The Wedding Chapel

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The Wedding Chapel Page 10

by Caroline Mickelson

  Clive answered first. “I’m in for two reasons. Number one, as much as I don’t want any little Pekingese to go without, I like the idea of the money going toward charities that serve women and children. Partaking in this charade would be my first chance to play philanthropist.”

  “What’s your second reason, Grandpa?” Bella asked.

  “I think if you two spend a little more time together you might just see what I do. Young love.” He took a swig of wine and then set his glass on the table. He stood. “Let’s meet up in the morning and go over the game plan.”

  If Bella had any concerns about being alone with Colin in his suite, she needn’t have worried. As soon as the door closed behind her grandfather, Colin picked up the hotel phone and placed a call. His end of the conversation was brief. “We’re ready now.”

  Bella perched on the edge of an armchair. “Might I know what that was all about?”

  Colin refilled her wine glass and handed it to her. The look in his eye was surprisingly mischievous. “I thought a bit of relaxation was definitely in order.”

  Relaxation? Relaxed was the last word to describe the acrobatic butterflies in Bella’s stomach. Something had changed between them. Or at least it had in her mind. She felt surprisingly nervous to be in such close proximity to Colin. She sipped from her wine glass to avoid having to speak. This reaction couldn’t just be because she was physically attracted to Colin, was it? No. Of course not. She’d been attracted to him from the first moment he walked into the chapel. There was just something about him that made her feel comfortable in his presence. No, it was more than being comfortable. She felt safe. Cared for. Cared about. It just felt right being with Colin, even through the craziness of the last few days.

  But why had her feelings changed? Could it be that her grandfather was right? That she had fallen in love with Colin? The room started to spin and she closed her eyes against the sensation that her world had just forever changed.

  “Bella?” Colin was beside her, a hand on her shoulder. His voice held a note of concern. “What’s wrong?”

  Bella shook her head. “I’m fine.”

  Colin knelt beside her. “You don’t look fine, you look drawn.”

  “Gee, thanks. Does that pass for a compliment in Britain?”

  He shook his head. “I’m seriously worried about you.”

  Bella reached out and lightly touched his cheek with her palm. “I’m okay, Colin. Honestly. It’s just all been a bit much.”

  “Finding out that we weren’t married?” he asked, his eyes full of concern. “Or having to deal with my grandmother?”

  “Both.” She smiled to let him know that she was teasing. “It’s everything and everyone but you.”

  Colin gently took her hand from his face and kissed the inside of her wrist. “I’m asking a great deal when I ask you to help me keep my grandmother distracted for a few more days. I’m aware of that.”

  “I want to help you.”

  Colin rose to his feet and pulled her up to stand beside him. He dropped his hands to her waist but his eyes were on her lips. Bella leaned in just a bit and lifted her face to his. She wanted his kiss, his touch. She wanted him.

  A discrete knock on the door interrupted their kiss.

  “Bloody door.” Colin growled. “We should have it removed.”

  Bella laughed. “Oh, that’s a great way to ensure some privacy.” Reluctantly she took a step back from him. “Hadn’t you better see who it is?”

  He grabbed ahold of her hand. “I know who it is. I’ve got something planned for us tonight. Let’s go.”

  “Wait, Colin, there’s something I need to say first.”

  He watched her expectantly.

  She took a deep breath. “I’ll do whatever you need me to do to help you with your grandmother and your foundation’s project. I won’t leave you to face it alone.”

  His smile was straight from his heart. “I don’t deserve you, Bella Johnson. But I am ever so glad to have found you.”

  He’d found her, for that she was grateful. But within the week, when the whole charade was over and he went back home to England, Bella knew that she was the one who was going to feel lost.

  Chapter 13

  “Well if this doesn’t beat all, I don’t know what does.”

  Colin smiled at the wonder in Clive Johnson’s voice. He glanced at Bella but she was engrossed in one of the ad campaign pieces and didn’t look up at either man. Something wasn’t right. Last night he could have sworn they’d had a lovely evening. Bella had appeared both surprised and delighted with their first stop at the resort’s world class spa. They’d enjoyed a couples massage and sauna before dressing for an evening out on the town. So far as he could tell, Bella had enjoyed the concert as much as she had the dinner and dancing afterward.

  There had been a lightness in her step when they danced and an unguarded ease as they’d conversed over dinner. Bella had seemed as reluctant for their evening to end as he had been, she’d even seemed to waver on their earlier agreement that Colin would sleep on the sofa again. Yet over breakfast she’d somehow seemed distant, and since they’d arrived at the chapel to go over the ad campaign, it was as if she were a million miles away instead of back at home. What could have happened?

  “I’ve got to hand it to you kids, you’ve thought of everything. It’s a shame we won’t be putting this campaign to use after all the work you put into it.”

  Colin’s head jerked up and he stared at Clive. He glanced at Bella and saw that she had the same startled reaction. “Why ever not? I thought you just said you approved of it.”

  “Oh, I do. Believe that, young man. I’m impressed and it does the old heart good to think of how much this will help bring attention to Las Vegas weddings. I’d suggest you take this to Muriel. It’ll help her Flamingo Chapel more than anything she could do on her own. But I’m going out of business.”

  Bella dropped her pencil, sat back and stared at her grandfather. Obviously, this was news to her too.

  Colin sat back and studied the other man. “When was this decision made, Clive?”

  “Last night.”

  “Grandpa, what are you talking about?” Bella’s eyes were filled with concern. “You’ve never wanted to even talk about retiring. What happened?”

  “I received another offer to buy my property.”

  “Again? But you’ve turned them down at least a dozen times in the last two years.”

  Colin broke in, “Who is this company and what do they develop?”

  “Parking lots,” Clive answered. “Parking structures I guess you call them nowadays.”

  Colin glanced at Bella. “What do you think of this?”

  “I think it’s ludicrous.” Bella’s voice was thick with emotion. “Grandpa, you love the Hopeful Hearts, you’ve always said the chapel was your life.”

  Clive covered one of Bella’s hands with his. “Yes, it was. I’ve known great happiness here. I loved living right in the heart of Las Vegas. I’ve loved officiating at weddings, it’s been an honor to join hopeful hearts together.”

  “Then why give it up?” Bella demanded.

  Clive reached out and affectionately pinched one of Bella’s cheeks. “Because what I loved most of all was my life with my lovely Olive, and my life with you. You two women have given this old man more happiness and love and laughter than I could ever tell you, or thank you for.”

  Several tears slipped down Bella’s cheeks. Colin longed to reach out and cradle her gently in his arms but this was a conversation she needed to have, a moment she needed to experience. He could only hope that she would let him comfort her later.

  Bella wiped away her tears. “But why now?”

  Clive shrugged. “Why not now? I wasn’t ready before but now that you’re getting married, well, Arizona started to sound good. I will have enough to pay all my debts, give you your fair share of the sale proceeds, and still have enough to live on. Who knew how valuable the land here on the strip had

  “You decided just like that?” Bella asked. “You can walk away from everything you’ve built?”

  “It’s okay for a man to look at his life and decide to walk toward something else he wants. You don’t have to look at it as walking away. It’s where you’re going that matters, because you can take the best and leave the rest.”

  “Grandpa, you’re not making any sense.” Bella pushed away from the table and came around to sit next to him. “I can’t believe you really want to close the chapel. This is all craziness. You know I’m not really getting married.”

  Colin and Clive exchanged a glance, which wasn’t lost on Bella.

  “Look, let’s get this straight. I’m not planning on marrying Colin. Grandpa, you know the whole wedding charade was about Colin’s grandmother and the future of the Bladestone Foundation. You can’t make such an important decision based on whatever ridiculous mind games Margaret Bladestone wants to play.”

  “That’s advice you could very well take yourself, young lady.”

  She frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “Colin knows.”

  She turned to him. “Does that make any sense to you?”

  It did. It made a world of sense. It was as if Clive’s words were a key that unlocked a door that had been closed to him his entire life. A door that he’d wanted to walk through but he’d never been able to do more than throw himself against it. But now he could take those words, the truest gift he’d ever been given, and walk right through the door and go anywhere he wanted.

  Colin sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. He did his best to keep a smile off his face but he wasn’t entirely successful because Bella called him on it.

  “What is so funny, Colin?”

  God but she was adorable when she was annoyed. He resisted the temptation to reach out and tuck an escaped tendril behind her ear. “I’m not laughing.”

  “You’re smirking.” She narrowed her eyes. “Would you please tell my grandfather that you and I are not really getting married.”

  Colin nodded. “I’ll tell him exactly what is going to happen.” He met Clive’s gaze and saw that his eyes were gleaming with amusement. “Clive, Bella and I are going to be married.”

  “Colin,” Bella gasped. “Be serious.”

  “I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.” This wasn’t the way he’d planned to do this but it seemed now was the place and the time. He came around to where Bella sat and knelt down on one knee. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black velvet box, grateful that he’d decided to pick up the ring from the jewelers that morning instead of having it delivered to his suite. He certainly hadn’t planned on proposing this morning but now was the time. He wasn’t going to let Bella slip through his fingers because he left his piece unsaid.

  “Shall I give you two kids a moment alone?” Clive asked, approval evident in his wide smile and twinkling eyes.

  Colin shook his head. “Stay, please.” He turned his attention back to Bella. “I know you’ve just received quite a shock but please just hear me out, won’t you?”

  Bella nodded.

  Colin took a hold of one of her hands. “I want you, Bella. Forever. And always. When I first walked into this chapel my heart was anything but hopeful. I was looking at all the wrong things in my life but knowing you, falling in love with you, has changed everything. It’s like I’ve stepped into the sunlight for the first time in my life.” He took the jeweler’s box, placed it in her hand and closed her fingers over it. “I want you to be with me forever, but only if it’s what you want. Your grandfather has given me a gift today with his words, and now I’m going to give you the only gift, besides my heart, that I have. Time. I’m going back to England.”

  Bella’s eyes widened. “Now?”

  He nodded. “There’s no reason to wait. I know what I want to do and I need to be back in Britain to do it.” He rose to his feet and drew her up to stand with him. “Clive has made his choice, I’ve made mine, now you take the time you need to make your choice.”

  She started to speak but he laid a finger over her lips. “Really take the time to think about what you want, Bella.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. “I’ll come to you in time and see if you’ve discovered what you want from life, and if there’s room for me.”

  And then, while he still had the strength to leave, he leaned in and brushed a gentle kiss across her lips. Without a backwards glance at Bella, Colin shook Clive’s hand and left the wedding chapel, hoping with all of his heart that he’d done the right thing by walking away from the woman he loved.

  Chapter 14

  “Isn’t she just the most beautiful bride you’ve ever seen?”

  Bella smiled at the father of the bride. “She certainly is,” she agreed. She consulted her tablet and read quickly through her notes for the ceremony. “Now you two wait until I say and then I want you to proceed up the aisle.” She reached over to smooth a piece of lace on the bride’s dress that was just slightly out of place. “And remember, no rushing down that aisle. I want to see you do it just like we practiced last night.”

  The bride smiled and nodded. “Thank you for everything, Bella. You’ve made this wedding such a dream come true.”

  Bella smiled in return. “You’re very welcome. Now, it’s time, take that first step toward your lifetime of happiness.” She moved back and watched as the bride and her father began their trip down the aisle. As always, just like she’d learned to do from her grandfather, she issued a heartfelt prayer that the soon-to-be newlyweds would always be happy.

  Happy. That one simple word was the best part of her new job. She sighed as the bride reached the end of the flagstone path that led to her happily ever after. A light breeze from the ocean blew in, just enough to lift the bride’s veil and bring a bit of coolness to the afternoon. Bella sighed. It was all so picture perfect.

  Her decision to move to Hawaii had been a good one. The speed with which the Hopeful Hearts Wedding Chapel had been sold and demolished had left her slightly breathless. But her grandfather had taken it well, in fact, he’d been downright excited about his move to Arizona. He’d urged her to come along with him but Colin’s words had played and replayed in her mind. Find out what you want, Bella. Make your choice. And after much soul seeking, Bella had made three choices.

  The first was to move to the island of Kauai. She’d always loved the ocean from afar but now living in a place where she could sit on the beach every evening at sunset was a dream come true.

  Her second decision had been to stay in the wedding business. With two degrees she’d had a number of options but the one her heart kept coming back to was wedding planning. Luckily she’d been quickly hired by a world renowned resort that specialized in intimate ocean side weddings. Now, four months into it, she could safely say she loved her job as much as her new island home.

  Her third choice had been the most difficult to make. No, not difficult. Torturous. Every single day for the last four months, the temptation to contact Colin had been overwhelming. From the moment he’d left the chapel she’d longed to hear his voice, to see his face, and to be in his arms. Somehow she’d managed to not give in and try to text, call or skype him. She’d even gone so far as to price plane tickets to London but pride had kept her from booking.

  Colin’s last words had been that he’d come to her in time. She looked down at her hand. The garnet and pearl ring that he’d pressed into her hand just before he’d left reassured her that the whole thing wasn’t a dream. She wore it day and night, choosing to believe that the fact Colin had noticed she’d admired it in the first place meant something special. The flashy diamond had been a symbol of the craziness of their Vegas meeting but this ring, she dared to hope, was a hint that the spark that had been lit between them in Las Vegas wasn’t going to die out.

  But perhaps she was just being a romantic fool. How often had she seen her grandfather look at life through rose colored gla
sses? Maybe she was now doing the same. Another sigh escaped her lips.

  “Bored, are you?” a voice behind her whispered.

  Bella whirled around, just barely managing not to shriek in surprise. She’d been so engrossed in her own thoughts that she hadn’t heard anyone come up behind her. She stared up into the face she’d just been daydreaming about. Her heart hammered in her chest. “Colin, what are you doing here?”

  He leaned in and brushed a kiss across her lips. “I told you I’d come back to you in time.”

  Bella stared up at him, her eyes greedily drinking in the sight of him. He looked well, rested, relaxed, and more handsome than any man had the right to look. Her heart ached at just how much she’d missed him.

  He reached for her right hand and examined it before lifting his eyes to hers. “You’re wearing your ring on the wrong hand.” He glanced at the wedding taking place only a short distance from them. “Can I steal you away?”

  “For a few moments,” she whispered. “Follow me.” Keeping ahold of his hand, and delighting in the warmth of his touch, she led him away from the nuptials and toward the tables set up for the outdoor reception.

  As soon as they were out of sight of the wedding party, Colin gathered Bella into his arms. “I want nothing more in this whole world than to kiss you.”

  Bella felt tears prick the back of her eyes but her smile was wide. “Be my guest.”

  As she lost herself in his kiss, Bella felt as if all the pieces of heart and soul fell into place like a puzzle taking its final shape. When finally she drew back and looked up into Colin’s eyes, she saw the answer to her unspoken question. He wanted her. He loved her. He’d come for her. “How did you find me?”

  “Your grandfather. I’ve just come from a few days in Phoenix. I taught him to play golf in exchange for information on your whereabouts. You don’t mind?”

  “I’m delighted you’re here.”

  He placed her hand over his heart. “Will you be delighted if I stay?”


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