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When He Woke (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting ManLove)

Page 10

by Taylor Brooks

  “Well, that would be all fine and well if Matt would stop lying to me and actually acknowledge your existence to me. I knew he was keeping something from me, but I didn’t know what. Apparently it was more of a ‘who’ that I should be worried about than anything else. So, since he won’t talk to me, I was forced to go to the source of his troubles. And that, Mr. Pierce, appears to be you.”

  “All right.” Steve held up his hands in surrender. “Calm down. What do you want to know?”

  “How long were you two together?” Aaron asked.

  “A few months.”

  “And you two were…in love?”

  Steve watched as his eyes changed when he asked the question. He wasn’t just angry. He was hurt as well. For a moment, his heart went out to his adversary. They may love the same man, but Steve understood that feeling of betrayal.

  “I guess so. I mean, not at first. We dated for a couple of months and this past month things started to get somewhat serious. My feelings started to grow for him and…well, yeah. I fell in love with him,” Steve admitted.

  “And he with you, I presume?”

  “I really think you should be having this conversation with Matt. I shouldn’t speak for him. I don’t know what his true feelings are. Only what he told me.”

  “Fine.” Aaron crossed his arms. “What did he tell you?”

  “Well, if you must know, he told me that he loves me, too.”

  Aaron closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath. Steve watched while his lips quivered as he fought back against what was obviously a powerful emotion.

  “Look, for what it’s worth…I didn’t know about you. I didn’t find out until last week when he got the call that you woke up.”

  “You mean…” Aaron stood up from the chair. “You were there? You were there when…he came to me after being with you?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “I need a drink.” Aaron walked from the living room and made his way to the kitchen. “Are you sure you don’t want anything?”

  Steve got up and followed him into the kitchen. “It’s only ten o’clock in the morning.”

  Aaron slammed a glass down on the kitchen counter and gave him a steely glare. “And…? What about it?”

  “Nothing, I just…well I mean…” Steve stumbled over his words. “What would your doctors say? Are you even allowed to drink?”

  Aaron pulled a bottle of bourbon from one of the cabinets and poured two fingers worth into a glass. “Oh, you mean because I’m some sort of freak of modern medicine who woke up instead of dying?”

  “I didn’t mean that,” Steve offered apologetically.

  Aaron tilted the glass back and swallowed the large shot while wincing. As quickly as he set it down he began pouring a second glass.

  “Maybe you should just slow down on that stuff?” Steve suggested.

  He had spent the past week hating this man who he’d never even met. Standing before him and watching him struggle through the pain and heartache from Matt’s dishonesty was something that he could relate to and empathize with. He couldn’t help but allow his heart to go out to the guy.

  Aaron took a second healthy swig and nearly shattered the glass when he slammed it down against the stone countertop. “I don’t need another man telling me what to do. If it’s all the same to you, I’ll drink as much as I damn well please. After all, I’ve kind of had a shit week.”

  Steve could be sympathetic to almost anyone, but hearing that Aaron had it so rough felt just a tad bit too hypocritical for his patience to simply allow it to slide by.

  “I beg your pardon. You’ve had a shit week? You? Wow. Self absorbed much?”

  “Just what in the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Aaron snapped while he poured and drank down his third double shot in as many minutes.

  “You have some fucking nerve.” Steve stepped closer. His anger now beginning to seethe and override any compassion might have had for this man.

  Aaron was about to open his mouth when Steve’s shout quickly silenced him. “In the past seven days you’ve woken from a coma that the doctors said you wouldn’t make it out of. You’ve also been reunited with the man you love and he’s dumped me so he could be faithful to you. You’ve basically been handed a second chance on a silver fucking platter and you’re bitching about how rough you have it? Yeah, let me cry you a fucking river!”

  Steve turned away to keep his anger at bay. He had been hurting, too. Who the hell did this guy think he was? Did he think that he had the market cornered on heartache?

  “Fuck you!” Aaron shouted at him.

  Steve spun back around and closed the distance between them in two strides. “No, Aaron! Fuck you! You’re not the only one hurting here. I lost the man that I love. He left me because of you. I begged him not to say good-bye to me. I would have given anything to be with him. Anything! Do you know how fucking pathetic that makes me feel? I was shameless when it came to Matt. Even if I had to sneak around to see him, I would have. Because I can’t live without him. I love him and I need him! It didn’t even matter though. He showed me the door and welcomed you back in. So excuse me if I don’t join your pity party. From where I’m sitting you have it pretty damn good!”

  “You son of a bitch!” Aaron bit out. “You’d still pursue a relationship with him even though he told you that there couldn’t be one?”

  “You’re damn right I would.” Steve clenched his jaw. He was growing tired of Aaron’s attitude. At least he had Matt to snuggle up with at night. Steve had nothing and no one to assuage his heartache.

  “You’re a selfish bastard.”

  “No, you are! You’re the one who has Matt. You have this home. You have his love, this house, and his loyalty. I would give my last breath to have what you do!”

  Steve stared him down, his anger consuming him with every breath he took. He waited for Aaron’s response, but his last speech was only met with silence.

  “I think you should leave.”

  “Fine by me.”

  Aaron reached for the bottle and was about to pour another glass when Steve snatched it from his hand.

  “What the fuck are you doing? Give me that.”

  “I don’t think so. I think you’ve had enough.”

  “What the hell do you care for? You probably wish I was dead.” Aaron slurred his words.

  Steve shook his head in disgust at the man’s self pity. “You know what, here…” He set the bottle back down in front of him and added, “Go ahead and drink yourself into a stupor for all I care. I’m out of here.”

  For the second time in a week Steve left the same house feeling as though a piece of him had died. He’d had such hope when he got the message from Matt, or from who he thought had been Matt.

  It pissed him off that Aaron had felt so entitled to just toy with his heart like that. He had everything and Steve had nothing. What kind of a prick does that sort of thing?

  He glanced back at the house one last time before driving away and muttered, “Is the fucking dream over with yet?”

  Chapter Eleven

  Matt opened the front door as soon as he heard the honk of his parent’s car horn. His dad had barely put the car in park before his mother was jumping out and racing for the door.

  “Good God, mom. Would you relax?” Matt told her just before she nearly toppled him over with her hug. “Whoa. I’d like to wish you happy birthday, but I can barely breathe.”

  “Oh shush.” Shelly Caynor held her son’s face in his hands and smiled. “My sweet boy. Look at you. You must just be over the moon since Aaron has woken up.”

  “I am, mom.” Matt smiled. “But, you cannot attack him like you did me. He’s still getting his strength back.”

  “Would you stop that already? I’m fine.” Aaron came around the corner and joined them in the entry way.

  “Okay, but when she knocks you down like Dino to Fred Flintstone don’t come crying to me.”

  Shelly elbowed her son in the rib cage. “Oh you just
stop. Go on and help your dad with the bags. I’ve got lots of hugs and kisses to catch up on.”

  Matt rolled his eyes while grinning. “Sure, Mom. I know when I’m not wanted.”

  Aaron smirked as Matt walked outside. “Hi, Shelly. Happy birthday.”

  She shook her head as tears welled up in her eyes. “Look at you. I told Henry I wouldn’t really believe it until I saw you with my own eyes and here you are.”

  Aaron braced himself as soon as her arms opened and she squeezed tightly. “I’m okay, Shelly. I’m really here.”

  “I know.” She sniffled through her tears. “It’s just such a miracle. We all prayed so much.”

  “I know that you did.”

  “We love you,” Shelly said. “You know that, right?”

  “I do. And I love—”

  “Oh, for crying out loud, Shelly. We haven’t been here for five minutes and you’re already fussing all over the boy. Give him some room to breathe, would ya?”

  “You shut your trap, Henry. Old cranky buzzard.” She smirked at Aaron and gave him a nudge.

  “Hi, Henry.” Aaron extended his hand out to him, knowing that Henry was the exact opposite of the touchy-feely type.

  “Aaron.” Henry nodded and shook his hand. “You look good, son. Matt here treating you, okay?”

  Matt shook his head laughing. “Unbelievable. I’m your only child and you two treat me like I’m the hired help.”

  “Oh, don’t get your panties in a twist,” Henry said. “If you were in a coma for two years, we’d probably be nice to you, too.”

  “Ha! That’s doubtful. You’ve always treated Aaron better than me.”

  “What can I say?” Henry shrugged. “Aaron here was the son I never had.”

  “Oh, Henry! You’re horrible,” Shelly chided him.

  “Don’t forget smart ass, mom.”

  Henry chuckled. “Everything I know, I learned from you, son.”

  “Uh-huh. Sure, Dad.” Matt rolled his eyes. “Come on, let’s eat. I’m starving.”

  “I thought I was cooking?”

  “Right. Because we’re going to make you cook after being stuck in a car with dad for two hours.”

  “Oh, he’s not that bad.” Shelly raised herself up on her tip toes and placed a kiss on Henry’s cheek.

  “Woman, would you not in front of the kids.”

  “Dad, I’m pretty sure the earth shattering news that you and mom kiss was out of the bag when I was two years old. My first and might I say horrifying memory was of you doing gross things to my mom in the kitchen with your tongue.”

  “Oh really?” Aaron asked, amused.

  “Yeah. I peeked from around the corner and kept thinking, what is he trying to do to her mouth?”

  “All right, you. What’s for dinner since you didn’t wait for me to cook?” Shelly asked.

  “I made my famous roast chicken with asparagus and red baby potatoes.” Aaron answered.

  “Hot damn. Let’s eat then. Matt can’t cook for shit.”

  “Gee. Thanks, Dad.”

  “Anytime, son.” Henry smirked.

  Twenty minutes later they were all seated around the table and digging into the fare that Aaron had cooked up. The first few minutes of their dinner conversation had been filled with talk about Aaron’s recovery.

  It felt good to talk to one another like a family. Matt had forgotten how much he’d missed all of that in the time Aaron had been in the coma.

  His dad had just asked them about their plans for Memorial Day when Matt heard his phone chime. “Sorry. I thought I’d turned it off.”

  Matt got up from the table and walked across the room to the coffee table where his phone sat. He opened the message and instantly his heart froze.

  On the screen was a message from Steve which read, I know I shouldn’t be texting you, but I can’t help it. I miss you so much. Please, baby. Won’t you just call me?

  “Who is it, dear?” Shelly asked her son.

  “Oh, it’s one of the tellers. Jeffries is out this week on vacation so I’m the manager in charge. I’ll just be a minute,” Matt answered, hoping to hell that his shaky nerves didn’t come across in his voice.

  Quickly he typed a response to Steve. I can’t. I’m sorry. You need to let me go. Please. For the both of us. Just walk away.

  He powered down the phone before Steve could reply a second time. As much as he loved him, he knew he had to let him go. He owed that to Aaron.

  After setting the phone down on the coffee table he walked back to the table and sat down. “Okay, where were we?”

  “Everything all right?” Aaron asked.

  “Huh? Oh yeah,” Matt nodded. “Everything’s fine. She’s just going to be late for work tomorrow. Car trouble.”

  “Enough shop talk,” Henry interrupted. “Tell me you got your mother her favorite German Chocolate cake for dessert.”

  Shelly giggled. “Right. My favorite. Uh-huh.”

  “As a matter of fact I baked one fresh today,” Aaron told them. “If everyone’s finished, I’ll get it out of the fridge now.”

  “Mmm, that sounds delicious. Thank you, Aaron. But remember the rule…no candles.”

  “How could we forget, Shelly? You’ve drilled it into everyone’s head for the past ten years.”

  “Shush up you old coot!”

  “Aww…you love me.” Henry leaned over and placed a kiss to her cheek while pulling a small box from his pocket. “Happy birthday, sweet heart.”

  “Henry!” Shelly’s face lit up.” What is it?”

  “Woman, how many times have you asked me that over the years? The answer is always the same. Open it.”

  With a wide smile she glanced up at him. “You are a sneaky man, Henry Caynor.”

  “That’s why you love me. Now open it.”

  She propped open the velvet lid to find an emerald and diamond pendant. “Is this that necklace we saw in the mall last month?”

  “That it is.”

  “Oh Henry…you didn’t have to get anything so extravagant.”

  “Hey, what my wife wants, my wife gets. I may not always be easy to deal with, but you’ll always be my queen.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and squealed. “I love it. And I love you.” Then she turned to the Aaron and Matt. “I love all of you. This has been the best birthday I ever could have asked for.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart. Now let’s celebrate with some cake.” Henry licked his lips.

  “Oh, okay. Then since I’m queen I have one but one thing to say to my royal subjects.”

  “Oh geez. Do I even want to know, Mom?” Matt teased.

  “My son, let them eat cake!” Shelly said triumphantly as all three of the men burst into laughter.

  This was what Matt missed. Living. Being a part of something that was bigger than himself. Aaron and he loved one another and together they were a family. For two years he thought he’d never get that back. No matter how much a piece of his heart still ached for Steve he had to find a way to get over him. Because now that he had this chance, he was going to hold onto it.

  Chapter Twelve

  Steve was seething with rage by the time he pulled up to the house. He’d been at the gym when he returned to find a slew of angry instant messages from Aaron. They had gone on for nearly two hours and from the looks of the last few messages it was obvious that Aaron was either messaging in his sleep or drinking again.

  He slammed his car door shut and took the front porch steps two at a time before banging on the front door.

  “Who is it?”

  “It’s the person you’ve been harassing all morning.”

  “Go away!” Aaron shouted.

  “Open the door, Aaron.”

  “Are you deaf? Get lost!”

  “Open. The. God. Damn. Door!”

  Aaron opened the door and leaned against the frame. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “Well, I see my suspicions were right.”

  “What s

  “You’re shitfaced. And it’s only…” Steve looked at his watch. “Twelve fifteen in the afternoon.”

  “What if I am drunk? It’s none of your damn business. So, if you’ll excuse me—”

  Steve threw out his hand and stopped Aaron from closing the door on him. “I don’t have time for games,” he told him before walking inside.

  “Oh, gee would you like to come in?” Aaron said sarcastically. “Someone has forgotten their manners.”

  Steve walked into the kitchen and eyed the bottle of bourbon on the table. It was a good amount lighter than two days before when he’d been over there.

  “Can I help you?”

  Steve picked up the bottle. “Is this how you plan on living out your second chance? Drunk and stupid?”

  “Well I see you’re just as charming as ever.” Aaron rolled his eyes and walked around the kitchen island to lean against the counter.

  “Charming? You really want to open that can of worms, Mr. Internet Stalker?”

  “Pfft. I was hardly stalking you.”

  “Twenty-three instant messages in two hours telling me how I’m pathetic and a son of a bitch? If that’s not stalker-type behavior, what in the hell would you call it?”

  “I’d call it…free speech.” Aaron crossed his arms.

  Steve was flabbergasted by his behavior. He’d met the guy twice and both times he had been drinking like a fish. He didn’t know if he should feel sorry for him or slug him. Although the knowledge that Aaron was the one man who stood in his way with Matt made him lean more toward the latter.

  “Why are you even here?” Aaron asked him.

  “Because when I got home from the gym and read all your messages, I knew I’d find you here doing this.”

  “So what? It’s none of your business. Stay out of my life. And leave Matt alone. You said yourself that he said good-bye to you, so stop texting him.”


  “You didn’t think I knew about that, did you? Well I did.”

  “Matt told you?”


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