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Finding Friday

Page 6

by Quell T Fox

  ​Fuck it. You only live once, right? Right.

  ​With that, I take his hand, allowing him to help me the rest of the way out of the car. My hand tingles with his touch as he leads me to the last door on the right. I move to the side while he unlocks it, eyeing the barren parking lot. There isn’t anything here other than this motel and trees. I know we aren’t far from civilization, but it sure seems like it by this view. Swinging the door open and putting the stopper down, Maddox walks back to the car and pulls out a cigarette from the pack that he keeps in his pocket. I walk into the dark room, swiping at the wall for the light switch. Finally getting the lights on, my eyes go wide as I take in the room in front of me. Holy shit.

  ​There are two queen beds both covered in white, fluffy comforters, with dark red accent pillows thrown about. There is a long dresser across from the beds and a bedside table between them, which are made of a dark stained wood. In the corner is a small desk and chair made of the same wood. The opposite corner has a small white fridge placed underneath a shelf that is holding a microwave. Above the dresser is a mounted flat screen TV larger than the one that I had at home. There are abstract paintings hanging on the walls, the color scheme matching the rest of the décor. Directly across from me is another door which must lead to the bathroom which I am now very curious to see. This is not what I was expecting when driving into this place.

  ​I move with quickness to the bathroom and it’s just as ducky. I release a sigh of relief, after dealing with the bathroom at the last place I am thanking the universe for this. This one is all white with a large tub and shower combo to the left. Nothing spectacular but it’s also bigger than the one I had at home. In the center is a grey countertop, with a porcelain sink and a large mirror. The toilet is off to the right behind a privacy wall. There is a shelf in the corner filled with towels and toiletries. I am speechless. Never in a million years would I have expected this place to look like this on the inside. A hidden gem. Amazing.

  ​As I’m exiting the bathroom, Maddox and Lenny come strolling in. Lenny is carrying my trash bags and Maddox is carrying two backpacks that I assume are his and Lenny’s. I mentally high-five myself at being right about who I’d be sharing a room with. Lenny drops the bags against the wall by the bathroom, Maddox places his on the side of the bed. He walks over to the adjoining door (that I didn’t notice, by the way), unlocks and opens it. He walks in and I hear him tell something (probably Callan, because I don’t think he would order Alec around like that) to order food because we’re staying in for the night. The more I hear him boss people around, the hotter it gets. Something is wrong with me, I’m convinced. Maybe I’m the one that needs to get laid. How long has it been? A month? Two? I’ve lost track. Possibly longer than that. Ouch. It was never worth remembering, that’s my first problem.

  ​Maddox comes back through the door, he pulls his shirt over his head and drops it to the floor.

  ​Yeah, I definitely need to get laid. By that.

  ​His eyes meet mine with a heated gaze and a cocky smirk on his face. One that makes the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. I know I said I didn’t want to make his head big, but damn he has a really nice body. His arms and broad chest are covered in ink and chiseled with muscles. Everything on him looks so…firm. Yet, soft at the same time. I catch myself biting my lip and quickly stop, I have to mentally slap myself once again because I know he knows I was ogling him and I’m 100% positive that it went straight to his head. Oops. He turns and walks into the bathroom without a word. The muscles in his back ripple as he goes. He leaves the door open an inch, probably an invitation but I don’t give in that easily. If he were in front of me, it’d be hard to say no but now that he’s gone my head-fog has dissipated. Only slightly.

  ​I know I’ve said it but, I’m really going to get myself into serious trouble with these guys.

  ​“Friday. That’s a cool name. Where did it come from?” Lenny is leaning against the dresser with his legs crossed at the ankles. Honestly, I didn’t realize that he was still here. My focus was purely on the half-naked Adonis that I’ll be sharing a room with. I hope he didn’t see me drooling over Maddox too, because that would be a bit embarrassing.

  ​“My mom swore she got knocked up on a Friday, thought it would be funny.” I shrug, because it really is as simple as that.

  ​“Ah, yeah that’s, uhm… I don’t know what to say to that.” He scratches his head, the gesture telling me that he’s uncomfortable.

  ​“It’s just a name, I’m not offended.”

  ​He pushes off the dresses and sits next to me on the bed. The side of me that’s closest to him starts to tingle, almost to the point of itchiness. I furrow my brows and look up to meet his bright blue eyes for just a moment. He has a similar confused expression on his face and his hand goes to his arm as he rubs it and stands up, looking a little freaked out.

  ​“I’m gonna go hang out with the guys over there. You can come if you want,” he says as he shoves his hands into his pockets and rocks back on his heels.

  ​“I think I’ll stay here. I have a feeling they don’t like me very much.”

  ​Lenny bends down and I catch another glimpse of his eyes a better one. They are a beautiful shade of blue. Dark but bright, with a light, almost silver ring around the center, like the ocean glimmering in the sun. He gets so close that I think he’s going to kiss me, the butterflies in my belly going crazy once again. But instead of moving forward he goes to my side, his cheek brushing mine as he whispers words into my ear, causing tingles yet again. Though this time I’m not sure if it’s from him being next to me or from how turned I got from thinking he was going to kiss me.

  ​“Alec is a dick and doesn’t like anyone. Callan is not good with women.” He brushes his lips across my ear lobe, before backing up and glaring at me with his eyes filled with heat. “And you are?” I choke the words out, my voice betraying me.

  ​“I’ll let you be the judge of that.” He winks and disappears into the other room. Leaving me alone, clenching my thighs…over what, words?

  ​I really need to get laid.

  ​I plop back on the bed, my hand going to the side of my face that is still slightly tingling. Why does that happen when he gets so close? I know I haven’t had sex in a while but there is no way my body is reacting like that. I’ve gone longer before. Maybe my hormones are out of whack from stress?

  ​The bathroom door opens, pulling me from my thoughts. Maddox walks out in nothing but a loosely wrapped towel around his waist. The steam from the shower swirling out of the door behind him as the heat mixes with the cold air-conditioned room. He reaches for one of the black backpacks that he carried in, picks it up and puts it on the bed. He digs through it in search of something to wear. I’m staring at him, but he hasn’t looked at me once. Cocky mother fucker. He pulls out a pair of grey sweatpants and drops them on the bed. Fucking great. Like, that is not what I need right now. I’m having enough trouble keeping my mind out of the gutter and he has to go and put on grey sweatpants? Lord help me.

  ​He puts his bag back on the floor and turns to me, matching my look. His dark, stormy grey eyes are like nothing I have ever seen before. Like the sky when a rainstorm is coming in. A sly grin moves across his lips as he allows the towel to fall to the floor. It takes everything in me to not look down. Don’t do it, Friday, don’t do it! Fuck, I did it.

  ​Holy shit, that thing? Damn, that thing is big.

  ​Much bigger than the one I had at home.

  ​Like, I can’t imagine what it looks like when it’s fully erect. I swallow hard, quickly looking back up at Maddox’s face, to realize that his grin has grown bigger and cockier. Get it? Cock-ier.

  ​He takes his sweatpants from the bed and pulls them on, slowly and seductively, and fuck is it working. He knows exactly what he is doing, and fuck me for not being able to resist. I may need a new pair of panties.

  ​These guys are hot as fuck, all of them. Even Alec who won’t giv
e me the time of day. I’d be lying if I said that I haven’t thought about fucking them. Alone and together. I’ve never been with more than one person at a time but I’m not opposed to it. Actually, it’s a fantasy and if these guys wanted to do it, I would have no objections. Please, take me.

  ​A knock sounds on the door from the other room. I hear Callan greet the delivery guy and a few moments later the smell of pizza fills the air and my mouth waters. I haven’t had much to eat the last few days and pizza sounds beyond delicious.

  ​“Let’s go,” Maddox takes my hand and pulls me into the other room, not giving me an option of whether or not I want to go.

  ​My panties are getting wetter by the minute.

  ​Lenny and Callan are sitting Indian style on the bed closest to us, Alec is sitting in a small wooden chair that’s stationed in front of the desk. This room is a mirror image of the other, but instead of the dark red accents this room has navy blue popping up all over. Maddox pulls me towards the bed and sits, the force of him going down pulls me with him and I basically fall over onto his lap. Maddox slaps my ass, then pushes me upright.

  ​Handsy piece of-

  ​Lenny hands one of the three boxes of pizza over to Maddox, the smell instantly eradicating my anger. The box of greasy, cheesy deliciousness ends up between Maddox and I. I immediately reach for the box and grab two slices of cheese before I’m handed a plate.

  ​“How long are we staying here?” I ask between bites.

  ​“A few days,” Maddox answers.

  ​“You talk a lot,” I retort.

  ​“He likes the sound of his own voice,” Lenny’s comment causes me to snort out a laugh and almost choke on the food that’s in my mouth. I quickly swallow and take a sip from the bottle of water that Lenny handed me.

  ​“It’s not my fault that I have a nice voice.” He’s right though, he really does. He notices me staring, my emotions written on my face and he winks. Fucking fuck, this guy. He slides the box of pizza out of the way and gets nose to nose with me. His spicy scent hits my nose, overthrowing the smell of bread and cheese and sauce. “And there are plenty of other things that I can do with my mouth that I know you will enjoy.” He moves back to his spot and continues to eat his pizza, as if what he said didn’t just literally take my breath away. Not in the romantic way, but in the holy-shit-I-want-to-fuck-you kind of way.

  ​After finishing both slices, I grab another…and then another. What? I said I was hungry.

  ​After we’re finished eating, we’ve gone through three large pizzas. Not surprised with the number of guys here, they all look like they can eat quite a bit. Plus, it’s pizza.

  ​“I’m gonna call it a night, guys. I’m mentally exhausted and could really use some sleep.”

  ​They all say their good nights, besides Alec who ignores me completely. I don’t know how long I’m going to be with these guys, but trust me when I say that I will break that man wide open. I close the door behind me, leaving it open just a bit. I get comfy in my panties and camisole and get into the bed, throwing only the thin sheet over me.


  ​The feeling of someone crawling into bed has me waking up slightly. I assume it’s Maddox since he thinks that he can do whatever he wants, and I’m too tired to care who it is. I roll over expecting to tell Maddox off, but when I open my eyes there are a pair of bright blue eyes staring down at me. Attached to a someone who is wearing nothing but a flattering pair of boxer shorts.

  ​“What are you doing?” I ask in a sleepy whisper, not knowing if any of the other guys are around and not wanting to wake them if they are. It feels late, or early.

  ​“Showing you how good I can be.” He whispers into my mouth.

  ​Before I can muster up a response his lips are on my mine. He kisses me hard, but slow. I feel his need through his lips, his hands pressed into the pillow beside my head. He climbs on top of me and his excitement presses against my center. His hand moves from the bed and down to my hip, pulling me up and pressing me into him, making him harder and me wetter. The feel of him between my legs causes me to moan into his mouth. It probably should bother me that three other guys are here…somewhere, but it doesn’t. Instead it turns me on more. It’s exciting knowing that we could be caught. Or better yet, joined.

  ​His fingers slide under my shirt and brush against my skin, the soft feel of his fingertips cause goosebumps as he goes. He pulls my shirt up, freeing my breasts. His hand cups one and he rolls my hardened nipple through his fingers, pulling yet another moan from my lips. His mouth moves down to my nipple, taking it between his lips and sucking gently. He trails down my belly, to my hip, placing hot kisses as he goes. He pauses for a moment, sitting back on his heels with a look on his face that I can only describe as contemplative. He steps off the bed, pulls his boxers down and then climbs back up settling between my legs. His mouth returns to my hip for a short moment before he brings his mouth over my pussy, his hot breath causes my hips to lift and push into his mouth. Only the thin material of my now soaked panties keeps his tongue from touching the sensitive flesh between my legs.

  ​I want more. I need it.

  ​His fingers dig into the skin on my hips as my hands grab and pull at the sheets. His mouth continues over me and it’s taking everything in me to not yell at him to take off my panties so I can feel his tongue on me. Fuck. He must feel my frustration, because he mumbles a word, that I barely hear because of his mouthful of pussy.


  ​No. No fucking patience. I don’t have any, and I don’t want any.

  ​He does this for a while, building me up to orgasm and then backing off. Until finally he pulls my panties down and yes, fucking finally. He moves on top of me placing his hands on the bed on either side of my head. The plump tip of his cock slides up and down my wet crease and stops at my entrance. He moves his hips slightly, causing his hard cock to move up and rub over my clit once again, causing me to raise my hips into him.

  ​“You want this?” He grabs his cock by the base, still rubbing it over my entrance.

  ​“Yes, I do.” My hands are on his hips, pulling him to me but he won’t budge.

  ​He keeps up this game a little longer. Teasing me to the point of madness. Just when I think he’s done and he’s going to fuck me, he backs off. Bringing his mouth back down he dives into my hot cunt, lapping up all the wetness he just created between my legs.

  ​Fuck. Yes.

  ​I mumble words between moans and groans. Some are indistinguishable. Most, actually. It doesn’t take him long to build me up again, but when I get close, he stops.

  ​He likes games.


  ​He waits long enough for me to come back down, before he goes at it again. I’m getting frustrated but at the same time this is so fucking hot. Most guys I’ve been with are not this into pleasing me, none of them actually. Of course, I’ve had guys go down on me but never for me. Not like this. Noticing that my eyes have been screwed shut for far too long, I open them wanting to get a look at Lenny with a mouthful of me. But when I open them, I see something unexpected…someone, actually.

  Maddox is standing in the doorway. The light from the TV illuminating his sharp features. He’s leaning on the doorjamb wearing only his sweatpants. The bulge in his pants tells me that he likes what he sees. Lenny has no idea that someone is watching, but the scene in front of me almost pushes me over the edge. My hands twist in Lenny’s hair, pushing his face harder into my pussy, adding more pressure from his tongue. The pressure that I so desperately need to get to me what I want. My eyes stay locked on Maddox, I run my tongue along my bottom lip, biting down on it. His hand moves down and he grabs his cock by the base, allowing me to see how hard he really is. This causes an almost embarrassing sound to leave my throat. He slips his pants down slowly and steps out of them. Gripping his cock, he walks towards the bed and pauses behind Lenny. Grazing his hand ever so gently over Lenny’s back and down his hip.
  ​For a moment I worry Lenny is going to freak and that I will never get this orgasm that I desperately fucking need. I feel him pause for a moment but just as quickly as he falters, he starts right back up again, licking from my opening back up to my clit. Maddox stands behind him still gripping his cock, slowly stroking himself, his other hand still placed on Lenny’s hip. He steps back for a moment and bends down to grab something out of one of the bags on the floor. When he stands, I see a small bottle in his hand that I can only assume is lube.

  ​Props to him for being prepared.

  ​He moves back to his spot behind Lenny, never taking his eyes from mine. He pours the clear liquid into his hand, lathering it onto his thick hardness. He pours more into his hand and this time he rubs it onto Lenny. I feel the vibration of a moan come from his mouth as Maddox uses a finger on him. I’m doing everything I can to hold back the orgasm, but it isn’t easy. As much as I want it, I don’t want this to end. Lenny is enjoying himself, and fuck I want to see Maddox take Lenny.

  ​Maddox lines up behind him and slowly pushes himself in with a low growl. Lenny pulls away from my pussy only long enough to let out a short breathy moan, his eyes are closed but his face is filled with what at first think I is pain, but quickly realize is pleasure.

  ​This isn’t their first time.

  ​Lenny takes his finger and slides it over my opening, entering me slowly, adding another finger after feeling me out. The fullness of his fingers in me is so right and I push myself into him, needing more. Lenny and Maddox are both have eyes on me but my head rolls back in pleasure. Lenny’s fingers move faster and faster, quickly building me up once more. When he adds his tongue, I’m done for.

  ​Maddox continues his movements, going harder, so hard that the skin to skin slapping sound fills the silence. His pounding causes Lenny to jerk into me. My hips move off the bed, as I grind into his mouth. Feeling Maddox’s movements are what pushes me over the edge and the orgasm takes over my body. I cry out as my body convulses under Lenny’s tongue. My back arches and my grip tightens on the sheets as I ride out the wave of one of the best orgasms that I have ever had.


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