Maid Service

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Maid Service Page 6

by Peter Birch

  Alice and Christine were immediately obvious, playing on the wings, also Emerald, captaining the same team with her full bottom straining against the seat of her white gym knickers. The captain of the other team was a tall girl with an athletic figure and a tumble of tawny blonde curls, perhaps not as overtly feminine as some of the other girls, but with an air of confident superiority that made him long to bring her to heel.

  “Vicky Trent?” he asked, pointing out the tall girl.

  “Yes,” Tiffany answered. “How did you know?”

  “She looks as if she’d be Head Girl, that’s all,” Peter replied. “Do you think we could have her on the receiving end instead? I’d love to see her spanked.”

  “Vicky?” Tiffany said, shocked. “Never! Nobody would dare.”

  “I would,” Peter replied. “But never mind, let’s stick to what’s practical. Go and talk to her when the game’s over, but try not to be too obvious about it or we might arouse suspicions. It’s vital nobody suspects that you gave her the idea for the spanking contest.”

  “Yes, of course,” Tiffany replied. “She’ll want to talk to me anyway, because I was supposed to be playing.”

  “Won’t you get into trouble?”

  “I got a note from the under matron, she’s a mug.”

  The game was soon over and Tiffany trotted confidently out from among the trees, leaving Peter to watch as she spoke first to the nun who had been referee for the game, then to Vicky. Emerald’s team had won and were gathered together in an excited huddle, but most of the others made straight for the changing rooms and Tiffany had soon managed to get Vicky alone. The tall girl’s face looked puzzled as she came towards the woods, but she was nodding and greeted Peter with the same casual confidence she’d shown on the playing field.

  “So you’re Tiffs’ mysterious boyfriend, are you?” she asked, looking him up and down. “Not bad, I suppose. A bit scruffy, maybe, but not bad.”

  Peter felt himself start to bridle at her remark but he forced a smile and extended his hand.

  “Peter Finch, pleased to meet you,” he said.

  “Vicky Trent,” she answered, accepting his hand after no more than an instant of hesitation. “Tiffs tells me you’ve got a money making scheme on the go?”

  “Yes,” Peter told her and began to explain his plans.

  Vicky listened, first looking surprised and a bit annoyed, but not shocked, and as Peter carried on his initial embarrassment began to fade. She shrugged as he finished, gave Tiffany a searching look, then turned back to him.

  “You’re a dirty pervert, do you know that?” she demanded. “But yes, I can see it would work, done the right way. Only, you have to let me do the organizing and I get half the money.”

  “One third,” Peter pointed out. “There are three of us.”

  “Half,” Vicky insisted. “I’m the one taking the risks. If I get caught that means the cane, six strokes in front of assembly, maybe twelve. You do realize I’m Head Girl?”

  “Yes,” Peter admitted, “but still …”

  “And another thing, I’m not dressing up as a penguin.”

  “But that’s essential,” Peter protested. “It’s supposed to be a genuine punishment, from the nuns.”

  “That’s not going to work,” Vicky retorted. “I can tell the girls it’s a competition for cash and they’ll take a spanking, and maybe I could explain why I was dressed like a penguin. But if we got caught I’d get two dozen strokes of the cane in assembly, bare bottom, and I’d get expelled.”

  “That’s awkward …” Peter admitted, trailing off as he tried to think of a way around the problem, only for Vicky to carry on talking before he could come up with anything.

  “You can explain it’s a Head Girl’s punishment. They’ll believe that, and it will explain why the girls aren’t all that reluctant too, because I’m sure all you perverts over at Broadfields think we’re in and out of each other’s knickers all day long. So I want half the money, and I want to do the spanking as well.”

  “I thought Rosa …”

  “We don’t need Rosa.”

  “I want it done a certain way,” Peter persisted, “with one nun to pull the girls’ knickers down and another to do the spanking. That way there’s plenty to see.”

  Vicky gave him a look of disgust and shook her head.

  “You get to see the spankings, and that’s more than enough for a bunch of little perverts like you. But don’t worry, it’ll be knickers down, and I’ll make them do time in the corner, you know, bare bottom to the room and hands on their heads.”

  “That’s great,” Peter went on, still obstinate. “But I want the girls’ knickers pulled down first, like a sort of pageant line. So they’re paraded with their bottoms bare while they’re waiting for their spankings, then spanked, then sent to line up against the wall. And I want to see everything, so you’re to make sure the girls’ legs are open while they’re spanked.”

  “You really are a pervert, aren’t you?” Vicky answered.

  “I don’t piss on girls in the shower,” Peter answered, taking a chance that Tiffany’s fantasy had been at least partially based on truth.

  Vicky went scarlet instantly, casting a furious glance at Tiffany, then spoke to Peter once more.

  “Okay, if that’s the way you want it, how about having the girls pull each other’s knickers down before they go over my lap?”

  “Alright,” Peter agreed, intrigued. This idea seemed likely to be just as shameful for the girls as his own idea had been, even if the situation seemed to be slipping slightly out of his control. “I’ll leave the rest of the details to you, but if any of the girls I mentioned won’t do it, you have to find a substitute. A pretty one.”

  Vicky nodded briefly before rounding on Tiffany.

  “You little sneak! Some things are secret, really secret!”

  “I … I was only playing!” Tiffany stammered. “You shouldn’t have said anything, Peter! Sorry, Vicky, but …”

  “You will be,” Vicky assured her. “Now come here.”

  “No, Vicky, please, not in front of Peter, please!” Tiffany babbled, backing hastily away.

  “Come. Here.” Vicky repeated, her voice firm and commanding. “You know the rules.”

  “Rules?” Peter asked, intrigued and fascinated by what was about to happen for all his instinct to defend Tiffany.

  “What girls do together is supposed to be private,” Tiffany said weakly. “Sorry, Vicky, I am really am, but couldn’t you do me later?”

  “Don’t be prissy,” Vicky told her. “You know you’ve got it coming to you, and I bet he’s seen plenty already, you little show-off. Now come here!”

  Tiffany was red faced and looked ready for tears, finally prompting Peter into action.

  “Maybe she doesn’t want to be spanked?”

  “Who said anything about her being spanked?” Vicky retorted. “She’s going to get that anyway, isn’t she, when your dirty little scheme comes off.”

  “What are you going to do?” Peter asked in horrified fascination. “Not …”

  “That’s right, I’m going to pee on her,” Vicky told him. “What, are you shocked? You seemed to think that girls did this sort of thing all the time? Come here, Tiffs, you know you deserve this.”

  “You don’t have to let her, not if you don’t want to,” Peter said, but Tiffany shook her head.

  “I do deserve it, but not here, please, Vicky! I’ll be all sticky and smelly, and what if the penguins catch me trying to get in? What am I supposed to say, that I wet myself, all over?”

  “You should have thought of this before you told your boyfriend a secret like that,” Vicky answered. “It’s not like it’s just kissing or playing strip, is it? That was special, Tiffany!”

  “I thought you did it to punish her?” Peter put in. “But look

  “You stay out of this,” Vicky told him. “But no, it wasn’t a punishment, it was something between Tiffany and me, something I didn’t want getting out to a load of dirty minded boys!”

  She looked ready to cry and Peter found himself shrugging uncomfortably, realizing that his cock was now a solid, aching bar within his pants, as he responded.

  “I’ll keep it secret, I promise,” he said. “Word of honor.”

  Vicky gave him a doubtful look, but when she spoke again it was to Tiffany.

  “Okay, I’ll do it in your mouth and you can swallow, but you’re not getting off.”

  “In her mouth?” Peter asked weakly.

  Both girls ignored him, Tiffany shame-faced and shaking as she got slowly down to her knees in the leaf mold, Vicky with her hands on her hips and her nose stuck in the air, although she too was trembling.

  “Clothes off,” Vicky ordered as Tiffany turned wide, frightened eyes up to her. “Or you can leave them on, but they’ll probably get wet. If anything drips down your tits you can mop it up with your knickers.”

  “I don’t have any on,” Tiffany answered, quickly lifting the front of her skirt to give a flash of the exposed, downy triangle between her thighs.

  “You little minx!” Vicky laughed. “Going to meet your boyfriend with no knickers on under your skirt?”

  “I had knickers,” Tiffany protested. “I lost them.”

  “Oh and I can just imagine how!” Vicky answered. “Come on then, out of your clothes.”

  Peter had given up trying to intervene, feeling painfully excited but somewhat helpless as Tiffany began to strip, removing first her blouse and skirt, then her bra, to leave her in nothing but neat black shoes and long white school socks. Vicky also watched, the expression on her face growing ever more smug as Tiffany shed her clothes, and speaking only when the kneeling girl was fully naked.

  “Get behind me,” Vicky ordered Peter. “I don’t want you seeing anything you shouldn’t. Okay, Tiffs, open wide.”

  Peter obeyed automatically, with no more than a twinge of regret for being denied a glimpse of Vicky’s sex. The view was quite pretty anyway, with Vicky’s two full cheeks tight in her bottle green gym knickers as she pushed her belly out into Tiffany’s face. He swallowed as he ducked down to get a still better view, scarcely able to believe that the two girls could do anything so utterly filthy. If Tiffany felt the same it was difficult to tell, as her eyes were now closed and her pretty mouth opened in meek acceptance of what was about to happen to her. Vicky was no less reticent, stepping out of her gym knickers to expose herself and, in doing so, revealing to Peter the globes of two firm buttocks and a hint of her soft crevice.

  For a moment the tableau held in utter silence, broken by a sigh from Vicky and the hiss of her stream as she let go, full in Tiffany’s face. Peter could only stare, frozen in amazement as he watched the stream of rich white-gold flood over his girlfriend’s chin, into her mouth, and trickle from the sides to wet her neck and breasts, dripping from her erect nipples and running down her belly. Then she’d swallowed, deliberately taking a mouthful of Vicky’s effluent down into her belly, a sight at once so compelling and so obscene that his efforts to hold back his own needs evaporated on the instant.

  Tugging his cock free, he began to masturbate with furious energy, heedless of what Vicky would think, heedless to the risk of being caught or anything else but the sight of Tiffany, nude and dripping, as she struggled to drink down the hot stream still gushing into her mouth. She couldn’t cope, Vicky’s liquid now running in twin steams from either side of her mouth despite her best efforts to swallow it down. Quite a bit had splashed into her face, and her breasts were dripping and filthy. A moment more and her hand had gone between her legs, clutching at the wet bulge of her cunt in helpless, shame-filled ecstasy.

  Peter realized that the two girls had probably set the whole incident up, but it no longer mattered. His cock felt as if it was about to burst, even as Tiffany swallowed one last mouthful before pushing her face forward to deliberately soil herself, Vicky’s stream splashing in her face as she masturbated with ever greater urgency, screaming out her orgasm an instant before burying her face between her friend’s thighs and starting to lick. Vicky let out a little grunt of surprise and pleasure, but then turned a nervous glance back towards Peter, her mouth opening in immediate exclamation.

  “Why, you little degenerate!”

  There was laughter in her words and Peter felt a sudden stab of shame, but he was too close to orgasm to stop. Tiffany saw too, staring with wide, dizzy eyes, her fingers still busy between her legs, her body now rocked forward to push her bottom out as if expecting rear entry. Peter thought about taking her, with his cock jammed into her—no doubt still slippery—back hole, to plug her in front of her friend. But Vicky was turning, now emboldened by her actions, her voice rich with laughter and lust as she spoke.

  “Go on, now you. Open your mouth.”

  Peter tried to stop himself but couldn’t. He sank to his knees, his mouth opening wide even as the cum began to squirt from his cock, onto the ground and down his fingers. Vicky let go, squeezing out what was left in her bladder, full into his mouth, and to his horror he found himself drinking it down as shudder after ecstatic shudder ran through his body. Vicky was laughing as he swallowed down her fluid, but when he tried to lick at her sex she pulled back, sending a last trickle down his front as she wagged a finger at him.

  “Oh no you don’t, you dirty little bastard. That’s not for you. That’s for a real man, someday. Now turn your back while Tiffs gives me what I need.”

  He ignored her, slumping down with piddle trickling from his lips as his orgasm slowly faded. She didn’t bother to repeat her instruction, instead turning once more to Tiffany, taking her firmly by the hair and pulling her face-first into wet, wanting cunt. Tiffany responded eagerly, playing with her wet tits as she used her tongue on her friend. With that, the last doubt that the girls had decided upon this in advance evaporated from Peter’s mind, except perhaps for making him accept Vicky’s stream into his mouth. Yet it was impossible to resent even that humiliating detail. Despite all the shame that filled his head, as he watched his girlfriend lick another young woman to ecstasy, he began to understand something about the way Tiffany felt when she surrendered herself to him.

  viToasty girl – technically a girl who warms up another girl’s bed for her, although the term has strong sexual implications.

  Chapter Four

  “The punishment is going ahead,” Peter stated, “and you can watch, for a price.”

  “How much?” Ben Thompson demanded.

  “Two quid,” Peter answered, provoking immediate protests from his audience.

  They had gathered in the senior common room of their house, Peter and the same six young men who had watched Tiffany spanked in the barn. To set the meeting up he’d had to wait until the junior boys were safely in bed, and with the remaining seniors at various clubs or upstairs in their bedsits Peter felt reasonably safe, allowing him to make his pitch without worrying about being disturbed.

  As coincidence would have it, a handful of the St. Monica’s girls had been caught smoking. With their plan now confirmed, Vicky had not hesitated to use the smoking offence as an excuse for the spanking. There would still be a monetary prize, but at least the fraudulent punishment now appeared to have some legitimacy.

  “Two quid is cheap,” he said. “Think about it, six beautiful girls bare to the air, front and back, and not just posing the way they do in magazines, but getting spanked. Think how they’ll kick and wriggle about.”

  “Two pounds,” Stephen Richards said, peeling two green notes from an impressively thick wad. “Come on, lads, it’s got to be worth it, and think of the risks Finch is taking.”

  “We’re taking them too,” Gabriel Howard pointed out, “and not all of us can spar
e two quid.”

  “It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity,” Peter put in, “and there’s no risk, not the way I’ve set it up. Still, if you haven’t got the guts …”

  “I’ve got the guts and I’ve got the dough,” Hunter Rackman broke in. “But if Emerald Feldkirch ain’t in the line-up, I want my money back.”

  “She’ll be there,” Peter promised, accepting his money. “The Princess has been let off, unfortunately, but Emerald was the one who bought the cigarettes, so she’s sure to get it, probably harder than the others. There’s a girl called Katie too, a real little cracker. Believe me, I can guarantee a good show.”

  “And you’re sure it’s going to happen in the pavilion?” Clive Sumner demanded. “It seems an odd place for a punishment.”

  “Weird,” Ben Thompson agreed. “Hannah says they usually get it right then and there, or at assembly if it’s something really bad.”

  “Because,” Peter replied, now sure of his ground after talking the scenario through with Tiffany and Vicky, “this is an informal punishment. At Monica’s, the Head Girl is allowed to give spankings, but in this case she’s given all the girls who got caught a choice of getting it from her or being reported to the penguins. They chose to get it from her, and she’s going to do them in the pavilion so the nuns don’t find out. She likes to spank too, so Tiffs tells me, which is why I’m sure she’ll do them bare, and hard.”

  “Crazy, man,” Gabriel said, shaking his head as if in disbelief.

  “Girls are often crueler than boys,” Peter replied, thinking that in Vicky’s case that was definitely true. “So come on, who’s in?”

  “I’ll come,” Daniel Stewart stated in his usual, languid manner. “But I’ll need to get to the Post Office before I can pay. I’d like to bring Dolamore-Brown as well, if that’s alright? He can pay.”

  “Your word is good enough for me,” Peter assured him, “but I don’t know about Dolamore-Brown. He’s a school prefect, and anyway, I want to keep this in the Grove.”


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