any soaking,” Gwen said quickly. “I really just need to focus on a workout and then get back.”

  “Don’t be silly. You’re at the Springs. If you don’t sit in one of the hot pools, you’ll regret it. I promise you that.”

  Gwen started to shake her head, but Carmen was so convincing.

  “Besides, I promised you a famous Jax salad,” Carmen said. “I’ll have it brought out to you and you can eat it right here, poolside. Trust me. There is nothing better than soaking in these pools. We’re known worldwide for their therapeutic properties. Whatever’s ailing you, these springs will fix it.”


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