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When He Woke (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)

Page 7

by Taylor Brooks

  “Aaron, none of what happened was your fault.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. But, hey…I got out of doing housework for two years. So I guess I’m some sort of evil genius.” He grinned.

  “Now that I would believe. You always could come up with the most creative excuses for not vacuuming or folding the laundry.”

  “What can I say…what you see here, it’s a lot more than just a pretty face.” Aaron winked playfully, but wasn’t quite feeling that humorous.

  “Something on your mind?” Matt asked.

  Aaron took a bite of the sandwich and shook his head in answer. In truth there were tons of things on his mind. None of which he wanted to discuss or delve into.

  “Hmm…you sure?” Matt asked again.

  He continued taking large bites of his sandwich, ensuring that his mouth would be too full to talk or carry on a conversation. He just nodded his head in answer and held up the sandwich with a grin.

  “Okay, well I was thinking about drawing you a bath so you could relax. Why don’t you wait here and—”

  Aaron grabbed his hand and swallowed his bite. “Wait.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. It’s just…I’ve been relaxing for two years. I’d like to just take a nice long, hot shower. And maybe even shave.”

  “Okay, babe. Let me get the things ready in the bathroom for you. Finish your sandwich and just come in when you’re ready, okay?” Matt kissed his forehead and left the room.

  Aaron watched him walk away. That kiss on the forehead had been one of many that he’d received in the past few days. He never much minded those sweet little things Matt had done, but he couldn’t help but want for more. Sure they had kissed on the lips, but they hadn’t full-on kissed. Not the types of kisses they used to give one another when they were hungry for one another. He missed that. He needed that.

  A few minutes later Aaron was setting his plate down in the kitchen sink and heading back toward their bedroom. He glanced in their home office on the right and their guest room on the left. Despite the two years passing, everything looked exactly the same. If he didn’t know better, he’d swear it was still the year 2012 and everyone was just playing a joke on him.

  He walked into the en suite off of their master bedroom and saw Matt setting two towels on the toilet seat. There was a new razor and a can of shaving cream next to the sink and the water was already turned on. Steam rose from the small stream which splashed down into the sink, fogging the mirror and creating a thick and sultry haze to fill the room.

  Matt turned around and saw him. “Hey, you. I didn’t see you come in.”

  “I’m sneaky like that,” he answered with a smile.

  “Oh! I almost forgot.” Matt hurried over to the sink, pulled out a new toothbrush, and tore it from the package. “I got you a new toothbrush.”

  “Thanks, babe. That was really sweet.”

  “Yeah well, you’re worth it. Now get yourself shaved and your teeth brushed. I’m going to get some clothes out for you. Then we can look to see what’s on cable and we’ll spend the day together snuggled up and eating popcorn.”

  “Sounds nice.”

  Matt came toward him and cupped Aaron’s face in his hands. “I’m so glad you’re back, baby. I’ve missed you so much.”

  Aaron just smiled and kissed his lips. There wasn’t much he could say. He didn’t miss Matt because for as far as his brain could recollect, he had just gone to sleep one day and woken up the next. But, he did miss the unshielded Matt, the one who didn’t keep things hidden from him. He didn’t know how he would get to him again, but he damn sure intended on trying.

  “Okay, now get cleaned up.” Matt left him alone in the bathroom.

  Aaron swiped at the fog clouding the mirror and took a good look at himself. Even though Matt had given him a shave in the hospital and gotten rid of most of his beard, there were still new whiskers growing in and overall he had this unkempt, spent-two-years-in-the-wilderness type of look about him.

  Even with those two years being lost, he hadn’t forgotten how to give himself a nice and clean, smooth shave. After five minutes of rinsing the razor, using lots of his favorite shaving cream and going over it a second time, he finally had the fresh and clean look that he was used to. He then rinsed his mouth with mouthwash and gave his teeth the first thorough cleaning he probably had in months. He spread his lips apart in the mirror and stared at his teeth for a moment. It was obvious he needed to get into the dentist and get a good cleaning. He wasn’t a hygiene freak, but just knowing that he’d been asleep for that long, he had no idea what kind of plaque might have built up on his shiners.

  “Wow. Look at you. Someone sure cleans up nicely.” Matt came back in the bathroom with a terry cloth robe in hand.

  “Yeah? You like what you see?” Aaron smiled, genuinely happy to see that glow in Matt’s eyes.

  “Do I ever! You look fantastic.”

  “Well then maybe you should come here and show me how good I look.” Aaron held out his hand.

  Matt hung the robe up on a hook next to the shower and reached for Aaron’s hand. He laced their fingers together and Aaron pulled him in toward him. Their bodies collided together and Aaron didn’t waste any time in taking what he wanted.

  He crushed their lips together and forced Matt’s lips apart so that he could slide his tongue inside. It had been far too long since he tasted the flavor of Matt’s kiss, and he was hungry for that elemental punch that he could only get from this man’s kiss.

  Just as he knew it would, he felt the jolt to his senses. Matt’s kiss was strong and powerful. He had no idea how he had slept through two years without getting a fix on this man. His craving should have woken him up if for no other reason than to feed off of what Matt could give him.

  Just as he remembered, their passion was elemental. The way they devoured one another could only be described as raw, primal, and unrelenting. They slowly started to relax and allow their hands to roam one another’s bodies. Aaron’s hands moved greedily, searching and seeking as much as he could.

  His body was beginning to react. He could feel the heat building up inside of his body and build in his balls. Blood raced through his veins, shooting straight to his cock. The reaction had little to do with the heat of the room and everything to do with the man who was wreaking havoc on his body.

  As much as he wanted Matt, he could still sense a subtle difference in how he kissed. Their connection was still there. Their yearning was still present. There was just a change, a slight shift in how he moved his tongue, the way he moaned and breathed in through his nose as they continued their exploration.

  This time there was something different. Despite Aaron knowing this, their connection, their yearning for one another was unyielding and remained the same. It was no longer a question of what they wanted. It was what they needed to take.

  Breathlessly Matt pulled away and dropped his forehead against Aaron’s. “Jesus. I thought I’d never get to kiss you like that again.”

  “So who says we have to stop?” Aaron leaned in for more of that same kiss when Matt pulled away.

  “The way you look at me…” Matt whispered. “I’ve missed that so much.”

  Aaron sucked in Matt’s lower lip and nibbled on it gently. He couldn’t speak. Not just yet. He needed to get a hold of his emotions. They were running rampant in his mind and body. His thoughts were all over the place as he tried to find the words to convey what he was feeling while his cock grew thicker and harder.

  “Let’s just take it easy, okay? I don’t want you to overdo it. You just take your shower and I’m going to get the popcorn maker out. See you in a little bit.” Matt said nothing more and left the room.

  Aaron’s libido was treated with an invisible cold shower from Matt’s abrupt departure. His confidence and ego took a blow from it as well. He had been hot and hard for Matt. Having him pull away wasn’t something he would have expected.

  Maybe it was for t
he best, he considered. If he hadn’t left, Aaron may have been forced to spin Matt around and bend him over right there and then. He didn’t just want to fuck Matt. He wanted to make love to him. He wanted to remind Matt and himself that they were okay, that these two years hadn’t changed a thing.

  Aaron resigned himself to taking a shower with blue balls and his deflated ego. He turned on the shower, waiting and adjusting the temperature of the water for a minute before he stepped inside.

  Their custom order rain fixture above his head provided just the right amount of soothing relief for his aching joints and muscles. The years of remaining idle had managed to turn him into an eighty-year-old man with arthritis. Not technically, but sometimes he sure felt like that was what he had.

  With his eyes shut, he reached for the soap and began washing up. Whatever smell it was caused the shower to fill with a cooling fresh scent. The aroma worked its way through his nostrils and cleared his somewhat agitated state of mind. Even the dull headache that kept coming back seemed to diminish a little, and before he knew it, from head to toe he could feel his discomfort literally lift from his body and float away.

  When he began washing his lower body, he found himself lingering on his balls and cock. The suds combined with the heat of the water provided him with just enough of an itch that he couldn’t help but want to scratch it.

  He braced one hand against the shower wall and set the soap down. Then with his other hand, he wrapped his fingers around his cock, closing them around his shaft. His heart started to pound and he felt his dick grow thick and heavy in his palm. He clenched his teeth when he began moving his hand down the slippery length and started to stroke himself.

  Fuck, but it felt so damn good. So good that he had been forced to still his hand and take control of himself before he could start up again. The tight grip of his hand was no match for what he truly wanted to do. His mind conjured up all sorts of images, some from memories, some from fantasies, but they all involved Matt.

  His cock wasn’t just hard because he needed to get off. It was hard because of the man that Matt was. He turned him on in every way imaginable. He gave sex appeal a whole new meaning.

  Aaron’s cock was throbbing painfully as he slowly stroked himself, trying not to come because it felt so good, but knowing that was exactly what he needed. So he prolonged his anguish, moving his hand in an almost snail like pace as he wondered wished for Matt to come back in the bathroom to join him.

  Unlike Aaron’s now-too-thin physique, Matt’s body was the closest thing to perfection he had ever seen. At six feet, four inches tall, all eyes went to him whenever he entered a room. His body was perfectly proportioned with just the right mixture of muscle and dark hair sprinkled across his chest. Then there was his cock, his thick, long, and so fucking delicious cock.

  God help him, but Aaron had a weakness for Matt’s dick that defied logic. Like a kid in a candy store, he had taken great pleasure freeing Matt from his clothes and sucking him off like he was the sweetest lollipop. The only difference was, Aaron knew exactly how many licks it took to get to that cream feeling in the center.

  Fuck. I want your cock so bad, baby.

  So much time had passed since they’d been together, Aaron hoped his memory wouldn’t fail him. The last thing he wanted was to be a disappointment to Matt. Especially not after he’d been left with no other alternative, other than jacking off for two years.

  Now, as he stood here in his shower he couldn’t help but allow his mind to wander to that assumption. Matt loved Aaron. That much he knew, but it had been two years. What if he hadn’t only been left with jerking himself off as a solution? What if Matt had found other means to find satisfaction?

  A jealous knot formed in his stomach and wrenched his gut into pain. The idea of Matt being naked with another man, touching another man, and giving himself to him was something he hadn’t even considered until just that very moment. They’d often talked about fantasies, discussed what it may be like to have a threesome, but the idea that either of them might stray had never crossed his mind. Not that it would be straying or even cheating. He’d been in a coma for Christ’s sakes.

  Damn it! He was so frustrated. Physically, emotionally, sexually, it was all too damn much and he needed to find relief. He needed Matt and what only he could give him.

  He could still remember how good Matt looked naked. His erection would stand out at full attention, all but begging to be sucked. And he would too. Aaron had given Matt more blow jobs over the years than he could count. He never grew tired of them and in the end it always lent to something more.

  Aaron was so horny. His need to be fucked by Matt was consuming him. He didn’t even care what way it happened. Whether it be a blow job or anal, he didn’t care. All he knew for certain was that he needed to be fucked good and hard, and he wanted, no he needed it, more than he needed to take his next breath.

  Memories they shared flashed through his mind. Some nights they’d rent some porn from On Demand and sit on the couch naked, stroking each other off, getting hot, hard, and hornier by the minute.

  Then one of them would reach their breaking point and grab the back of the other’s head before guiding his mouth down to his cock. This could and sometimes would go on for hours, as they slowly brought one another so close to the edge only to retreat and pull back once again.

  Neither of them let up. Aaron had never been strong enough to stop once he was under Matt’s spell. It never mattered what they were doing, Aaron went along for whatever ride that Matt gave him.

  They would just keep fucking at an unrelenting pace until finally neither of them could take it anymore. So many times, days, and nights filled with so much sex, so much damn love that Aaron could almost feel his heart burst from his chest. How had two years just passed without him knowing? What if they never got that back?

  An eerie sensation prickled the hairs on the back of his neck and broke him from his thoughts. He opened his eyes with a jolt of paranoia and turned his head. He stared in shock and embarrassment when he saw Matt standing in the doorway watching him.

  Aaron glanced down and saw the familiar sight of a bulge in Matt’s pants, which he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of. Matt’s chest moved up and down rapidly, as he stared at Aaron through the steam-filled room.

  Aaron felt frozen and completely helpless. Matt had seen him naked thousands of time, but he suddenly felt so exposed. Time stood still as they both stared at one another. Every few seconds Aaron’s eyes dropped back down to Matt’s cock. Unbelievably, it seemed to be growing harder with every passing moment underneath the tight confines of the denim.

  Please come to me. Take me. Fuck me.

  Aaron had wanted to scream his private thoughts, but a sudden bashfulness prevented him from uttering a single word. Instead he stood like a deer frozen in time, staring at the head lights as they came closer before the ultimate demise.

  His hard cock still lay rigid in his hands, the water cascading down around his body while he waited for some sign of what he should do next. Matt was the first to break the deafening silence between them.

  “Don’t stop.”

  “I…uhh…” Aaron swallowed the lump that had been forming in his throat. Like a bundle of nerves, it nearly choked him as he fought through his muddled mind to find words that seemed nearly impossible to remember.

  “Please,” Matt begged him with a seductive tone.

  “What about…you?” Aaron asked him, finally finding his voice.

  Matt rubbed at the thick protrusion in his pants. “Okay. Just don’t stop. Keep stroking yourself. I want to watch.”

  Aaron had jerked off in front of Matt dozens if not hundreds of times. Suddenly he felt like a virgin being caught with a dirty magazine. Doing his best to push the awkwardness he felt aside, he turned his body in the shower and faced Matt.

  Leaning back against the warm and wet tiles, he bent his legs and gave Matt a front row seat to him masturbating. Despite his embarrassm
ent, his libido didn’t mind. His lustful urges only increased knowing that Matt was watching him.

  His cock leaked with pre-cum and he rubbed his thumb along the tip of the head, working the slippery secretion in a circular motion as Matt’s eyes stayed locked on his every move. He looked almost as mesmerized as Aaron felt. The thick outline of Matt’s cock was teasing him and he wanted to see with his own eyes that beautiful cock that he remembered.

  “Get undressed, I want to see you,” Aaron commanded.

  It may have come out sounding like a demand, but deep down Aaron was willing to beg him if need be. He didn’t care how desperate he sounded, he just needed Matt. He needed to feel that connection that he remembered like it was only yesterday.

  He watched as Matt started to unbutton his jeans. He wasn’t sure what he was more excited about, being naked with him, sucking him or fucking him. They were all good and Aaron was more willing to do all of the above if Matt gave him half a chance.

  Only seconds passed before Matt was shirtless and pushing his jeans down his hips. In a thud that had the potential to crack the San Andreas fault, Matt’s cock plopped out of the tight confines of his jeans.

  Aaron hissed out a breath. His weakened memory hadn’t done Matt justice. What he remembered paled in comparison to what was standing before him. Thick veins distended underneath the thin, stretched skin of Matt’s cock. The purplish head was swollen and looked ready to explode. Somehow he almost looked better than he recalled.

  Matt worked his jeans down the rest of the way until he was kicking them free of his ankles. Then, with no words being spoken, Matt stood silently in the bathroom. With his right hand he grabbed his cock and began stroking himself. Then with his left hand, Matt motioned with his index finger for Aaron to come to him.

  He didn’t have to ask twice. Once was enough for Aaron. Just the simple request and Aaron quickly rinsed his body before turning off the water and stepping out of the shower.

  Aaron wrapped his arms around Matt. Their cocks brushed against one another’s and Aaron was forced to bite back a curse. The innocent touch was enough to make him nearly explode.


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