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A Vampire's Love

Page 17

by T. L. Humphrey

  A male—a man I can rely on.

  He hasn’t hurt me; he hasn’t cast me aside, and he has forced nothing, including himself, on me. I meet his eyes, my own shining with the love I have for him. I see the barest of acknowledgments then and breathe out. And I am strengthened in my resolve to help him any way I can because there is no way I could ever escape here on my own, despite the necklace I have on. And it still might not be enough against the four of them.

  “What do you want, Marcellus?” Blake cuts to the chase.

  “All of your holdings.” The answer comes slowly, as if drawing it out will make it hurt more.

  I hold my breath. This will destroy him, and I suspect it is what Marcellus wants. If he hurts me, Blake will get over it. Eventually, I suppose. But if Marcellus takes his business away, Blake will be ruined. He’d have to start over, despite what Brad told me earlier.

  “I know where you were, Blake. I had you followed in that week before your wedding. Your secret bank accounts are not secret any longer. You ousted Deverell and me from your business ventures unfairly, and we will exact our revenge. And the phony paper business is the final straw. ”

  “What do you want, Marcellus?” Blake asks, looking bored and, more importantly, unconcerned.

  “It’s simple.” Marcellus stands, and Blake stiffens ever so slightly.

  Marcellus stands behind me and pulls my chair back. I squeak in surprise, and he then holds his hand out to me. I glance at Blake, who gives me a slow nod, not taking his eyes from Marcellus. I exhale shakily and put my hand in the proffered one. Marcellus helps me stand and then makes me stand beside him. He does not release my hand.

  “The access to your bank accounts in exchange for your wife. It’s simple, easy even,” he says it blandly and with no feeling. It’s purely a business arrangement. “You can save her a fate—save another from the fate we wish to put her in.” He smiles at him.

  As I survey the room, my eyes resting on Blake, so assured and seemingly unconcerned, I realize he is at a severe disadvantage. This is a serious situation, and I’m in the crosshairs. My brain has furiously tried to come up with a plan, and I have failed miserably. So, it’s surprising to me and the others in the room when I begin to laugh. I suspect I may have some nervous laughter that has built up over the last week, not to mention today. My hand slips from Marcellus, and I place it against my chest as I try to stop giggling. Everyone is looking at me as if I’m crazy.

  My other hand goes to the table to keep me standing. “I’m sorry!” I finally manage in mirth.

  Blake looks irritated with my actions, and I know there is absolutely nothing funny here. It’s about to get real, and I’m laughing like a nitwit. I’m surprised at myself. I was frightened, worried, changed into a Goth dress, pretended to be something I’m not, went back to being scared, and now I’m laughing at this entire exchange. I’m nuts. Given my history, I guess it’s about time something breaks inside of me.

  “No, I’m not sorry,” I amend, catching my breath and sobering up. I face Marcellus. “You really think Blake is going to give up his empire—for me?” I shove at Marcellus’ chest, and he glances at my hand as I lie. Blake would give up much for me, this I know, but they don’t know it. They just think he will. “I’m a nutcase. He only married me to get my dad to pay him back and because of some stupid Council,”—I hear a hiss—“that told him he had to. It’s all about the money for him. I’m collateral. You kidnapped collateral to use as collateral. You’re all so stupid!”

  I back up and take note that Deverell, Natalia, and Inara have remained seated, but they didn’t like my stupid comment. Marcellus has a look of concern on his face, as if there might be some truth in what I have said. Blake has slowly risen and looks like a coiled snake. Marcellus lets me back away from him, confusion on his face as I keep on lying.

  “He doesn’t love me!” I twist the proverbial knife. “I’m nothing to him. I mean nothing to him! Men have used me my whole life, and you think suddenly I’ve found my knight in shining armor, and he’s going to give you what you want?”

  Of course, they don’t know this, but it appears to be working in my favor. I back up some more toward the dining-room door behind Marcellus. One of them is still open. I act nonchalant as I step back and out of arm’s reach from Marcellus. I have a chance for freedom, and it lies at my neck. Getting some distance between everyone will help as well.

  “If that is the case,” Marcellus whispers, “then we can kill you now.”

  The lurch in my belly almost makes me stumble. Then I force a laugh. “Okay. Please do. I’ve wished for it. You think I want this life? With him? To be around any of your kind?” I sneer at them, taking them all by surprise, and I do not dare look at Blake. “If you knew the hell I lived in before, you would have left me alone. There is nothing you could possibly do to me that would compare.” I hope not, anyway.

  “Where do you think you are going?” Deverell’s voice is beside me.

  I hadn’t even seen him move, but Blake did. He’s come around the table now, and slows his movements as Deverell gets in my space.

  “And yet,” Marcellus watches Blake, “here he is to rescue you.”

  Annoyed now, I take my index finger and run it along the chain of the necklace. I pull out the pendant and hear hissing. Deverell steps away from me as if I’m poison, and I let it dangle from my finger. Everyone’s eyes are on it.

  “I’m certainly surprised to see something like this here,” I tell them, relishing in my sudden power, however fleeting it might be. “But I suppose if you randomly collect antique jewelry, it could slip through, hidden underneath the rest, at the bottom of a box.” I rest the pendant on my chest, and it seems to draw everyone’s attention. I’ve never had my chest stared at like this before.

  “I’m leaving now,” I tell them. “You’ll let me and be done with harassing me. If you and your ilk have business with Blake, then that’s between all of you, and I will not be a part of it.” I back up. Something tells me not to turn my back on them as I aim for the doorway.

  My eyes slide to Blake, and then I see a shimmer. It’s strange, like a mirage bubble, and my brows knit together. It’s right beside Blake, and he seems oblivious to it. My heart clenches in fear, and I want to point it out, but I catch Natalia eyeing me as the other three watch Blake. Can he take on all of them? The bubble seems to ripple a bit, and I’m not sure the others have seen it. I take another step out and bump into someone. I squeak, and before I can step back into the room, two hands grasp my shoulders and set me to the side. I jerk my eyes to a familiar face, and relief floods over me. I want to hug him, but he sidesteps me and enters the room. I know I should run now. I know I should get to safety.

  But I need to know what happens.

  “MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE killed you and sent Blake a text,” Deverell tells Brad, prepared to meet him head-on.

  Brad never breaks stride, confident in his step, eyes on the one who stabbed him in the leg. “Probably.” Brad shifts into a werewolf, on the fly, and attacks.

  Brad pushes Deverell against the wall, and the two grapple, matched strength for strength. Blake springs to Marcellus, and they are locked in combat. I grip the doorframe and see the weird shimmer appear before Inara, thwarting her attempt to go to Deverell’s aid. The bubble materializes into Shen and Inara hisses. He thrusts her back with what I can only describe as a bubble burst, and he turns to face Natalia, who screeches and lunges for him.

  Marcellus has shoved Blake back toward where I stand. I step back as Marcellus has his back to me, but appears stronger than Blake. I grasp the cross pendant and yank it off over my head. I then thrust it out at Marcellus and hit his cheek, the flat of my hand pressing the pendant into his skin. The smell of burned flesh fills my nostrils. He cries out, hissing, and flings away, knocking my hand. The pendant flies up and lands inside the room on the floor, near Deverell and Brad.

  Blake uses my distraction to push Marcellus back, and they crash against the
chair he had been sitting in. It shatters, and they continue grappling with each other, each trying to gain the upper hand. My gaze goes to the pendant lying there near Deverell’s feet. Brad gets pushed back further into the room, and I see my chance. Shen blasts a bubble at Natalia as Inara comes up behind him, fangs extended.

  I rush in and dive for the pendant as Natalia regains her feet. But she sees me and veers to meet me, quick as lightning. My fingertips brush the pendant, and I’m hauled up by my neck. She lifts me, fangs out, a light in her eyes. I grasp her wrist in my hands, twisting to try to free myself, feet flailing. My air is being cut off, and white spots dance before my eyes. I try to kick at her, but she smirks at my efforts. Things are growing dim. From the corner of my eye, I glimpse Shen push his hand out toward us even as he attacks Inara. Brad is finally gaining the upper hand on Deverell, and Blake is pushing Marcellus against the wall.

  A bubble hits Natalia and she drops me as she staggers back. I hit my knees, reaching for the pendant, but as my fingers brush it yet again, I am yanked away, pushed onto my back, unable to breathe. Natalia sits on my stomach, holding my wrists at my head. Her fangs look sharp, and I know what she intends to do. I struggle to release my wrists, or at least one, so I can get the pendant. She is too strong to dislodge, but I twist in an effort to free myself, anyway. She’s like a lead weight, and she’s bending to me now. As her lips descend, she stops with a sudden jerk. My eyes meet hers as the anger in her eyes recedes into confusion. She rears up, releasing me.

  A light forms in the middle of her chest, glowing first as a ball and then spreading outward. I squirm out from under her as her eyes grow wide and her mouth opens in surprise. Soon, we all hear her scream. It seems as if everyone takes note, taking a quick pause in their fights. Natalia lights up, her face in terror as she seems to burn from the inside out. And then I’m looking at Shen standing there for a brief moment before he turns away.

  Deverell roars and shoves Brad away with a burst of strength. Brad flies up and lands on the dinner table, scattering place settings everywhere, as Deverell races to Shen. I twist around and grasp the pendant. I hold it up just as Inara reaches me. She hisses, stopping in her tracks, and Shen engages her and Deverell. She attacks him, and I roll away, trying to get the blasted Goth skirt untangled from my heels. The fabric rips, and I grimace as I struggle to my feet and stand in the corner, my back against the wall.

  Inara pushes Shen back and Brad has rolled off the table to intercept Deverell, who is rushing to Inara’s aid. Brad is a moment too late as Deverell reaches Shen. But just as Brad reaches him, Deverell turns to face me. He changes course and beelines for me. Moving fast, Brad reaches Deverell a split second before he gets to me, and they stand before each other, locked in each other’s arms, pushing against each other. Brad is a fearsome werewolf, but he is matched with Deverell evenly. I wrap the chain around the back of my hand and hold the pendant against my palm. I push it at Deverell, who sees my move and ducks away. Brad gets the upper hand and shoves him away from me.

  I flatten myself against the wall as Shen blasts Inara with a bubble in my direction. I jerk out of the way just as she bounces off the wall and slides to the floor. But in an instant, she is up and on her feet, ready to attack Shen once again. However, he is faster and the bubble hits her square in the chest. I see the same burning light in her chest that I saw in Natalia. When the realization hits, she screeches and screams, her hands in front of her face as she watches herself disappear and dust falls. Marcellus roars and shoves Blake, who stumbles away.

  Marcellus heads straight for Shen, who is lit up and ready for the attack. Blake is on his heels and snags him at the head of the table. He reaches down for a leg of the chair, and Brad gets shoved my way. I shift out of his way as he hits the wall where I was just standing. Deverell is too late to stop Blake from stabbing Marcellus through the heart. It seems like time slows down as Marcellus looks on in disbelief. He staggers and falls against the dining table before exploding into dust.

  Deverell has now reached where Brad and I stand, fury etched into his face. Brad makes to intercept him and gets cuffed and tossed. Blake sees the action and rushes to me to stop Deverell. I stick my hand out as I clutch the pendant to ward him off, realizing my only defense is quite paltry despite the revulsion it causes. The sharp edges of the cross press into my palm as I squeeze it and hold it out defensively. Deverell reaches me as Blake does. My arm is shoved, and Blake tosses Deverell through the air. Shen lights him up, but I catch Deverell smiling at me before he explodes into dust.

  I furrow my brow as I watch him disintegrate. And then it’s quiet, save for my harsh breaths and Brad, whose werewolf body heaves while he collects his breath. We all look around and then at each other. I drop the pendant as I meet Blake’s eyes, and he takes me into his arms. I clutch him to me as he whispers to me. He strengthens me, and I feel tears threaten.

  “I didn’t mean it,” I say immediately.

  “Shh, I know.” He looks at me with concern. “Are you hurt?” I think I hear the fear in his voice.

  I’m about to say no, but I have a pain in my wrist. I extend it out, not truly realizing what it is I am seeing. But Blake knows right away, and even Brad growls. Shen comes to me, holding my hand gently as he turns the underside of my wrist up. There, bright red and indented, are the marks of Deverell’s teeth. My flesh is torn, and suddenly I feel my arm grow hot.

  “Blake?” I whimper, and Brad whines in response.

  “Quickly, Blake,” Shen says. “You have to do it. You have to move fast.”

  Blake scoops me up and carries me out and into the room across from the dining room. He lays me on a chaise lounge situated in what appears to be a Goth parlor room. He gently smooths back my hair.

  “Honey, do you want this?” Blake asks.

  I raise my hand to his face, staring deep into his eyes. I had wanted death for so long. I just hadn’t realized what sort of death I wanted. I thought it was a death to take me from this world. However, maybe it is a death to bring me to Blake. To make me one with him. I nod my head as the burn in my wrist travels up my arm into my shoulder. Blake tells me nonsense, but I don’t care. I need to hear it because I’m afraid, and I’m calm at the same time. He tells me that it will hurt, but only for a moment. I nod, since I cannot speak.

  “Hurry, Blake,” Shen entreats.

  Blake kisses my cheek and tells me it will only be for a moment. I sigh out, feeling the heat radiate into my shoulder. It burns, and I know it is poison and will finally kill me—the death I had wanted before. But I don’t want that death any longer. I want to die, to live—and be with Blake.

  A sharp prick at my neck makes me gasp, and then I feel light-headed, and blissfully the pain recedes. I feel the heat receding from my shoulder and back down my arm. I open my eyes, and the light is blinding in the dim room. Confused, I close my eyes, feeling Blake’s lips at my neck. There is something strangely erotic about this, and I try to hold him. My arms flop uselessly, and I am losing coherent thought. I slip into unconsciousness—a nothingness of bliss. But even my bliss is tormented as my body rocks. It’s like a shove, and my body responds as if it’s jelly.

  “Drink, honey,” I hear Blake’s voice.

  I lick my lips. I’m so thirsty and feel a drop on my lip. My tongue nabs it, and soon I feel something press against my lips. I expect to feel cool glass or cold metal at my lips, but it is the cool flesh of Blake’s wrist that greets my lips. He helps me drink, and I vaguely realize I am drinking from him. I scrunch my eyes together, even as they are still closed, but the liquid tastes so good. I keep drinking and try to grab for more when it is taken away from me.

  Then, I fall away, and I don’t think, I don’t dream, and I know nothing once again.


  WHEN BRAD CAME TO ME, breathless and limping, fear shot through my heart. I knew. I knew before he told me. Immediately I called Shen to me, and he took care of Brad’s leg, which healed once he extracted a silver
shard. I was ready to move, but Shen held me back. His restraint was needed. But I still railed at it like a caged lion. He was right; we couldn’t just charge in there. So, we three made a plan to get her back. I didn’t care about my riches. I can always make more. I didn’t care about anything but getting Marina back, whole, and alive. But I knew Marcellus, and I knew he would twist that stake in my heart.

  Before the sun had even set, my limo was prepared, the chauffer speeding us away. Shen and Brad were silent on the ride there. We had already gone over what we were going to do. Shen is my secret weapon, and I would have been lost without him. I would have been lost without Brad. I admit I wanted to rush over and save Marina, but they were my voice of reason and we were all set to do whatever was necessary to get her back.

  When I walked into that Goth castle and saw her alive, unhurt, and dressed in that Goth gown, I almost gave away my plan, if only to take her away. But I knew that if I didn’t stop Marcellus and Deverell, they would just keep coming back to me, harassing me, telling me I owed them as they have throughout the years. Perhaps even going to the Council once again and stirring up problems. I knew this day was coming. I just hadn’t considered that my human wife gave them leverage over me, and they knew it. Maybe it had been a mistake to take her to dinner, but I needed her there so Marcellus and Deverell could see her and be a witness to the Council. I hadn’t expected Marcellus and Deverell to pull a stunt like this, and I should have.

  At that dinner, I knew what I was doing. I had purposely made that business venture they wanted so badly into something they would have to work at from scratch. The name would be available to them, but the work to build it would be on their shoulders. They wouldn’t be the wiser for a few days, and it was one way I could get back at them. I hadn’t expected what they would do and should have when Inara and Natalia had taken Marina to the bathroom. I should have realized then.


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