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Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3)

Page 15

by Belle Winters

  “Good morning baby.” I whispered as I began thrusting. She didn’t answer but instead wrapped her arms around my neck and began meeting my thrusts. That was all the encouragement I needed before I brought her over the edge twice. I was ready for another round but we needed to get up to get Shakira to school. Mel was like Jell-O so I washed up first and got ready, by the time I had the cereal poured and ready Mel made her way downstairs. She still had that thoroughly fucked look and I smiled secretly to myself. When she met with Chris he’s going to know that someone had just had her good.

  I felt high on life throughout practice and around 1:30 I told coach I had to leave for a doctor’s appointment. I was grateful he didn’t question it since we decided it were best if we waited until after the first trimester to tell anyone beside close family, you know girly superstitions and all. I made my way home in record time since I didn’t want to be late, and of course I kind of wanted to spy on Mel and Chris. I felt like such a fucking douche but I wasn’t spying on her, it was him. I mean come on she’s pregnant with my child, I honestly don’t think she would cheat. I know it sounds like a fucked up way of thinking since she technically cheated on Roger with me but that was different. There is no one for me like Mel and I knew that it was the same for her, I fucking felt that shit.

  I entered the house and dropped down my bag. Essie would be picking up Kira for us today since we don’t know how long we’ll be out. I walked into the living room and saw Chris sitting on the couch shirtless and Mel was in a corner of the room bent over I’m assuming to pick something up and Chris was without a doubt checking out her ass with lust. My fist clenched and I had to fight the urge to punch him. I decided to wait a bit to see what happened but he didn’t say anything and when she stood and turned he lowered his eyes, but I still saw him cut his eyes to her breast.

  “Mel.” I called out and both heads snapped up to me.

  Mel smiled and walked towards me. “Nick!” she greeted and she walked over to me. She threw her arms around my neck and bounced up on her tip toes for a kiss.

  I complied and smiled back. “We have to get going soon. Ok?” I told her.

  She nodded. “Yes I remember we’re almost done here.” she told me.

  “Yo Nick. What’s going on man?” Chris greeted me.

  I wrapped my arm around Mel and tucked her into my side before extending my hand. “Everything is good here, how you?” I asked.

  He glanced at Mel and gave me a shit eating grin. “I was wondering why I haven’t been seeing you around or anything… you found yourself something huh?”

  I knew what that meant but knowing Chris he wouldn’t understand either way. “Yea.” Was all I said and he gave me his signature grin and I kept my face straight. I went into the kitchen to grab something to snack on while I waited for them to finish. It was only a few minutes later when Chris walked past me and gave me a salute on his way out. Mel followed soon after and wrapped her arms around me.

  “Are you ready?” she asked excitedly.

  I nodded. “Absolutely, let’s go.” I gave her another kiss and grabbed her hand to lead her to my car.

  It wasn’t showing but I was probably more excited than she was. We were escorted into a room right away where we waited for the doctor so we wouldn’t be harassed by anyone. It was only five minutes but it felt like damn near forever by the time she came in. She had Mel change into a gown then asked her a bunch of questions. When that was all done she rolled over the baby monitor thing and she revealed Mel’s stomach. I looked at it and scowled, I don’t understand how her belly was still flat, I’ve been dying to see proof of our baby since I found out. She squeezed some gel onto Mel’s stomach and put some type of wand on her. she moved it around and all I saw was black and white on the screen but it didn’t look like anything.

  “Is that her ribs and stuff? Are you looking to see if something’s broken?” I asked.

  The doctor laughed. “No I’m looking for the baby… and there it is.” She said.

  I saw a blob on the screen and I was initially confused until I saw a small spot within it moving, I couldn’t help my smile. “That’s the baby?” I asked in wonder.

  She smiled and nodded. “Yes it is.” She pressed some buttons and sound filled the room. “And that is its heartbeat, nice and strong.”

  “Is that what I see moving?” I asked for reassurance. When she nodded I felt my cheeks hurting from how hard I was smiling.

  “Do you want pictures?” she asked.

  “Hell yea.” I nodded at her.

  Mel chuckled. “Eager much?”

  I shrugged. “Obviously…”

  “Well I get a few extras for you, how’s that?” she asked. When I nodded she proceeded to snap some shots. When she was done she looked at Mel. “I’m going to step out for a few minutes so that you can get dressed and then I’ll be back for us to finish chatting.”

  When the doctor left I snatched Mel. “I can help you undress.” I offered.

  She scoffed and shoved me. “No way, you need to stay away from me mister.”

  I laughed. “Never baby.”

  I let her get ready and we took seats and waited for the doctor. When she came back in she went through some normal stuff telling us do’s and don’ts. She informed us that Mel was two months pregnant and we could expect our second child July 9th. Right as we were getting ready to go Mel stopped and turned back to the doctor. “I wanted to ask you how did this happen?”

  The doctor arched an eyebrow in surprise. I chuckled because that was my initial reaction when she said the same thing to me. “I’m sorry?” she replied.

  Mel smiled and shook her head. “I mean, I was on the pill and I took it faithfully. I don’t see how I could’ve gotten pregnant.”

  “Well were you two using condoms?” she asked and Mel shook her head. She appeared thoughtful for a while before eyeing Mel in curiosity. “Did you take any other medications around that time?”

  Mel shook her head no and I spoke up. “Actually you and Shakira was sick that one time.”

  “What did you have?” she asked.

  “They had the flu and an ear infection.”

  The doctor smiled. “Ahh, so you were on antibiotics. That would do it, that can affect the potency of the pill. It’s all about the hormones.”

  Mel gave a small smile and shook her head. “Go figure our daughter caused this.”

  I smiled. “Remind me to get her something for helping me out.”

  Mel rolled her eyes and extended a hand to the doctor. “Thank you so much, so I’ll be back, in a month?” she asked.

  I cleared my throat. “We’ll be back in a month you mean.”

  Mel caught my eyes and smiled. “Right, we.” She said softly.

  “Do you know why she doesn’t look pregnant yet?” I asked.

  She chuckled. “Your baby is probably about the size of a kidney bean right now. That’s not nearly enough to show yet. Give it some time, one day you’ll wake up and boom.”

  My mouth dropped open. “Why is my baby so small?” I asked concerned.

  Mel rolled her eyes. “Babe, they have to grow and they grow fast ok. Don’t you worry I just want you to remember this talk when I blow up like a house. This is what you wanted.” She warned.

  I pulled her towards me and kissed her forehead. “I won’t baby, I’m looking forward to it. When you get that big make sure that you cook barefoot that’s been my dream, a sexy barefoot woman pregnant with my child in my kitchen.”

  “You’re insane. Let’s go Nick.” She said grabbing me and tugging me out of the room before I can ask any more questions.

  We walked out into the waiting room and a brunette ran up to us. “You’re Nick Rivers and Mel Smith. You guys are dating?” she asked.

  “Yes.” I informed her.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  I sighed. “What are you a reporter?” I asked,

  “No I’ve just been following your story for the past mon
ths. It’s so exciting!” she squealed.

  Mel gave a forced chuckle. “Yes, well it’s been interesting for us to but we have to run.”

  She held up her phone. “Can I get a picture with the two of you?” she asked.

  I shook my head and threw my arm around Mel pulling her head into my chest. “I would love to but Mel isn’t feeling well right now that’s why we’re here. She wouldn’t tell you no, but I don’t want to force her. You understand don’t you?” I asked and I made sure to give her my best smile.

  She sighed and I knew I had her. “How rude am I? Oh my god I am so sorry. I hope you feel better. I can’t wait to tell my friends that I actually met you both!” she clapped her hands and waved as she walked away.

  When we escaped the building Mel sighed. “That is annoying, please don’t tell me that’s my life. I might need to dump you.”

  I gripped the back of her neck a little tighter than I had anticipated. “Fuck no you aren’t. Not again Mel. You don’t have a choice but to stay with me. I’m not making that fucking mistake again.”

  She frowned. “Relax it was a joke Nick.”

  I stopped walking and made her face me. I gripped both of her hands and made sure I had her eyes before I spoke again. “You know me Mel, I love to joke but that’s not something to joke about. I take us seriously and the threat of you leaving me is real, it’s happened before and I can’t go through that again. I can’t lose you or Kira or our baby we haven’t met yet do you understand me?”

  She closed the space between us and wrapped her arms around my neck. “I’m sorry, and I never want to leave you again.”

  “Damn straight” I muttered before I kissed her. I kept it to a simple peck because these damn paparazzi are always snapping shots when they get a chance.

  That night I stayed up just holding Mel and lightly rubbing her stomach as I thought about the future. I couldn’t believe that I had her and fucking lost her and now I have her back. That joke she made today took its toll on me. I can’t lose her again I fucking can’t. She’s everything to me and she’s always been what I needed. I loved her for a long time before I even admitted it to her and I never stopped. I thought back to high school and how I knew how I felt about her and I knew I never said it out loud. Deep down I just knew that she was on the same page as me, she had to know that what I felt for her was love. I kissed her lightly to make sure I didn’t wake her thinking of all the lost time and the things we had left unsaid for so long and I sighed. My eyes grew heavy and I knew I was bordering on sleep, before I let myself crash I promised myself to make sure she knew every day whether with words or actions that she knew how much she meant to me.


  It only took a week for Chris to get himself situated and Carter was able to rent out a gym space for us to do therapy. I was relieved because I could sense the tension in Nick although he tried to hide it. Once it was official he seemed extremely more comfortable with the entire work situation. We spoke to Landon and Lucy and they agreed that we could do Christmas here at our place. I was pretty excited to be hosting a family event, it would be my first time. I know I may have went overboard with the decorating but come on, when I was with Roger it was the bare necessities. Nick gave us free reign on the house and couldn’t care less if it were entirely pink when we were done because it made me and Shakira so happy. How could you simply not fall in love with this man?

  Unlike when I was pregnant with Kira I was suffering from some pretty bad morning sickness and if it weren’t for Essie’s amazing shakes I don’t know how I would even be able to work. Initially Nick was concerned and tried to drag me to the doctor. It must’ve taken me an hour and about three google searches to ensure him that this was perfectly natural. It was the week before Christmas and I was off because Chris flew back home. Nick also didn’t have practice this week since they didn’t have any games coming up right away and it was the holidays so we got to spend time together at home I loved every minute of it. One afternoon Nick came and found me lounging in bed.

  “Get dressed.”

  I frowned. “Why?”

  “Because we have an errand to run now move it girl.” He said as he made his way over to get his clothes.

  I threw back the blanket and stood. “And where are we going?” I asked.

  He rolled his eyes. “Get dressed and you’ll see when we get there.”

  I threw my hands on my hips. “And why can’t you tell me now?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “Because I don’t want you giving me shit now can you do what I asked?”

  I sighed and walked over to the closet. “It’s not like you actually did ask.”

  I was just pulling out a pair of jeans when he spoke again. “Mel?”

  I turned to face him. “Yes?”

  “Please?” he asked with his puppy dog eyes and his lips pouting.

  I grinned. He knew it was impossible to deny that face. “Yes babe.”

  I hopped in Nick’s car and he drove off. I kept looking around trying to place where he was taking us but I had no idea. When he pulled to a stop I was completely confused about what he was up to. He helped me out the car and led me inside a sketchy looking building. I gripped onto him as I followed him. As we entered I was hit with a scent that wasn’t exactly inviting and then I heard a whimper. I started shaking a bit because I really didn’t want to know what that was. All of a sudden I heard a bark and then another. I looked up at Nick in confusion and he just gave me a grin. When we finally reached the end of the corridor I realized where we were. I saw the cages and a bunch of animals inside.

  “Is this a pet shop?” I asked him.

  He shook his head. “No it’s dog pound.” He told me.

  “What are we doing here?” I asked even though it was all beginning to make sense.

  “Finding Kira’s Christmas gift. We could’ve gone to a pet store, but I would much rather adopt a dog that they’re going to end up putting down and making a donation to this place for the amount of money we would’ve spent. I read a lot about this place and they do an amazing job, they just don’t have the money or resources for a better facility. Due to the size of this place, the funding issues, and the amounts of rescues, that unfortunately means there’s an increase in the amount of animals they have to put down.” He shrugged. “I thought we could find her a puppy here that needs a home. I found those are actually the more loyal types.”

  I fucking swooned. Nick’s heart is so big and he doesn’t even realize it. he didn’t think about this as a publicity stunt or anything, he wants to get his daughter what she wants while at the same time considering doing something good to get it to her. “You’re amazing do you know that?” I confessed.

  He frowned at me. “What do you mean? She wants a dog, she can have one.” He told me. I laughed lightly because he just doesn’t see what I do. I get it honestly because deep down I feel like he connects with them. He lost it all when his parents died and he could’ve landed anywhere but his family took him in. Plus when I say they took him in there was not a question about it, it was given. Nick has a wealthy family and normally you look at those people without morals but them… they have real love. And that is something that he carries in his heart and definitely his shoulders. He’s hard as nails and you would never see it, but my man has a heart of gold. I appreciate it every second of every day because I know how good I have it, but for him this is just another day in the park.

  We walked around the place and I can’t lie I wanted them all. There was a worker there that saw how much I was dying to interact with them and took pity on me. She got some food and water stuff and let me feed and pet some of them. I was having so much fun and they were all so attentive and craving attention. I was in the middle of rubbing the belly of a huge Akita whose tongue was practically on the floor in satisfaction when I heard Nick.

  “Mel. Come here babe.” I pouted and got up and my new friend whined.

  “I’ll be back.” I promised it and its tail wagged. As I m
ade my way towards Nick I asked the worker, “How old is he or she?”

  She looked thoughtful. “I’m not entirely sure but around one years old. It’s a girl.” I nodded my thanks and made my way to Nick.

  “This is it, what do you think?” he asked.

  I looked into the cage and saw the cutest puppy ever. It was a golden retriever that had to of just been born. “She’s going to love it.” I told him truthfully. This was exactly the perfect thing for her. Their warm and loveable and would get along great with kids.

  “Miss, can we have this one? We can’t take him today since it’s a Christmas gift but I’ll fill out all the documentation and such to secure it.”

  She nodded. “That’s fine.”

  Nick pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I’ll go take care of the paperwork ok?” he asked.

  I nodded. When they left I made my way back over to my friend. When I approached the cage her tail wagged so frantically it made her whole body shake. I grabbed some food and put it into my hand in offering. She came over and ate it from my palm licking it clean. I gave her a good rub down and out of nowhere she sprang to her feet and growled. I got a little nervous, I knew these dogs could be aggressive and I let the cuteness go over my common sense. I bit my lip hoping it didn’t try to attack me or something. I felt a hand on my shoulder and she leapt forward and barked. I fell on my ass and I felt my body shake.

  “Mel?” Nick was on his knee on the floor next to me. “You ok?” he asked concerned.

  I nodded and put a hand to his face. He kissed my head and all of a sudden the dog stopped and cocked its head. She watched as Landon kissed me gently again and when I smiled at him she pounced. Her paws landed on my shoulder and just when I was about to scream she licked the entire side of my face. Nick chuckled and held out a hand to her. She smelled it and then smelled me and then licked his hand. After that Nick began petting her and slowly she relaxed for him and let him have his way. I rolled my eyes, he could even get female dogs to bow down to him this is fucking insane.


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