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Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3)

Page 5

by Belle Winters

  I ignored the part about her wanting to sleep with me – for now – and I focused on the more important matters at hand. I jumped up from my seat and took out my phone. “Is there a car sitting on the curb by the house?” I waited for security to confirm and when they said he was still there I thanked them and hung up. I began walking from the room and she grabbed my arm trying to stop me.

  “Please don’t. You’ll just get into trouble and he isn’t worth it. He can’t get in so it doesn’t matter. Just call them back or I can call the cops to make him leave.”

  “I want to kick his fucking ass Mel.” I growled at her.

  She nodded. “I know you do and I know you can that’s why I won’t let you. You’re too angry right now and Nick I know you. You will really hurt him, we’re so much closer to getting you back in the game you don’t need any other issues.”

  I sighed and dialed back security telling them to get him away from the property and take note of him and his car. He isn’t allowed over here, if he gives any issues to get the cops. When that was done I sat back down and watched Mel. There was something still missing from her story. “Mel?” I asked.


  “What aren’t you telling me?” She turned her head away from me but I still saw the guilt. I thought back over everything that she had just told me and I started to get a twisting feeling in my gut. I’m not an idiot. “How old is she?” I asked.


  “When was she born?” I asked.

  She looked at me warily. “Why?”

  I shrugged. “I’m curious.”

  “September 18th.” She said in a low voice.

  So she was born in September. If I backtrack nine months that would put us at the last time we had sex. She keeps saying it’s about Shakira and although I’m her ex, it doesn’t make sense how much he hates me. I swallowed past the lump in my throat.

  “Is that my daughter?” I asked and held my breath.

  She sucked in her breath and looked at me but didn’t respond. I shook my head. “Come on Mel. You got knocked up around the time you were in Ohio, she doesn’t have Roger’s last name whatever it is but she has yours, he hates the shit out of me... more than I think he should for an ex, and they don’t have a father and daughter relationship. You said you’re lucky he stayed with you while pregnant and stuff, why would that be surprising if it was his child? Now unless there was someone else you were fucking at the time I think I’m pretty on point. Now stop fucking with me and stop skipping over shit and fill in the fucking gaps Mel.”

  She threw her hands up. “Fine. Fine Nick, yes! She’s your fucking daughter. I didn’t even sleep with Roger until after I had her. There was something completely wrong with the idea of being with someone that way when you’re pregnant by someone else. I didn’t know at first and it just happened. I wanted to tell you, I wanted to so fucking bad but I was so scared. The last time we spoke you told me you didn’t love me anymore and you didn’t want me in your life I didn’t want you to feel trapped and I don’t know. I was just confused and scared shitless. When I finally did build up the courage to talk to you I found out you were entering the draft. That shit is major, you could’ve ended up anywhere in the world and I didn’t want you to feel like I was baggage. I mean it was my fault. I instigated the whole thing and I’m the one who didn’t say anything from the jump. Just when you decide that you want to do something with your life I step in and fuck everything up. Roger knew you were the father obviously and that’s why I never brought her around. I mean I was scared that you would know the instant you looked at her. I have grey eyes and his are blue, you’re the only one with those puppy dog chocolate eyes and those eyelashes. She’s a bit down right now but she even has your dimples. I knew someone would’ve realized it, then what? The plan was I was just going to let you live your life and then I get thrown with you somehow all over again. Ever since I found out you were here in LA with the Lakers I was thinking of a million ways for me to fix this but nothing sounded right. Like do I just knock on your door with a huge ass sign and balloons that says CONGRATULATIONS? And now I’m sitting here in your house running from my fucking fiancée and I have her with me. She’s been asking questions about her father and shit lately and she just looked him in the fucking face.” She let out a long breath and collapsed. “My life has turned into a shit show overnight.”

  I was frozen in shock. “I have a daughter?” I asked her. She met my eyes and nodded.

  “Yea Nick. I’m sorry.” She said.

  “Are you sorry for not telling me or sorry that I found out?” I asked for clarification.

  She shrugged. “I don’t even know right now. I’m sorry for everything. For not telling you, for you finding out like this, for me bringing my drama here and dropping it all on you. I’m sorry for being a coward when I broke up with you. I have so many fucking regrets I don’t even know where to start.”

  I sighed. “I take it that’s not all of your stuff that you had with you?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “I don’t know when I’ll be able to go back.”

  I nodded. “Landon and Lucy are coming up for the weekend and so are James and Sam they should get here tomorrow. We’ll go with Landon to get your stuff tomorrow.” I told her.

  She nodded and went to stand. “One more thing Mel.”

  She looked back hesitantly. “Yes?”

  “You’re going to tell her I’m her father and I’m going to sign her birth certificate. That dick is going to be removed as any type of contact for her and I will replace his name. You are also never going to fucking keep something like this from me again or else I’m going to break your fucking neck. Do you understand me?” I told her.

  She sighed. “Do you hate me again?” she asked in a soft whisper. She was looking down at her hands as she wrung them nervously.

  I growled. “Fuck Mel. I never actually hated you but I wanted to more than you’d ever know but I never actually did. Stop acting like a wounded fucking animal. I’m pissed as all fuck at you right now so I would tread carefully, but I don’t fucking hate you so quit the shit.”

  She nodded and left the room quietly. I threw the remote control across the room and it shattered. “Fucking hell!” I screamed. How the hell did I become a father overnight? And she’s already five years old and thought she didn’t have a father. I swear I want to strangle the shit out of Mel right now. She should know me better than thinking I wouldn’t want to know some shit like this. She was looking out for my career? What the fuck? She knew I would’ve put that girl first before anything. I wanted to go into Shakira’s room and wake her up just so that I could get to know her. I wanted her to know that everything would be alright and that she will never have to see that douche again. She wouldn’t ever have to worry about not having a dad or anyone ever hurting her. I ran my hands through my hair and groaned. I took out my phone and dialed Landon.

  “What’s up?” he answered.

  I laughed dryly. “That is such a loaded question.” I told him.

  His voice changed and I could hear the alarm in his voice. “What’s going on? You and Mel didn’t try to kill each other did you?”

  I laughed again. “Wouldn’t you like to know? Right now that’s pretty high up on my list of things to do right after I knock her douche bag of a fiancé out.”

  “What the fuck is happening over there?” he asked.

  I sighed. “This is between us for right now. Trust me everything will be aired out tomorrow but I’m going to let her do it. She showed up here a couple of hours after she left with her daughter and a fucked up face. That asshole punched the shit out of her and then followed her here. We have to go over to their place tomorrow to get the rest of their stuff.”

  “What the fuck man. Wait for me I don’t need you getting yourself arrested for losing your shit.” I scoffed and Landon sighed. “Listen, all these years we watched the two of you act like you’re the worst enemies in the world. None of us were fooled, the t
wo of you still cared about each other Nick and I know that you feel right now how I would feel if someone did that to Lucy. Regardless of your drama Mel is family and I’m fuming… but I know deep down that’s still yours. We protect ours, so don’t lose your head man.”

  “I know… goddammit I know. That’s the plan right now. But then she dropped the bomb on me. You know her daughter Shakira?” I asked.

  “Yea?” Landon asked confused.

  “That’s not Roger’s baby. None of us ever met her because she’s fucking mine and she thought we would figure it out so she practically hid her from us. I knocked her the fuck up when she came up over winter break to see Dean for the first time.”

  Landon choked. “What?!”

  “That’s what the hell I said. I have a five year old daughter with Mel dude. She’s sleeping down the hall right now. That fucker didn’t even feed her today because he was pissed that Mel stayed over last night in the guest room because of the weather.”

  Landon hesitated before he asked, “Is that all that happened?”

  I groaned and swiped a hand down my face. “Yes man, we didn’t do anything. She slept in a different room and everything.”

  “Fuck dude. I’ll be there as early as possible just hang in there alright?” Landon reassured me.

  “Yea I’ll see you soon bro.” I only hesitated for a second before releasing a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “Thanks bro.”

  He scoffed. “Fuck you thanking me for? Other shoe, I would’ve been calling every travel place or the FBI to block you from fucking traveling… you are my brother asshole.”

  I laughed. “Right, get your ass here or I’m turning shit up alone.” I told him and clicked off. I fell back onto my bed and thought about how the hell this became my life.

  I woke up early to the sound of singing. I have no idea what song it was but it was in a small voice that I didn’t recognize. I looked around and the night before came crashing down on me. I sat up in bed and listened closer. It sounded like something I’ve heard before maybe from a cartoon. I got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up then made my way downstairs. Essie hadn’t arrived yet but Mel was in the kitchen at the stove making breakfast. She was wearing my shirt and boxers again and Shakira was sitting on a stool watching her. I was about to enter the kitchen but I froze at Shakira’s question.

  “Is Nick nice?” she asked.

  Mel nodded. “He is, he let us stay here didn’t he?” She asked.

  “But I heard him yell last night. I thought he was yelling at you like Roger.” She told her and I sighed.

  Mel turned to face her and gave her a smile. “He wasn’t screaming at me baby. I told you he wouldn’t hurt me right?” she asked her and Shakira nodded.

  “But how do you know? We just met him.” she argued.

  Mel laughed. “Oh no honey we didn’t just meet, I knew Nick for a very long time. He let us stay here so that we could get away from Roger. Do you like him?” she asked.

  She seemed to think about for a second before she nodded. “I do like him, he’s nice and he had really good food. Maybe he’ll cook for us today.”

  Mel let out a big long laugh. “Kira he did not cook that. Trust me, Nick can’t cook but he has a really nice lady that comes over and cooks and cleans to help him.”

  “Is that his girlfriend?” she asked.

  Mel’s eyebrow arched. “And what do you know about girlfriends?” she asked.

  Shakira shrugged. “I don’t know. Weren’t you Roger’s girlfriend and you used to cook for him and stuff too?” she asked confused.

  Mel shook her head. “No baby it’s not the same but she’s very nice I think you’ll like her.”

  Shakira ran her hand across the top counter. “Mom I like it here.”

  She nodded. “I do too baby.”

  I got tired of eavesdropping and my stomach began cramping from hunger. I walked up behind Mel to see what she had going. “Since when have you been so savvy in the kitchen?” I asked.

  She jumped and spun around gripping her chest. “Nick you scared the crap out of me!” She took a few seconds to regain her composure. “I always knew how to do a little something, your problem is that you wanted professional quality food like what Lucy does. I’ve improved a lot from having to cook for Kira.”

  I looked back at her. “You call her Kira?” I asked and she nodded. I moved away from Mel and sat down across from Shakira. “Morning.”

  “Hi Nick.” She said shyly and I smiled.

  “Is your mom making you what you want for breakfast?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Yes I wanted pancakes and bacon and eggs. She makes it really good too but I don’t know if she made you any because you have a girlfriend.”

  I chuckled. “I don’t have a girlfriend and she better had cooked for me because I’m hungry. Can I eat with you?” I asked.

  She nodded. “That’s ok.” She moved to the side to see Mel behind me. “Mom, Nick is going to eat with us ok? Make sure you make him a pancake.”

  Mel laughed. “That man needs more than one pancake honey. You see how big he is?” she asked and Shakira nodded. “He eats a lot.”

  Shakira giggled. “If I eat a lot will I be as big as you?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “No. plus I’m a guy you wouldn’t want to be as big as me.”

  She gave me a toothy grin and that’s when I saw it. The eyes, the dimples and her cheek bones. If there was any question before there wasn’t one now. She had my same silly smile and I felt my heart skip a beat. I just met her but I was already falling in love with her. When I smiled back she pointed to my face. “You have dimples too.”

  I nodded. “I do.”

  She began singing again and I met Mel’s eyes. She was watching the exchange and her eyes were watery. I got up and stood behind her so I could whisper in her ear. “When are we going to tell her?” I asked.

  Mel sighed. “Soon I just don’t know how to break the news to her.”

  Landon arrived a little after 11 and he had Lucy, Ted, Max, Dean and their one year old Ariel with him. Lucy came into the backyard and saw Mel and Shakira run around and she broke out into a grin. She jumped and clapped. “Finally I get to meet her!” she squealed and ran over to Mel. Mel grabbed Shakira’s hand and moved her over to introduce her to Lucy. Lucy looked her over and paled. So Mel had a point someone would see it, there would be no other reason for that type of reaction. Dean and Max had come out too and went over to where they were. Dean and Shakira immediately started playing with each other as Max watched on confused. Lucy grabbed onto Mel’s arm and tugged her to the side. All you saw were arms waving and them whispering. When they were done Lucy met my eyes for a minute before she continued talking to Mel. When they were done with their girl talk they walked back to us both looking exhausted. Lucy stared at me like she was looking for answers that I didn’t have.

  I cleared my throat. “Lucy can you stay and watch the kids while we run over to get their stuff from Mel’s place?” I asked.

  She nodded but didn’t say anything. Landon gave her a kiss and we headed out. When we got to her house I noted there wasn’t a car there. Before we got out I told her that all we’re focusing on was clothes and toys and shit. Not to worry about any types of stupid appliances or whatever. She agreed and led us inside. We packed up their stuff quickly and began taking stuff out to the car when a black Nissan rolled into the driveway. I was carrying a bag to the car and everyone else was inside. Roger hopped out and came straight towards me.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “What does it look like?” Just seeing the asshole made me see red. I wanted to do so many things to him that would surely end up with me going to jail for life.

  “You can’t do this! Where is Mel?” he demanded.

  I cocked an eyebrow. “Now that’s none of your damn business is it?” I said casually just to piss him off.

  He tried to shoulder past me and I blocked h
is way. Mel decided that was the right fucking time to come out of the house carrying a bag. His face turned bright red and he pointed a finger at her. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Take your stuff back inside Mel. We had one little fight and you’re going with this guy?” he pointed an accusing finger at me and I had to hold back my scoff.

  She stood there still as a statue and didn’t say anything. I sighed. “Look get back in your car or stand here on the side quietly, I don’t give a shit what you do. But don’t talk to her or anybody else.”

  “Fuck you.” He spat.

  My hands clenched. “Listen you fucking dweeb, you’re already on my fucking shit list and I will not hesitate to knock you the fuck out just so you understand. Fucking make yourself invisible and don’t give me a reason.” I told him.

  He scoffed. “Like I’m scared of you and your makeshift wonder boot. You can’t even fucking play basketball what the hell are you going to do to me?” he asked cockily.


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