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The Rogue Hunter's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 10] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 20

by Honor James

  She let his truth wash over her and sighed. Nodding, she looked up to him. “Thank you for explaining that to me. I know you would never be like those men but you are the only one I have complete and total faith in, Zaidu. Everyone else is unknown to me, all except you.”

  “I know, love, that’s why I do explain these things to you,” he said. Getting to his feet, Zaidu moved to her and pulled her into his arms. Holding her close he pressed a kiss to her lips. “I know this is all strange and new to you, Bethany,” he said against her lips. “Just remember, if you don’t understand something I’ve said, ask and I’ll explain it to you.”

  Looking up at him, going on her toes and wrapping her arms around his neck, Bethany pulled him closer. Against his lips she whispered, “Maybe later you can give me an in-depth tutorial on making love to a Rogue Hunter? I really think that I need a little hands-on training.”

  Smiling against her mouth he nipped her lip. “I think I should. I wouldn’t want to be lax on the most important of lessons you should learn.” Kissing her slowly, deeply, he dropped a hand to her ass and hauled her in closer to him.

  Moving so that she could get even closer to him she bit his lower lip lightly with her teeth and then moaned when he retaliated. Pulling back slightly she licked her lips. “Will the door to this antechamber lock? Please tell me that they lock so that we can get naked.” Damn hormones and her need that ratcheted up a level, or twelve, with his touch.

  “It will lock but the Guards and any of the Council can override it with a thought. It’s their turf,” he told her quietly. “We could get naked and be in the midst of fucking one another only to get called back in there and we would have to go as is, darling. The Council waits for no one and nothing.”

  “Shit,” she grumbled. “Why the hell is it that our hormones aren’t overridden here?” she muttered and reached between them and began to rub her hands up and down the thick, hard length of his cock. “Because God dammit all, I’m so hot right now that I swear I’m ready to come and I feel the heat of you and know you are, too. Fucking place.” Dammit to hell.

  “Because that would be messing with the natural order of things and so forth,” he told her quietly. “You really should stop that.” Zaidu caught her hands and put them behind her back. “I cannot run around with a raging hard-on or a big-ass wet spot on the front of my jeans.”

  She whimpered, literally. “As soon as we get home I seriously want to be naked. I would love to be on my knees in front of you, drinking you down while you come.” Blunt. Erotic. To the point. Yep, she was fucking ready to come apart at the seams.

  “Then you’d better exercise some self-control, sugar,” he told her quietly. “Because at the rate we’re going, we’re going to be in a hell of a lot of trouble when the Guard opens the door in about three minutes.” He could smell one of the Dragons getting closer. “Make that under two minutes actually.”

  “Crap,” she muttered and pulled back from him. “Shoot, this sucks monkey balls. I don’t like this. I think we need to get this over and done with so that I can get home with you and we can both get our asses naked and ease the aches we are both feeling.”

  Shrugging, he moved a little distance from her and used some of his legendary restraint to get his body back under control. Turning, he stepped between Bethany and the door just as it opened, habit and protective nature. He didn’t trust anyone ever, not even those of the Council, or perhaps especially those of the Council.

  “They are ready for you to rejoin them for the sentencing of the Rogues,” the Dragon told them, stepping back and waving a hand to indicate they proceed him.

  Taking Bethany’s hand Zaidu squeezed her fingers and headed back for the main chamber. Hopefully the bastards got what they deserved, tenfold.

  Beth looked up at Zaidu and squeezed his hand once more as well. She hoped and prayed that the men got what they deserved, but honestly, Bethany also prayed that she didn’t have to watch the sentence being carried out because she was sure that it would destroy a part of her if she did.

  You won’t have to bear witness, Z said to her through their link. I will since I was the Hunter that brought them to justice but you can go home and wait if they carry it out today. Otherwise I’ll come back to stand witness.

  Thank you, Bethany whispered. I know how cowardly that seems but I don’t think that I could handle it at all if I had to see it happen. I don’t want to be there and a part of it please. I know that you dispense justice, honey, I really do. However, I can’t. I can’t be there to watch it. To see it happen.

  And you won’t have to be, he assured her again as they stepped into the Chambers and moved to the seats against the wall. Once they were seated Gordon and the other Rogues were brought in by Guards and stood at the end of the table to face the Council.

  Talon stood and looked at the Rogues. “Rogues, the Council has decided your fate,” he said to them. “For the crimes of kidnapping, unlawful detainment, inhumane treatment of humans, and the murder of four women you have been judged. By unanimous vote Rogues Zachariah, Melvin, Jostone, Braven, and Viken will have their souls yanked and put into stasis for a period of no less than three hundred years. Rogue Gordon shall have his life terminated by Dragon’s Fire. Your sentences will be carried out at dawn tomorrow.” He waved his hand and had the Guards drag them back out. “Council, witnesses, I thank you for your time on this matter. We will reconvene one hour before sunrise and prepare for the sentences to be carried out.”

  Bethany just stood there in shock. She knew that this was done for a reason, knew that there would be no other way because they had to ensure that order was maintained in their world, but to know it…Gods it was seriously not good. Bethany, however, didn’t speak for a while. She didn’t say a word until she finally had Zaidu alone with her. A whisper of a sound came then. “When it’s over and done, when this is final, we will take a vacation. Just us, alone.” She had a feeling he would need it every bit as much as she would.

  Looking at her he nodded. “We can arrange that,” he told her honestly. Taking her hand in his he pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arm around her waist. “This will all be over tomorrow, love, and then we will take a couple of weeks and go somewhere, anywhere you want.”

  “Good,” she whispered. “Somewhere where it can be only us. A private island or something like that. I only want to have you all to myself, to have you naked and to be able to know that we will be able to have that forever, darling. I need this. We need this.” She was sure that after tomorrow he would need it as well.

  “I will see what I can arrange for us,” he told her quietly. Hugging her close, he pressed a kiss to her hair lightly. “I will talk to Q and see what we have on the books for a vacation spot.” And if they didn’t have anything he’d see what he could get elsewhere.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “I appreciate it a great deal. I need this. I need to be able to have this time with you and I have a feeling that you will need it after tomorrow as well. We were meant to be one. We will do this. Somehow and someway we will find a way to move on with our lives, right?”

  Frowning at her words he hugged her to him. “What’s wrong, Bethany?” he asked her quietly. Rubbing her back he felt concerned at her behavior. She seemed so out of sorts. “Talk to me, little mate, what’s going through your head that has you so distressed?”

  “I have no idea. I am just feeling all kinds of jacked up right now. More emotional than I have any right to feel.” She sighed and shook her head. “Don’t like it, at all,” she muttered. “I just think that it’s the stress of all that we are going through has me seriously fucked up right now.” Looking up she sighed. “Let’s just get this over, done with so that we can vacation together.” Then life would be back to normal. She was sure of it.

  “It could just be your need for sex riding you, darling,” he pointed out softly. “We haven’t gotten through the whole first month yet, the ‘honeymoon’ phase of the mating, if you will. And I did m
ention it would get worse before it leveled out. Or it could just be the stress of all of this.” And her damned fucking brother.

  “Crap,” she muttered, “I’m thinking that it’s a combination of both of them.” That was likely what it was. She was feeling rather desperate for him and it meant that he was feeling, it too. “This sucks. We should have been able to take that time off together, darling. You and I have both needed this time and you know it. If Talon won’t let you take vacation then I’m bloody well going to beat the shit out of him my damn self.”

  “You can try,” the Dragon said from behind her and grinned when she spun around, her mate keeping her balanced. “But I am very hard to beat up,” Talon said as he moved closer. “Z, you’re officially off the clock,” he told them and dug in a pocket. Passing over a piece of paper, he watched Bethany. “The location of a private island, not another soul in sight. It’s been stocked and the caretaker will meet you on the mainland, ferry you out, and then come and collect you in two weeks’ time. We’ve made arrangements for another Hunter to be on call should we need it until your return. Enjoy the break, your bond-mate, and each other, that’s an order.”

  Grinning, Bethany moved and hugged Talon. “Thank you,” she told him softly and pulled back when she heard Zaidu growling. Moving back to her bond-mate she looked up at him. “Good. Take me out of here, Zaidu. I’m ready to get out of here, ready to go on vacation and try to ease this pain and ache that we are both feeling.” Well her at least.

  “Car’s waiting downstairs and the jet is waiting at the airport,” Talon told them with a lopsided grin. “There’s a snack on the plane for you to enjoy if you have the time. Cell phones will be left on the front desk and put into the safe if you will.” He looked at Z. “There’s a radio on the island if you need to make contact for any reason, but there are no cell towers out there. Now get out of here and I’ll see you two in two weeks, hopefully not looking like you want to tear each other’s clothing off at the drop of a hat.”

  Bethany shook her head and sighed. When Talon walked away she grinned up at Zaidu. “That man just is far too smart for his own good. He seriously takes that knowledge to a whole new level. I’m glad he’s thinking that way, too. I do need to have you alone with me. I need you, darling, and two weeks won’t be enough,” she stated.

  “Two weeks is a good start and will get us through the rest of our month.” Then hopefully the needs would calm a little and they could have a semi-normal life. “Come on, darling.” Zaidu took her hand in his and led her down through the building, stopping at the front desk only long enough to leave his cell after ensuring it was locked and off. Guiding her out to the waiting car, he got her in and slid into the backseat with her.

  Bethany curled into him in the backseat and sighed as she did so. “I think that I’m going to like this man more and more as the years go by.” He had already won huge points by just simply being there and giving her and Z time alone, time to be with each other.

  “And you were going to attempt to beat him up,” Zaidu teased against her hair with a half smile. “Aren’t you just ashamed of yourself for even suggesting such a thing?” he teased, softly stroking his fingers lightly over the back of her hand that rested on his chest.

  “Nope, not even a little,” she told him with a wicked smirk. “I’m actually fairly happy that I said that. It makes sure that he knows that where you are concerned nothing but the best of the best will work for me and for you. I think the two of us belong together because we both will fight for what we desire, darling.”

  Grunting in agreement, he lifted her hand and kissed her fingers one by one. Pressing her hand flat to his chest once more he held her to him as they rode along. It was strange for him to be driven anywhere. It went against his very nature to allow it but it was a pleasant change.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Bethany lifted her head from his chest and looked out over the beach toward the setting sun. “Our last night,” she whispered. “It’s our last night here. I hate that. I don’t think I’m ready to go back,” she whispered softly. “I’ve really and truly loved being here with you, darling. I’ve loved every single second of our time together.”

  Running his fingers up and down her naked back in a lazy move, he smiled. “We can always come back. Take a couple weeks each year and come out here.” He’d arrange it with Talon. “Besides, just because we’re going home doesn’t mean that we’ll be stopping our nonstop loving, Bethany. Nothing can stop us from needing, wanting, and taking each other. Unfortunately we will need to return to wearing clothing.” Something they’d not done the entire time they’d been there.

  “Damn I don’t like that at all.” She had actually and truly enjoyed being able to walk around naked for the last two weeks. “I’ve gotten very used to not wearing clothes.”

  “Well, you know very well you are welcome to do that at the house.” He didn’t have neighbors to worry about. The wolves saw to any intruders so that wasn’t a concern either. “I’d rather like to have you roaming about naked, especially since you have this wonderful tan to show off.” And not a single tan line in sight.

  She grinned at that. “And at home I will be able to walk the grounds naked as well and keep up this lovely tan I have going on.” She was a nice deep tan color, but he, he was a deep latte color that had her drooling. “One thing I do look forward to though,” she said with a grin, “Starbucks. I cannot wait for a massive venti mocha latte.”

  Snorting at that, he smacked her bottom lightly. “Wench,” he muttered. Changing their position, Zaidu tucked her under him and leaned in to kiss her slowly. Gods he loved this woman, this other half of him. “We should make love a few more times I think before we must find our clothing and dress for our return to the real world.”

  “Are you sure that we can find our clothes?” she teased with a smile. “However, I love you so much, darling mine. I look forward to the rest of our lives together, darling. However”—she paused and smirked—“I think that we need to make love, many, many more times, darling mine.”

  “Well they should be right where we tossed them when we decided to get naked that first time,” he told her honestly. Lifting her leg up over his arm Zaidu spread her wide and thrust his cock into her wet and slick body.

  Her lower lip caught and she sobbed. “God that feels so good.” She moaned. “And our clothes would be at the end of the drive.” They had stripped out of their clothes the second that they had piled out of the car, making love right there on the lawn as they did so.

  “Well then we should likely collect them and give them a wash before we dare to put them on,” he said, slamming into her harder, deeper as he found a rhythm he knew she loved. “I personally don’t want whatever may be living in them coming home with us,” he added on a throaty growl of pleasure as she clawed at him in need.

  Bucking up against him harder and faster, she grinned. “Or we could just pull out fresh clothes and throw those away. If I recall, my shirt had been ripped off of me anyway,” she teased him. “Someone was in such a hurry to get inside of me he tore my shirt off and ripped my jeans.”

  “That’s because you were going too slow.” He growled at her, leaning in to bite her lip. Tugging briefly he released it. “I wanted you then, in that moment, and you were playing hard to get. I’ve told you before, don’t tease a Wolf.”

  She grinned and winked at him. “I have so much fun teasing my Wolf though. I happen to really, really love teasing you.” She loved every single moment that she had with her Wolf, too. “God it feels so good. Teasing you,” she moaned. “I love it.”

  Growling deep, he thrust into her harder, pressing her down deeper into the sands around them. “Teasing your Wolf will get you a new set of teeth marks in that delicious ass of yours.” He breathed out as he nibbled on her throat and nipped hard enough to make her jump. Sliding his tongue over her soft skin to soothe the ache, he grinned as she pulled at him more.

  “Honey, I don’t think that you
’ve realized just how much I love you and love when you bite and nibble on me, darling. Gods please,” she whimpered. “Keep it up and I’m going to bite you as well.” She growled.

  “So do it,” he whispered, scraping his teeth to her breast. Curling his tongue around her nipple he breathed her in and nibbled on her soft flesh. “Bite me, darling,” he told her, thrusting into her deeper, her body pure liquid heat around his throbbing cock.

  She did just that. Leaning into Zaidu, she licked his shoulder and then bit him, hard. Bethany bit him and felt her climax hitting her hard. If not for his flesh between her teeth she would have screamed the roof off, of that she was certain.

  Slamming into her once more, he shuddered as he came with her, the knot forming in his cock as his seed jettisoned into her waiting body. Growling at her as she tightened her teeth on his shoulder, Z slid his tongue up her throat and nipped her jaw. “Much better,” he approved with a low chuckle.

  Letting him go after a moment or three, Bethany smiled and leaned back once more. “So very much better,” she whispered softly and yawned. “I love you, Z.” She closed her eyes. “God, I love you so very, very much. So happy that you are in my life and you are in mine.” Life was finally perfect in her mind, her life was finally…right. She was finally home.

  Smiling against her skin, he breathed her in slowly and hugged her tight. “Come on, darling, let’s go for a last swim in the ocean and then we’ll get something to eat before we see how many times we can make love before it’s time to leave.”

  “I love how you think, Zaidu,” Bethany said with a grin and pulled back from him. “Only this time, no lovemaking on the beach. I swear I’m still getting sand from places where sand never, ever should have touched,” she teased.


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