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Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3)

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by Belle Winters

  Needing Her

  (The Lexington Series)


  Belle Winters

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.

  Copyright © 2016 Shannon Jackson. All rights reserved. Including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the author.

  Version 2016.08.28

  Table of Contents












  “You can definitely see the change in the Lakers ever since they lost their star player, our beloved Nicholas Rivers. Let me tell you; that guy is one hell of a player. His stats are out of this world, he’s on the verge of breaking some major NBA records and he’ll be one of the youngest as well, he’s only 27 years old he’s still in his prime George.”

  “This is true, but that is only if he recovers from his injury. It’s been a month and a half and there has been nothing but radio silence from his agent and team. We’re all dying to know whether we can expect a return.”

  “Let’s roll the footage, it’s a shame because he played one hell of a game that day and that was an amazing way to end the game if it weren’t for this horrible accident.”

  I watched as they played the clip for the millionth time on ESPN. I made an awesome slam dunk and when I landed I hit the floor. My ankle twisted and I could feel the sharp shooting pain all over again. The doorbell rang and I sighed as I turned off the TV. I don’t know why I keep torturing myself by continuously watching my career go down the drain. The doorbell rang again and I rolled my eyes. That could only be one person, my damn agent. I grabbed my crutches and pulled myself up. I hobbled over to the door and unlocked it then made my way back to the couch and collapsed on it.

  “How’s that ankle doing Nick?”

  “How do you think, Phil. My ankle is fucked. I have a severe sprain to my ankle and a completely torn ligament.”

  “Oh come on you need to be optimistic here. Since we’re on the subject do you know how goddamn hard it is to get a good physical therapist for an anonymous player? It’s fucking insane.” Phil complained loosening his tie. I sighed. “That was your idea not mine.”

  “What do you mean? You should know by now if I had dropped your name everyone with a hard on for you would’ve been trying to get in. No I needed to find the best and get them onboard. That’s the only way I can ensure that they’re going to be here for the right reasons and can get the job done. By the way I found the perfect person for you.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Oh really, and just who is this person?” I asked.

  He smiled and stood. “This person is right outside, I’ll be right back.”

  I laughed. “Only you would leave someone outside just fucking standing there like an idiot. I don’t get you sometimes man and I don’t know how people deal with you.”

  “Like you should be one to talk.” He muttered under his breath and I laughed.

  I batted my lashes at him and threw a hand over my chest. In my best girl voice, I said, “why darling, I don’t know what you mean. I am a sweetheart… miss congeniality over here.”

  He threw his arms out at his sides. “Hey I’m just looking out for you. How would you feel if I just started bringing a bunch of people in your place to party? You would probably kick my ass fucked up ankle and all. I don’t need you messing up this pretty face.”

  I scoffed. “Yea your wife told you that lie?” He flipped me off and went to the front of the house. “Bring me back a beer!” I screamed and he better had heard me.

  It didn’t take long for him to reenter and he did in fact have my beer. I sighed in relief because I really didn’t want to get up again. “Would you mind being a little courteous here and turn around for introductions?”

  I opened the beer and shifted my body so I was facing him and waved a hand while I took a sip. He turned around and waved a person forward. The first thing I saw was red hair and my heart sped up a beat. When her entire frame came into my line of sight her head snapped up and her grey eyes instantly caught mine. I pointed an accusing finger at her. “THIS IS WHO YOU GOT?” I roared at the same time she gasped and asked, “This is your client?”

  Phil’s eyes ping ponged between the two of us then he scratched his head. “Umm. Do you two know each other?” he asked.

  “No!” I said.

  She threw her hands on her hips. “We each other.” She hissed while giving me a death glare.

  “No, no, no, no, no. This is not going to work she cannot be my therapist.”

  Phil blew out a deep long breath. “Listen she’s the best there is her track record is spotless. I also don’t have to worry about you being up to your usual shit with her because she has a family and all.”

  I cringed when he mentioned her family. “I don’t care, no fucking way, I can’t work with her.”

  “I wish I knew that this was your client I would’ve saved us both the trouble. He’s too goddamn childish that he can’t even put history to the damn side to help his career. He’s too much of a fucking coward.” Mel said.

  I grabbed my crutches and pulled myself up to stand. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean Melanie?” I asked with a sneer.

  “You know what it means, you’re being a punk and you’re interfering with both of our jobs because you don’t think we can work together? “Why not?” Mel asked defiantly.

  “Because you’re an evil fucking bitch and I don’t like you that’s why. I don’t need to explain myself to you. Look at this shit, you’ve been in my presence for not even five minutes and I’m already ready to fucking strangle you!” I screamed in exasperation.

  She took a few steps towards me and slammed her finger into my chest as she spoke. “Since when did you turn into such a fucking asshole Nick? You fucking hate me that much that you don’t even want to heal your ankle?”

  I groaned. “Fuck! I can’t do this shit with you.” I said in defeat.

  “Do you two need a minute?” Phil asked.

  I shook my head and sat back down and dropped my head. “I need to think about this and I’ll get back to you.”


  I watched Nick’s retreat in disgust. When I first saw him my body instantly heated up with memories of the past. Nick is still as hot as ever, even more so now. He’s no longer the boy I knew he was a man. A drool worthy, wet dream inspiring, sex on a stick male until he opened his mouth. I was reminded once again of how much he hates me and although I’ve learned to live with it after all these years I’ve never really come to terms with it. It was like a punch to the gut every time he reminded me of it.

  I watched him go back to the couch and plop down holding his head in his hands. I knew I had the skills to help him, but replaying the last couple of minutes in my head it might not be the best idea for us to work together after all. I was pretty excited when I saw the offer from Phil. I had no idea however who the client was. His list of clients was pretty big and it would be hard
to pinpoint exactly whom he needed me for with the vague details he provided. I mean, the money itself was damn good and just working with anyone that Phil has was enough to help get my name out there. I’ve been doing really well for myself but it never hurts when you’re able to have more top notch references. It does wonders for people in my business. If I knew it was Nick, I’d still have come. Shoot I would probably have done his therapy for free. He is family – was family I mean, but I still care about him. I see now that I’m happy I didn’t even suggest it just by seeing his reaction.

  I’ve built up a name for myself and after the first couple of jobs that I had to fight for I started receiving recommendations and now I have agents reaching out to me constantly for their clients. I worked hard for my reputation and I will not let Nick ruin it for me. If he wasn’t going to be serious about this there’s no way I’m going to be signing anything. Do you know the damage it will do to me to have it that I was chosen to help Nick and I ended up killing him or something? He’s a big name in the industry so I cannot have any negative press in regards to him. It’s simple… if he’s going to be an asshole about this then I need to move on while the getting’s good.

  I threw my hands up. “Look Phil, I appreciate the offer but I’m not going to put up with this asshole’s shit. Furthermore, I won’t let him mess up my reputation or business. I would love to work with you at some point though, so if you ever have any other clients then you know how to find me. Considering this mess, you had to witness, we’ll say I owe you one, so whoever you come to next is a guarantee.” I stuck out my hand and Phil hesitantly captured my hand and gave me a small shake. I pushed my pocketbook strap up onto my shoulder and walked out without another word. When I slid into my car in the driveway I let out a shaky exhale before speeding off. I watched Nick’s house disappear from my rearview mirror and made my way back to my office. I felt the sting in my eyes indicating that the tears were coming which always happened when I saw him and as always I fought it and powered through as I told myself over and over he’s not worth my tears.


  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Phil asked exasperated.

  I rolled my eyes. “Listen, that was for the best. You can find someone else because that was just a disaster waiting to happen.”

  “Well you jumped down the poor girl’s throat as soon as you saw her. What the fuck Nick?”

  I growled. “I am not sorry and I won’t apologize. She wasn’t surprised about any of this because she fucking knows. We haven’t been friendly in over 7 years; we can barely tolerate being in the same room as each other but just stay as far away so we don’t stress out our mutual friends. I fucking hate her and she knows that.”

  “Seven years Nick? You’re only 27! If this is some teenage bullshit, then you’re just going to have to get over it. I’ll give you time to stew on this, but one way or another you will work together.”

  I frowned and met Phil’s eyes. I felt the anger and hurt boiling just under the surface, the same way it always does whenever she’s involved. “Don’t forget that you’re my agent. You work for me. I shouldn’t have to remind you of these things. You’re not going to tell me what I will do. I get the last fucking say, it would be best if you remember that.” I said in a threatening tone.

  “Exactly!” Phil boomed. “I’m your agent Nick and it’s my job to help make sure you have a career. I’m doing my damn job, she’s the best right now and if you plan on getting back onto the court than you need to fix your ankle. It’s not about how you feel about the girl it’s about doing what you need to do so that you don’t lose your spot on the damn team. It’s up to you, if you’re going to let whatever rivalry or whatever the hell it is you have against her stand in your way then you’re not the guy I thought you was. I thought you lived and breathed ball, and you’re telling me you’re willing to throw it away because you can’t put on your big boy drawers and deal with it for a few months? I don’t give a damn if you don’t even speak to her or if you never see her once you’re done. Suck it up and get it over with.” He spun on his heel and walked towards the door. “This offer isn’t going to sit around and wait for you. There’s a bunch of players out there with injuries and it’s only a matter of seconds before someone is knocking on her door and you’ll be shit out of luck. I’m going to do what I can to undo whatever you just did but I’ll be in contact with you tomorrow for a final answer. If you’re not willing to do this then drop me and I’ll find a player who’s serious.” With that he walked out the door making sure he slammed it behind him.

  I sighed and dropped my body down on the couch. I threw the beer bottle across the room and it shattered against the wall. “Fucking Melanie.” I muttered before going upstairs to sleep off this damn headache.

  True to his word, Phil called me first thing the next morning and I reluctantly agreed to meet with Mel again. She was due to arrive here in an hour or so and I was anxious. My heart was damn near beating out of my chest at the thought of having to endure being with her day after day and it was driving me nuts. It’s not every day that I got chewed out by my agent for being childish but he has no idea of our history and I damn sure wasn’t willing to open that can of worms. I was eating a sandwich when the doorbell rang and I answered. Phil was there to greet me and I frowned.

  “Not who you were expecting?” he asked as he let himself in. I scowled and grabbed a seat.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  He scoffed. “Unfortunately I had to cancel other obligations to make sure I was here to play referee for the children in the sandbox. Not how I prefer to spend my time.”

  I grunted but didn’t respond. It wasn’t long before the door rang again and Phil went to answer it. I sat quietly while I waited for them to enter the living room.

  “Nick…” Mel said in greeting.


  “So kids, can the two of you work together for a few months and behave like adults?” Phil asked sarcastically.

  I threw him a glare and he took a step back. I was getting a little pissed at his digs and it would do him well to remember just who the fuck I am. “I guess.” I threw out.

  Mel sighed. “That’s reassuring…” she said with an eye roll.

  My gaze swung to her and she met my stare. Annoying bitch, I thought. Her eyebrows flew up and I realized I said that out loud.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I asked pretending like that didn’t just happen. When she didn’t answer but continued to hold my stare I frowned and threw a hand up in defeat. “What do you want from me?”

  Mel sighed and she lost the confident stance. She came over and sat on the table in front of me. “Nick you need this. I know how you feel about me and that’s all fine and good but it’s been years since we broke up. We need to do this and I promise to keep things strictly professional. This can only do good things to our careers. We can try it and if it becomes impossible then we’re done. I know that yesterday didn’t go well but it was a shocker for both of us especially since we haven’t seen or spoken to each other in two years.” She swallowed hard before speaking again. “I need this.”

  “Fuck no Mel.” I argued.

  She stood up pissed off. “Listen. Stop being a baby and a pain in my ass and get your shit together. We’re going to work on your ankle and then we will go our separate ways and life goes on. Stop being a punk ass and man the fuck up.” She scolded me.

  I sighed and I knew she was right but I didn’t know how I would handle being around her on a daily basis. We’ve spent this entire time fighting, and I seeing her always reminded of all the reasons I was right to fucking hate her. Even with all of that, I couldn’t deny that I still checked her out even though I didn’t want to. “Fine, we’ll try it out.” I conceded.

  Phil clapped his hands. “Perfect! Melanie, would you mind starting tomorrow? He was supposed to start therapy three weeks after his injury.”

  She nodded. “Sure. I’ll be here at 10.”

  I nodded and they took it as their cue to leave. I sat and stewed for a few hours before I grabbed a beer and polished it off in all of two minutes. I sighed knowing I’m going to need something a hell of a lot stronger than that. I got up and grabbed a bottle of Hennessey and got a glass and made my way upstairs. I turned on the TV and drowned myself in liquor. I don’t know when I passed out or how much I drunk but at some point I began hallucinating. I heard a voice that sounded strangely like Mel saying my name in my sleep and I got pissed off. I drowned her out and fell back into a deep sleep. When I finally woke up I was starving. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

  “Esmeralda?” I called out.

  “Food is ready, do you want to eat?” she called back.

  “Please feed me darling I’m starving.” I told her taking a seat on a stool at the breakfast bar. She came out a minute later with a huge plate of food.

  I drooled when the scent hit my nose. “Have I ever told you I love you?” I asked her.

  She laughed. “Every day and it’s only because I feed you. Now eat up.”

  I laughed and dug in. She came back out a minute later with a plate for herself and sat down next to me and began eating. “Some girl came by today looking for you.” She told me.

  I frowned in confusion. “What do you mean? You know I don’t bring girls here, is someone stalking me?” I asked instantly getting pissed. It was a rule of mine that none of those fast ass broads I fucked came to my home. There were few things in life that I cherished and that was family and home. A one-night stand wasn’t something that I brought to my home. This is where my family comes and sleeps when they visit, this is my safe haven and it was unacceptable to me to have a random chick that I probably didn’t know her name in here. It takes away the value and the sentimental meaning of the home. Sure, I am a slut but I know my parents and even Dean or if James found out I was bringing every broad here they’d all be disappointed. Besides me the only people that have ever slept in my room in my bed were Lucy, Max, and Dean. I invited Landon but he told me he was afraid I might molest him. The thought made me laugh.


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