Worlds Apart 2: Hunter's Revenge

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Worlds Apart 2: Hunter's Revenge Page 8

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  Nervously, she spread her legs again, for the first time in her life, she willingly let a naked man settle himself between her thighs. Fear swamped her for a moment as he positioned himself at her gate. What if it all changed from here? It was a bit late to worry about that now, wasn’t it?

  “Ssh…moya. What you felt before was only the beginning,” Hunter whispered into her ear as he eased the head of his cock into her. “I’ll go slowly, I promise. I’ll be sure to give you your pleasure.” He waited for her body to adjust to him then withdrew and eased forward again, moving his shaft deeper. Reaching down, he pulled her legs up around him.

  Knowing what he wanted, she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “No, moya. Let me show you.” He loosened her legs from around his waist and brought them to her chest. “Don’t be frightened, moya.” He eased back into her, burying himself deep into her channel and she screamed with ecstasy.

  He stopped immediately. “Did I hurt you?” he asked, still holding himself deep inside her, unmoving.

  She shook her head. “No.” She reached up and cupped his face. “For the first time in my life, I want this. I want…I want you, Hunter.”

  “Then you shall have me,” he whispered. As though he had all the time in the world, he began to move again, slowly thrusting and retreating in long, smooth strokes. He filled her up. The fullness bordered on pain, but he wasn’t hurting her, wasn’t pounding into her as her rapists had. Never again would she feel the need to compare him with her attackers.

  She could feel the difference between those acts and this. She could feel the care Hunter took with her, but it wasn’t enough. “Please Hunter, I need more.”

  “I know exactly what you need and before this night ends you will know it too.”

  And with those cryptic remarks, Amy stopped thinking all together, allowing herself to feel the pleasure her mate was doing his best to give her.

  Before long, an unfamiliar fire began to burn in her womb. Pleasure pain ripped through her as her body clenched and released, preparing for something, something powerful and all encompassing.

  “Hunter, I…I…”

  “I know, moya. Feel. Just let yourself go and feel.”

  She could feel his shaft growing thicker and longer inside her as his thrusts grew more urgent, more demanding. The pleasure grew so intense she was sure her heart would beat right out of her chest. Her lungs labored as she gasped for air and gifted him with a long groan of sensual gratification.

  She clutched his hair, tightened her legs against her chest so he could get that much deeper. She arched her back, doing her best to raise her hips to meet his every thrust. That’s when it happened. Every muscle in her body tightened, clenched. Her clit pulsed, throbbed every time his pelvis bumped against it. The muscles of her thighs clenched and the world was forgotten as she tumbled over the edge into oblivion.

  As though he had only waited for her to reach her release, Hunter let go. Sweat dripped from his brow as he labored over her, his hips pistoning in and out in an ever-increasing pace. She came again, screaming his name, her nails scoring his back as he pounded into her once, twice, thrice. Then he too was coming. His cock pulsed inside her as his hot seed splashed against her womb. Her entire body quaked as he rested atop her. His arms were braced above her, even now protecting her from harm as he rested above her trying to catch his breath.

  But even as her body felt deliciously replete she still sensed that something was missing, something had been left undone. Did Hunter feel the same? Was she somehow lacking? Was he disgusted with her?

  You must drink of the Goddess’ Tears, Amy, and have Hunter do the same. Find the chalice and complete the binding ritual, only then will you understand just what you are to each other. Only once you drink of my tears and share your worries and concerns will your healing be complete.

  And to heal I must find the chalice and drink?

  Yes, my child. I would not steer you wrong in this.

  Above her, Hunter grunted. “I must be crushing you, love,” he whispered against her temple. His warm breath against her skin sent another tremor of need racing through her.

  “Hunter, there is still something I must do. Will you show me where the chalice is?”

  Hunter lifted his head, searched her gaze. “Are you sure, moya? Once you drink from the chalice we will truly be one in heart, mind, body and soul. Even in death we will be tied together. If one of us should die, the other will follow.”

  She licked her lips, nervous at taking such a monumental step, even though it felt right to do so. After only a moments more hesitation, she nodded. “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “Then so be it.”

  Hunter eased himself out of her channel and stood, holding out his hand to her. “The Goddess’ chalice is in the statuary. I shall take you to it.’

  When they reached the clustered statues, she scanned the clearing. Finally, she spotted the one. She knew exactly what she needed to do. With confidence in herself, she approached the statue where a woman held a golden chalice between her alabaster hands. The sculpture beckoned her to accept the offering as water flowed from the cup and pooled in a basin at the woman’s feet in a continuous stream. Yes… That’s what she needed. Exactly what she needed.

  Reverently, she approached the statue. She moved silently, almost as though she was approaching the Goddess Alana herself. Once again, the Goddess whispered in her mind. Drink my tears and purify your hearts. Share my tears and purify your souls.

  Reaching up, she pulled the chalice from the Goddess’ hands and backed up a pace, before turning her back and carrying the golden cup to Hunter who sat patiently on one of the marble benches inside the clearing.

  When Amy reached her mate’s side, she knelt between his outstretched legs and slowly lifted the cup to his lips. “I beseech you to drink of the Goddess’ golden chalice. Let her tears cleanse your heart and heal all your inner wounds.”

  Hunter smiled sweetly at her, love and heat lighting his eyes, then wrapped his hands around hers and tilted his head back. Once he quenched his thirst, he held the cup against her lips.

  With gentleness in his voice and love in his eyes, Hunter repeated her request. “I beseech you to drink of the Goddess’ golden chalice. Let her tears cleanse your heart and heal all your inner wounds,” he whispered. And like he, she tilted her head back and let the cool, clear liquid pour down her throat.

  At once, a rush of emotions overwhelmed her. Joy, excitement, loneliness, sadness, worry, angst, anger. So many emotions and not all of them hers. Tears ran down her face unchecked. Hunter scooted off the bench and knelt in front of her. His strong arms wrapped around her waist before quickly tucking her head beneath his chin. Sshh, moya. Let your tears flow, let your heart open and your wounds heal. I shall be here, holding you when the storm of emotion passes. Never fear, I will always be here for you.

  Amy closed her eyes, enjoying the sound of Hunter’s voice in her mind. She let the pounding of his heart against her cheek soothe her. For the first time in a long, long time, she actually believed in something, in someone. It was a nice feeling to have.

  It is nice, isn’t it? This is how we can communicate if we are separated by choice or design. We will always know where the other is. What the other is feeling, fear, pain, joy.

  She knew what he meant. She could feel his overwhelming joy at their binding. She heard the steady beat of his heart, knew that somehow her heartbeat matched his as well.

  She reached out, put her hand on her chest and managed to look into his eyes. “I don’t know what I feel here,” she put her hand over her heart. “Other than somehow it’s taken on the same steady beat of yours.”

  The high-pitched chime of the ship’s intercom interrupted their conversation. “I apologize for interrupting, Your Highness, but you wanted to be informed if we found a planet matching the description given by our prisoner.”

  “Thank you, Mikel. Do a long-range scan and we’ll take a rendering to our p
risoner to identify. If it’s the correct planet, how long will it take to reach it?”

  “About two days at interstellar light speed, Hunter. Not too long, but still…long enough.”

  Chapter Eight

  As the pair dressed, Amy reached out for Hunter’s hand. “Is there a way we can get a picture of this planet? I’d like to show it to both Chrissie and Maryann.”

  Hunter grinned, pleased beyond words she now felt comfortable enough with him to reach out and touch him. “That’s a great idea. Besides, I know you’ve worried about Maryann since you woke from your healing sleep.”

  She blushed and turned away, obviously uncomfortable with his praise. He liked the way her skin pinked when he complimented her. He needed to remember to do it more often.

  After clasping her hand in his, Hunter led Amy back through the lush garden and headed toward the exit. By the time they reached the door controls, she’d laced her fingers with his.

  “I want to pick up a compu-pad. We can download planet images on it and take it to the women.”

  Amy licked her lips, and gave him a tiny smile. “And where would they hide a computer here in this room?”

  Smiling, Hunter approached the control pad. After keying in his access code, a recessed cabinet opened in the wall to the left of the door and out slid a slim tray with a handheld instrument. The matte silver instrument had a glowing green touch screen. He then lifted the thin electronic pad upright, fastening it into the ridges in the tray. “Computer, download planetary images onto the compu-pad please.”

  “Working. Transfer complete.”

  Amy sidled closer to Hunter. He could feel her desperate desire to see the planet where her family and the others were held captive. He could even feel her confusion over what happened between them, when she’d been certain she would never willingly bear another male’s touch again.

  He shook his head. With Amy so close, his body couldn’t help but respond. His cock, sated minutes before, began to grow hard and ready as her scent enveloped him.

  “Wow. Chrissie is right. Is does seem to have some sort of mystical veil covering it. And the sea-foam green color is shot with swirls of silver and pink. Definitely a good focal point when you need one. I wish…”

  As Amy’s voice drifted off and she looked away. He knew exactly what she wished. She wished she’d had this planet to focus on while her captors raped and tormented her. Hunter could feel her pain twisting through her body, and all he wanted to do was take it into himself, where it could never torture her again.

  Looking down, he noticed he held the device so tightly, only a miracle kept it from shattering in his hands. “Shall we go visit our prisoner and see if this is the planet she’d focused on so many times?” He needed to get her mind off what happened to her. He knew she would never forget her ordeal but he needed to know that she would eventually be able to overcome most of her fears.

  Hunter couldn’t shake the idea that what happened to her was all his fault. If he hadn’t sent Taliff out looking for more women, if he hadn’t ordered him to bring women home—especially Lionese women—the Black Rose wouldn’t have had a ship-full of females to steal. She would never have gotten a hold of Myra and subsequently the coordinates of Amy’s home planet and returned to steal even more women, either.

  His greatest fear was that when his mate finally decided to probe his mind, his memories, she would see what part he’d played in her abduction—what part he’d had in the endless abuse she’d suffered while in the clutches of the beasts who called themselves, ‘The New Hope’.

  Beside him, Amy tensed. Maybe she sensed his inner turmoil, or maybe the prospect of seeing her former friend made her edgy, either way, he wanted her at ease. “Yes, let’s take this to Chrissie, but I’d like to check on Maryann first.”

  “The woman you helped rescue?”

  “Yes, she’s human. Her mother was human, a widow when a male from our pack met Maryann’s mother and mated her. So, she couldn’t shift on the mountain even if she wanted to. She knows our ways, our customs, and I treat her as I would my own sister, but others in the pack tormented her as she grew and didn’t develop the same skills and abilities as her peers.”

  Hunter ran his hand down his mate’s back in soothing strokes. “Then I can do no less than what you’ve done. She’ll be under my protection and that of my family until she decides what she wants to do with her life.”

  Hunter hung his head as shame filled him. Since taking Amy to the medical bay upon arriving on the ship, all his thoughts, his entire focus, centered on her. And since she woke, he hadn’t even thought about the other women they’d rescued. What kind of man did that make him? What kind of leader?

  As though she sensed his thoughts, and perhaps she did, Amy reached out and lightly ran her hand down his arm. Goose bumps rose atop his flesh and his body tightened once again in need. Goddess, he’d never get enough of her.

  “Yes, Maryann first, then Chrissie.” She hesitated, then after quickly licking her lips spoke again. “Afterward, would you mind if we spent some time alone getting to know each other better?” Amy worried her bottom lip and his cock twitched. He had to focus him attention back on what his mate was saying before he completely lost control of his wayward body and jumped her here and now. “I’d like to learn about the man I’ve taken to mate.”

  “Of course.” How could he refuse such a simple request of him when he wanted exactly the same thing?

  You can’t, moyo.

  His gaze snapped to her mouth where an impish smile tilted up the corners of her lips. His heart clenched as he realized she’d purposely used their new mate-bond to speak to him.

  You honor me—honor us—by using our bond to speak your thoughts and to learn mine. I hope you feel you can trust me once you learn all that you do.

  “What do you mean, Hunter?”

  Hunter shook his head. “I will not influence you or what you’ll see when you look into my memories. All I will say was the decisions I made as High King of Chantrea were made to benefit Chantrea and our people. I only wish I could have foreseen the consequences my decisions would bring”—and he knew they hadn’t seen all of them…yet.

  After slowly stroking Amy’s back one more time, he slowly stepped away, tucking the compu-pad inside the inner pocket of his uniform jacket. “Now how about we track down your friend Maryann and see how she’s faring?”

  Amy nodded then cleared her throat. “Sounds good. I’m ready whenever you are.”


  “Yes, Prince Shi’Lan?”

  “Where would we find the rescued female called Maryann?”

  “Maryann Wilson is in the botanical gardens on deck eighteen.”

  “Thank you, Computer. If anyone is looking for us, please direct them to that location.”

  “Understood, Prince Shi’Lan.”

  After giving his mate a short bow, Hunter held out his elbow, inviting her to take it. Instead, Amy blushed prettily and reached for his hand, twining their fingers together. “Together, let’s talk to her together.”

  Giddier than he could ever remember feeling, Hunter squeezed Amy’s hand and led her out of the Chantrean Mating Garden, praying the rest of his courtship with his mate continued to go this smoothly.

  * * * *

  As they walked down the corridor hand-in-hand Amy couldn’t help but wonder just how Hunter managed to become so important to her. When she took the time to think about it, there should be no way that she’d allow his touch, welcome it in fact. But after the bonding ceremony, she couldn’t help but crave his touch, desire his closeness.

  She felt like two different people. The frail tortured women Hunter rescued, and now the semi-confident woman that is Hunter’s mate. She could actually feel his confidence in her, feel his belief in her strength and courage and it empowered her. His belief in her made her want to prove him right, and gave her the strength to fight her insecurities. She’d need all her courage and strength in the coming days i
f they were to rescue her people and defeat the Black Rose.

  As they rounded the corner, Amy pulled Hunter to a stop. “What is that?” she asked, pointing toward the tiny creature cowering in one of the doorways.

  Hunter shook his head and chuckled. “It seems that one of my niece’s pets has gotten loose. That’s a Durling. It’s a cross between a cat and a fluff bunny. It’s as round and fluffy as an Earth bunny without the long ears but purrs and pounces like a kitten though it has just a tiny nub for a tail.”

  “I assume it’s harmless then?”

  Chuckling, Hunter dropped to his knees and slowly crawled toward the frightened creature. You can say that. The only harm he will do is to your clothes when he’s upset. He tends to lose control of his bladder when stressed.

  Amy snorted but kept her gaze focused on Hunter’s ass as he continued to crawl down the length of the corridor. His uniform pants pulled tight across his bottom outlining his tight buttocks to perfection. She had to bite her lip to keep from saying something crude. She couldn’t believe the change that had come over her in just one day. Could Hunter have put some sort of spell on her, or drugged her compliance in some way? It must have something to do with the mate bonds. Perhaps the mate bonds made her feel that way.

  She shook her head. No. No, he couldn’t have. Besides, the mate bonds worked both ways. He knew what she was thinking, feeling, just as she knew what he was. She’d feel his duplicity, his sense of guilt, through the bond, and she sensed none of that. All she felt from him was his need for revenge on her behalf and his overwhelming feelings of love and compassion for her. How could she continue to hold herself back from him, knowing how he felt about her? She couldn’t.

  With that realization, something inside her eased. Instead of waiting for something bad to happen, she’d be proactive. She’d dive into her own psyche. She’d build herself up both mentally and physically by speaking with the healers and working out in the exercise room. She wanted to come to Hunter, to her mate, as whole as she could.


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