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The Game: A Billionaire Romance

Page 66

by Kira Blakely

  For God’s sake, Lexi, will you get a grip on yourself? This is probably how it’s always been here, so stop feeling as though there may be an ulterior motive or that he’s seeking you out. She felt better after her pep talk to herself, and at the end of the day, she made her way home feeling a little more positive.

  She became even more convinced that he wasn’t giving her any kind of special treatment as the following days progressed and she settled into the office routine. She discovered that during the morning hours, Sheila would deal with all of Dawson’s business. Then, during the afternoon, the man himself would take over. He was always friendly and courteous to her, and if on occasion she had the feeling he was flirting with her, she would just put it down to her overactive imagination and her lack of experience in dealing with men in general.

  She ended the week feeling really good about her job and looking forward to the next few months there. She was actually a little disappointed that it was only a temporary position, but she was going to enjoy it while she could and make the most of the experiences and new skills she was learning.

  She was finishing up her final task of the day on Friday just as Dawson came up to the reception desk.

  “Hey there, Mr. James. Was there something you needed me for?” Her heart skipped its usual beat, but she ignored it because it happened every time she saw him.

  “Are you ever going to drop the Mr. James crap and call me Dawson?” He gave her a mocking scowl that almost made her laugh out loud. “You always make me feel as though you’re talking to my father when you call me Mr. James, and I hate feeling that old.” He grinned at her this time, and Alexa couldn’t help but smile back at him as he joked with her.

  She shook her head as she answered his question. “Probably not, in all honesty. Old habits are hard to break, and I was always taught to respect my elders and address them correctly.”

  Oh my God, I did not just say that to him, she thought to herself as she realized what had come out of her mouth.

  Dawson threw back his head and laughed out loud, much to her relief and mixed embarrassment as a few other employees turned to look. “Respect your elders, huh? I’ll have to remember that, young lady.” Alexa blushed beet red at his joke, but thankfully, he kept on talking before she could say anything else to embarrass herself further. “So, how did your first week go for you? I’ve been hearing some good things about you, but I just wanted to make sure that there were no issues or problems that you were having and that you’re getting any help you need.”

  Alexa was pretty amazed that he’d actually thought to check on her like that. She was sure that not many employers did that to new staff – especially those on the lowest rung of the corporate ladder, and especially when they were billionaires who could get anyone to carry out the seemingly simple task of checking up on someone.

  “I’m getting plenty of help. Mr. James, but thank you for asking.” Well that’s one for the books, she thought.

  “You know I will break you of that eventually,” he said.

  She raised her eyebrows inquisitively.

  “You using my last name instead of my first.” He explained. “One of these days you’ll be calling me Dawson.”

  Hell, one of these days, I hope you’ll be screaming ‘Dawson,’ he mused, before cutting off the errant thought and letting his imagination make him say something he’d regret. He had the feeling that she didn’t have much experience when it came to men, and the last thing he wanted to do was scare her off before he’d had a chance to break through the invisible barrier she’d erected around herself. Starting from next week, Sheila wasn’t going to be around as much while she made plans for her upcoming wedding, and Dawson fully intended to use that to his advantage with Alexa.

  “Anyway, you have a great weekend, and don’t forget to ask if there’s anything I can do to help. I’ll see you on Monday,” he said.

  “You have a great weekend too, Mr. James.” She needn’t have bothered replying because he’d already turned and walked away, so her cheekiness was completely lost on him. She watched him exit the building and then turned her concentration back to finishing up her last task of the day before shutting down her computer and leaving herself.


  LAURA HAD WANTED to go clubbing either Friday or Saturday night, but by the time Alexa got home, all she wanted to do was relax. The two women settled for a pizza and a bottle of wine instead, enjoying their lazy supper while they watched trashy television and talked about nothing in particular.

  On Saturday, Alexa caught up with some of the chores that she’d neglected during the week, spending the day doing laundry and housework before going grocery shopping to replenish the dwindling supplies in the pantry. By the time Saturday evening rolled around, all she wanted to do was curl up and read a good book, much to the good-natured grumblings of Laura.

  “I’m not stopping you from going out, Lau. I just don’t have the energy for it right now. I think I’m going to take a long, hot bubble bath and then curl up in bed to read.”

  Laura shook her head sadly. “You know your trouble, Lexi? You’re getting old before your time. You need to let your hair down and have some fun once in a while.” She paused and then grinned mischievously. “Or maybe you just need to give that gorgeous boss of yours a call and get laid.” She ducked as Alexa threw a couch pillow at her, laughing as she made her way upstairs to get ready for a night on the town.

  Once Laura had left the house, Alexa made her way to the bathroom and filled the tub with hot water, adding a generous dollop of her favorite scented bubble bath. She stripped off her clothes and threw them in the laundry hamper before stepping into the bath and sinking down into the bubbles with a blissful sigh. After washing herself down, she leaned her head back against the bath pillow and relaxed until the water started to chill.

  Climbing out of the tub, she wrapped herself in a large bath towel and made her way to her bedroom, drying herself off before climbing into bed without bothering to put any pajamas on. If there was one thing she loved, it was getting out of a hot bath and climbing into a bed with freshly laundered sheets.

  Picking up her book from her nightstand, she opened it to the page she had last read, quickly getting lost in the love story that was unfolding before her. As she read paragraph after paragraph, she couldn’t help but visualize the main character as her boss. It was driving her crazy. She eventually gave up trying to read and threw the book back down with a restless sigh of annoyance.

  She turned off her light and gave her pillow a thump of frustration, trying to get comfortable and clear her mind enough so that she could go to sleep. Her eyes started to grow heavy and her body finally started to relax, but as she started to drift into sleep, Dawson’s voice sounded in her ears. In her sleep-drowsy state, she couldn’t make out what he was saying, but just hearing him talking to her was enough to wake her up again.

  Seriously, Lexi. You can’t even stop thinking about him when you asleep? Jesus, get a grip.

  She was really starting to get on her own nerves now, but the more she tried to push him from her mind, the more her body came alive with thoughts of him. She wondered what he would be like as a lover. Judging by how many women he had supposedly slept with, she figured he would be good at sex. But was he gentle, or did he prefer things to be a little on the rough and ready side? Alexa’s nipples started to tingle as the thought ran through her mind, and without even thinking about it, her hands came up to cup her breasts and her fingers gently pulled at the hardened buds.

  She gasped as a feeling of pleasure shot through her and she imagined that it was Dawson’s hands touching her. She pinched a little harder and her clit throbbed in response, making her moan softly. She had next to no experience when it came to men, but she couldn’t help wonder if he would be well endowed and how he would feel sliding into her body. She could feel her clit starting to swell in reaction to her thoughts, and one of her hands meandered down over the flat plane of her stomach until her fi
ngers found what they were looking for.

  She’d never really been one for pleasuring herself, and as her finger rolled over her sensitized nub, she was amazed at how wet she was and how good it felt. Her fingers slid between her folds and she slowly pushed one inside her, gasping again as another bolt of pleasure hit her. With one hand still massaging her tit and teasing her nipple, the other started to move in and out of her wetness, slowly at first, and then picking up speed as she rubbed her clit over and over. She closed her eyes tightly and let her imagination run riot as visions of Dawson flooded her mind.

  Her breathing started to quicken as she tended to her body’s needs, and as she brought herself to orgasm, her legs clamped together tightly as wave after wave of pleasure engulfed her. She’d never been able to make herself cum before, but as her eyes finally closed and she fell asleep with her hand still trapped between her legs, she made a vague mental note to make sure that she did it more often.


  ALEXA SPENT HER SUNDAY just lazing around and catching up with her favorite television shows that she’d missed during the week. When she woke up on Monday morning, she felt refreshed and ready to face whatever the day brought. She showered and dressed and ate a light breakfast before making her way into work, looking forward to the day ahead and deliberately pushing the memories of Saturday night and her fantasy out of her head.

  She’d just taken off her coat and pressed the power button on her computer, and was getting ready to sit down and start the day when the very voice she’d been trying not to think about startled her.

  “Don’t sit down just yet, Alexa. I need you to come up to my office, please.”

  Wondering what on earth she’d done wrong to be summoned to the big boss’s office, she followed Dawson on legs that weren’t quite steady, trying desperately to think back to Friday and if she’d made any mistakes. She hadn’t been there before, only ever having to deal with him over the telephone or when he came to the reception desk. As she walked into the luxurious room with its plush carpet, leather seating, and glass-topped desk, her eyes were immediately drawn to the panoramic view that the floor-to-ceiling windows offered.

  “Take a seat.” As Dawson spoke, he walked around the desk and sat down in his own chair. He leaned forward to place his elbows on the desk and rested his chin on his interlocked fingers as he looked at her without saying anything else.

  Alexa could feel her nerves escalating. She couldn’t think of anything she might have done wrong, but she felt guilty nonetheless. That’s probably because of the erotic way you were thinking about him last night, Lexi. She pushed the errant voice in her head away, trying not to blush but failing miserably.

  “Have I done something wrong, Mr. James?”

  He smiled at her for the first time, and as the smile reached his eyes, she felt herself relax a little.

  “I live in hope, Alexa.” She frowned a little as she tried to figure out what he meant, and he just grinned at her devilishly. What I wouldn’t give to have you do something wrong with me, he thought to himself. And one of these days, it might just happen, especially if I have anything to do with it. “Ignore me. It was just a private joke.” He gave her another reassuring smile and then sat back in his chair. “No, you haven’t done anything wrong. It’s quite the opposite, actually.”

  “I’m not sure that I understand.” To say Alexa was confused would be an understatement.

  Dawson laughed quietly. “I’m sorry. I’m being a little cryptic, aren’t I?” She gave a nod, but didn’t voice a reply because he didn’t really expect one. “I’ve called you up here because I need to discuss something with you. My personal assistant, Sheila, is going to be taking some time off work, which has left me with a little bit of a problem. I don’t have the time or the patience to advertise for and train a new assistant, whereas getting a new receptionist is much less of a hassle.”

  “At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot, I still don’t understand why you need to discuss it with me.” If anything, Alexa was even more confused now than she was at the start of their conversation.

  “I don’t think you could ever sound like an idiot, not even if your life depended on it. But, I’m not making myself very clear, and for that I apologize.” He was probably not making himself clear because all he could seem to think about was bending her over his desk until she was incapable of standing on her own two feet.

  Get your mind out of the gutter, Dawson. He had to remind himself that he was supposed to be discussing a new job opportunity for her, and not imagining all the things he wanted to do to her. For some reason, Alexa had got under his skin in a way that he wasn’t used to, and he had to almost physically push the instant attraction he felt towards her determinedly away. You’re not looking for a new plaything right now, remember? He’d almost forgotten that he’d decided to take a break from bedding every woman that caught his eye, and he fought the bubble of desire that curled in his belly.

  “Mr. James?”

  He was brought back to the here and now as Alexa spoke his name questioningly. “I’m so sorry. Where was I?” He didn’t even attempt to try and explain why he’d spaced out a little. It wasn’t in his nature to explain his actions to anybody, and he wasn’t about to start now. “Ah, yes, I was explaining about needing a new temporary personal assistant, wasn’t I? Let’s cut to the chase, shall we? I’ve heard nothing but good things about you and the way you work from numerous sources. I’ve also personally witnessed it firsthand. So I’ve decided that you’re going to stand in for Sheila, and I will advertise for another receptionist.”

  To say that Alexa was dumbstruck was an understatement, and she wasn’t quite sure how to react. “I’m flattered that you’d consider me, but I’m not really sure that I’m qualified enough for that position, Mr. James.” There was also the little fact that she wasn’t sure if she could handle being in such close proximity to him day in and day out.

  “Why don’t we let me be the judge of that? I know you’ve only been here for a week, but I really think that you’re up to the task. And in all honesty, Alexa, there really isn’t that much difference between what you’re already doing and what you’ll be doing for me. You will also be well compensated financially while you’re filling in for Sheila, so it’s a win-win situation, isn’t it?”

  Alexa was nodding her head thoughtfully as she listened to him. She really didn’t have a valid argument against working for him, other than her own personal reasons. “I suppose it is, but I’m still going to be calling you Mr. James.”

  They both laughed at her words and then Dawson’s expression grew more serious and businesslike. “Then that’s settled. Let me take you to Sheila’s office so that you can get settled in. She’s left plenty of notes for you to follow, and I’m sure that she’s included lists of where to find everything you may need. She also told me to tell you that if there’s anything you’re unsure of, then you can find her phone number in the top drawer of her desk and you can feel free to call her at any time.”

  Dawson got to his feet with Alexa following suit. As he walked toward the door to what she assumed was Sheila’s adjoining office, she had to physically restrain herself from staring at his ass. As they entered the room, Alexa was struck by how different it was to the relatively small reception area where she’d been working for the last week. There were numerous bookshelves filled with box files and the usual stuff one would expect to find in an office, such as paper, pens, and ink for the printer. There were also three large filing cabinets and a mahogany desk in which the computer sat.

  She’d been totally unaware of Dawson watching her with an intent expression on his face as she looked around. She had no idea how beautiful he actually found her, and if she could have read his thoughts, he was sure that she would have died from embarrassment. He was used to being surrounded by beautiful women who would fall over him with the eagerness to do whatever he wanted. However, their beauty was superficial, whereas Alexa’s was totally natural and more
becoming and attractive to him. There was also the fact that she seemed totally oblivious that he was attracted to her. Moreover, she didn’t seem to be attracted to him in return, which made her even more appealing as far as he was concerned.

  Alexa had been so engrossed in looking around her new surroundings that she jumped when Dawson spoke. “I’m going to leave you to it for now, but I’ll be calling periodically for you to take some notes or transcribe my dictations for letters that need to be sent out. There are a couple of things that you need to remember, and those are that you never let anyone come into my office without buzzing through to me first. The second and most important thing is that you always wear skirts to work. It would be absolutely criminal to cover those legs up with pants.”

  She didn’t have time to respond, and in all truthfulness she wouldn’t have known how to anyway. She just stared after him as he disappeared through the door into his own office, wondering if she’d really heard what she thought he’d said or if her imagination had been playing tricks on her again. There is no way he could have said what you thought, Lexi. No way on earth.

  Walking around to the other side of the desk, she sank down into the oversized office chair and pushed all thoughts of Dawson and what he may or may not have said out of her head. She looked around the office in disbelief, and wondered if it was some kind of record to be promoted after working for just one week. He’d told her that she’d be compensated financially, but actual figures hadn’t been discussed. Even so, Alexa was already thinking about the fact that she would be able to send money home to her parents every month so that some of their financial burdens could be eased.


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