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Camp Rock 2

Page 2

by Wendy Loggia

  * * *

  Mitchie sucked in her breath as her canoe pulled up to the Camp Star docks. She didn’t really care about the bonfire—but she was curious to see what Camp Star was all about.

  And as she gazed up the hill, she had a pretty good idea.

  The place didn’t look like a camp—it was a resort!

  She noticed that behind her, Shane was having a little trouble. As in, he had one foot on the dock while his other foot was still in his boat. And the boat was starting to drift.

  “A little help?” Shane was calling to his brothers, who were already on their way to the camp.

  Laughing, Mitchie reached out and grabbed Shane, pulling him to safety. “See?” she said. “These are the kinds of things I can’t learn about you over e-mail.”

  “Maybe we should go back to that,” Shane joked. “Unless you found that sweet and endearing instead of stupid and klutzy.”

  Definitely sweet, Mitchie thought. She couldn’t wait to spend some quality time with Shane. But finding out what Camp Star was up to came first.

  Farther down the dock, a group of rowdy nineyear-old Junior Camp Rockers was getting out of their boat. Their counselor, a harried looking guy with a bad sunburn, was trying to get them in line.

  Jason walked over to them. “I remember when I was a Junior Rocker,” he said, feeling nostalgic. He pumped his fist. “Rock on, my little brothers. Bumps and high fives.”

  One of the Junior Rockers was filming all the goings-on with a video camera. “Oh, hey, little man, what do we have here?” Jason said, nodding appreciatively. “A video camera? Very cool.”

  He reached over to touch it, but the kid pulled away.

  “Don’t touch it,” the boy said, frowning.

  Jason’s eyes widened. “What, you think I’m going to drop it in the water?”

  The kid shrugged, then handed it to Jason … who accidentally dropped it in the water.

  “And if you thought that, you’d have been right,” Jason said, taking a deep breath as the boy crossed his arms and scowled up at him.

  Meanwhile, Brown and Connie had started walking up the path, but had been stopped by Brown’s former bandmate—now nemesis—Axel Turner.

  “Brown, my man,” Axel said, grinning. “Long time.”

  Brown sighed. “And yet never long enough. Look, Axel, I don’t know what you’re playing at—”

  Axel held up his hands “Whoa! I’m beginning to remember why I left the band.”

  “Left the band?” Brown exclaimed. “You left the band? Is that what you’re telling people?” Axel had been thrown out of the band for a bad attitude that went beyond normal rock-star behavior. The guy was talented for sure—but completely ruthless.

  “You, my friend, have got to stop living in the past,” Axel declared. “I’m trying to reach out to you here.”

  Brown couldn’t believe his ears. “By driving me out of business?”

  Axel smiled again. “There’s no reason we both can’t be successful. We each have our niche.”

  “Niche?” Brown repeated warily.

  “Camp Star is dedicated to producing the superstars of tomorrow. What’s your place about again?” Axel asked, as if he didn’t know.

  “Encouraging kids in their love of music,” Brown said firmly. And if that led to them becoming professional musicians, even better. Focusing on their craft—songwriting, producing, dancing, singing—not aiming for instant superstardom was what Brown was all about.

  Axel smiled as he turned to go. “Like I said, room for both of us.”

  Brown turned to Connie. “Just to be clear, he did not leave the band. We kicked him out.”

  “I know,” Connie assured him. “It’s okay.”

  But it wasn’t okay. Brown was seriously worried. How would Camp Rock compete with superslick Camp Star?

  Up near the Camp Star amphitheater, Nate was leaning against the railing, staring out into the darkness.

  Jason walked up to him. “Ready?”

  Nate shook his head. “No. We shouldn’t be here. It’s so obvious this guy is just doing this to get back at Brown,” he said. “First he tries to take down the Wet Crows and now Camp Rock.” Nate glanced at the Camp Star mug in Jason’s hand. “What is that?” he asked.

  “Hot chocolate. They’re handing it out for free. And you get to keep the mug,” Jason replied.

  Nate stared at his brother.

  “What?” Jason said, wide-eyed.

  “There’s no way I’m going to this bonfire,” Nate said firmly.

  Just then a pretty girl walked by. As Nate gazed after her in awe, she turned to smile at them.

  “Hey, pouty boy, you better hurry!” the girl called. “The bonfire’s about to start.”

  Nate watched her go, then realized Jason was looking at him. “We should probably go,” he said, forgetting all about his earlier decision. “I think the bonfire is about to start.” Without waiting for an answer, he started walking briskly up the path in the same direction the gorgeous girl had just gone.

  “Don’t mock,” Nate said over his shoulder before Jason could call him out.

  “I’m not mocking,” Jason said, stifling a laugh.

  “Yes you are.”

  Jason pushed aside a branch. “Maybe a little.”

  Everyone was filing into the Camp Star amphitheater. Mitchie was looking for her friends when Shane came jogging over and pulled her aside.

  “Question,” he said, looking into her eyes. “What do you say, later on, you and I break away and finally go on a real first date?”

  Mitchie smiled. “Answer. I’d like that.” She looked over at the huge amphitheater stage. “Wow,” she murmured, her eyes flitting from the lights to the speakers. It was hard not to be impressed.

  “I know, right?” Tess chimed in, walking past. “That’s all I’ve been saying since I got off the boat.”

  Mitchie slipped her hand in Shane’s and together they found seats next to Ella. The place was filling up quickly with people from both camps.

  “So I thought this was supposed to be a campfire,” Mitchie said, looking around. There was no campfire in sight. “Singing, telling stories, an actual fire … ”

  Suddenly the lights went off. Axel Turner walked out onto the stage. “If everyone could take their seats,” he said into his mike. He cleared his throat. “Hi, I’m Axel Turner, and I’d like to welcome all you Rockers and my dear old friend Brown Cesario to Camp Star!”

  Mitchie rolled her eyes. Dear old friend? He seemed more like a mortal enemy from what she’d heard.

  “But you all don’t want to hear a speech from me,” Axel went on. “You want to get to what a campfire is really all about, singing.”

  Ella elbowed Mitchie. “Hey, that’s what you just said. You’re twins!”

  “So, does anyone have anything they’d like to play?” Axel continued. “Camp Rockers, no need to be shy.” He paused for a moment, but nobody volunteered. “No takers?” Axel asked. “Well, no worries. Camp Star will start us off. And apologies if we embarrass ourselves. We’re kind of new at this.”

  “Does somebody want to use my guitar?” Mitchie spoke up, glancing around. She hadn’t noticed anyone else with an instrument.

  “No,” Axel told her. “I think we’re good.” He pointed off stage and … bam! The whole stage lit up. Startled, Mitchie fell back into her seat as lights began blinking and a base line began thumping.

  A tall, good-looking young guy about Shane’s age walked out on the stage as if he owned it. As he started to sing, a full chorus of Camp Star backup singers and dancers strutted across the stage.

  Mitchie looked at Shane, who was just as dumbfounded as she was. Forget a “campfire.” This was like being at a Connect 3 concert! What was going on?

  The guy continued to belt out the lyrics, stopping for a moment as the spotlight shifted to a girl playing the keyboard. She was amazing.

  As the song ended, a final showy blast of pyrotechnics burst across the fro
nt of the stage. Then the girl on the keyboard threw her hands up in the air with a flourish. A gold bracelet flew off her wrist and into the crowd.

  “Ow! My eye!” Nate cried out as the bracelet hit him in the face.

  Mitchie and the Camp Rockers all looked a little shell-shocked. Mitchie applauded politely. She wasn’t sure what to think of the spectacle she’d just witnessed.

  Tess jumped to her feet, whooping and whistling. “Whoooooooo! That was so good!” She glanced at Mitchie. “Wasn’t that good? That was good!”

  Before Mitchie could respond, Axel came back out onstage. “And that’s how we do things at Camp Star. Before we go further, I just wanted to make a quick announcement. We’re having some staffing problems. Who knew we’d be so popular?”

  Brown had walked over to Shane and Mitchie.

  “What’s he doing?” Shane asked.

  “We really are under attack,” Brown said, not taking his eyes off the stage.

  “So I’m just going to put it out there,” Axel continued. “If there are any Camp Rock counselors or staff who’d like to make the switch, I’d be more than willing to double your salary.”

  Brown was furious. “I barely have enough staff as it is!”

  Mitchie gasped as Camp Rock counselors began calling out.

  “I’ll go,” said one.

  “Me, too,” said a counselor Mitchie recognized from the dock. More people raised their hands. It was mass desertion!

  Two Camp Star counselors holding clipboards stood next to Axel on the stage. “And if there are any campers who’d like to join us, well, I’m sure we could find you a bunk. Did I mention our cabins are air-conditioned?”

  Now it was pandemonium as campers and counselors alike started talking excitedly.

  Outraged, Mitchie leaped to her feet. “He can’t do that!”

  Brown grabbed Jason’s arm. “I need all Camp Rockers back on the boats. Now.”

  Jason was angry. “Dude, we can’t just let him get away with this!”

  “Later!” Brown barked. “Just go.”

  Mitchie hurried off to help gather up the Camp Rockers. This is supposed to be the best summer of my life, Mitchie thought, waving a few campers over. And I’m not about to sit by and watch Axel Turner ruin it!

  “Are you sure it’s okay?” Nate asked his brother. They were standing by the side of the stage and Shane was examining his eye.

  “Not even a scratch,” Shane assured him, patting his arm.

  “I’m really sorry about that,” a girl’s voice said. Nate spun around. It was the pretty girl he had noticed before—who had also ended up being an amazing keyboard player.

  “It’s cool,” Nate said nonchalantly. “I’m totally fine. Just happy I could catch it for you.”

  She smiled. “Well, it’s always kinda been my lucky charm. Guess it still works.”

  “Did you miss the part where it hit him in the eye?” Shane blurted out. Then, noticing Nate’s annoyed look, he began backing up. “Hey, I think I’m going to go walk around aimlessly. See ya.”

  Now it was just Nate and the girl. Feeling tongue-tied, Nate looked down at the bracelet in his hand. “So … ‘Onop,’” he said, trying to read the letters.

  She turned it around in his hand.

  “So, Dana,” he corrected himself, feeling like an idiot. “That actually makes more sense. You were really good.”

  She blushed. “You think? I’m just glad it’s finally over,” she confessed. “I’ve been practicing for weeks. Right before I went on I was almost sure I was going to throw up.” She paused. “So, Nate …”

  “How’d you know my name?” Nate asked her.

  “Uh, because I’d, like, have to live under a rock to not know that,” Dana said as if it were obvious. “It’s got to be so incredible. You know, not just being you, but being in a band. Traveling around the world. I’d love that. Maybe not the band part—but at least the traveling part.”

  Nate nodded. “Yeah, it’s pretty cool.”

  An awkward moment of silence passed between them. Nate wanted to say something interesting or cool, but the words just weren’t coming.

  “I’m really glad you guys came,” Dana said finally. “My dad was totally sure that none of you would show.”

  Nate gave her a quizzical glance.

  “My dad’s Axel Turner,” she explained.

  “He’s your dad?” Nate couldn’t believe this girl was that guy’s daughter.

  “Everybody says that. And kind of just like that,” she said ruefully. “But trust me, once you get to know him he’s a really great guy.”

  Nate wasn’t too sure about that. He also wasn’t sure what to say next. He stared down at the bracelet.

  “Well, I should probably go,” Dana said at last.

  “Here,” Nate said, holding out the bracelet. “You don’t want to lose it.”

  “You can keep it if you want,” Dana said.

  “What would I do with a bracelet?” Nate asked before he could stop himself.

  “Right,” Dana said, nodding quickly. “And for the record, I’m glad you’re okay. You’ve got really pretty eyes.” She looked suddenly self- conscious. “I’m sorry. That was weird. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Nate told her. “People talk about them all the time. You know, they’re right there in the middle of my face, so …”

  “So … see ya around,” Dana said, turning on her heel and hurrying off.

  Nate watched her go and then smacked himself in the head. “Aaah!” he exclaimed. There were so many things he should have told her! “You have pretty eyes, too! Yes, I want to keep it. I want to put it under my pillow and look at it every day. Stupid. Stupid!” he said aloud to himself. Then Nate stalked off, passing Shane. “I’m an idiot,” he muttered.

  “Great. Finally something we can agree on,” Shane said.

  Nate strode back and punched him.

  “Ow! A very strong idiot!” Shane cried, rubbing his arm.

  Meanwhile, Dana’s father had caught up to her. “I don’t want you talking to that boy,” he told her sternly.

  “Don’t worry,” she said, dejected. “I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.”

  Rounding up the other Camp Rockers wasn’t easy. For the past fifteen minutes, Mitchie had gone from classroom to classroom at Camp Star looking for campers. She opened the door to the recording studio. Two campers were inside, singing.

  “Rockers. Boats. Two minutes,” she told them. The girls hesitated—then bolted out the door.

  Mitchie gazed around. “Wow,” she whispered, taking in all the expensive, state-of-the-art equipment. “Now that’s a recording studio.” As she turned to go outside she bumped smack into the guy who’d just performed like a bona fide rock star—with the attitude to match.

  “Hey,” he said, smiling broadly at her.

  “Hi,” Mitchie said flatly. She was not interested in talking to him. But he wouldn’t move out of her way. “Can I help you with something?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Do I look like I need any help?” he asked slyly.

  “Do I know you?” Mitchie said. Then she raised her voice, calling out, “Boats. Two minutes!”

  The guy laughed. “Do you know me? That’s a good one.” He gazed at her. “I’m Luke. Luke Williams? I was just onstage, like, two minutes ago.” He started singing a few lines of the song from before. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

  Mitchie rolled her eyes. “Oh, yeah. Impressive.”

  “I know, right?” Luke said, not picking up on her sarcasm. “So, you thinking about joining us over here?”

  “Uh, no,” Mitchie said, attempting to brush past him. “I’m good where I am, thanks.”

  Luke smirked. “Yeah, well, you’re Shane Gray’s girlfriend so …”

  Mitchie stopped. “Wait. What does Shane … That is not … How do you even know that?”

  “You gotta know the players if you want t
o be in the game,” Luke said smugly. “Am I right?”


  “It’s a tough business,” Luke said, his eyes narrowing into slits.

  Mitchie stared at him. “It’s summer camp.”

  “To you,” Luke pointed out. “For anybody at Camp Star, it’s step one to a long and illustrious career. I don’t have time for second-rate.”

  “We’re not second-rate,” Mitchie argued.

  “You don’t have to get all defensive,” Luke told her, holding up his hands. “You don’t have to try and convince me.”

  “I’m not trying to do anything,” Mitchie said, glaring at him.

  “Good. Then Camp Rock is the perfect place for you.”

  Mitchie felt as if she was about to explode. “Look, just so we’re clear, Luke ‘I’m giving you the fiiiiiiiiire’ Williams, there isn’t a single Camp Rocker, not one, who would ever in a million years think about coming to this narcissistic, overproduced ego factory!” she burst out.

  Just then Tess ran over, holding up her phone. “Guess what? My mom said yes. I get to switch!” she exclaimed.

  Luke beamed. “That’s great. Welcome to the ego factory.”

  Tess beamed back. “Thanks!”

  Mitchie stared at her. “Tess, how could you?”

  Tess put on a sad face. “I know. I’m sorry. I feel horrible, but—” Suddenly she was smiling again. “Who am I kidding? I’m so excited I can’t even pretend to be sympathetic!” Tess touched Luke’s arm. “I love what you just did up there,” she gushed. “So impressive!”

  “I know, right?” Luke bragged. “It’s kinda my thing.”

  Mitchie had had enough. “Good luck finding a spotlight big enough for both of you,” she said before storming off. She couldn’t wait to get back to Camp Rock.

  It was only a mile away … but a world apart. as the sun rose the next day, everyone who had decided to stay on at Camp Rock gathered in the mess hall. Mitchie stood in the middle of a crowd of campers, while Sander and Barron were at a DJ table behind her.

  “Everything’s going to be fine,” Mitchie was assuring the campers. “Brown’s a smart guy. He’ll figure it out.”

  “Thanks for that vote of confidence.”


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