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Monroe, Marla - The Bikers and the Socialite [The Dirty Dozen 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Marla Monroe

  Parker wondered what she had gotten herself into. It should have occurred to her that they would expect a true ménage when she took them both on. Oh, hell. She was so in for it. You made your bed, now you’ve got to fuck in it.

  Allen pulled out and thrust in over and over, rubbing over her hot spot with almost every lunge. She couldn’t believe she was already revving up for another orgasm, but it was there, just out of reach.

  Shane had one of her nipples between his teeth as he alternated between biting and tonguing it. It was driving her crazy. He seemed to know just how much pain she liked and gave it to her. His other hand was busy massaging and gripping her other breast. Ah, hell, she loved having her breasts teased. All Michael had ever done was squeeze them and suck on them. This was true loving.

  Allen put a small twist in his plunges now that added friction to her clit at the end of each thrust. The sensation grew until it was an electrical impulse that gathered strength with each swipe of his body and each stimulation of her nipples. It lodged deep inside her pelvis and ignited nerve endings within her cunt.

  Parker didn’t think there was any way she would survive this explosion if it came. It grew and blossomed until when Allen rasped over her G-spot once more, she shot off higher than a bottle rocket. The force of it knocked the breath from her.

  Her scream was cut short by Shane’s mouth closing over hers. God, she was going to die! There was no air, no breathing, no freaking way she could survive. Then Shane lifted his head and buried his face between her breasts as Allen stiffened above her, calling out her name.

  “Parker, hell!”

  Slowly everything came back into focus again. Her breathing returned in short gulps of air. Shane had collapsed on top of her, but had been kind enough to rest most of his weight on his elbows. Now he rolled over, pulling out of her at the same time. She felt bereft without his massive cock stuffing her soaking-wet cunt.

  “My turn.” Shane kissed her and backed off the bed. He grabbed a condom and rolled it on before positioning himself at the foot of the bed.

  “Roll over, Parker. I want doggy style.”

  Parker frowned, but dutifully rolled over. How did they expect her to have any energy after that?

  “Allen, look at that ass. Have you ever seen anything that pretty?” Shane ran his hands over her butt cheeks.

  “Knew you would appreciate it.”

  Allen rolled out of the bed and disposed of the condom. Then he lay back down on his side and traced a line down the side of Parker’s face.

  “You’re beautiful, Parker.”

  “Thanks, but I know I’m nothing special.”

  “I don’t know where you heard that, because it’s a lie. You’re extraordinary.”

  Shane lined up his cock with her pussy opening and plunged in. He wasn’t as thick as Allen, but he was long. He pulled out and thrust back in until his balls bounced against her pussy lips. She moaned in appreciation as the tip of his dick kissed her cervix. She hadn’t known a bump there could provide that sort of stimulation. It was a pleasure pain that spread tendrils of need throughout her body.

  “Yes,” she hissed out when he did it again.

  “You like having your cervix bumped, do you? I’ll take real good care of you, baby.” Shane squeezed her ass cheeks then began stroking in and out of her wet cunt over and over.

  His cock struck her cervix with each plunge, sending her climax higher and higher until she was sure she would fly if she ever did go off. There was no way she could come a third time, was there?

  As if to prove her wrong, Shane tapped her ass on each cheek before smoothing his hand over them. She moaned at the thrilling sensation of being spanked. When he did it again, she clamped down on his dick tunneling in and out of her pussy. Her climax was torn out of her. She screamed and sank down on her elbows as she spasmed around Shane’s cock. Stars exploded behind her eyelids as she squeezed them shut. The harder Shane thrust inside her cunt, the tighter her orgasm swirled around her.

  “Fuck! Squeeze my dick, baby. Just like that. Aw, hell yeah!”

  She felt Shane go still deep inside her, and then the unmistakable feel of hot cum hitting the condom inside her cunt.

  Parker panted trying to regain control of herself. It was all too much. She’d never come like that before. Hell, who was she kidding? Next to that, she’d never come period.

  After several long seconds, Shane withdrew from her still-contracting cunt to dispose of the condom. He returned and pulled her over into his arms. Allen moved in against her back. They both soothed her with gentle touches and whispered words about how hot she was. Tears threatened to fill her eyes. She needed to get out of this before something bad happened, like she started falling for the two bikers. She’d get up right after she took a little nap.

  * * * *

  Shane woke up to Parker splayed out on top of him. He grinned. She was a cuddler. Allen would love that. He took stock and decided he could manage to get out from under her if Allen would distract her.

  “Hey, Allen. You awake over there, man?”

  The sound of a yawn reached his ears. He tried to look over the top of Parker’s head, but couldn’t see his friend.

  “Yeah, I am now.”

  “Why don’t you get an early breakfast of Parker’s sweet pussy while I shower? Then I’ll cook Parker something to eat.”

  “Hell, man. It’s nearly noon.”

  “Well, a nooner, then.” Shane rolled his eyes.


  He slowly slipped out from under Parker, who moaned and tried to latch on to him. He knew the moment Allen settled between her legs by the way she went limp against him. He smiled. His buddy would take good care of her.

  When he stood up, he looked back at the bed and sighed. Parker was flat on her face with her pussy up in the air, presented like a gift. Allen was taking full advantage of her proffered ass with his tongue and fingers. He almost climbed back in bed, but reminded himself he needed to fix her something to eat. She would be hungry after their late-night and early-morning activities.

  After a quick shower, he dressed in jeans and padded barefoot into the kitchen. He hoped she liked omelets. He wasn’t much of a cook otherwise. Allen did most of their cooking when they were home.

  Shane gathered the ingredients and settled into a routine he was used to. He was always the one to get up the next morning and fix their date breakfast. For some reason, this time seemed different. What was it about Parker and their date that made him want to make breakfast special?

  He grunted. It was probably because she was rich, and more than likely used to servants fixing her breakfast in bed. Well, she would have to take what she got. He wasn’t a servant and didn’t cook fancy brunches. For some reason, his mood had soured. It had to be the thought about her being rich.

  Neither he nor Allen was rich. They were well off and had invested smart enough that they didn’t have to work anymore if they didn’t want to. They worked because they liked it and because they made something out of nothing. It filled some inner need they had to build instead of tear apart. A psychiatrist would have a field day delving into The Dirty Dozen’s psyches. Between their close-knit, family-like relationship, their ménages, and their work, there was no telling what one would come up with.

  He chopped up the onions, peppers, mushrooms, and ham into a small bowl. Then he grated cheese into another bowl. The sound of a muffled scream teased a smile from his lips. She was definitely awake now. He switched to buttering bread for toast. It would be another twenty minutes before they got out of the shower. Well, maybe thirty minutes. If he were Allen, he would have some shower sex to start off the morning.

  Thirty minutes later, they came walking into the kitchen. Parker looked a little unsure, but Allen was grinning from ear to ear.

  “Hope you like Southwest omelets, Parker. My breakfast dishes are limited to that and plain scrambled.”

  “Sounds delish to me. I’m not a picky eater.”

bsp; “I am, and I have to say, you’re delicious.” Allen nuzzled her neck with his nose.

  Parker’s face turned a cute shade of pink. Who would have thought a socialite would blush over something like that? Shane kept finding little oddities about their Parker.

  Their Parker. Whoa. She was a one-night stand by her own admission. They had until eight that night with her. He didn’t need to start thinking about her as anything more than a fun day. The only thing was that he already did think of her as being possibly longer than an overnight romp. Convincing her would probably be next to impossible, though. She had used them the night before to make a point of some kind. They had known it going into it. He needed to remember that and back away before he made a fool of himself.

  He slid an omelet out onto a plate in front of her then Allen set a bottle of hot sauce in front of her. Shane added a piece of toast and a cup of coffee.

  “Do you take anything in it?” he asked.

  “No, thanks. Black is fine.” She settled down on the barstool and proceeded to cut into her omelet.

  “Where’s my food, man? I’m hungry.”

  “Screw you, bud. I’ll get to it.”

  He proceeded to cook their eggs and watched Parker eat out of the corner of his eye. She wasn’t dainty when she ate. He didn’t think she had a dainty bone in her body. Instead, she was smooth and polished without being obtrusive. She was fun. He liked her.

  “Wish you had brought clothes with you so we could go for a bike ride,” Allen was saying.

  “I really should be getting home soon anyway,” she hedged.

  “Whoa, you promised us till eight tonight. You’re not backing out, are you?” Shane set his fork down on his plate and stared at her.

  “Um, no. I honestly didn’t think you would be interested in me hanging around that long, though.”

  “Honey, we plan on keeping you plenty busy today.” Allen winked at her.

  She visibly swallowed. “Maybe we should go by my house then and let me change into something else. This is a little uncomfortable for just lounging around in.”

  “That sounds like a good plan. We’ll leave after we finish eating.” Allen redoubled his efforts at his omelet.

  Shane wondered just how enamored Allen was with their social butterfly. He hoped his friend wasn’t getting too attached to her. He had to know she wouldn’t want to see them again once the eight o’clock deadline hit. She’d be over them in eight seconds flat.

  It was a shame, though. She was so freaking responsive and wild in bed. If he didn’t know any better, he would say she had never had anyone give more than one orgasm before. Yeah, he could get used to making her come, but she wasn’t going to be hanging around with them. He needed to get that through his unusually thick skull today.

  Chapter Four

  Parker wrapped her arms around Allen’s waist and held on as they headed to her condo. What was she doing? She needed to spend more time with them like she needed another hole in her head. You can’t very well back out after they more than lived up to their end of the deal last night. In more ways than one. Still, she was asking for heartache by giving in to them.

  When they pulled in her slot behind her car, she carefully climbed off with Shane’s help and led them inside her condo. She turned off the alarm and headed straight to her bedroom. It shouldn’t have surprised her to find that they followed her there instead of waiting for her in the living room.

  “Nice place. The living room seems sort of formal, but your bedroom looks like you,” Allen said.

  “Thanks.” She walked over to her closet and stepped inside. She had a lot of clothes, but nothing compared to some of her acquaintances. She wasn’t into the entire shopping scene that they were.

  “Wow. I like your closet. Who did the design for it?” Shane stepped in behind her.

  “Um, I don’t know. It came with the condo when I bought it.” She stared up at him thinking he would get the message and leave, but he didn’t. Instead, he explored the mini dressing room.

  With a sigh, Parker chose a pair of jeans and a blouse and slipped out of her clothes to dress. To her amazement, Shane hung her dress up for her and put her shoes away. She narrowed her eyes. Maybe he was one of those obsessive compulsive people. But no, he didn’t put her underwear in the clothes hamper. She did that. Maybe she was obsessive compulsive.

  “What are you two doing in here?” Allen walked into the closet, making it shrink that much smaller.

  “I just need to put my boots on and I’m ready to go.” She eyed the door behind Allen and the other man backed out.

  “Here, let me help you with your boots.”

  Parker sat on the edge of her dressing stool and watched as Allen knelt at her feet to put on her socks and boots. When he had finished, he ran his hands up her legs to her thighs where he squeezed them. She realized he planned to kiss her and started to stand up, but Shane was suddenly there standing over her. She had nowhere to go. Allen sipped at her lips, their eyes meeting when he did. Then he backed off with a strange gleam in his eyes.

  “Ready to ride, Parker?” he asked.

  “R–Ready.” She was so not ready for more time wrapped around their hard male bodies.

  She reset her alarm and locked up behind them. This time she rode behind Shane. His small waist only made her more aware of his tight abdomen. Her fingers itched to run up and down it. Hell, her fingers itched to scratch around his crotch. She could just imagine how he would react if she ran her nails over his balls while they were riding. She grinned, but resisted the urge.

  She wondered briefly where they were taking her. They rode for what seemed like hours but proved to only be about thirty minutes when they pulled off onto an old blacktop road leading to a lake. They circled around it until they located a spot they were obviously looking for. Parker climbed off the bike and waited for them. She wanted to go down to the water and look. She hadn’t been near a lake since last summer when she and Michael had gone waterskiing at the reservoir. She’d enjoyed herself well enough, but Michael had been more interested in showing off his new boat than her.

  She watched as Allen pulled out a blanket from his saddlebag and spread it out on the grass under a tree close to the water’s edge. He anchored it with rocks so the slight breeze wouldn’t blow it away.

  “Come on. Let’s look around.” Shane took her hand in his and pulled her closer to the water. Allen soon joined them and took her other hand.

  They walked a good ways around the lake’s edge watching fish jump and the occasional bird swoop down to grab a minnow. Parker felt at peace there for the first time in a long time. No one spoke really other than the occasional murmur to point something out. It was relaxing, and she thoroughly enjoyed it.

  When they returned to where Allen had spread out the blanket, the men sank down on it and pulled off their boots. They lay back. Shane reached for her.

  “Come on and watch the clouds go by. See how many animals you can pick out of them.”

  Parker nearly scoffed at the idea of cloud watching, but shrugged and lay down. She was soon engrossed in pointing out absurdly shaped animals, as well as the occasional cock and balls. When Shane rolled over on top of her and drew her into a kiss, she was so relaxed and surprised that she didn’t think twice about returning it.

  His mouth ate at hers, twining their tongues together then backing off to tease. He explored her teeth and lips with the tip of his before sucking on her bottom one and nipping at it. When he finally pulled back, Parker was drunk off the kiss. She opened her eyes to stare up into Shane’s dark ones. Then Allen was pulling her into his arms. He nibbled at her ear then kissed around her jaw to her lips where he sucked her bottom one into his mouth. She drew in a deep breath and hissed out when he bit it before licking over it.

  “You’re eyes are so expressive, Parker. I love watching them when you’re aroused.”

  “I seem to stay that way around the two of you.”

  “That’s how we like to keep
you, too.” Allen kissed the corner of her mouth before moving back down her jaw to her neck.

  She felt Shane’s hands slip under her blouse to the smooth skin of her abdomen. He stroked it almost lazily before grazing the bottom of her breasts through her bra. It felt so bad to be making out under the sky in a public place. She’d done it before, but not with two men.

  Shane continued to rub against her breast, seemingly content to remain that way while Allen sucked on her tongue. Between the two men, she was hot and so damn turned on, she could hardly think straight. Allen fucked his tongue in and out of her mouth mimicking the slight thrust of his pelvis against her hip.

  Parker moaned into his mouth wanting more, but knowing they shouldn’t go any farther in public. Still, the feigned intention was so exciting. All it would take would be for one of them to stimulate her pussy, or maybe even her nipples, and she would come.

  As if hearing her innermost thoughts, Shane reached down and ran his fingers across her crotch directly over her clit. When she shivered and whimpered, he used his nails and scratched across it over and over again. Parker exploded with a soft cry of surprise.

  “Ah, hell yes! That’s it, baby,” Shane crooned.

  “Did she just come? How hot is that?”

  “Come on. I can’t wait to get her back home. Let’s mount up.” Shane pulled her none too gently to her feet and began rolling the blanket up.

  Allen took the blanket and replaced it in his saddlebag. Then he climbed on his bike and waited for Parker to do the same thing. She felt almost dizzy they moved so fast. Had her coming like that really gotten them so fired up? She got on the back of Allen’s bike and held on. He wrapped a hand around one of hers and squeezed.

  “Baby, you’ve got me so fucking hard I’m going to leave a dent in my bike.”

  Parker didn’t know what to say to that, so she said nothing. Instead, she concentrated on holding on and the way the bike vibrated against her clit now that it was so sensitive. Just their words had her pumped and ready to go again. The bike’s movement was going to send her over again unless she could keep a tight rein on her libido.


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