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Tender Ecstasy

Page 14

by Janelle Taylor

  There was only one way to test her terrifying conclusions. Tomorrow she would seek him out in private. If he rejected her touch when no eyes were upon them, she would know the truth. If he was finally turning away from her, she needed to know immediately. Then, if this girl was excessively appealing to him, she had to find a way to get rid of her; she had to find some way to restore the happiness and tranquility which Rebecca had vanquished. Tomorrow…

  Gray Eagle gazed down into the pale face of his sleeping wife. The telltale signs of salty tears were still visible upon her cheeks and in the dampness of her hair. The blue smudges beneath her eyes told of a restless night.. He fretted anxiously. Was she becoming aware of his deception? Did she sense he was withholding critical facts about Rebecca from her? Or was she simply caught up in this drama from the past which haunted him too? He should not have relented to her pleas to keep Rebecca here. In time she would have forgiven and forgotten his blatant refusal. Now, he feared she was becoming too involved with this girl. Was she hurt by his inability to make love to her while Rebecca watched and listened, just as he saw and heard Rebecca’s lusty bouts with his virile son? It was even difficult to look Shalee in the eye for fear she might read his deception there. He hoped this awful distance would cease once Rebecca was gone.

  Gray Eagle arose, careful not to disturb Shalee who needed to sleep a while longer. He would join his son who had left only moments ago. As he stood up, he absently glanced over at Bright Arrow’s mat. Rebecca was sitting up, watching him. He glared at her, then left his tepee.

  Rebecca lay down upon her back, wondering how she could ever win the approval of that valiant man who held her destiny in his callous hands and heart. She had not noticed the alert eyes of Shalee upon her, nor the annoyed scowl which lined her lovely face. She did not realize that she spoke aloud and Shalee heard her agonized prayer, “Please make him accept me. I could not bear to leave here. Melt that icy heart of his. Do not permit him to send me away…”

  Shalee waited a while before she left her mat. Ignoring Rebecca completely, she headed for the stream to freshen up. Afterwards, she returned to her tepee to face the witch whose evil eyes were focused upon Gray Eagle.

  Rebecca was patiently waiting for her daily orders. She wondered at the abrupt change in Shalee; it struck terror and sadness into her heart. Shalee’s eyes revealed scorn and mistrust when they lingered upon her. Shalee did not smile at her, nor did she speak to her unless it was to give a command.

  She wondered if Shalee was still angry about the berry incident. Rebecca instantly decided she should be very careful in the future. Someone had placed those berries in her bowl, someone who wanted it to appear she had done it intentionally. But who? If Shalee hadn’t caught that vicious mistake, they could all be sick or dead.

  Mistake? Joke? She scoffed to herself. It hadn’t been a simple mistake or a playful jest. Someone had cunningly planned to entrap her. She resolved to be alert and cautious from now on. She had enough problems without others spitefully handing her more! Apprehension filled her, for she speculated that Shalee doubted her innocence.

  The silence and tension became apparent to both men by midday. When Bright Arrow questioned his mother about her aloof behavior, she smiled wanly and said she was just overly tired that day. She curiously reminded him that Rebecca was a slave, a slave who would leave them in two more days. Strange, but she now seemed to want that departure.

  After his mother left them, Bright Arrow turned to study Rebecca with inquisitive eyes. But Rebecca’s misty eyes were observing the steady retreat of his mother.

  He approached Rebecca and” questioned, “Shalee, Rebecca hiya kodas?”

  Tears flowed down Rebecca’s cheeks. She shrugged her slumped shoulders and sorrowfully said, “I do not understand why she has turned against me. I have done all she asked. I have tried to be obedient and helpful. Have I caused some breach between them? Perhaps your father commanded it,” she suggested, then sighed dejectedly. “I forget you cannot understand me. Kodas?” She echoed sadly and shrugged confusion.

  Bright Arrow smiled into the luminous eyes which pleaded for comfort and love. He caressed her cheek and kissed her lightly.

  She returned the kiss and the smile. At least he had not changed. Perhaps Shalee was ill. The best thing she could do was behave in the manner which had previously been pleasing to Shalee…

  Bright Arrow seized her cold hands and pulled her to her feet. “Ku-wa,” he called to her, swaggering out of the tepee into the fresh air and warm sunshine. Without a thought to refusal, she meekly followed the self-assured warrior with a lowered head and listless spirit.

  Neither attempted to make conversation as they headed to a secluded formation of rustcolored boulders which arose from the dirt, pitted and scarred by the forces of nature. They gingerly avoided the prickly cacti which grew sparingly in this arid location. Gentle winds raced through the slender blades of bunch and buffalo grasses. The terrain steadily became rocky and hard. Only an occasional tree offered shade to the warm earth beneath it.

  Rebecca became aware of their ever-increasing distance from the Oglala camp and the dreamy solitude of their picturesque surroundings. Yet, Bright Arrow silently continued his trek toward the lofty boulders. The moment they stepped into a small clearing which was enclosed on three sides by towering rock formations, he halted and turned to face her. He stopped so abruptly that she almost ran into him. Her hands went against his muscled chest to catch her balance. For some unknown reason, she noticed his smooth, firm body lacked the beads of moisture which the dazzling sun and her exertions had quickly brought to her shapely body. But then, he was accustomed to this arid climate and to strenuous exercise.

  She hesitantly waited to discover why he had led her to this secluded spot. He stepped away from her to allow his gaze the unhindered ability to leisurely and thoroughly study her from head to foot. She quietly submitted to this intense scrutiny, trembling at its unsettling effect upon her.

  Bright Arrow’s hungry gaze devoured the beauty and softness before him. She would belong to him for only one more day, for his father had insisted upon his presence away from camp for nearly two suns: two precious days which would be lost forever. He had vainly argued against going on this scouting mission. He had been left without an honorable refusal. But for the next few hours, Rebecca would be his.

  Although she was new to a man’s mat and to the sweet joinings of two bodies, she had forced herself to withhold a special part from him and to deny both of them the exquisite pleasure of total surrender. Before she was lost to him, he desperately needed to have her completely. He must become as unforgettable to her as she was to him! He had felt the fierce restraint within her each night as he had possessed her body. In this private place, he would use all of his knowledge and prowess to destroy her remaining resistance…

  His probing gaze started its journey at her auburn head which captured the afternoon sunlight and shimmered like a smoldering fire. It moved past her tawny eyes to linger briefly upon her pert nose, slightly parted lips and dainty chin. It engulfed her flawless complexion which was beginning to lose its tawny glow to become a deep bronze shade.

  His igneous eyes roamed over her inviting frame with its gently rounded curves, clad in a doeskin dress which outlined her body in an appealing manner. Her graceful hands were tightly clasped together, revealing her apprehension. She unknowingly shifted from one moccasined foot to the other, bringing an engaging grin to his lips, softening his eyes and expression.

  His gaze riveted to her panicked eyes. He came forward; she backed away, instinctively sensing some vital drama about to unfold. He chuckled mischievously when her back made contact with the rocks, preventing any further retreat from him and the inevitable. She gasped in surprise and swallowed loudly, fearing the bold intentions she was reading within those hypnotic black eyes which roguishly enticed her.

  She held her breath as his hand came forward to stroke her silky hair and satiny skin. His touch was
gentle, but disturbing. As if mesmerized, she rigidly watched as his face came toward hers. She trembled and tingled as his mouth claimed hers, tenderly plundering and deftly exploring it as never before.

  She felt she should muster her strength and will to resist him, but she did not want to staunch the liquid fire which flowed over her and within her. There were no parental eyes or ears and no hostile warriors to remind her of her lowly rank as slave. As his kisses dispelled all previous reasons for denial, her arms encircled his narrow waist. Giving herself over to instinctive responses, her lips extracted the sweetness of his sensual mouth. A moan of desire escaped her parted lips as his mouth tantalized her ears with seeking, demanding nibbles.

  His deft hands unlaced the ties at her neck and swiftly divested her of her garment. Before she could demurely react to her nakedness, he had imprisoned her swollen breasts against his compelling body and had fastened his intoxicating mouth to hers. When his devastating kisses had once again claimed her will, his hands began to explore and to caress her pliant body.

  Helpless to extinguish the wild fire which enflamed her weakened senses, she yielded to him and his masterful onslaught. His mouth and hands steadily and deliberately quieted her last hints of resistance.

  Soon, they were lying upon the earth, totally oblivious to its hard and rocky surface. She cried out in exquisite pleasure as his teeth gently teased at her taut breasts. Never had she felt such an urgent desire for him.

  Time had deserted her. Reality had quickly receded with it. When he finally entered her, she arched upwards to willingly accept his full length. As he moved within her, blissful sensations increased. Her body demanded a fulfillment not yet shared or experienced. This time, there would be no desperate struggle to contain her rampant emotions and fiery passion; for once, she could allow them to run free and wild.

  The intensity built to an almost unbearable peak before he carried them to the mountaintop of sublime ecstasy and mind-staggering release. He skillfully carried her over the heights of total satisfaction and into a beautiful valley of peacefulness and relaxation. She went limp in his embrace, sighing in contentment.

  He rolled to her side, continuing his loving caresses and gentle kisses until every wave of passion had ceased to carry her. He propped on his elbow and stared down into her gaze. He tenderly wiped the glistening beads of moisture from her lovely face. He smiled at her, his eyes carrying a glow she had not seen before. He did want her! Could it be love she viewed in those onyx depths?

  She returned the sensual smile, her hand coming up to trace the finely chiselled lines in his face. As her fingers moved over his lips, she whispered, “I never knew it could be like this, Bright Arrow. We have so little time to share these feelings.” The moment those words left her lips, she began to cry, her shoulders quivering as she pulled him down to her. She clung to him, sobbing as if her heart was shattering.

  He gathered her shaking body into his powerful, protective embrace. A possessive feeling he had never known before swept over him. New fires and needs coursed through him and quickly spread to her as she fervently vowed, “I love you, Bright Arrow. How can I bear to lose you?”

  They joined again in a savage and demanding union which devoured their energies. As he exploded within her, he vowed to never part with her. She loved him, wanted him, and needed him. How could he sacrifice such emotions which she also shared? Yet, undeniable reality soon returned. Would he obey his father’s orders? The answer, as always, was yes.

  This time, he did not release her afterwards. Instead, he held her tightly and securely. She made no movement to leave his arms; she drew solace and courage from them. “I will never forget you. I can never love another,” she wretchedly vowed in a voice of intense anguish.

  Dusk was approaching when he sat up, observing Wi as he made his way into the waiting arms of Mother Earth. It was time to return to reality. He glanced over his shoulder, his eyes savoring the creamy body of the white girl who had unknowingly stolen his heart and innocently endangered his honor. He had discovered a beautiful dream, only to be cruelly awakened to the demanding laws of reality and to his duties. He could not even confess or reveal his love or his torment to anyone, except his cherished mother who now appeared resigned to Rebecca’s savage fate.

  Rebecca remained serene and still beneath his astute gaze. For the first time, she did not feel any shame or guilt about her love and desire for him. Deep and wonderful emotions washed over her, cleansing and vitalizing her. This previously unknown emotion called love was lucidly clear to her, for it filled her heart and consumed her body.

  Their eyes fused in understanding and acceptance. Even if he didn’t love her, she knew he desired her beyond all reason. “Ku-wa, Rebecca,” he quietly commanded, wishing Wi would tarry for many hours, knowing he would not.

  They pulled on their garments and made their way back to camp, taking a roundabout path in order to bathe in the stream. He left her at the tepee entrance, heading for his horse and some much needed diversion and solitude. Rebecca returned to her menial chores as Bright Arrow galloped out of camp to race with the wind and search his soul. Rebecca was to leave him soon. Did he dare to keep her within sight of his hungry eyes and ravenous body, to enable himself to furtively watch over her safety, to accept Broken Spirit’s offer for her?

  Broken Spirit was growing old; his heart still suffered over the losses of his wife and only son. After his broken foot refused to heal properly, he had changed his name to reflect his troubles. In his tepee, Rebecca would be free of sexual abuse and she would be of great service to the aging warrior whose tepee and lance boasted of many brave and daring coups.

  Bright Arrow’s hesitation came from two directions: Rebecca would be too tempting within his daily reach and sight, and Rebecca would be at the mercy of his heartless daughter Desert Flower. Her hatred of Rebecca was no secret. Bright Arrow was well aware of how Desert Flower used every opportunity to subtly harass Rebecca and to humiliate him with mockery and veiled insults. Bright Arrow wished he could cut out her baneful tongue, for too many of his friends listened and agreed with her opinions. It would be cruel and dangerous to sell his precious Rebecca to Broken Spirit. If he couldn’t keep her, it was best she be sent far away. His painful decision made, he headed back toward camp.

  Things remained the same between the women for the remainder of the afternoon. Shortly after the evening meal, Shalee abruptly left the tepee without saying a word to any of them. She walked down to the stream, waiting to see if Gray Eagle would follow her. Time passed. Still, she remained there, mindlessly staring at the moon’s opalescent reflection upon the darkened water. When it seemed that Gray Eagle would not join her, she sadly turned to head back to their tepee. She inhaled sharply in surprise.

  He was standing only a few feet behind her, watching her intently. Their eyes met and fused. Neither moved nor spoke. When her-need became overwhelming, she rushed into his arms and frantically clung to him. “Send her away tonight, Wanmdi Hota,” she tearfully pleaded. “I cannot bear your loss any longer. I need you so much.”

  Chapter Seven

  Gray Eagle leaned back to scan her entreating expression. “But you begged me to let her remain for seven moons,” he confusedly reminded her. “Why do you wish her to leave early?” he probed.

  “Because you will not touch me while Rebecca lives in our tepee! I love you. I do not wish to help her if it pushes us apart. She is nothing to me. But you are my husband, my true love. I was wrong to ask you to keep her here. I do not trust herl She seeks to worm her way into our lives and hearts. This cannot be! She is white, our avowed enemy,” she emotionally declared, startling him with the pitiless words and heated anger which were novel within his gentle wife.

  “You did not feel and think this way a few moons past. What has Rebecca done to cause you such fear and pain?” Did he even need to ask…

  Pride would not allow her to relate her jealousy and suspicions to him. She retorted peevishly, “She has behaved
perfectly, too perfectly, Wanmdi Hota! This is strange; it is dangerous. It is not natural to…” She halted the rest of her traitorous statement.

  “It is unnatural to love your enemy,” he humorously finished for her in a curiously disturbing tone. “Did we not meet and love as enemies?”

  She gazed deeply into his mocking eyes. Her tremulous voice softly asserted, “This quickly and easily, yes, Wanmdi Hota,” she unwillingly confessed, knowing he would perceive her dishonesty if she denied his candid explanation. “There is something about Rebecca which frightens and alarms me. I do not understand her; nor do I trust her,” she spoke just enough truth to disarm him and to conceal her motives.

  “Did I not tell you these same things a few moons past? I also sensed something evil and dangerous within her. I have observed her closely, but her secrets remain hidden from me. Do you think she lies about her desire for our son?” he asked, with an odd inflection in his tone.

  She promptly wondered why such a similar thought would come to his mind. “Is that what you think, my husband?”

  “I do not know, Shalee. At times this love and passion seem real. Other times…” He did not finish, but drifted in deep thought.

  Unable to stop herself, she blurted out, “Other times she openly desires you more than your son!”

  Stunned by her jealous revelation and the vehemence in her tone, he stared at her, seeking what to say in response. Tears filled her eyes at his apprehensive silence. His shock was increased as she warily inquired, “Do you also desire her, Gray Eagle? Do you envy your son’s possession of her?”

  “What madness is this!” he snarled at such a shocking accusation. “You dare to accuse me of desiring a white whore! I would never lower my pride to take a lowly white girl to…”The look of anguish which filled Shalee’s eyes and paled her face halted his volatile outburst.-Nettled, he tried to explain, “My anger steals my tongue. I did not mean to speak so sharply or cruelly. Why would you think I desire this girl?” he asked, his tone filled with contempt.


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