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The Rogue Hunter's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 10] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 17

by Honor James

  She loved when he bit her, when he went wild, and her screams told that very story. She clenched on him tightly, her body gripping his tightly and she exploded in pure and brilliant pleasure. Screaming his name, her legs trembled but she held on. God she held on!

  Exploding inside of her, he growled deep, his hold on her shoulder tightening slightly as the knot locked him deep. Closing his eyes for a moment when she squeezed him so tight he was sure his cock would break in half, Z let her shoulder go. Groaning softly, he pulled her up with him as he sat back on his heels in the tub, one hand between her legs, the other just under her breast.

  Her hand was still twisted with his and a happy smile was on her face. “God that was amazing.” She gasped in great gulps. “I think we will always, always have to think about where we are when we make love, especially if we have to be quiet at all.”

  “Well since there’s no knocks on the door yet I’m going to assume they know we’re just making love and I’m not killing you. Though I don’t mind killing you with pleasure,” he whispered, nipping at her ear lightly.

  She laughed at that and nodded. “I don’t mind it at all either.” Thank God that the hotel was as well soundproofed as it was! “Goodness, if you are going to be like this after every mission I might just have to invent some for us to play with, darling.”

  “I’ll only ever be this way if you’re with me after a mission,” he said quietly. “You’re the only one that makes me burn and want everything, Bethany. You make me hunger and crave and want.” Zaidu brushed his lips to her neck.

  “Well, since I fully intend on being with you on every single mission I think that we will be good.” Closing her eyes, Bethany leaned against him and sighed. “I am so very happy, Zaidu. I know that I haven’t told you that yet but I am. I’m very happy here with you with me.”

  “I’m glad,” he told her. “Though you do know that not every mission will go like this. There will be some where I’m out for days and you’re on your own in a hotel room in some strange city. This one was quick but others are most definitely not.”

  “I will become friends with room service and wait for you.” She would likely not eat a bite while he was gone but that was neither here nor there. “I want to be with you, Zaidu. Every step of every move in our lives we are forever joined and should be forever together.”

  “And we will be,” he told her, slipping from her body when his cock softened enough to do so. Easing back, he settled her between his legs. “We’ll wash up and get out. The food should be coming up soon, and since it’s all good grub and I’m starving, we really don’t want to miss it.”

  “I happen to agree.” She moved back from him. “Come on, love, let’s get out, get dried off, and then we will get ourselves semidressed so that we can eat.” She was starving now, very much so. “Seems as if I’m hungry for your body and also for food at a super killer level, darlin’.”

  “Well we have been working out rather healthily, my mate. It would stand to reason you’d need to recharge the cells between rounds,” he said as he shut off the jets. Washing quickly he rinsed off and stood up, stepping out in one move. Grabbing a towel, he draped it around his waist and picked up another for her as she pulled the stopper and stood.

  “This is true.” She stepped out and into the towel that he held out for her. She smiled. “Thank you, honey,” she said happily and looked up at him. “And yeah, we have been working out a great deal. I swear I don’t think I will ever need a gym membership because we work off far more calories than I will ever eat in a given day being together,” she teased.

  “And you always will,” he told her, rubbing her dry slowly. “We’ll have to ensure you are getting enough calories and all the nutrients you need. Sex with one of us is always boisterous and highly energetic, but that’s not something we need to worry about right away.”

  “I’m a vegetarian as well so we will have to balance that part out.” She took a seat on the couch and waited for him to bring the food in when the knock came to the door. “What will happen if we have children? Will I have to eat meat during the pregnancy?” If so, she would likely be ill all the freaking time.

  “You’ll likely crave it,” he told her honestly. Shrugging into a robe, he went to collect the food and tipped the waiter but didn’t let him in. Shutting and locking the door he rolled the cart deeper into the room and toward her. “We’ll just have to find ways to substitute the craving for the meat with something that your body will accept and understand is the same, or close enough to fool it.”

  “We will cross that bridge when we come to it, right?” Bethany smiled up at him and tugged him closer. “Do you even want children?” she asked quietly. “You didn’t even want a bond-mate, so would you even consider children at all?”

  “I don’t know,” he told her as he sat down. Looking at her, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders to hold her close. “I’ve never thought about kids. We were always told that we should avoid it at all costs. The likelihood of giving birth to a Hunter is too great. It’s supposed to be random, the genes popping up wherever they are meant to, no forethought or planning. I think.” Zaidu fell silent a moment. “Maybe one day,” he admitted very quietly.

  “Maybe one day in the very far future. Right now, Zaidu, I’m just very happy to be with you. Right now, with all that we have to go through yet with Brian and ensuring that he’s brought to justice and all of your duties, right now I like it just being us.”

  It was safer, too. Hugging her close he pressed a kiss to her temple. “I like it being just us for the moment, too. But when you want to change that you let me know,” he told her quietly. Leaning forward, he lifted the lids off the plates and handed her the omelet before taking his steak, cooked through, with the eggs, bacon, and various other items on the plate.

  She was more than happy being just with him. She might want children later in life but honestly right now, she was more than perfectly happy having no one in her life except for Zaidu. Taking the omelet from him, she smiled. “Thank you, darling.”

  “You are welcome.” He smiled back a little and set his plate on the coffee table so he could cut it. Slicing a chunk off the steak, he chewed it happily and slowly. The Wolf calmed down at the taste of real meat, high-end meat no less.

  She couldn’t watch him eating the meat. Just the thought of bloody meat made her sick to her stomach. In order to solve her issue with eating with him she simply turned away slightly so she only saw him and ate happily.

  Reaching out, Z stroked a hand up her leg lightly. “It’s cooked all the way through, Beth,” he told her softly. “I know you, remember?” he said, looking to her. “I would never willingly do anything to make you uncomfortable, little mate.”

  “Thank you, honey. I know that.” She sighed and shook her head. “It’s just a reflex. I’ve had friends who forget that I can’t do meats in my life and I’ve had to learn how to keep myself slightly turned so that I don’t see it.”

  Leaning over, he pressed a kiss to her cheek. “They weren’t me, little mate,” he murmured, rubbing his nose to her cheek lightly. Dropping another quick kiss to her shoulder, he eased back and ate as he watched her from the corner of his eye.

  That had her smiling happily and she leaned into him as well. “I love you, too, Zaidu. Thank you, honey. Very much thank you.” For being him, for loving her the way that only he could love her. “You are my everything, darling.”

  Pressing into her a little, Z rested his cheek to her hair. “Thank you for that,” he said quietly. She was always so giving, so generous of nature, and she’d given him absolutely everything. She’d given her love, her trust, her heart, her soul, and her body.

  Winking at him, Bethany bumped her shoulder to his. “Now then, eat, darling. Finish your eating and I’m going to finish mine,” she teased him and moved so that she could touch her knee to his, needing to touch him and feel his presence at her side.

  “You’d better finish. You need the calories,”
he told her honestly. “I plan on working you out for a few more hours before we have to head home.” And they would be leaving soon enough but since they had the private jet again the pilot was a little more flexible with the departure time for their return flight.

  That had her laughing and she winked. “Good,” she said. “And I plan on finishing, darling. I totally want the calories because we both need to be able to come together time and time and time again because we both want to have as much activity as possible.”

  “And you do have half a pizza for later if you need more juice,” he pointed out, sticking another piece of the beef in his mouth to chew. Winking at her he chewed happily on the meat and swallowed happily.

  “Oh yes, there is that.” She grinned. “I happen to love that as well. I will eat all that I can just so that we can have a good time later, darling, and if I have to I will take the pizza with me on the plane. For now though…” She finished her omelet and sighed. “For now, darling, I want to simply relax and then have you take me to bed.”

  “Glad to know you’re on the same page as I am,” he told her, scooping up some eggs, sausage, and a bit of pancake. He loved breakfast, favorite meal of the day, no restrictions, and usually the only meal of the day that he didn’t get interrupted.

  She watched him eating and couldn’t help but smile. He was so free with his emotions in that moment that it brought her breath up short. “I love the fact that you look so peaceful, so calm. I wish you had that look on your face more often, darling.”

  Shooting her a look, Zaidu shrugged. “Pretty much the only time I have when I can relax is when I’m eating. And even then it’s borrowed time on a lot of days since I am running from one place to another on a hunt.”

  “I’m so sorry, honey. I wish that there was something I could do in order to ensure that you had nothing but happiness and joy and that your life wasn’t as hectic as it is, but all I can do is just simply be there with you and for you when you need me.”

  Reaching out, he rubbed his hand up her bare calf. “That is a lot, Bethany, more than you can even know. Having you here with me, looking out for me, looking after me after a hunt, it’s incredible and something I’ve never had before, little mate.”

  “And it’s something that you will now have forevermore, Zaidu.” She was his and he was hers. She would take care of him just like he took care of her. Life was good, as far as she was concerned. “Now. Finish eating. Then we are going to go and rumple that bed even more. Eat again. Get on the plane and go home.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said, squeezing her leg gently before letting go. Turning back to the plate he immersed himself in the enjoyment of just eating, the flavors and the textures of the food. All too soon though, he was down to scraping the plate since he didn’t think he’d hear the end of it if he licked it. Sitting back, he let out a breath. “Gods that was good.”

  “Feeling better now?” Bethany ran her fingers through his hair and smiled. “You should have ordered two plates of food, honey. You don’t have to hold back on how much you eat and what you do because of me. You know that, right?”

  “Hush,” he said, wrapping his arm around her to hug her close. “I had snacks sent up, too.” He pointed to the cart’s second shelf. “For later,” he told her, pressing a kiss to her hair. “I knew you still had the pizza but I figured some finger foods between bouts of sex would be in order.”

  That had her giggling like mad. “I love it,” she told him with a smile. “I happen to absolutely love to think of you needing snacks because I’m wearing you out so much.” She winked. “So tell me, darling, what kinds of snacks did you get?”

  “Some fruit, little sandwiches, whip cream, caramel sauce,” he said in a bored tone. “You know, all the usual things that we might like to nibble on when we have a free hand and a bit of time.” He had other plans for the whip cream and caramel sauce, but that was him.

  That had her laughing and she shook her head. “And what is the whip cream and caramel sauce for?” She hoped it was for her. Damn, she hoped it was for her. “I really hope that you are going to let me play with the whipped cream and caramel as well?”

  “Well I was thinking I’d make love to you and then lay you out and decorate you with some of the cream and fruit, maybe a bit of sauce and then lap you up. But if you wanted to return the favor I wouldn’t be overly opposed.”

  “Oh I love how that sounds.” She licked her lips. “And yes I will totally want to return the favor because I want to be able to lick you up and down. I want to be able to feel every inch of your body, darling. I love the idea, a lot.”

  “Thought you would.” Thus why he’d ordered it up even though it had felt strange to. “Come on, darling. I’m feeling hungry for a little dessert.” He growled and nipped her earlobe lightly. Standing, he held out a hand. “And we both know that leaving the Wolf hungry just isn’t right.”

  “Oh I would never want to leave my Wolf hungry, ever.” Bethany slipped her hand into his and let him pull her up. “I happen to really, really love feeling you loving on me, darling, and it will be even better to have you licking me and enjoying a treat as well.”

  “Excellent,” he whispered, dipping his head to kiss her and then smacking her bottom. “Go, I’ll bring the cart in,” he told her softly. Stepping back, Zaidu watched her as she wiggled her bottom toward the bedroom. “Drop the robe when you’re doing that wiggle, woman. It’s not as effective with it all covered up.”

  “Ah but you see it has you wanting to see what’s below the robe.” She dropped the robe, but let it catch at her elbows so that only her back and the very top of her ass showed. Turning, she looked to him again. “Like this, this way you get to see my back, you get to see the top curve of my ass, and you get to anticipate just what you are going to do to me. You know you love it.”

  “I’m going to leave teeth marks on that ass,” he warned her. Pushing the tray he wheeled it after her. “You won’t sit for a month because of it.” She was teasing him, and while the Wolf could take a lot, it would only take so much.

  Shrugging, she let the robe fall down just a bit more and grinned down her shoulder and then back to him again. “You would never hurt me, darling. You would, however, make sure to bite and lick and make it all better. We both know that.” And she would love every moment of it, too.

  Growling, he snorted as he parked the tray and watched her as she lounged next to the bed. Moving up behind her, he caught the robe in a quick move and twisted it just a little to trap her hands in it. Spinning her around, Zaidu caught her mouth for a kiss. “Quit teasing the hungry beast.”

  “I like teasing you, though,” she told him and nibbled his lips. “I happen to love you, darling. I love teasing you and I really, really love when the Wolf comes out and growls.” She looked up at him and smiled. “Are you going to tie me down now?”

  “I think I may have to,” he told her. “You are being rather naughty and I’d hate for you to think to slip away from me.” Shifting his hold on her, he tugged the robe off, and grabbing the belt, he moved her to the bed. It would be a little tricky but he could tie her to the headboard and then she’d be his to toy with freely.

  She smirked and watched him. “I think that I’m going to have to be rather naughty far more often, darling mine,” she told him with a smile. “God, especially when you have that look on your face, darling.” That hungry look, she loved it.

  Snapping his teeth at her, he growled and, letting her hands go in a quick move, he spun her, dropped her to the bed, and laid her out so he could tie her hands together and then to the headboard. Leaning back he looked at her and tipped his head. “Only needs one more thing,” he told her and dug up one of his shirts. Folding it just so, he went to her and tied it over her eyes with a grin. Grabbing the pillows, he put one under her hips and then settled her legs spread eagle. She was fully at his mercy and she wouldn’t have a clue what he was doing until he did it. Grabbing the whip cream he shook the container and eyed he
r breasts. A little swirl there and some fruit to nibble on would be good.

  She shivered when the cold cream hit her nipples and whimpered, “Not so sure that I like the blindfold but God I love the growls.” She was a sucker for the growls and every single one that he gave made her wetter and wetter.

  “I like the blindfold,” he told her with a tip of his head while he wound whipped cream around her other nipple in a lazy circle. Moving down the bed he sprayed some cream on her pussy and over her mound. “Not Picasso but not bad,” he commented, grabbing the caramel sauce. Checking to ensure it wasn’t hot he lifted the spoon and dribbled a little over her chest, down her belly, and made sure some hit the whipped cream between her legs and just up her thighs a bit.

  “Oh Jesus.” Bethany breathed out as the warm sauce hit her body. “Oh Zaidu, Gods, please.” She lifted her hips. Desperation clawed at her. Never had she even dreamed of playing with food, but right now, damn, she was so happy that he had thought of that and was playing right along with her.

  Sorting through the fruit he pressed a couple of strawberries into the cream over each nipple and slid another into the cream on her pussy so it was against her clit. Drawing his tongue down her thigh he licked up the sauce there and moved to her other thigh. “Tasty,” he growled against her flesh.

  She moaned and bit her lower lip. “Feels so good, too.” She felt his hair brushing against her inner thighs, that short dark hair of his. His rough five-o’clock shadow brushing against her thigh had her sobbing in need. “God that feels so good. Again?” It was surreal how the loss of her sight with the blindfold had her other senses amped up.

  Nipping lightly at her soft flesh, he slid his tongue over her. “Later,” he promised. Moving around her, he began to clean her belly and then her breasts little by little. Saving the strawberry for last, he sucked on it, chewed, and swallowed before sucking her tight nipple into his mouth to clean it thoroughly. Then he repeated with her other breast, making sure he got every last bit of cream and sauce from her flesh. After he was positive her torso was clean he settled back between her legs to clean her pussy with tiny little licks.


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