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Soul of the Wildcat

Page 5

by Devyn Quinn

  Exasperation drained from Jesse’s intelligent gaze, replaced with compassion. “I’m sorry,” he said. “Maybe I’ll try to explain it another time. When we’re not so stressed.”

  Dakoda snorted. “Maybe I’ll try to listen.”

  Jesse shot her a frown. “There’s no need to be a snotty bitch. You’re not the only one locked in this place.”

  She considered his statement. No matter where he’d come from, there were now two of them. Her mind set to ticking. “So we’ve got two heads, and two sets of hands. Maybe between us we can figure out how to get the hell out of here before those assholes come back.”


  Slipping off the bunk, Dakoda prowled the cell, running her hands through the cracks in the walls, then testing the door. The outlaws had a tried-and-true method for locking them inside. They’d simply shut the door, which opened outward, and slid a thick slab of planking across its face. The staples fixed into both sides of the door assured it would remain shut.

  Damn. Crude, but effective.

  She groaned. So much for the idea of escape. “I think we’re going to be stressed for a pretty long time,” she observed dryly. “They’ve got us locked in tight.”

  Arms folded across his chest, Jesse nodded with resignation. “And guarded,” he added. “Make no mistake. Rusty’s out there, and he’s got his rifle loaded.”

  Dakoda winced. At the mention of Rusty and his shotgun, she decided to change the subject. “Would be nice if you could turn into something else,” she commented, allowing herself a mordant smile. “Something smaller.”

  The look on Jesse Clawfoot’s face said she was an idiot. “A cougar’s the best I can do, and that’s still a tough one for me. I’ve only just learned how a few years ago.” His lips curled. “If it helps, I’d give my eyeteeth to be able to do a cobra and slither on out of here. I’d lay one nasty bite on those fuckers.”

  She frowned. “I suppose you’re lucky you can shift.”

  Jesse rolled his eyes. “Oh, yeah. I just love being hunted by assholes like the crazy bunch outside. It’s bad when the Indian still has to bend over and take it up the ass in this day and age. Destroy our people, take our land, mock our heritage. And what are we left with? Fucking casinos and Kachina dolls.”

  His words delivered a spiteful kick, rightfully deserved.

  Guilt tugged at her conscience. “I’d like to say I understand, but I don’t. I have no clue who my people were. I don’t even know who my father was. What I do know is your people have a right to survive without fear of being hunted into extinction. As a ranger, that’s my job and I want to do it. If I ever get out of here alive, I will see those men brought to justice.”

  Jesse snorted, his disgust apparent through his chilly, distant gaze. “That’s awfully generous of you,” he snapped. “But I think we’ve had enough of paleface justice.”

  Dakoda felt heat creep into her cheeks. “You might have noticed I’m not so pale,” she said slowly. She pointed to her hand. “My skin may be light, but it’s still brown.” She pointed to her head. “And there’s no mistaking this black hair has more than a little kink in it.”

  He immediately brightened. “I did notice. You’re such a pretty shade, like toasted almonds. Your parents must be handsome people.”

  Great. He’d just compared her to a nut.

  She narrowed her eyes, staring him down. The one thing she definitely didn’t like to discuss were her parents. Neither of them. “My mother is dead,” she said stiffly. “And the only thing I can guess about my father was that he was a dark-skinned man. My mother didn’t discriminate when it came to spreading her legs. To her a cock was a cock, no matter the color.”

  Jesse slowly stood up. “Then you know nothing of your heritage, of your people?” he asked, casting a look that engulfed her from head to toe. Considering he’d been wearing fur earlier, the fact he now wore nothing jarred. Long and lean, his nude body rippled with muscle. Power. Nestled amid a thatch of tight black curls, his penis was impressive even when flaccid.

  Dakoda tried not to stare at him as she wiped a layer of sweat off her forehead. She couldn’t help it, though. Her body stiffened in instant response as her gaze skimmed every inch. The dim glow from the lantern on the table caressed his burnished skin. Light and shadow danced together, emphasizing his broad shoulders, the ripples of his chest and abdomen and the length of his muscular legs. Obsidian waves shimmered around his face.

  Forcing herself to think about anything but how good he looked, she slowly shook her head. “No. Nothing. My mother never said who he was or where he might have come from. I don’t even have a name.” She inwardly cringed as the words left her mouth. She rarely discussed her parents, yet here she was, spilling her guts. How was it they’d gone from strangers to sharing personal intimacies in such a short amount of time?

  Jesse stepped toward her, his face intent. “That must be tough, not knowing who your people are—” He reached out, caressing her cheek with the tips of his fingers. “Or where you belong in this world.”

  Dakoda’s stomach fluttered, her nerves doing a quick little flip. She wanted his hands all over her, wherever there was skin to be caressed.

  Something about Jesse attracted her like a magnet. Whether he was conscious of the fact or not, his appeal, his sensuality oozed from every pore. Her pulse fluttered in her throat. She licked dry lips, uncomfortably conscious of her physical reaction to his presence. That same searing primal heat she’d felt earlier in the day, when she’d first spied the cougar. This man had everything she liked in a man; the looks, the build, and the smoking hot body.

  Dakoda swallowed over the lump forming in her throat. “It is,” she whispered, mesmerized by his touch. “I’ve always wished I knew…” she shook her head. “Something. Anything at all would help.”

  Taking a deep breath, she couldn’t fail to notice the exotic musk of his scent. An image of their bodies locked together in carnal embrace flashed across her mind’s screen. As she saw it he was on top, pinning her hands down, conquering her as his hips sank between her spread thighs. Heartbeat taking on a faster rhythm, her teeth clenched. She almost felt his cock—the center of his male power—invading her eager sex with a single hard thrust…

  Unexpectedly, Jesse bent forward, lips brushing her forehead. “I’ll help you find your way,” he murmured. She could feel need emanating off his body in waves.

  Dakoda pulled back, the nearness of his lips threatening to turn smoldering desire into a full-fledged wildfire. Her skin flushed hot, her clit pulsing. The very power of his presence made her palms slick with sweat. “That’s not the way to help me,” she breathed, confused by all the undesirable feelings he’d stirred up inside her with just a touch.

  Gaze darkening, Jesse stepped back. “Sorry,” he started to say. “I went too far.”

  Nerves more than jangled, Dakoda pressed a hand against her chest. “It’s not you,” she stammered, trying to make amends. “For a moment I just got a little scared, you know?” Sweating heavily, she fanned her flushed cheeks with a hand. Damn. There was nothing worse than a hot flash brought on by sexual desire. A barefoot walk on the surface of the sun would be cooler.

  Jesse sucked in a long breath. “I know what you feel, Dakoda,” he said softly. “I want you to know I would never hurt you.”

  Dakoda squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, not really wanting to think of the implications behind his words. “I can’t believe this is happening. It’s too unreal to even be believed.” She opened her eyes, gazing around the narrow space. “I mean, look at where we are. We’re locked up, for God’s sake. And—” Her voice wavered. “And I just met you and all I can think about is having sex with you. How freaking fucked up is that?”

  He studied her, intrigued. “I don’t think it’s messed up at all,” he said, smiling easily. “Haven’t you ever just looked at someone and felt an instant spark of attraction?”

  Dakoda tilted her head up to look at him. Her head barely came
to the level of his shoulder. Her own willowy five-ten height couldn’t even begin to match his. “I feel it,” she admitted softly. Every time she looked at him her core began to simmer with yearning. “Too much so. And that scares me more than you could ever know.”

  Like a magnet, she thought. It’s like I’m being pulled toward him, whether or not I want to go.

  Jesse slid a hand under her chin, tipping back her head. “We won’t do anything you don’t want to, Dakoda.” A deep shudder shook his body. “Though I’ll have to admit that’s going to be damn hard.”

  Dakoda didn’t answer. The entire day had left a raw wound on her psyche, and she wasn’t prepared to deal with anything more complicated than finding a way out. Alive and in one piece would be preferable. Her physical attraction to her fellow prisoner was another obstacle she just couldn’t handle at the moment.

  A sudden twinge of pressure throbbed behind her eyes. “Let’s not make this more complicated than it already is,” she finally said, reaching up and rubbing at her aching temples.

  Jesse eased back, putting a little distance between their bodies. “I get what you’re saying.”

  Turning away, he snagged one of the blankets off the bunk. “I think this might help.” He deftly wrapped it around his waist, tucking it in at the hip so it would stay in place. “Now let’s see what we can do about getting out of here.”

  The distraction temporarily averted, he set to reexamining the chinks in the cell’s walls. Unfortunately his conclusion was the same as hers. The space separating the thick logs forming the walls of their cell was less than an inch wide. Not much for ventilation at all. And unless they could both somehow turn into pancakes and slide through the chinks, no chance of getting away, either.

  In other words, they were up shit creek without a paddle.

  His hands dropped in defeat. “Looks like we’re going to be staying in tonight,” he observed wryly.

  Dakoda’s bowels knotted. The unbidden rise of tears blurred her vision. She blinked her eyes hard, sending them away. Damned if she’d cry now. “I don’t think I can take much more of this.” She wiped her hands over her face, before pressing the heels into her eyes and rubbing hard. Her hands dropped. “There’s got to be a way out of this mess.”

  Jesse made a sound just this side of a snarl, as though the cougar in him wanted to emerge. “I’ve been thinking about that since I stepped into the trap those assholes sprung on me.” He shot her a glance. “I have to admit I was mighty glad to see the rangers coming.”

  Dakoda took a few quick breaths, fighting to pull herself back together. Having a nervous breakdown just this minute definitely wasn’t going to help matters one bit. She needed to stay calm, cool, and collected. She needed to keep her head on straight, and stop sneaking peeks at Jesse Clawfoot’s fabulous body. She was supposed to be freeing him, not fucking him.

  Though I wouldn’t mind the fucking at all.

  Dakoda immediately stomped down the thought. Being locked up was distracting enough without having stray fantasies about her fellow captive pop into her head every ten seconds. Looking at him was like putting a shot of straight hundred-proof whiskey on an empty stomach. Intoxicating.

  She’d better get a grip on control. Now. Resist the idea of making love to him. It wouldn’t be right. Moreover, it wouldn’t be professional. She was a ranger, for God’s sake. Her job was to protect the endangered species, not molest it.

  Dakoda reluctantly cleared her throat. “Unfortunately, the Barnett brothers weren’t so happy we showed up.” She shook her head. “I honestly thought we had them. All the time we were tracking them, we had no idea they had backup.”

  Jesse grimaced and rubbed his injured forehead. “Yeah, well, the inbred brothers are sneaky like that. Rusty’s always got their back.”

  Dakoda snickered, glad for a bit of humor to lighten the heavy load they both carried. “Inbred brothers. I like that.” She’d believe it, too. “So crazy runs in the family?”

  Jesse’s hand dropped. “Sure does. These guys know no boundaries, either. If bad is to be done, they will be the ones doing it.”

  “Such a charming bunch.” She frowned. “Is it true we’re being sold?”

  Jesse sighed “Yes. And I suspect where we’ll wind up isn’t anyplace good.”

  Dakoda felt the air drizzle out of her lungs. “Then they know you’re more than just a cougar—what you can do?”

  Jesse swallowed hard, then answered. “Unfortunately, they do,” he spat out bitterly. “The poachers sell us to collectors, people who want unusual animals for private zoos.” His mouth turned down. “Or to those who want animalistic lovers.” He laughed shortly, but with little amusement. “I guess one thing we can be grateful for is they don’t kill us off for our pelts, teeth, and claws. Those poor damn bears don’t have a chance.”

  Dakoda just stared at him, trying to fathom the reality behind his words. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know uncommon objects were valuable on the black market, all highly prized by collectors. People made treks all over the world in pursuit of objects their hearts desired. Were willing to do anything, spend any amount, to make the dream of owning the rare prize a reality.

  Imagine wanting a person who could shift into an animal. What an exceptional trophy that would be. To possess something so unique would be like having the keys to evolution itself…

  A human being who could shift into an animal’s form. Live as an animal. Breathe as an animal. Be an animal.

  What an extraordinary gift.

  Dakoda’s pulse raced with each jarring beat of her heart. “These men have to be stopped. What they’re doing is wrong on every level.”

  Jesse Clawfoot speared her with a narrow look. “I’d have to agree on every level,” he said wryly. “Except we’ve got one problem: we’re the prisoners, not the other way around.”

  Dakoda tossed up her hands in exasperation. “But there has to be a way out of this mess for both of us. As long as we’re breathing, we’re alive. And as long as we’re alive, there’s hope.”

  Jesse took a step toward the wall and closed his eyes. “I’m afraid hope is wearing pretty thin for my kind.” He rubbed a hand against his forehead. “Our tribe numbers less than seventy. Those who remember the old ways are dying off. Add in the fact that more than a few tribe members have just vanished.” He snapped his fingers. “Just like that, they’re gone.”

  Dakoda felt a tug around her heartstrings. “Captured and sold off, no doubt.”

  Hand dropping, Jesse nodded. “It’s a given we males have to roam far and wide to establish our own territory and find mates. That’s why I was off the reservation. Through the last few months I could have sworn I’d scented a female.”

  Dakoda felt her pulse quicken. “You mean one of your race?”

  Jesse nodded. “Yes. I’d just gotten a fresh track on her when I stepped into a trap.” He lifted a hand, showing the deep rope burn around his wrist. “At least it wasn’t one of those claw-tooth traps. I’d have lost my hand for sure.”

  “That means you lost her, I suppose.”

  Jesse angled his head, sending a spill of black hair down his shoulders. His hair brushed the tips of his flat male nipples. Dakoda couldn’t help but wonder how those tips would taste under her circling tongue.

  Suddenly unable to look at her, he glanced away. “No, I’m pretty sure she’s still nearby.” The tension was thickened between them. He seemed to want to say more, but was holding himself back.

  A funny sensation began at the nape of Dakoda’s neck. Every time she took a breath, the musk emanating from Jesse Clawfoot’s skin teased her. That in turn caused familiar warmth to pool between her thighs, making the crotch of her cotton panties uncomfortably sticky.

  More images flashed across her mind’s screen as she imagined the raw, sensual pleasure she’d feel when he sank his cock into her eager sex. From the moment she’d laid eyes on him in his human form, the notion of having sex with him had popped into her h
ead more than once.

  Thinking about it is one thing, she warned herself. Doing it is another.

  As though able to discern her every carnal notion, Jesse slowly lifted his head. “And she’s definitely in heat,” he added softly.

  Heat. To become excited emotionally or physically.

  That definitely described her state of mind.

  Unaccountably thirsty, Dakoda picked up one of the bottles of water off the table. Cracking it open, she took a deep swallow of the tepid liquid. She had a feeling she knew where this was going. “I hope you’re not going to say what I think you are,” she half croaked.

  Jesse’s black gaze homed in on hers. “You’re one of the Tlvdatsi, Dakoda,” he breathed out in sudden confession. “You’re the female I’ve been tracking.”


  Shock pulsed through Dakoda, a dismay so sharp she had to fight the nausea rising from her gut. She gulped. “Surely, you’re joking.” She shook her head adamantly, feeling nothing but the cold refusal to believe. Suddenly a new twist had been tossed into the equation, adding an entirely new level to their captivity.

  She shook her head, unwilling to accept. “That doesn’t even make any sense,” she countered. “How can you even say I’m one of your kind?”

  “Unfortunately, I do know.”

  Dakoda folded her arms protectively across her chest, as if the move could somehow shield her from the truth. “How?” she demanded.

  Jesse gave a quick, rueful smile, tapping his nose with a single finger. “There’s a scent, a pheromone, which a female gives off. Most people don’t notice it, as it takes a keen sense of smell to recognize.”

  “I have an odor?” Dakoda pulled a face. “Oh, yuck. How disgusting.” She lifted one arm, giving her pit a quick sniff. Oh,

  yeah, she stank. No doubt about it. A groan filtered past her lips.


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