Worlds Apart 2: Hunter's Revenge

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Worlds Apart 2: Hunter's Revenge Page 7

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  The cord had come to life, wrapping itself around them, before dissolving beneath their skin all on its own. The one small part that remained between them just seemed to disappear into oblivion.

  Warmth and love filled her at his look. His expressive eyes told her what he felt. She would know, even without the bonds that he would die for her. Why was this happening? She didn’t want this. Her body screamed out for him. Even the atrocities she’d been forced to endure didn’t detract from the attraction she felt when he was near.

  Through their bonds, she knew he was a good man. She knew that he’d never intentionally harmed a woman or child and that he loved his family almost as much as he loved her.

  Her gaze darted around the room. How could he love her when he didn’t even know her? Not really. How could she feel these impossible feelings so soon after her ordeal? What kind of woman was she that she could just accept what happened to her and move on as though nothing had happened? Her skin should crawl at the thought that he would want to touch her in the way those other men had. But something told her it would not be the same with him.

  Hunter moved closer and she moved away, pressing her back against the wall. “It is the bonds, moya. Since we are true mates, we can feel each other’s emotions.” He moved closer, his breath brushing the side of her face. “If you open your mind you can even read my memories—my hopes and my dreams.”

  She closed her eyes. Her feelings, her senses frightened her. His very nearness brought her nipples to hard points, heat moved through her. She couldn’t read him as thoroughly as he said she would. But she could still feel his need to comfort her, even as his body raged at him to make her his.

  “Why do I feel so different?” She couldn’t understand it. It was almost as though there had always been a part of her gone—a part of her missing and when he wrapped the strange band around her wrist, it completed her. She’d never felt lacking before now, but with the bonds uniting them together, she noticed the difference.

  “The sensation you feel is the bonds tying us together, uniting us in the way that only the Manruvian mate bonds can. The longer we are bound to each other, the more of it we will feel. The closer we will get.”

  He pressed even closer and she fought the sense of panic that rose at his nearness. A centimeter closer and his body would be pressed against hers. He wouldn’t hurt her. Intellectually, she knew he would rather die than harm her. She could feel his need to comfort her through their bond, but she’d suffered so many cruelties it was hard to forget so soon.

  “Our connection through the bonds completes us. Makes us one. That is why I said it would be a useful tool when we reach the Black Rose’s home base. If you could complete the bonding ritual, we would even be able to communicate telepathically through the bond. Even over long distances.”

  He reached up and brushed a stray hair from her cheek. She closed her eyes and shivered. Not from fear, or disgust, but from arousal and it shocked her.

  “What if I were taken again? If someone stole me away, would that mean you would know where I am?”

  Hunter moved that last centimeter closer and pressed his body lightly against hers. “I would be able to find you before they could secret you away. I would like to say I could find you before they could violate you again, but I would not have lies between us. However, I would get there in enough time for you to watch them die.”

  He leaned down and inhaled deeply. “Have I ever told you how much I love the way you smell?” His body pressed closer and she felt herself stiffen. “All you need to do is tell me to back away, moya. If anything I say or do hurts or frightens you, just tell me and I will stop immediately.”

  He didn’t frighten her. She frightened herself. How could she feel such want, such desire, when only a few days ago she’d been brutally handled by the Black Rose’s men? She’d learned the woman was his sister, by his own admission. How could one be so good and the other so evil? It was almost as if every moment she spent in his presence, she were waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  “Now that you have seen who I am, will you consent to the mating? Only the true mating will tie us together, bind us to one another in such a way that no one will ever be able to separate us.”

  His breath fanned her ear and heat rushed though her blood to pool in her middle. Her panties grew moist, a sure sign that her body was willing to mate with him, whatever her thoughts and feelings were on the matter.

  She licked her lips, watching as his eyes darkened to a deep jade, so dark they were almost black.

  “Will you mate with me, moya?” his hands slid down her arms, his fingers tangling with hers. “Will you take the chance and accept my love?”

  She gazed down. His erection was so large it threatened to burst the seams of his pants. Yet he still asked her. He kept his touch gentle as his fingers trailed lightly over her skin. She knew he wanted her. She even knew how much. She felt his inner lion raging at him to take her despite her feelings and still he held back, waiting for her acquiescence.

  She looked around the garden he’d taken her to. It was like an indoor greenhouse. It amazed her that the farther they strolled into it, the more beautiful it became. She found herself looking up at the towering trees over their heads, barely realizing when she reached out and took his hand. Their fingers tangled together and she inhaled at the rightness of it. This was right. He was right. If only she could overcome her fears and allow him to do what he wanted.

  “I would never hurt you, Amy. I would stop if you said stop. I swear it.”

  Tears slid down her cheeks and she wondered if she really could have the happiness Eve seemed to have found with Taliff. She glanced over at Hunter, felt his need to have her, his even stronger need to protect her and led him further into the lush green garden.

  They’d gone what seemed a long distance when she led him to a clearing dominated by a pool of glimmering turquoise water so clear, she could see the bottom. Surrounding the pool were marble benches that tempted her to sit while she basked in the tranquil setting. Scattered around in an almost haphazard fashion were flowering bushes with pink and orange blossoms. Between the benches were statues of men and women in various sexual poses, all undressed.

  Even though the whole clearing screamed it was here for sex, for mating, a sense of peace and tranquility washed over her. It was as though she belonged here and someone, something, was welcoming her home.

  Something about the turquoise water of the shimmering pool called to some part of her, something deep within her and she had the overwhelming urge to strip and walk into its soothing depths.

  She turned to look at Hunter. “Can I wade into the pool? Something within me needs to wade, to swim in these waters. Can I?”

  He took her hands in his, bending to kiss them. “Tonight, moya, listen to your instincts in all things. If you wish to bathe, by all means, bathe. If you wish me to join you, you need only to voice your request.”

  He turned around, facing the other direction. “I shall even look the other way as you undress if it makes you more comfortable. Remove your clothing and let the waters of the Goddess wash your tensions away. This night in the pool is your night. If you wish to complete the bond, you merely need to direct me to your wishes. If there is something you wish do to, do it. If there is something you wish to say, say it. In this pool, you are the one in charge.”

  Amy nodded, though he couldn’t see her with his back turned. Quickly, she stripped from her clothing and waded into the pool until the water covered her breasts. Something about being in the pool both relaxed and rejuvenated her. Still, something wasn’t quite right. It was though a part of her was missing.

  Invite him into the pool, Amy. It is your destiny—and his. He will not harm you. In fact he loves you so much already that to harm you would be to harm himself. Invite him into the pool and greet your destiny.

  Amy licked her lips, nervous. What if he hurts me? With the others it always hurt. Fear gripped her at what she was about to do
, about to allow. How do you ignore an instruction from the Goddess herself?

  He will not. The mate bonds make it easy to know your fears, your feelings. As soon as you complete the ritual, he will know exactly what to do to please you. Show him he is mated to a strong woman who will face her fears rather than run from them. Reach out to him and offer to wash him, comfort him.

  Amy looked away and made her offer, unable to watch as he undressed. “Will you join me in the pool, Hunter?”

  It didn’t take long to receive his answer. She heard the unmistakable whisper of his zipper as he shrugged out of his uniform and the rustle of the material landing at his feet.

  She turned to look at him when she was sure that he was in the water deep enough to cover the part of him that frightened her, then realized she hadn’t waited quite long enough.

  He was so tall his hips were still above the water. That part of him she’d hoped to miss, jutted up from a nest of red-gold hair, a drop of clear fluid at its tip. She felt his need to be inside her, to feel her lips wrapped around his shaft. Her face burned at the thought. For now, she’d do as the Goddess suggested and offer to wash him.

  Strangely, she wanted to bathe him with her own hands, feel his flesh beneath her fingers. She could almost feel the rippling of his muscles beneath her fingertips already.

  He moved deeper into the pool, covering that part of him that made her so nervous. For a fleeting moment, she wondered if the waters were drugged some how, but the slight shake of his head told her no. What was happening to her? She actually wanted to seduce this man, to feel his hands and lips on her skin. Why him when so many others had made her shudder with revulsion?

  Remembering the TV shows she’d watched on Earth and how the other women seduced their mates, she used that knowledge to bring Hunter closer.

  She had no sexual experience barring what she’d endured during her captivity. She couldn’t draw from that. According to Eve, that had been an abomination. Sex between two people who loved each other was a beautiful thing, or so she said.

  Amy moved closer. Just close enough to take his hand and lead him into the center of the pool. After reaching the center, she circled him. Stopping behind him, she splashed water on his back, watching as the silver droplets ran down his muscles in rivulets.

  She massaged the water into his shoulders, growing bolder by the minute as he stood and accepted her ministrations. Pulling on his shoulders, she dunked his head beneath the water, rubbing his scalp, massaging his head and rinsing the day’s perspiration from his hair.

  When he turned around, his hair slicked back from his face and the muscles of his chest rippling from her touch, she almost panicked, almost ran from the pool. But, as the Goddess said, she was a strong woman, willing to face that which she feared.

  She could barely believe she was really standing here in this pool with a naked man and not running for her life. Hunter stood so still, he could have been one of the statues surrounding the pool. She wondered at his strength of will to not reach out and grab her and sink his cock into her, willing or not. She knew she was young, relatively pretty and standing quite naked in front of him. Either the man had extraordinary self-control or he truly cared about her. Perhaps even both.

  She washed his chest and stomach, moving lower and lower, stopping just short of his jerking cock. She stared at it for a moment, wondering how much control it took for a man like him to keep his hands to himself. She stole a glance beneath the clear water at his clenched fists. His hands clenched so tightly and his heavy breathing were the only indication she even affected him in any way.

  She wasn’t sure what to do next. She’d washed him, like the Goddess suggested, what was next?

  He washes you, Amy. The Goddess had spoken again, giving her instruction and Amy nodded imperceptibly.

  Turning her back to him, she lowered her head under the water. When she surfaced, his hands gently massaged her scalp, her shoulders, moving down to her back as he washed every inch of her. During his ministrations, he pressed a quick kiss to her shoulder, before moving away. Another quick kiss pressed to the side of her neck, just behind her ear, sent her pulses racing, but not with fear.

  His thumbs found and pressed into the dimples just above her rear, holding her hips in place.

  Fear speared through her. She was certain he would impale her now with no other thought to her pleasure—no other thought to her wants or needs. She relaxed in his arms when he bent his head and pressed an opened mouth kiss to her neck. It was all she could do to keep herself from raising her arm and burying her fingers in his hair. His hands moved from her hips to rove over her stomach, spreading tendrils of desire and warmth in their wake. His hands moved up, gently cupped her breasts and she arched her back, leaning into his gentle kneading. Nothing she’d ever experienced compared to this. Nothing. Hunter may have rough, calloused hands, but they smoothed gently over her skin as he bathed her.

  “Turn around, moya.” Reluctantly, she turned in his arms, part of her waiting for him to laugh at her, another waiting for a rough slap to her face, her breasts. Instead, he surprised her again, by pressing his lips gently to hers, sipping from her mouth as though she were the most fragile of creatures and would break in his arms. “Open for me,” he said, pulling his lips from her mouth then sinking his tongue into her moist depth with a groan when she complied.

  Nothing prepared her for this. Nothing prepared her for the utter worship Hunter bestowed upon her. He kissed every inch of her flesh, caressed every fading bruise, then laved them with his tongue. Then, finally, when she thought it couldn’t get any better, he stroked her nipple with his tongue, pulling the turgid tip into the warmth of his mouth and she cried out. One after the other, he licked, laved and suckled her breasts. His mouth moved between them until she thrashed against him, instinctively knowing there was something more. Something other than pain and degradation and she suddenly wanted Hunter to show her what it was. His mouth moved to hers once again for a long, drugging kiss.

  “Please,” she begged against his lips, not quite knowing what she asked for. “Please, Hunter.” He pressed one last kiss to her lips. It was so full of his love for her, so full of a promise for a bright future she nearly fell to her knees.

  “I offer up my life, and love to you, to do with as you wish. I pledge to worship your body and offer up my own to you to worship and command. I, in turn, accept the same from you. Only to you do I offer my heart and my soul for you to protect or deny. I give all that I am and all that I will ever be to you. Do you accept me and all that I offer, my moyo, my mate?" When the words spilled from her lips she almost fainted with fright. What had she just done? What had she said? Had she just tied herself to this man forever?

  “I accept your offer and extend one of my own.” Hunter reached for her hands and pulled her to the edge of the pool. He looked so happy, how could she even try to take the words back when merely saying them put such a look on his face? She felt his elation and relief that she’d chosen to say the words. Yet, she didn’t remember a choice. Not really.

  He sat her on the edge of the pool and knelt between her knees. She knew what a vulnerable position she was in. She also knew fighting would get her nothing but another beating. So she sat and waited for him to assault her.

  “You really have no trust for me in your heart, do you, moya?” He really looked hurt and Amy almost felt bad for her thoughts.

  He took her hands in his larger ones and repeated his part of the vow, "I accept all that you are and all that you offer me, moya. I offer my life, and love to you, to do with as you wish. I pledge to worship your body and offer up my own to you to worship and command. I in turn accept the same from you. Only to you do I offer my heart and my soul for you to protect or deny. I give all that I am and all that I will ever be to you. Do you accept me and all that I offer, my moya, my mate?"

  Amy waited for a minute, waiting for him to drive his hard shaft in to her, to hurt her as so many others did. When he lowere
d his gaze to the water and began to move away, she knew. That was when she knew she could trust him to never be the way the others were. She laid a trembling hand on his shoulder to stop him from leaving. With a small nod, she accepted his offer and he pulled her into her arms with a groan.

  Soon he was kissing her again, his mouth on hers, sipping gently from her lips. Then he moved lower to her breasts. He laid her gently back on the grassy bank on the edge of the pool and caressed her belly button with his tongue, making her squirm.

  “I know you were taken against your will, moya. I know they didn’t see to your pleasure. I want you to see that love can make all the difference in the world. I do love you, with everything in me and I would prove it to you tonight and every night for the rest of our lives.”

  Then he grabbed her hips, tipped them forward, and buried his head between her legs. Amy let out a scream that had nothing to do with fear or pain.

  Her eyes widened at his sensual assault. Even that was the wrong word. He brought her pleasure beyond belief as his tongue circled her clit. His teeth nibbled gently before he sucked it into his mouth and drew on it with alternating pressure. Thick fingers gently entered her vagina, moving in and out as he suckled her clit.

  Tension built within her, her muscles tightened. Her hands found his head, her fingers tightening in his hair. Never, ever, had she felt anything like this. Her head thrashed in the grass, her body tightening even more before it shattered, splintered into a million shards of light as Hunter took her over the edge of her first orgasm. She called his name, breathlessly, shamelessly. She called his name needing him to give her more. She needed more.

  Her face burned with mortification when she realized she’d begged for more from him. Amy had never felt such intense pleasure before in her life. Withdrawing his fingers from her channel, he smiled up at her, his understanding reflected on his face.

  “You see, moya, it can feel good. Let me show you how good, how much better it can be.” He kissed his way up her body at her nod. Stopping at her chest, he took the time to worship her breasts, before moving up to press his lips against hers and slipping his tongue into her mouth.


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