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Let Love Be

Page 17

by Melissa Collins

  “What’s this from?” she asks carefully, tilting her head to the side in concern.

  Now that’s something I’ve never talked about with anyone, but here with Lucy I feel like I finally can. “That was from 9/11.”

  “You don’t have to tell me. If it’s too much, I understand.”

  Pulling her close to me, so that her back is pressed to my front, I twine our fingers together, letting them fall in her lap. I kiss the top of her head before taking a deep breath. “I wasn’t working that morning. I pulled a mutual with my partner because I had to come upstate to help Joe with Katie. Sara had just been admitted to a mental care facility and I couldn’t take medical leave for a few days. He needed me so I called in a favor. It cost Drew his life.” Reassuringly, she pulls our hands up to her lips and presses a soft kiss to my knuckles. “I went for a run that morning and just as I was leaving to go to Joe’s, the first plane crashed into the first tower. All of the bridges and tunnels were closed so I ran through the Lincoln tunnel and found the closest firehouse. I grabbed some bunker gear and got right to work. By the time I was able to get there, the towers were both gone.”

  Cupping my hands together, I wet her hair and then squeeze some shampoo into my palm. Working a lather into her silky hair relaxes me enough to tell her the rest. “I spent the first few hours there just trying to find someone I knew, someone who knew Drew and where he could have been. It wasn’t until late the next day that I learned he never made it out.” I rinse her hair when I can’t find the rest of the words I need to finish my story.

  “It was the most horrific day of my entire life. People jumped. They plummeted hundreds of stories because we couldn’t save them all. And to know that one of those lives were lost as a direct result of something I did…” I choke back my rising emotions. It’s not a day I let myself think of often, but it’s one that haunts every moment of my existence.

  “You have to know it’s not your fault. Please tell me you understand that, Evan.” Lucy nuzzles into my chest and I hold her close.

  Drawing from her calmness, I say, “I know it now, but it took me a long time to figure that out.”

  After a few minutes, I take a deep breath and finish, “In the days following the attacks, I worked twelve hour shifts at Ground Zero, digging through heaps of twisted steel and crumbled concrete to find him. Another firefighter heard his last radio call, so we had an idea of where to look for him. I was just hoping to be lucky enough to find him, to at least return his body to his family.”

  Lucy leans into my touch as I work some conditioner through her long hair, combing through it lightly with my fingertips. “I found his helmet first, crushed on one side and bloodstained in the lining. In that instant, I prayed to a God I wasn’t sure even existed that he died quickly. We found his body later that day. Pulling him out of the rubble, we draped his body in a flag, not allowing any time to truly mourn our losses. Staying focused on finding more fallen brothers was the only thing that got me out of bed. I gave up on life in those months. There were so many funerals to attend, so much loss and sadness. It was easier to shut down than open up. He had a family, too. Two little girls and a boy on the way. And it was all my fault he died.”

  Lucy nuzzles into my chest and I hold her close, fighting back my demons. “So that,” I tip my chin down to where her finger is still tracing over the scar, “is from the cancer. I had to have a portion of the lower right lobe removed. I was lucky they caught it in time, before it spread.”

  Lucy moves quickly, sloshing more water over the edge of the tub. She sits on my lap, chest to chest, and wraps her legs around my waist. She doesn’t speak for a few long moments. “That’s why you spent your life alone.” It’s a statement, not a question.

  Holding her slick body to mine, I nod as she tucks her head under my chin. “Maybe we know each other better than I think. I mean, we’ve got more in common that I thought.” I stare down at her, more than a little confused.

  “We’re both so afraid to lose again, that we never let anyone in,” she clarifies. “It was the same for me after Jimmy died. I lost myself to being Melanie’s mom, to doing what was best for her. I dated casually, more because Linda made me, but I never let anyone close. The thought of loving someone the way I loved Jimmy scared the crap out of me. Knowing a new love could be ripped from my life, just like Jimmy, I just couldn’t deal with that. So I chose not to, and well, here I am.” Gazing into her eyes, I get lost there. Her pain is so much like mine – it’s as if we were cleaved from the same stone. Sure, I’ve had a difficult time getting over my own loses, but Lucy suffered the loss of her husband. She has been truly alone, and my heart hurts for what she’s had to go through.

  I rinse her hair one last time as she looks up at me. “I think here,” she wiggles in my lap suggestively, “is a pretty fantastic place to be.”

  “Oh, love, I couldn’t agree more,” I groan as I take her mouth in a passionate kiss. Her fingers tangle in my hair as we devour each other. Tongues dance and twine, teeth crash and nibble, and the sparks fly between us. Wrapping her hair around my wrist, I pull her head back and lick the long expanse of her delicate neck. Biting softly at her collarbone forces a moan from her lips. With my other hand, I toy with her breast, pulling lightly on the hardened tip.

  When she starts grinding against me, I remember her initial reservations at even getting into the tub. “Easy, love.” She stops and looks at me, confusion paired with a touch of rejection.

  I pull a wet strand of hair from across her forehead before brushing my knuckles gently down her flushed cheek. “You were worried we were going too fast.” Looking down at our legs wrapped around one another in a bathtub is the perfect backdrop of irony for what I’m about to say. “I don’t want to do anything you might have reservations about. If you feel like this is too much, too fast, then I can take a step back. We’ll keep it casual.”

  She crinkles her nose as she wiggles her hips against me. “Yeah, something about this,” she adds another wiggle, “doesn’t feel casual.” It takes physical restraint not to push up into her. I wonder if she realizes how fucking sexy she is.

  “Get over here.” I shake my head and smirk, wrapping my arms around her back. “This is definitely more than casual, but I don’t want you to…”

  Her soft lips push against mine; her tongue licks across the seam of mine, seeking entrance. “I do want this, but I guess I’m just scared,” she admits quietly as she curls her head into the crook of my neck.

  I mumble against her hair, “Me too, love. Me too.” She pulls back out of my arms and searches my face. “But what if we promise to be scared together. Screw what we’re supposed to do, how slow or how fast we’re supposed to move, what we’re supposed to label things. Let’s just be together and enjoy being happy for the first time in a long time.” I can only hope that’s what she wants, too.

  She kisses me seductively and I know she can feel me hardening and pulsing between us despite the cooling water. “That sounds like a perfect plan. Now, will you take me to bed so that I can show you my plan?” Winking playfully, she unfolds herself from my lap and struts out of the tub, all sexy-as-sin. Standing at the edge of her bed, which is visible from the tub, she crooks her finger at me, but says nothing.

  Who am I not to listen to that?

  I tie a towel around my waist and walk toward her. “You won’t be needing this,” she rasps as she slips the knot free. Taking the towel in both of her hands, she rubs it across my body, drying me off, before she pushes my shoulders down, forcing me to sit on the edge of the bed. Her plan comes into focus – as does her perfect ass – as she leans down to run the towel up her legs and across, wiping the tiny beads of water lingering there.

  She steps in between my legs and pushes me further back on the bed, crawling over me as I scoot toward the headboard. Pressing her body fully against mine, I feel the heat of her arousal on my twitching thigh. I grab her ass, pulling her close to me as our mouths mate with animal-like feroci
ty. Breaking the seal of our lips, she looks up at me, eyes wide and with so much passion that they’re more black than blue.

  “I want to kiss you,” she pauses a beat before adding, “all over” in a seductive rasp that makes me throb with need. Her tongue glides effortlessly down my neck and across my still-wet collarbone. Placing hot, open-mouth kisses across my chest, she more than surprises me when he licks my nipple. Falling lower, she reverentially moves her lips across my scars, making sure to look up at me before she nuzzles her cheek against them. “Your body is amazing, but these, they just prove what a beautiful soul you have too.”

  Her words strip me bare. Here I am thinking she’s the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever met inside and out, and now she’s telling me that she feels the same about me. Some of the fear from earlier melts away as she places one last kiss to the scar above my lung.

  Raking her nails down my thighs, she kneels in between my legs and stares down at me, passion and desire heavy on her face.

  With a feather-light touch, she traces the tip of her pointer finger up and down my erection, from root to tip and back again. When she wraps her hand delicately around me, it’s an instinct to push up into her palm. “You’re so good with your hands,” I ground out from behind my clenched jaw.

  “Would it be okay if I try my mouth?” Her shyness is completely disarming and utterly beautiful.

  “This is me and you. You can do anything you want, love. But don’t you dare do anything because you think you have to, or because you think I want it.” Despite my words, I want to beg her to wrap her hot, wet mouth around me.

  “No,” she declares with a confidence that negates her shyness from a moment ago. “I want this. I just want it to be good for you. It’s been so long…” Her words fade away and even though she never finishes her sentence, I know what she wanted to say.

  On a deep breath, she leans her face down into my lap, pressing her hot lips to the wide crown. When her tongue glides across the underside of the tip, I fist the sheet, a white-knuckled grip. “Fuck, Lucy,” I groan her name as it takes every ounce of restraint to keep from pushing past her lips.

  Replacing the finger that was tracing my length, she now uses the tip of her tongue. My spine tingles and a drop of moisture falls onto my stomach. Her mouth is absolutely perfect. Using her hand, she rubs me relentlessly, bringing me right to the edge of my control.

  With her hand wrapped around the base of my cock, she takes me into her sweet little mouth, inch by fucking agonizing inch. Her name falls from my lips, a groan of pleasure, and a sigh of utter contentment.

  Her hair falls in a veil around my lap and I pull it to the side. Watching my cock slip in and out of her mouth, as her hand works what can’t fit, is mesmerizingly erotic. Wide-eyed and breathless, she licks me one last time before climbing up onto my lap. “Was that…”

  “I swear to God, if you plan on finishing that sentence with ‘okay’, I’m going to have you mentally evaluated. You were amazing, love.” She grins, completely satisfied with her sexual prowess.

  She reaches across me and fumbles in her nightstand. When the drawer glides open, the electric pink vibrator catches my attention. “You know when I said you could do anything to me, I didn’t exactly have that in mind,” I joke as I angle my head to the side and she sees what I’ve just caught sight of.

  Seemingly at a loss for words, she looks away from me. “Hey,” I reach up and turn her face back to mine. “You’re a woman with needs – needs I hope to fulfill right now.” Her lips pull up at the corners as I wiggle beneath her. “Besides, I think it’s hotter than fuck,” I add as I grip her neck and drag her to my mouth for a hot kiss.

  I take the condom from her and roll it down as she looks on hungrily. I can feel the heat pouring off her body, her sweet little pussy just inches from my hand. It’s more than I can take not to touch her – so I do. Cupping her, I trace my fingers through her lips, not at all surprised to feel how wet she is. As my thumb swirls around her clit, I feel her thighs shake with need.

  As I press against her with my thumb, I sink into her – slowly with more control than I thought I’d have. “Ahhhh, Evan. You’re so…you’re just so much everything. I can’t take it. I want you.”

  “You’ve got me, love.” I grip her hips and drive into her, reveling in the feel of the soft pulses that surround me. We find our rhythm easily, getting lost to the feel of our bodies sliding together in heated passion. Her nipples run against my chest and the need to pull one into my mouth is overwhelming.

  “Sit up a little, love. Take me. Make yourself come.” She looks at me – her lips full, her eyes heated, her breathing erratic.

  Her hips start gyrating, gliding effortless over me. Cupping and kneading at her heavy breasts, I pull on her nipples, gently at first, then with more force, causing her sex to clamp down on mine. With her back arched, she hovers above me, only my tip resting inside of her heat. When she slams down on me, our hips meeting wildly, she calls out my name – almost as if it’s a curse.

  “Beautiful, love. You look absolutely beautiful.”

  “God, Evan. I can’t take it much longer.”

  “Then let go and take me with you.”

  She falls back to my body and I wrap my arms around her waist. Gripping her ass tight enough to leave a bruise, I guide her as I bury myself deep inside. Our mouths move of their own accord as our tongues match the motion of our sex. Changing the angle slightly, I drive into her hard, hitting that spot that makes her go crazy. “Evan…I’m…oh, Evan…”

  She falls beautifully, coming with such passion that it doesn’t take me long to follow right behind her. “Lucy…” I call out on one last push into her.

  Her head falls to my chest and I lazily stroke her back, which is damp with a slight sheen of sweat. “A little bit less scared now, love?”

  I feel her smile against my skin as she mumbles, “Hmmm.”

  Kissing her hair, I pull her to my side, pull off the condom with the other hand and wrap it in a tissue from the box on the nightstand.

  Lucy’s breathing evens out as sleep bathes over her. She curls into me and drapes her leg over mine, securing me in place. Her desire to have me next to her makes me the least scared I’ve ever felt.

  I’m up and out of the house by nine in the morning. Linda and I have a lot to take care of at the hotel where Chloe’s ball is being held. I’ve loaded up the car with everything I’ll need to get ready later on. Although, it doesn’t really matter how I look. The only important thing is that Chloe feels more than special tonight. So being the perfectionist that I am, I want to be at the hotel as early as possible to make sure everything is taken care of. Disappointing a little girl and fifty of her closest princess friends is most definitely not on my to-do list for today.

  First on my list of tasks is to pick up Linda. She barrels down her stairs, weighed down with half-a-dozen bags and a huge-ass box of God-knows-what. I pop the trunk and she drops all of the bags in there, but puts the box rather carefully into the back seat. “What’s that?” I ask as she slides in and buckles her seat belt.

  “That’s another gown that someone donated for Chloe. I didn’t want it rolling around in the trunk, that’s all.” Linda quickly starts spouting off a list of things we need to do this morning. When we pull up to the hotel twenty minutes later, I’m an anxious mess.

  The grand ballroom is a flurry of activity. Tables are being rolled in and chairs stacked twenty high are lined up against the walls. Waiters and waitresses are busy polishing silverware and pressing table cloths. When the flowers arrive, it feels like things are starting to come together. Chloe’s favorite color is purple, so the entire room is decorated in varying shades of lavender and lilac. It reminds me of Melanie and it makes me miss her terribly.

  “Hey, can you come outside and help me with something?” Linda asks as we finish draping the royal purple tablecloth on Chloe’s table.

  “Sure thing.”

  When we step outside, I’m
flabbergasted to see a white stretch limo waiting for us in front of the beautiful water fountain that’s sits majestically in front of the hotel entrance.

  Eyeing her suspiciously does nothing to make her crack. She just smirks and pulls me to the limo door, which is being held open for us by the driver. “Good afternoon, ladies,” he addresses us and tips his hat as we slide past him.

  “Can you believe this?” Chloe calls out with more excitement than I have ever heard in my life. Bouncing in her seat, she looks like she can barely contain her emotions. She’s dressed in a Cinderella dress-up gown and pretend glass slippers. If it wasn’t for the pale-blue kerchief covering her bald head, you would think she was a regular seven-year-old who hasn’t been battling stage three acute myelogenous leukemia for the last two years.

  “Hey, pretty princess.” I open my arms and she slides over to me. The four of us had lunch together the other day to make some decisions about the ball. Chloe kept calling Linda and me her fairy godmothers and I feel utterly blessed to be graced with the task of giving her the perfect day.

  “What’s it look like inside? Is it purple like I asked? Are there lights and stars all over, too?”

  Her mom, Aimee, sits, smiling ear-to-ear, next to her daughter. She doesn’t say anything and I can’t even begin to imagine how she feels today. As Chloe chatters on and on about how perfect everything will be today, Aimee simply mouths the words “thank you” to Linda and me from behind Chloe.

  “It is pretty amazing in there, but I’m not saying a word.” I pretend to zip my lips and throw away the key. “You’re just going to have to be surprised when we walk in. Which reminds me, where are we going anyway?” Confusion filters into my words as I stare over at Linda.

  She shrugs her shoulders, and leans in to whisper, “Just relax and enjoy.”

  Chloe spends the ten-minute ride to wherever we’re going talking non-stop about her favorite princesses, and I’m so engrossed in listening to her that I’m not even paying attention to where we are.


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