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Anonymous Desires_Isai and Ryker

Page 4

by A. D. Herrick

  Chapter 4

  “Why don’t you call him?” My best friend Meghan says wagging her brows seductively at me over the rim of the virgin margarita glass she has raised to her lips.

  “Call him and say what? Thanks for the mind-blowing sex and taking my V-card, can we do it again, boss?” I deadpan, irritated with her ever-growing persistence of the issue. “You do realize he’s my boss right? I’ve spent the past week avoiding him by taking advantage of my vacation days. The last thing I want to do is ring him up on the phone.” I implored her to understand.

  Meghan narrows her eyes at me, glaring. “No, you idiot, just ring him up and ask him for a repeat. Who cares if he’s your boss? You said you had a good time. That’s all that matters.” She says it like there is nothing to it.

  If only she knew.

  If only I had been able to come clean about the entire night, then maybe she would understand. I gave her all of the safe juicy tidbits. However, I didn’t tell her how we met or everything that had gone down afterward. How he had been furious with me and threw me out of the house the moment we had finished. I didn’t tell her how the most amazing night of my life had come crashing down around me turning into one of the most humiliating moments I will ever experience in my lifetime. No, I kept those secrets to myself.

  Ashamed of myself, I refused to tell her anything about that night other than the fact that I ran into my boss and that he and I had mind-blowing sex.

  “How about we just don’t talk about him anymore?” I asked giving her a tight smile. I didn’t know how to make her understand without telling her the full story and that was a story I intended to keep under wraps for the rest of my life.

  It’s bad enough Ryker had already infected my dreams causing me to writhe in my sleep only to wake tangled in my sheets covered in my wetness. I couldn’t stand to talk about him when I was doing everything in my power to forget him, to forget that night. If only I could get the dreams to stop. I was already looking for a new job.

  I was out of vacation time. I would have to return to the office come Monday morning and was dreading it.

  Meghan shrugged one shoulder giving me a smug look. “Looks like you don’t have to call him after all.” She smirked, her bright eyes looking past me toward the bar.

  I turned slightly in my chair to get a better look. He was standing there at the bar, his back was to me but I knew it was him. The black tailored Armani suit fit him perfectly, showcasing his broad shoulders. My stomach filled with dread. Unless he moved from where he was standing at the bar I would have to walk past him to leave.

  He was the last person on earth I wanted to see. My body folded in on itself subconsciously, my shoulders hugging my ears. My chin tucked between my breasts. This night couldn’t get any worse.

  “Hello, Ryker,” Meghan cooed out breathlessly in his direction.

  I saw the bell sleeve of her baby blue chiffon dress flapping in the air out of the corner of my eye as she waved him over. I immediately regretted telling her Anything.

  Meghan already knew about my office crush on Ryker. She was my plus one at all of my office events. Together we would huddle in the corner and admire him from afar, describing in great detail all of the things we imagined doing to him. Admittedly, I kept my version of events more vanilla than my true fantasies.

  I could feel the tension in the room thickening with each step Ryker took in our direction. I closed my eyes and sent up a silent prayer that he wouldn’t notice me. I prayed he would look right past me like he always had at the office.

  “Meghan, stop.” I hissed out angrily. Terror warred within my chest, sending my heart into overdrive. The acidic tang of fear coated the back of my throat. Ignoring me, Meghan continued to beam brightly at the man behind me.

  I knew the moment he was upon us. I could feel the electricity in the air crackling like a whip. A harsh reminder of the night we spent together. It was both the best night of my life and the worst. His body eclipsed mine as he came to a halt beside our table.

  I forced my eyes to remain lowered. I could not look into his eyes. I was terrified of what I would find. The last time I looked into his eyes they were filled with horror, disgust, and anger. I never wanted to see that look on his face again.

  “Meghan, how are you? How’s your husband Jonathan?” His smooth deep voice wrapped around me like a second skin, forcing my body to shudder. Of course, Ryker would remember Meghan. It seemed only fitting that my life should end right here. I silently prayed that the earth would open up and swallow me whole, releasing me from the nightmare that had become my life.

  “Oh, I am just spectacular. Jonathan’s been great, ready for baby number two.” She beamed proudly rubbing her slightly swollen baby bump. “You remember my friend, Isai don’t you, Ryker?” Meghan asked excitedly, unable to help herself. She was vibrating with excitement in her chair completely unaware of my discomfort and inner turmoil.

  She had been trying to play matchmaker since I had first told her I was growing tired of being single. Now that she knew about Ryker, she was like a dog with a bone. Immediately I regretted confiding in her. I could only blame the pregnancy brain she must have been experiencing. Meghan had been insistent that I needed to meet someone. Once I mentioned my night with Ryker, she had made up her mind that he would be the one for me.

  For the past week, I’ve had to listen to her drone on and on about him. I was now convinced she had only chosen this bar because she knew he would be here.

  My eyes were trained on my hands that rest in my lap. My heart galloping in my chest, I could hear the blood rushing to my ears. The sound was so loud I could swear everyone in the bar could hear it. The whoosh-whoosh of the beating of my heart as it echoed in my ears.

  My heart stopped dead in my chest as his hand came to rest on my shoulder. The move looked casual, like one friend greeting another, only I knew better. My throat closed up with fear. I was paralyzed in place by this man. The touch was gentle but the feelings it projected in my mind and to my body was one of dominance. He owned me still and he knew it.

  “How are you, Isai?” The deep timbre of his voice left me stunned to silence.

  The vibrations of his voice work down my spine. My body reacted on its own accord, answering his call. I could feel my nipples harden into diamonds as they press against the sheer lace bra I was wearing.

  I could feel the change in pressure of his hand on my shoulder, the way his fingers tighten only slightly was enough of a warning. He would not let me ignore him. “I-I’m well,” I stammer without looking up at him. My gaze never wavered from the hands in my lap.

  “Seems Isai is a bit shy with me around, I’m going to run to the ladies room and let the two of you catch up,” Meghan said slyly. I knew what she was doing. She was as transparent as cellophane as she tried to force me and Ryker together.

  Ryker’s hand retracted from my shoulder, leaving me feeling cold and empty with the loss of his touch. I watched him out of the corner of my eye. His body was stiff and rigid beside mine as he took the seat directly next to me, his knee inches from my own.

  “Are you going to just sit there and ignore me?” I could hear the incredulity in his voice.

  Taken by surprise I raised my eyes to meet his. I didn’t expect him to stay after the way he spoke to me the last time I saw him. I had no idea why he was here now. His face was void of emotion as he sat there studying me the same way I was studying him.

  He was still as handsome as ever, the dark scruff on his jaw left my fingers tingling with want. My eyes widened as I watch his tongue swipe across his lips. He was playing with me, but I couldn’t help myself. I was entranced by this man.

  His eyes shined with the victory of his win, which only tightened my resolve, the arrogant bastard.

  “Happy now?” I sneered, unable to help myself.

  His eyes narrowed into slits. I could see the cogs turning in his head. He was displeased with me. I pulled back my shoulders proud of my defiance. My chin
held high.

  “Miss Channing, it would be wise of you to remember your place.” He growled out just low enough for me to hear. The effect his words had on my body should be criminal. I could feel the heat rush to my core. His eyes undressed me, leaving me bare to him, fully exposed.

  I battled the war within myself, my body begging me to submit to him while my mind praised my strength. “You don’t own me.” I could taste the bitterness of the lie as it slid off my tongue.

  I knew he sensed the lie the moment it came out of my mouth. I watched as his lips curved up into a predatory smile. “I can assure you, Miss Channing, I own every bit of you, from your tight pussy all the way to the depths of your soul. You are mine.” My pulse quickened as he claimed me, stealing the breath from my lungs. His deep growl left no room for negotiations.

  My teeth sank into my plush lower lip. A growl vibrated from deep in his chest as his pupils dilated, his eyes laser-focused on my mouth. I crossed and uncrossed my legs to relieve the tension building between them, to no avail.

  I felt the scorching heat of his hand as he laid it across my knee, preventing me from moving. “Enough,” the single word had me frozen in place.

  My breath hitched. My mouth suddenly dry. He knew he had me. I was unable to mask the hungry look in my eyes. I wanted him. I wanted him more than I wanted my next breath.

  His fingers dug into the supple skin of my thigh. The pressure he applied bordered on thin line of pain. I was unable to fight back, my body refused to deny him what it so badly needed and desired.

  “I’m so glad the two of you are talking, I was worried there for a minute,” Meghan said brightly as she took her seat across from me, completely unaware of the display of dominance transpiring right in front of her face.

  I watch as disappointment flashed across Ryker’s face at Meghan’s return. My own eyes lit with the triumph of the small victory. His fingers dug deeper, reminding me that we are not finished, not by a long shot.

  “Meghan, you wouldn’t mind if I borrowed your date for the evening, would you?” The smug look on his face has me begging to wipe it off.

  “Of course not, you go right on ahead.” The satisfied smirk on Meghan’s face pulled a sneer from my own. Meghan misses it; too engrossed in her victory to realize the position she had put me in.

  “Come with me.” I don’t miss the thinly veiled threat in his voice. Though he has a smile on his lips, the hunger that flashes through his eyes is unmistakable.

  Gathering my bag I rose, allowing him to pull me through the crowded bar.

  To be continued...

  Also by A. D. Herrick

  (A Heavy Metal Rock Star Romance)

  Rock On

  Rock Harder

  Rocking Away

  Always Rocking

  Still Rocking



  Rip It

  Á La Mode

  Chasing Brittan

  Break Down

  Hooker Please

  At Sunrise

  Desert Heat


  To my husband, Kevin, Thank you so much for always being there and taking care of the kids while I locked myself away to write. You have been my rock and without you I would have been lost.

  To my friends, thank you for always understanding my need to be locked away and for always supporting me, lending me an ear, and always encouraging me to push through.

  To my readers, thank you so very much for picking up my book and taking a chance on me. Without you I wouldn’t be here, pouring out my thoughts and bleeding the words onto the paper. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

  Most of all, Thank you to my wife, Tasha. You have been my rock for the past year. I can’t imagine a day without you in my life!!! You have been there by my side encouraging me to continue, cheering me on as I continue to work and keeping me on track when all I want to do is read. I love you to the moon and back.

  About The Author

  A. D. Herrick was born and raised in Southern California though currently resides in Birmingham, Alabama with her husband, 3 children, 2 dogs and 2 cats. Though she was born and raised in the big city, she is a country girl at heart with a taste for smoldering hot men.




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