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Rhani (Dragons of Kratak Book 3)

Page 7

by Ruth Anne Scott

  The two men kept talking, but Moira didn’t hear. She backed away from the railing. “I have to go. I have to find Rahni.”

  Pariri and Carila spun around. “Don’t go yet. We haven’t finished showing you around.”

  Moira waved to them. “Maybe another time. This is more important. Thank you both. I’ll see you later.”

  Chapter 9

  Moira hurried away. She had to tell Rahni what she heard, but where could she find him? She raced down the passage. Maybe he went back to his quarters for the night.

  She crossed a smaller hall where several passages converged and darted down the one heading back to Rahni’s room. She passed clusters of people in high spirits, but after a while, they stopped appearing from the other end. She strode down the vacant passage and turned the corner she knew led to their room when a lone figure stepped out of the shadows. It was Yorik.

  She gave him her best friendly smile and a nod before hurrying past, but he stepped into her path. No matter where she turned, he moved to block her going any further. His eyes burned, and the patterns flowed across his face thick and fast to darken his countenance. “Where are you going?”

  His expression told her everything she needed to know, and her voice stuck in her throat. “I’m going back to my room. I’m looking for Rahni, and it’s getting late.”

  He took a step closer to her. “He should know better than to let a fine woman like you walk around alone. You might get into trouble.”

  No one could mistake his intentions, but Moira’s fear turned to rage. “That’s funny. I told him the same thing about you after the way you and your brother threatened him. If someone is getting into trouble, it’s you.”

  He laughed under his breath, but his eyes glinted with hidden danger. “You’re fiery, aren’t you? I like that in a woman.”

  “If you like it in a woman, maybe you like in your own wife. Shouldn’t you be telling her that, instead of a stranger.”

  He shrugged. “My wife understands things like this. She understands how a flesh-and-blood man would admire a nice-looking woman like you.”

  “I’ll bet she doesn’t know you’re out here talking to me, though, does she? She doesn’t know you’re ambushing me in deserted passageways late at night.”

  He squared his shoulders. “No, she doesn’t, and she’s not going to find out.”

  “She’ll find out if I tell her.”

  Faster than she could think, faster than she could react, he flew at her and grabbed her with unimaginable strength. He grabbed her around the waist with one hand and clamped the other over her mouth. He moved so fast she never had time to fight back before he slammed her against the wall. “You’ll never tell her. You’ll never tell anybody if you want to live to see morning. If you tell a soul about this, I’ll slit your throat and throw your bloodless carcass over the cliff so no one will find you.”

  She batted at him with her hands even as she knew it was useless. He overpowered her by main strength. Her combat training did her no good against a foe twice her size.

  He pinned her head against the wall with his hand over her mouth and tore his hand down her shirt to free her breasts. He crushed one of them in his massive paw before he dove his hand down her pants to finger her still-excited slit. “Oh, yeah, I knew you’d be ready for me. You’re a keen little fox, aren’t you? You like it rough, I’ll bet. I’m gonna enjoy you, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. Go on. Let me hear you scream for your beloved Rahni. He can’t help you now.”

  She kicked him in the knees and clawed his shoulders with her fingernails, but she couldn’t budge him. He tormented her clit until she moaned in spite of herself. He teased her wet opening until the juice gushed down his fingers. “That’s it, baby. Let me hear you moan. You know you love it. I’m gonna take you again and again, and Rahni will never know you love it from me more than you love it from him. You’ll dream about me bending you over and nailing your sweet ass when you lie in bed with him. Won’t that be nice for you? Yeah, you know it will be.”

  He grabbed her ass and ground his bulging crotch against her vulva. “Who’s bigger, sweetheart? Me or your Rahni? I love that ass sticking out for the world to see. You like putting yourself on display for the whole Clan with these tight clothes, don’t you? You like showing a man what he’s gonna get when he grabs that ass.”

  He let go of her mouth and spun her around. He hurled her against the wall hard enough to make her scream. In a flash, he was on her. He ripped her pants down, and his raging cock nudged between her butt cheeks. She couldn’t stand here and take this. She couldn’t let this happen, but he held her in place with one mighty hand pressed against her head. She couldn’t kick or claw her way free.

  He drove his hand back into her crotch from the front while his rock-hard tool bothered her from behind. He paid no attention to her screams to get off her and leave her alone. If anything, they only encouraged him.

  He crushed her against the wall with his body, but she couldn’t stop her body responding to his touch. He knew exactly how to touch her to make her excitement rise to the surface. He licked his fingers and spread his saliva over her clitoris, and it worked its intoxicating magic on her the way Rahni’s saliva did.

  Hot lust flooded through her. She couldn’t stop it. He would nail her, and she would orgasm all over his cock the way she did Rahni’s. She almost welcomed his shaft between her legs, and the burning sugar covered his throbbing meat with its luscious sizzle.

  He already knew. “Come on, baby. Come on.”

  She closed her eyes against the inevitable. What was the use in fighting? He sensed victory and leaned back for the final plunge when a flash of red shimmered up the passage. All of a sudden, Yorik wasn’t there anymore.

  Moira whirled around. She yanked her shirt closed and pulled her pants up just in time to see Rahni’s spiky dragon head dart past her. He struck Yorik again with his pointed, smoking snout and sent him flying away down the passage.

  Yorik tumbled over the stone floor and came to a stop some dozen yards away. A moment later, Rahni appeared as a man at Moira’s side. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. Thank you.”

  Yorik got to his feet and pulled up his pants, but he limped when he tried to walk. He glared back and forth between Rahni and Moira. “You’ll pay for this.”

  Rahni narrowed his eyes at his cousin. “Your father would have something to say about that.”

  “You don’t have the balls to tell my father anything. He wouldn’t believe you anyway. He doesn’t believe a word you say, and I don’t blame him. You’re cracked in the head. You always have been. You belong in the basement where you won’t bother anybody.”

  Rahni turned away. “I’m going to find your father and tell him right now what you just did to Moira. We’ll see who he believes and who he doesn’t. I’m willing to bet this isn’t the first time you decided to take what you want without asking.”

  Yorik jumped in front of him. “Stop right there. You’re not going anywhere.”

  “What are you going to do to stop me? You might be able to overpower Moira, but you won’t have such an easy time with me.”

  “I could smash you with one hand tied behind my back.”

  “I would love to see you try.”

  “We can’t fight here. There isn’t space.”

  “Name the place.”

  Rahni shook his head. “This is your fight. You decide.”

  “The Great Hall, then.”

  “The Great Hall! What for? We can settle this just between you and me.”

  Yorik pulled himself up to his full height. He stood several inches taller than Rahni, with more powerful shoulders and immovable bulk. “This isn’t just a friendly fight between cousins, Cousin. I challenge you, and the winner take all.”

  Rahni glanced at Moira. “All?”

  “All. If I win, you’ll be dead. You won’t be able to stop me taking your woman for myself.”

  Moira spoke
up. “Don’t you think I have something to say about this? I won’t go with you, Yorik, and that’s final.”

  “When Rahni’s lying in a pool of blood on the Great Hall floor, not you or any Harkniss or anyone else will be able to stop me. You and your Clan will be humiliated in front of all our Clan. Any designs you and your brothers have against my Clan will be crushed. Do I make myself clear?”

  He didn’t wait for an answer. He shoved past Rahni and his footsteps drummed down the passage out of earshot.

  Moira rounded on Rahni. “What in God’s name is going on? Why did you let him challenge you like that? He’ll kill you and take me. You have to stop him.”

  “Accepting his challenge is the only way to stop him. Anyway, he doesn’t really care about you.”

  “What are you talking about? You just saw him almost rape me. Do you know what he’ll do if you’re not around to stop him?”

  “My guess is he’ll ignore you. You heard what he said. This has nothing to do with you. He’s doing this to help Tam.”

  “What? What’s Tam got to do with this?”

  “Don’t you remember? Tam is worried I’m here to take over his Clan. He sees me as the next patriarch of Clan Harkniss, and he thinks I’m here to depose him. He roped Yorik into attacking you as a provocation. Yorik wanted to challenge me, and he knew I wouldn’t refuse if you were at stake. That’s what this is all about. He wouldn’t have challenged me to fight him in the Great Hall if this wasn’t a full Clan challenge. Yorik doesn’t really want you.”

  “You could have fooled me.”

  Rahni faced her for the first time. He put his arms around her and held her close. “I’m sorry you got caught in the middle of this. Are you still scared?”

  Moira shuddered in his embrace. Her hands shook, and her knees wobbled. “I’m...I’m okay.”

  “He didn’t do anything, did he? I got to him in time, didn’t I?”

  “He didn’t do anything. He just scared me. That’s all.”

  He took her hand. “Come on. Let’s go home.”

  He led her the rest of the way down the passage and closed the bedroom door behind them. He sat her on the bed and sat down next to her. “Now tell me exactly what he did.”

  “Nothing. He fingered me, and he said I would like it better than I liked it with you.”

  “Anything else?”

  “He put his saliva on my.... That’s why I....I couldn’t stop it.”

  He frowned. Her lip quivered. She couldn’t say the words out loud.

  He pulled her against him and kissed her hair. “I understand.”

  He laid her back on the bed and lay down next to her. He took her in his arms and kissed her, again, again, until their lips entangled in that delicious dance bringing them together as one flesh.

  Moira put her arms around his neck and took shelter in his presence. She was safe as long as he remained at her side, but what if Yorik won that challenge? She would never be able to leave Prowiss Keep without the help of some Kratak—Ingasore.

  Without anyone explaining that name to her, she understood. That was their true name. The Ingasores. Only the Allies called them Krataks. Only the Allies didn’t understand their true nature.

  She couldn’t think about the challenge. She couldn’t think about Yorik without fear eating away at her guts, but all wound up with that fear, she couldn’t stop the burning excitement rising along with it.

  His saliva brought her tissues to life, and they wouldn’t stop twitching until they achieved their full release. She ached for it. Her body needed it.

  Rahni breathed his heady breath into her nostrils, and her pulse quickened. His passion erased the shame and fear of Yorik’s touch. His hands wiped the filth of Yorik’s invasion out of existence. His kiss consumed it and burned it to ash.

  He unfastened her shirt, button by button. He kissed down her jawline to her neck and pushed the sides of her shirt aside with his cheeks. He kissed down her cleavage. “Did he touch you here? Did he touch you here?”

  She caught her breath and gasped. “Yes!”

  He cupped her breast in one warm hand. “Like this?”


  He kissed her brown wrinkled nipple. “Did he kiss it like this?”


  He kissed it again. “No? Are you sure?”

  She sucked her breath through her teeth. He ran his tongue around the nipple, and the skin tightened when the air touched the wetness.

  He licked down her belly. “Did he lick you?”


  “But his saliva turned you on.”


  He rose up on his knees and slid her pants down to expose her heavenly triangle. She turned her head aside and closed her eyes. She couldn’t watch him work his alchemy to heal her fear and pain.

  He took off her pants and shirt and stretched her out naked for his examination. He caressed her thighs with long, loving strokes. “Did he touch you like this?”


  “Did he finger you?”


  “Show me. Let me see?”

  She moved one glowing thigh out of the way, and her cleft cracked open for him. The rosy petals glistened with sweet droplets. Rahni explored her opening with his fingers and circled her clit to bring the panting mews to her lips. “Like this?”


  He quickened his tight circles, but he didn’t kiss her again. He leaned back and watched her chest rise and fall with quickening breath. He watched her quake from head to toe in consuming passion.

  “Did he make you wet?”


  “Was it his saliva or his touch that made you wet.”


  He bent down and kissed her heaving mons. “Like this?”

  She couldn’t whisper. She could only form a silent “Yes,” with her parched lips.

  He touched his tongue to her flaming tissues, and her whole body burst into torrents of unstoppable desire. She tossed her vulva against his mouth, and her elixir flowed out to join his saliva washing her away. Nothing could stop it.

  Before she knew what was happening, his fingers penetrated to her core and stirred her pleasure to a raging inferno. His words echoed in her mind, without end. Like this? Like this? Like this?

  She could only answer Yes! with all her soul. Just like that. That’s how he turned her on when she didn’t want to be, but she wanted it now. She wanted those fingers. She wanted that warm wetness ruffling her spongy cunt to a throbbing cavern of bliss.

  He plowed his muscled fingers in to her cervix and out to stimulate the G spot just inside her opening. He touched all the spots along her channel to wind her tight to spring apart in orgasmic fireworks. His attentions filled her with infinite pleasure until not one blot of discomfort or worry remained to disturb her.

  He ate her to a state of high tension, but he left her dangling on tenterhooks when he reared back to kneel over her. She stared up at the dragon rising above her. His chest spread to monstrous wings, and his head stooped forward to blow his sulfur breath into her face.

  What was he? Who was he? She didn’t have to understand. She loved him. She worshiped him in all his magnificence. His cock stabbed the air with its giant veins throbbing in naked lust.

  He dropped onto all fours above her and rolled her sideways. He lay down behind her, and one hand found its way into her quivering cunt from the front while his massive cock burrowed between her butt cheeks from behind.

  She thought of Yorik, but this time, a glad shout of pure joy floated to the skies. He couldn’t touch her. He would never interfere in her desire for Rahni. He could do his worst. Rahni would always conquer. Rahni would always possess her.

  He stroked her clit with his hand, and his thick tool found its way into the dripping hole prepared for it. Her flesh surrounded it, and her inner muscles spasmed to milk it of its precious concoctions. His essence filled her every sinew and made her clean and bright and whole

  She pushed her ass back against his strokes, and surge upon surge of blissful delight sparkled through her being. She undulated back and forth between his driving cock and the fingers titillating her from the front. No matter where she went or what she did, he completed her.

  He murmured in her ear. “Did you want it? Did you want it like this? Did he make you want it?”

  “Yes! I wanted it just like this. Oh, yes!”

  He slammed his hips against her ass and made her ivory flesh quiver. “Like this? Is this the way you want it?”

  “Yes! Yes!”

  “Let me hear how much you want it. Let me feel how wet it makes you to take it like that.”

  Her deepest self answered him with rapturous cries. His cock burned over her G spot until the squirts of golden honey coated it. Did her nectar bring the patterns swirling around his skin the way his saliva did hers?

  She didn’t have to see to know they did. Golden filigree twinkled down his shaft and snaked down his thighs when she sucked him. Rainbow fractals followed her fingers around his ass and belly and chest when she tickled and licked and caressed him.

  He brought his other hand around her shoulders to her neck. He pulled her head back and stuck his fingers in her mouth. “Suck.”

  She sucked. She sucked the patterns from his cock. He pumped them into her waiting fissure and squirted them from her pussy when he pressed her button. He injected them into her squeezing cunt and filled her with drunken dreams.

  Chapter 10

  Moira walked down the passage toward the minor hall to join Rahni and Connal’s family for the morning meal, but the Keep gave her a strange feeling this morning. People hurrying about their business didn’t smile or laugh, and more than once, Moira thought she noticed people withdrawing to the other side of the passage to pass as far away from her as she could.

  At first, she dismissed the notion. She must be imagining things, but after it happened again and again, she couldn’t deny it. They lowered their eyes rather than look at her.

  Moira’s cheeks burned, but she couldn’t explain it until she found Pariri and Carila standing against a wall outside the breakfast hall. Carila cast a sidelong glance at Moira and whispered something into Pariri’s ear.


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