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This Time for Keeps (Doctors of Rittenhouse Square Book 3)

Page 14

by Jill Blake

  “I have a conference call in an hour,” she reminded him, after they’d walked in silence for some time. It was one of her days working from home.

  Luca wished they could have gone somewhere with a bit more privacy, but it had been hard enough to get her to agree to meet at all. Thinking of Alex’s advice, he swallowed his pride and apologized.

  She nodded, keeping her eyes on the paving stones ahead.

  “So, about you and Jake…” he paused, but she remained silent. Clearly, she wasn’t going to make this easy for him. “Alex said you were good friends.”

  “Well, of course if Alex said so…” Her sharp tone indicated that might not have been the best approach.

  “Please, Bella, help me out here.” He touched her elbow, bringing them both to a stop. “I don’t want to lose you. But you need to understand, I don’t share.”

  “Okay.” She pulled her arm away and resumed walking.

  Okay? What did that mean? He hurried to catch up with her. “I’m serious,” he said. “You will not sleep with any other man except me.”

  “What about women?”

  “You want to sleep with women?” He blinked, not having considered that possibility.

  “No. I meant you. Do you intend to sleep with other women?”

  “Of course not.”


  “Fine,” he repeated. They walked a few more steps in silence. “So what’s the story with you and Jake?”

  “We’re good friends, like Alex said.”

  “Did you and he…?” Luca found it hard to even verbalize the thought.

  “Once. Before you and I started up again.”

  He took a deep breath. Not the answer he wanted to hear, but as long as it was in the past, he could live with that. They were both adults. It was to be expected that they’d both had their share of relationships. Still, he had to ask. “You’re not in love with him?”


  “So what was he doing at your place Saturday?”

  “I had a meltdown at work. The kind of panic attack I haven’t had in a while. He brought me home and stayed. It was—” She broke off and flexed her left hand a few times. “I was afraid to be alone.”

  “Why didn’t you call me?”

  “You were busy. It was a big day for you. I heard some of the interviews.” She shrugged. “Besides, we don’t have that kind of relationship.”

  “What do you mean? We’re seeing each other, yes? Making love together?”

  “That’s just sex.”

  Luca stopped and stared at her. She continued several steps ahead before she apparently realized that he was no longer by her side. She glanced back, raising her brows at his expression.

  “Is that what you thought this was all about?” he said, not bothering to hide his dismay. “Just sex?”

  She frowned. “What did you think it was about?”

  The words came out before he could swallow them back. “I thought I was getting to know the mother of my future children.”

  Chapter 18

  She called him several days later. “Did you mean it?”

  Thank God.

  They arranged to meet after work in Princeton. He wanted to show Bella his world, where he would be returning full time after all the craziness with the company settled down.

  Though he didn’t have any teaching responsibilities until the fall, his leave of absence would officially end next month. He’d ease back from active involvement with the company, returning to his previous advisory role, and resume the academic obligations he’d temporarily put aside during the run up to the IPO. There were graduate students to advise, post-docs to supervise, colleagues to collaborate with, grants to apply for, research problems to work on, papers to write.

  And a house to finish renovating. He gave her the grand tour, describing plans for each of the projects he envisioned doing, from the guest bathroom he was currently working on, to the office/library complex which he wanted to expand into a high-tech oasis where he could meet with colleagues and students.

  One of the perks of his university position was the ability to work from home. The only time he actually had to go to campus was when he was lecturing or holding office hours, and when there were faculty meetings to attend. Outside of those core obligations, he preferred the freedom and convenience of holding court either at home or at various cafes around Princeton, where ideas could be fueled with an endless supply of caffeine.

  Walking around Palmer Square after dinner, he pointed out some of his favorite watering holes. They ended the evening at the Halo Pub, sharing a massive scoop of chocolate ice cream.

  “You’ll stay the weekend?” Luca asked on the drive back. At this point, he wasn’t taking anything for granted.

  “I’ll stay tonight,” she countered.

  “Bene. We’ll take one day at a time.”


  “I’m visiting my family in a couple weeks,” Luca said.

  It was late Sunday morning, and they were enjoying a leisurely breakfast in the sun-filled nook just off the kitchen. The eggs were a little dry, thanks to Luca distracting her with lingering caresses while ostensibly showing her the proper technique for making an omelet. But the cappuccino was perfect.

  “That’s nice.” Isabelle took another sip and sighed with pleasure. “I’m sure they’ll be happy to see you.”

  “Come with me.”


  “It’ll be fun. We’ll revisit Amalfi and Ravello. Do some of the touristy things we missed last time. You’ve never been to Vesuvius, have you?”

  She lowered her cup and gently set it on the table. “It’s lovely of you to offer, Luca. But I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “It didn’t go too well last time, if you recall.”

  “That’s because I was young and stupid.”

  She shook her head at his attempted humor. “I have work, Luca.”

  “You said you’re done with the NDA.”

  “Yes, but I’m helping design a new phase 2 trial. Lots of meetings with the clinical research and development group and then the regulatory folks to work out the details.”

  “You can’t take a break for a week?”

  Could she? Probably. The question was, did she want to? She couldn’t help but remember the disastrous finale of their last trip to Italy, and the months of confusion, anger, and hurt that followed. Granted, they’d both changed and grown since then. They were taking the time to get to know each other now, rather than rushing into bed on the basis of mere physical attraction like they had before. But that didn’t change her instinctive negative reaction at the thought of retracing the steps that had led to such misery the first time round.

  “We just started seeing each other again,” she hedged. “Don’t you think it’s a bit early to start planning long-distance trips together?”

  “That didn’t stop us last time, Bella. And we’d barely been introduced back then.”

  She pushed back her chair and rose. “Like you said, we were young and stupid.”

  He laughed and caught her hand, pulling her into his lap. “Come with me, cara. I promise you’ll enjoy it.”

  “I thought you wanted to spend time with your family.”

  “Yes. But I also want to introduce you to them properly, for the right reasons.”

  She studied his earnest expression. “When are you leaving?”

  “In two weeks. The Saturday before Memorial Day.”

  “Oh.” Her relief was tinged with disappointment.

  “Is that a problem?”

  “My parents are having a party that day.” She slipped off his lap and started clearing the table.

  “You can’t miss it?” he said, getting up to help her. “Just this once?”

  “It’s for my birthday.”

  “Your birthday? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I just did.” She turned on the faucet and squirted some dish soap into the kitchen sink. “The topic hasn’t
come up before.”

  “Now I feel like an idiot. You’re turning—what, thirty, thirty-one?”

  She tossed him a kitchen towel. “Okay, you’ve redeemed yourself.”

  He grinned and started drying the dishes as she handed them to him. “I can switch my flight. Get us both tickets Sunday or Monday after that.”

  “I don’t think so. Besides, if I do go, I can get my own tickets.”

  Luca set aside the last of the dishes and moved closer. She shivered as his chest brushed her back. One hand settled on her hip, the other on her ribs, just below her breast. His lips found a sensitive spot along her neck, and her breath hitched as his morning stubble scraped adjacent skin. “Humor me, Bella. It will be my birthday present to you. And this way, you get to invite me to your birthday party.”

  She swallowed. She wasn’t sure she was ready to introduce Luca to her family. Especially when for the last six months, she’d been attending most family gatherings with Jake at her side, no doubt raising certain expectations. A convenient deception at the time, but one that was bound to cause a great deal of awkwardness if Luca had his way.

  Isabelle sighed, eyes drifting closed. Luca’s fingers slid higher, cupping her breast through the thin cotton T-shirt. His thumb circled the nipple, coaxing it to stiffness. Moisture gathered between her legs.

  “Bella,” he whispered, pressing his growing erection against her bottom.

  She grasped the edge of the sink for support, surrendering to the moment. No need to decide anything now. She’d figure something out. Tomorrow was soon enough.

  Chapter 19

  “Sorry to horn in on your date with Marc,” Isabelle said, slipping into the empty chair across from Kate. It was a running joke in the family that nothing short of death or dismemberment was allowed to interfere with Marc and Kate’s weekly lunch date on Tuesday afternoons. Today’s venue, the White Dog Café, was an old standby, within easy walking distance of the campus where they both worked. “I promise this won’t take long.”

  Kate waved the apology aside. “Marc got held up in the OR, so he’ll be late. We’ve got time. Are you hungry?”

  Isabelle’s stomach growled. “You don’t mind?”

  “Help yourself.” Kate said, nudging the platter of pita and hummus toward her. She flagged the waitress down for an extra plate and glass of water.

  Isabelle focused on the food as she considered how to proceed. In the end, she went for the direct approach. “I need your help.”

  “With what?”

  “You know the party my parents are hosting on the twenty-seventh?” She waited for Kate’s nod. “Luca invited himself.”

  “Luca? You mean the male chauvinist pig who dumped you for having a career?”

  Isabelle flushed. Okay, maybe that assessment was a tad harsh. But she’d been furious after the breakup, and that anger had no doubt colored her judgment. Too bad she hadn’t employed a little more discretion when confiding in her sister-in-law. She cleared her throat. Time for a little damage control. “I might have overstated things a bit. He’s much more…open-minded than I gave him credit for.”

  “Really.” Kate narrowed her eyes. “Are you back together?”

  “Sort of.”

  “What does that mean, sort of?”

  “It’s early days.” She fiddled with her napkin, wondering how much to reveal. She wanted to believe Luca when he said he was interested in the long-term. But there were still unresolved issues of trust that made her wary. She shouldn’t have to justify to him how and with whom she spent her time. Having to second-guess herself out of concern that he might misinterpret something she did wasn’t the best foundation for a future together. Sure, he’d ceded the argument over Jake spending the night. But how far would that understanding stretch when confronted with her family’s chatter about her supposed “relationship” with Jake?

  Kate verbalized the thought. “I was kind of hoping you and Jake…”

  That was exactly the kind of speculation Isabelle wanted to avoid. “It wouldn’t have worked,” she said. “He’s still grieving.”

  “It’s been almost a year and a half.”

  “Yes, but you can’t put a time-line on these things.”

  “I know, Iz. Still, it would have been perfect: my best friend and favorite sister-in-law.” Kate sighed. “At least we’ll finally get to meet Luca.”

  Which brought them to the main reason for Isabelle’s visit. “Here’s the thing. Jake’s planning to be at the party. I can’t uninvite him, he’s practically family. But if the elders start asking questions—you know how they can be. Subtle as a sledgehammer. Awkward doesn’t even begin to cover it.”

  Kate smiled.

  “I’m serious. I need your help here.”

  “Okay. You need to calm down. I’ll talk to Marc and Emma and we’ll spread the word. No awkward questions on the threat of being excommunicated from the family. How does that sound?”

  “You think it’ll work?”

  “Trust me.”

  Marc chose that moment to arrive, still dressed in hospital scrubs, with a white T-shirt peeking from beneath the V-neck top. An inch or so taller than Luca, he had a natural athlete’s build that hadn’t changed much since college, though his dark hair was just starting to gray at the temples. He bent to kiss Kate, then nodded toward Isabelle. “Did someone die?”

  “No, I just needed a few minutes of Kate’s time. I’ll leave you two in peace.” She pushed back from the table, but Marc, intercepting a nod of the head from Kate, stayed her movement with a hand on her shoulder.

  “It’s okay,” he said, doing a quick visual assessment of Isabelle’s expression. “I’m off for the rest of the afternoon. We have time. You want something to eat?”

  It was a testament to how worried her family must have been about her this past year, that they all continued to treat her with kid gloves, and kept trying to feed her. She felt a sudden rush of love for this brother of hers, whom she’d resented so much as a teen. He might have been the kiss of death for her social life back then, but now she could only be grateful for the way he and Kate and the rest of the DiStefano clan had rallied round her during the weeks and months after her shooting, when she must have been truly miserable company. She didn’t know how she would have survived without them.

  She glanced at her watch, more to mask the prickling of tears which were sure to be misinterpreted than out of any desire to know the time. “Actually, I have to get back to the office for a meeting soon.”

  “Before you go,” Marc said, “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something. I heard one of the ob/gyn faculty is going on maternity leave in July. The residency director is looking for a temporary replacement. Doesn’t have to be full-time. They can shift around some of the coverage, and frankly they’d prefer one of their own for the surgical cases. So mostly what they need is someone to do clinic precepting. Maybe see patients a half day a week. Think you’d be interested?”

  She tamped down her instinctive response to say no. After the recent foray to her old office to do Samantha’s ultrasound, she’d given a lot of thought to her options vis-à-vis clinical practice. Non-surgical, part-time precepting in the residency program? She couldn’t think of a better way to dip her toes back in the water. And if things went well, a whole new world of opportunity would open up. She felt a flare of excitement. Of course, the position wasn’t hers yet. And she’d still have to work something out with Jake regarding her schedule at Oncogene. But oh, the possibilities!

  She smiled. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Good.” Marc winked at his wife. “I’ll email you the residency director’s contact info.”

  This time he didn’t stop her as she rose. She bussed his cheek and skirted the table to hug Kate. “See you at the party.”

  Steps lighter than they had been when she’d entered the café earlier, Isabelle breezed through the rest of the day. Later, as she opened the promised email from Marc, it occurred to her that she wa
s tired of treading water. She was finally ready and even looking forward to making some potentially life-altering decisions about her future.

  Chapter 20

  The party was progressing so smoothly that Isabelle was lulled into complacency.

  Her parents graciously welcomed Luca into their home. Marc was a bit cool, but didn’t say anything overtly objectionable.

  Jake made a brief appearance, catching Isabelle around the waist and swinging her in circles, stopping only when she threatened to donate his favorite Luchesse Classics to charity.

  “You wouldn’t,” he said.

  She grinned. It was still a mystery to her how a kid who grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia could get so attached to a pair of cowboy boots, but there was no arguing with the fact.

  “You’re a cruel woman, Diz.” He released her. “And to think I got you your very own pair for your birthday…”

  “You’re kidding.”

  It was his turn to grin. “Okay, maybe not. How about an autographed first edition of Stephen King’s Danse Macabre?”

  She squealed and hugged him.

  He looked over her shoulder at Luca, who stood on the sidelines, frowning. “She likes Stephen King,” Jake said, stepping back with a shrug.

  Kate came by just then and whisked Jake away, claiming she had some new ideas for a joint project between his company and the university lab she headed.

  Introductions continued as various relatives flowed through the terrace doors and across the back lawn, where tents had been set up for a buffet table, open bar, and guest seating. A five-piece band played oldies off to one side. Beyond the tents, kids of various ages chased each other on the grass, while others sporting wet swimwear laughed and screamed as they took turns on an inflatable water slide. Some of Isabelle’s older cousins lounged nearby, supervising the action.

  The trouble came in the form of her Aunt Lucia, who enveloped Isabelle in cloud of perfume and flamboyant kisses. Though the top of her head came only to Isabelle’s shoulders, she was anything but small, from the extra fifty pounds she carried, to the chunky jewelry and swathes of black fabric she wore, to the booming voice and resounding laughter that drew attention like a lodestone.


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