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The Prison Of Ice & Shadows (Prophecies Of Fate Book 2)

Page 27

by T J Mayhew

“Where’s Nimue?” Mordred asked. “Will she join us later?”

  Morgan shook her head. She looked to the battlefield where the sound of fighting had faded. “We must be gone from here,” she instructed Mordred, her voice urgent.

  On hearing shouts, Cai glanced behind and spotted a group of men charging towards them; hope flared within him. If he could stall for time, he would have back up. “If you think I’m going to just let you go, you’ve got another think coming,” he declared, attempting to sound braver than he actually felt.

  Mordred laughed in disbelief. “Do you really plan on attacking all three of us?” He glanced at his companions. “A powerful sorceress and two Knights of the Round Table?”

  Now it was Cai’s turn to laugh. “Neither of you are worthy of being Knights of the Round Table,” he declared, glaring at them.

  Mordred frowned. “Maybe not,” he conceded and, indicating himself and Logan, he continued, “but we did both manage to fool the ‘so-called’ King at the time; you really are every bit as gullible as your father was.”

  Cai growled as he ran at Mordred determined to run him through but, as he raised his sword to attack, the night exploded into flames and Cai was thrown backwards, landing several feet away. Stunned, he watched, helplessly, as the flames above gathered to become a sword of fire that immediately swooped down, slashing him across the chest. He screamed, writhing in agony, as his body was engulfed by pain; he struggled to fight against it but, with every move, his pain only intensified.

  He felt the strength leave his body and, as his eyes began to close, a shadowy figure descended upon him. Struggling to breathe, he felt himself pushed backwards and was left with no choice but to surrender…

  He was tired; too tired to care, too tired… Mordred… Logan… He was so tired. He needed to sleep…

  He closed his eyes, as the pain started to fade; the war was over...

  He could sleep now...


  The Cup awaits… every day the call gets stronger.

  I hear it in my dreams… I feel its power.

  But I am not naïve; I know that, in time, my enemies will join the hunt but, for now, the advantage is mine. And, with the boy’s true allegiance finally revealed, I can, at last, claim it for myself.

  Every day brings me closer and, with it, finally, in my grasp, I will win this war; the power locked within, will bring them all to their knees…

  They will yield to me and I shall finally fulfil my destiny and become the true High King of Britain.

  Let the search begin…

  If you enjoyed THE PRISON OF ICE & SHADOWS, here’s an exclusive excerpt of


  The Cup Of Destiny - Excerpt

  Flames engulfed him, searing into his flesh, blistering his skin. He stared at their grinning faces, their laughter echoing in his ears, fading, as he lost all sense of where he was...

  ...A dark shadow passed over him, lifting him up, away from the pain, the unbearable pain... Warmth suddenly spread through him, comforting him, easing his suffering...

  ...Anxious voices, full of doubt and confusion, pierced his consciousness. One voice rose above the rest: deep, commanding, nearer to him now. Once more, the comforting warmth enveloped him as the voices began to fade, becoming indistinguishable from one another, blurring into the background…

  Until he knew no more...

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  Also by T J Mayhew

  The Prophecies of Fate series

  The Book Of Legend

  Exclusive to Mailing List

  Fire And Ice

  A Morgan le Fay short story

  About the Author…

  TJ’s love of writing began when she wrote her first story at the age of thirteen. But life soon took over and TJ trained for a ‘proper job’ as a teacher. She has been teaching for ten years now and, during that time, had written as a hobby with her best friend before finally having the idea for the Prophecies of Fate series, three years ago. As well as the Prophecies of Fate series, TJ also has plans for other series in the pipeline.

  TJ lives in the south-east of England and, when she isn’t writing, can be found spending time with friends and family, reading, visiting sites of historical interest, hiking in the British countryside and watching any number of TV shows and movies.

  TJ can be found at, where you can signup to her mailing list to receive updates about forthcoming projects and news. Alternatively, email her at: or contact her on Facebook and Twitter: @tjmayhewauthor.




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