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Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3)

Page 20

by Belle Winters

  He snickered. “Aww, was that a sore spot Mel?” he teased.

  “Nope, keep your ass away from me.” I told him.

  He opened his mouth to respond and I snatched the remote and turned the volume up to show him I was trying to drown his voice out. He scooted over until he was lying beside me and our arms were touching. “Are you mad because you want to touch me?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t want to touch you or be next to you. I’m actually thinking about going back to the guest room.” I said.

  He laughed. “Bye.”

  Well then fine, if that’s how it’s going to be then bastard. I threw the covers back and propped myself up on my elbow I swung my legs around and used my propped up elbow to push myself up. When I put both hands down into the bed to get up I felt a tug on my shirt and before I knew what was happening I was flat on my back. “Where you going?” Nick asked with his head over mine looking down at me. He looked upside down and it was totally fucking weird.

  “I’m leaving to go sleep in the other room.” I told him with a shrug.

  He laughed. “Did I say you could?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “You said bye you idiot… if you didn’t know that means go, see ya later, peace out.”

  “But did I say, ‘Mel you can leave’? he asked.

  I growled. “Move it Nick, I don’t want to be in here with you anymore.”

  He disappeared out of my line of vision and I sat up. Before I could even consider getting up the light went out and he was standing in front of me and pushed me on the shoulder back onto the bed. He climbed on top of me so that he was straddling me and just watched me with an amused look.

  “Get up Nick.”




  I groaned. “What is wrong with you? I knew you had some screws loose but this is insane.” I told him.

  He smiled at me. “You’re not going anywhere.” He said simply.

  I rolled my eyes. “Yea I am. I’m going to sleep in the other room then I’m moving my stuff in there tomorrow. Have your room to yourself.”

  “No, no, no. that was the wrong answer baby. Now you have to make it up to me.”

  I scoffed. “Are you out of your damn mind?”

  “You’re just mad because I told you the truth. You’re fat but it’s ok I still love you.” He leaned down to kiss me and I moved my head to the side. He sighed, “you’re going to make this difficult aren’t you?” he asked.

  I bare my teeth to him. “Nicholas get your ass off of me so I can go. No one wants to hear your stupid fat jokes all day. I’m pregnant you asshole.” I told him.

  He frowned. “Did I hurt your feelings?” he asked. Fine I’ll be honest I was having a minor tantrum but ever since I blew up he is always making jokes about me being fat or overweight. Like I know I’m huge but I don’t need him reminding me. I mean sometimes… well most times they’re funny but sometimes it hurts my feelings. Like now, I just wanted to be next to him and although I knew he was playing, I didn’t want to hear that he didn’t want me on him.

  “No.” I said looking at the wall.

  “Yes I did.”

  “You didn’t, just get off me.”

  “No, look at me Mel.”

  “No, get off!”

  He sighed and grabbed my chin to try to make me face him but I refused. “Baby I was only playing.”

  “I know, but I still want to go in the other room. I was being serious thank you very much.” I told him.

  “But I’m not going to let you, now look at me.” He demanded in a hard tone.

  Fuck my damn hormones, I felt my eyes misting and I definitely wasn’t going to look at him now. Nope, no way. I was not going to let him see my cry over something so stupid. “I don’t want to, I just want to get up and go to the other room.”

  He sighed and his grip tightened I felt him shift and the next thing I knew he had my head turned and was looking into my face. His frown deepened and when he exhaled it blew across my face. “Mel… baby I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings I was only playing with you.”

  Oh God, I hate pregnancy. The first tear fell even though I tried like hell to keep them in, I didn’t even know why I was mad or crying. He leaned down and kissed the tear away and continued feathering kisses all over my face. “You know I won’t let you go to the other room because I have to have you here right?” he asked.

  When I didn’t respond he stood up and took off his shirt. I could see his hard on tenting his pants which I’m assuming he had before the whole me getting up and running thing happened. I didn’t bother trying to get up because I knew at this point he wouldn’t let me. He removed his pajama bottoms and crawled back over me. He kissed my forehead then my nose then my lips, when I didn’t respond to his kiss he sighed.

  “Mel…” he whispered. I could hear the plea in his voice and I felt just a bit bad. I knew him better than this and I knew he was playing the whole time I’m just a lot more emotional than normal. “You know I think you’re the most beautiful, sexy, amazing woman on this planet and I love you to death. I wouldn’t let you leave this room for anything. I always want you baby… I always need you in every way. The fact that you’re growing our baby in your stomach makes you 50 times sexier than when you were just all breast and ass. You and our kids are my whole world and I can’t let you leave me… not even in bed sweet cheeks.”

  When he said sweet cheeks I melted, that was the part that did me in. That was what he called me when we were younger and now he mostly calls me by my name, baby, babe, and a ton of other nicknames but when he resorts to sweet cheeks I feel like I’m falling in love with him for the first time all over again. That name is sacred and it was his only… well Max uses it from time to time too since Nick told him that was me. He was so not playing fair right now and although I wanted to cave I needed to stand tall.

  “No Nick, I’m going to go in the other room. It’s fine. I might’ve pushed it about moving my stuff.”

  He didn’t answer. Instead he parted my legs with his and settled deeper into me. His erection pressed against my center and it took all the energy I had to fight back my moan. He placed kisses on my face and neck and I was so caught up in the feelings that I didn’t realize that he was taking off my shirt until it was halfway off me. When he got my shirt off he began feathering kisses all over my stomach while rubbing it at the same time. “I love you baby, do you still love me even though I’m a joking asshole?” he asked softly.

  Fine, I’ll admit it I fucking crumbled like a cookie. I was totally and completely in love with this douchebag and there wasn’t a damn thing in the world I could do about it. Shit, I’ve been in love with him since the beginning. “Yes Nick, I love you too… yea, yea, yea.” Ok, call me petty but no way in fuck hell was I going to let him get away with that without making him suffer just a bit too. The son of a bitch spent the next few minutes toying with my body until I couldn’t deny him any longer when he put his mouth on my sweet spot and then he took me, and he made love to me over and over again well into the early morning, ugh he didn’t play fair at all.

  The next morning I woke up and looked at the clock noticing it was 10:30. I immediately panicked and grabbed my phone off the nightstand to see that I didn’t have any missed calls. It was then that I remembered I wasn’t working today and heaved a sigh of relief. I stretched and spread out across the bed, Nick was at practice and I had the house to myself for the day. I took my time getting up to go to the bathroom. When I finally got the energy I got up and hopped in the shower. I let the water ease over my bones loosening me up and I just let it cascade on me trying to get myself comfortable. Nick sure as hell did a number on me last night and my body needed the relaxation. I was toweling off when the door swung open. I gasped startled and pulled the towel up in an attempt to cover myself.

  “What the hell are you doing in here, masturbating?” I heard Nick’s voice bellow.

My hand flew to my chest to calm my frantically beating heart. “Nick…” I hissed. “What the shit?”

  He stepped fully into the bathroom. “You were in here forever, I got worried.” He said with a shrug.

  I shook my head. “That doesn’t make it ok to scare the shit out of me.”

  “What the heck are you afraid of girl? I only came into the bathroom.” He said looking at me confused.

  I rolled my eyes. “Well considering I thought I was home alone I didn’t expect anyone to come in through the door.”

  “Whatever. Anyway I was coming up here to wake you up. We have somewhere to be in a couple of hours and you need to feed my child.”

  “Did you make me breakfast?”

  He gave me a smug grin and nodded slowly. “Sure did.”

  That shocked the hell out of me. I threw on one of Nick’s t-shirts and headed downstairs. I found a bowl of fruit loops on the table for me and I snickered. “Wow babe, you sure did a lot of work to get breakfast made.”

  “I try.” He said with a shrug and I took a seat to eat.

  “so where are we going? And why aren’t you at practice?” I asked.

  “Because we have something important to do today and I needed the day off.”

  “Well aren’t you lucky that Chris needed the day as well or else you would’ve been on your own buddy. Now where are we going?” I asked again.

  He walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. “You’ll see when we get there woman stop nagging me.”

  I scoffed. “Oh shut up before you go alone.” I threatened.

  He put a hand over his heart. “You wouldn’t do that to me would you baby? You love me too much to leave me hanging.”

  I fought back my laugh. “Yea, yea.”

  I finished up my breakfast and threw some clothes on. I went for comfort and opted for yoga pants and a t-shirt since he didn’t tell me where we were going. When he saw my attire he didn’t comment so I only assumed that this would do. When we got in the car I put the radio on and Taylor Swift was playing. By the second verse I was totally into the song belting out the lyrics when the music was cut off. My eyes flew to Nick and his eyebrows were up to his hairline.

  “Why did you do that?” I asked him.

  “Mel, I love you I really do… but you’re going to kill my eardrums if you keep singing. Your voice was not made for others to hear, keep that to yourself.”

  “Oh Nick, I love you too dear but you cut my music off again you might just lose your fingers.” I told him turning the radio back on while he just snickered.

  Nick pulled up in front of the center that we went to months back when Roger first dropped the bomb about Shakira. I turned to Nick and frowned, “why are we here?” I asked.

  He shrugged and got out of the car and I grew anxious. I had no idea what we were doing here but the dread I was feeling was unmistakable. He opened my door and offered me his hand, I eyed it but didn’t reach for it. Nick sighed in annoyance and grabbed my hand pulling me out.

  “Why are we here?” I asked again a little more loudly.

  “You think that raising your voice is going to change my response Mel?” he asked and I could see that he was anxious himself and that only made me more wary.

  I sighed and got out of the car, letting Nick lead me away from the comfort of the car. I was suddenly wishing that I had made Chris work today so I didn’t have to be here. he pulled me through a familiar path and I knew he could feel how wet my hand was in his. I saw Phil at the end of the hallway and we made our way over to him.

  “Mel, you look radiant.” He greeted me.

  I groaned. “Oh god, are you sucking up to me? What have you two done?” I asked.

  Phil feigned innocence. “Who me? I didn’t do a thing.”

  I looked at Nick and he held his hands up in surrender. “I am innocent until proven guilty.” He turned to Phil, “everything all setup?” he asked.

  I frowned and turned my attention to Phil. “What is going on?” I demanded.

  He opened his mouth to answer and Nick held a hand up stopping him in his tracks. “You’re about to see. Come…” he tugged on my arm pulling me past a curtain.



  I let Nick lead me onto a stage where Chris was sitting at the table and the room was packed with you guessed it, the fucking paparazzi. What the hell was going on here, I am definitely going to kill Nick in his sleep tonight. I stopped dead in my tracks like a deer caught in the headlights as Nick made his way over to the table. He pulled out a chair and turned back I guess just realizing that I was no longer following him. He put up his index finger signaling me over and I shook my head. The room got eerily quiet and I wanted to run, I mean come on he intentionally pulled me out here in front of all these cameras looking like I’m going to walk the dogs… strike 1 Nick I’m counting.

  He sighed and Chris turned around in his seat catching my eye. I gave him my best death glare because that SOB was down with this shit too. I might just need to drop a heavy as hell weight on his foot by mistake tomorrow. I sighed and against my better judgment walked over to the seat that Nick was holding out and plopped down ensuring that I kicked Chris on the way. Nick took the seat next to me and placed his hand on my thigh. I reached down and grabbed his middle and index fingers and bent them back quick and hard. He yelped and his hand flew up. His gaze swung back and forth between me and his now red fingers and scowled.

  Just then Phil came out with a microphone. Just as he went to say something Nick used his good fingers to pluck my ear hard, I’m sure I heard ringing. I reached up and grabbed his nipple through his shirt. So sue me I knew that body so goddamn well I didn’t need a road map to find what I was looking for. And yea, maybe I aimed there just to cop a feel. He let out a painful hiss when I twisted it and Phil watched shaking his head while Chris was on my side snickering. When Nick dropped his palm to the back of my neck I was almost certain he would try to smash my face into the table. I knew how much he hated me abusing his nipples but this time he definitely deserved it.

  “Kids… can we get on with this or do you need a referee?” Phil asked.

  I bared my teeth at Nick before responding. “Sorry that he’s such a child Phil, please proceed.”

  Nick scoffed and my head swung around and I lifted an eyebrow in question. “You started it Mel, you tried to break my damn fingers.”

  Just when I opened my mouth to respond someone spoke up pulling both of our attention. “Is your relationship usually so… abusive?” A reporter asked.

  Nick’s entire face transformed into a smug grin and I groaned as I kept thinking please behave. She doesn’t even realize all of the opportunity she just presented for Nick to be a fool.

  “Does spanking, whips, and chains count as abuse?” Nick asked.

  Phil just hung his head and walked off to the side, he knew that there was just no hope left. That statement definitely had everyone’s attention. “Like BDSM you mean?” the report asked for clarification. When Nick’s response was a slow nod she perked up, “well as long as you both consent to it, I don’t see why it would. Is that what you guys are into?”

  Everyone was at the edge of their seats. “No, I was just curious. I don’t beat Mel up in my spare time although she’s a big bully. Do you see what she did to my fingers?” he said holding up his red fingers. “I mean you can all blame her if I can’t play in my next game from my injury.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I can break one of your legs too if that’ll help.” I muttered.

  He turned back to me and pointed an accusing finger, “see what I mean?” Of course the females were eating up his sob story and there was no way I could stop my eye roll.

  A man stood up and leaned forward. “So Nick, can you tell us why we’re all here?”

  Nick cleared his throat and the playfulness was suddenly gone. That made me straighten up in my seat as I too was in the dark about this. “Normally you know I let you guys write whatever the h
ell you want about me and I don’t say a thing about it because well frankly I don’t give a damn. Now everyone I’m sure you already know this but this is Mel,” he stated gesturing to me. “I love this bat shit crazy ass girl and I don’t take too kindly to people messing with her. Lately I’ve been getting pretty pissed off with some of the things being said about her and the child she is carrying which is mine. Therefore, I find this to be a problem when you’re accusing my girl of things she didn’t do and putting names and labels on my kids, that shit is not going to fly.” A few voices rose and he put up a hand to silence them. “Now, I know what the root cause of this issue is and I will be getting to that in a moment – but to put these rumors to rest this is my girl, they’re both my children and anybody who fucks with her has a problem with me.”

  He threw an arm around my chair and I smiled up at him. “Chris what do you have to say to this?” someone asked.

  He shrugged. “Mel hasn’t ever even looked twice at me to be honest, there has never been anything going on between us. She’s my therapist and a good friend that’s about it.”

  “Nick you mentioned something about knowing how this all started?”

  He smiled and it was sinister, I felt a shiver down my spine. I knew that look and it wasn’t good, that’s his calculating look and that meant someone was going to get it and I didn’t have to guess to know who was going to be his latest victim. “Yes, about that… I’m sure that you are all familiar with a douche bag named Roger that has made it his business over the past few months to hop around after Mel like she hides carrots in her ass.” He barked out a laugh and both Phil and Chris were cracking up with him while the rest of us were confused. He looked over at me and patted my leg. “Oh my God Mel, I didn’t even mean to do that but how could you not find that funny?” he asked.

  I gave him a confused look. “Umm, because I didn’t get the joke.” I confessed.

  He shook his head. “Shit that’s right.” He leaned forward and caught Phil’s eye. “Screen now please.”


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