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Sins of the Stepbrothers

Page 4

by Stephanie Brother

  The place is packed and booming, the music isn’t my taste, but it’s good to clear my mind and fill it with the thumping of the beat.

  We’re approached by women throughout the evening, but I’m feeling picky.

  Finally, I set my sights on a tall brunette with amazing breasts and a figure to die for. She’s all woman, from her six inch heels to the micro-mini showing off her legs. She’s fucking gorgeous.

  She seems to share the sentiment because she’s all over me in minutes, introducing herself as Lex. Fuck, even her name is hot.

  “Dance with me?” she yells over the music, and I shake my head, laughing. She doesn’t like that, because she takes my hand and drags me to the dance floor. And that’s when she’s in her element.

  Hands wrapped around me, she practically gives me a lap dance in front of everyone. She’s wild and crazy; she’s stunning and so different than E-


  I focus on her moves, feeling the heat coming off her body.

  She focuses her eyes on me and moves in closer and I feel my cock stirring. “Wanna have some fun?” she whispers/yells in my ear and I laugh at her.

  She takes that as a yes, grabs my hands and places the between her legs, pulling me against her body, pressing it against a wall so we’re hidden from the others.

  She’s not wearing panties.

  I bite her neck as my hand explores the area between her legs, which is soaking wet. She moans against me and I’m so hard I’ll have to-

  Someone is pulling me off Lex and despite the fact that their hold isn’t very strong, I turn around, angry, my mind still hazy from the feel of Lex’s silky, wet skin.

  And then she’s here, the figment of my imagination – right before me.

  Emme’s hurt eyes are boring into mine as I turn around, already forgetting about Lex.

  Then she turns and runs off as I’m left scrambling, with another’s woman hands all over me.

  Chapter 14

  She’s a fast little thing, but I’ve been a runner my whole life.

  After I rip Lex off of me and she spits an insult at me, I’m on her trail.

  I lose her in the crowd almost immediately, only catching a glimpse here and there.

  But I know Emme – have known her my whole life, in fact. And I know when something bad happens, she needs one thing. To breathe.

  I burst out of the club and see her running off.

  “Emme!” I yell after her, and she stops for a split second before disappearing into an alley. I’m hard on her trail, and in a minute, I’ve caught up to her, grabbing her hand and stopping her.

  “Wait,” I plead. “Wait, please.”

  She rips her arm out of my touch and stumbles backwards, and I can hear her sobbing.

  “Emme,” I say softly. “Calm down, please!”

  “NO!” she screams at me. “I will not. I saw that, you … you prick!”

  I’ve never heard my stepsister curse and it’s a little funny, but I manage to stay serious. “Emme, it was nothing,” I say calmly.

  But then my mind catches up with my heart and I realize – she’s jealous. She’s angry. So she has to care about me.

  “Emme,” I repeat her name, because it feels too good on my lips to stop.

  She flinches.

  “Haven’t you seen my calls?” I ask her softly, thinking of the several times I’ve dialed her number. “Why didn’t you call back? Why did you ignore me?”

  She raises her hands to her face and wipes her tears angrily. Her mascara is running and she’s more beautiful than ever, my wild little thing …

  I step closer and she doesn’t move away.

  “You do care,” I tell her.

  “Of course I care,” she sighs and glares at me. “Are you thick? I’ve always cared for you. You’re the one playing games with me!”

  I’m about to ask what the hell she’s talking about when she continues.

  “I asked Aiden about it, and he told me you wanted nothing to do with me. I asked every day, Blane! And I didn’t answer because you always call at night, and I’m not going to be your booty call.”

  My blood curdles when she says that, my fists clenching. That bastard lied. He lied to her, and that’s why I’ve been losing sleep for weeks while he went out with her. I’m going to kill Aiden.

  “I didn’t know, Emme,” I say, gritting my teeth with anger. “I didn’t know he told you that. I thought you were ignoring me …” She looks up, a glimmer of hope in her eyes urging me to go on. “I guess he thought that because I didn’t tell him we had kissed … Because of the way I reacted when I saw you in our apartment,” I lie smoothly, protecting my brother’s ass.

  “Why did you react like that?” she asks softly, stepping a little closer.

  I sigh. “I … I’m bitter about what happened,” I tell her a half-truth, and thankfully, it seems to be enough, because her eyes flutter open and she looks up at me.

  “So you do want to see me?” she asks quietly.

  I cup her face in my hands and make her look into my eyes. “I already see you,” I whisper. “I see you every day, whether you’re around or not. You’re in here,” I point to my head. “And most of all, you’re in here.” I take her hand, guiding it to my heart.

  She’s trembling, but she doesn’t break eye contact. Her lips part softly, and I lean in closer. I take my time this time, because this girl isn’t like the others …

  They were rough, Emme is soft.

  Where they were fast, eager, Emme hesitates, slows me down.

  When they kissed me, it made me want them so fucking bad.

  When I kiss her, I feel like she’ll break in my arms, and the need to take care of her scares me, because I’m only now realizing she’s all there is for me …

  “Blane,” she whispers against my lips, and I interrupt her by sliding my tongue in her mouth, taking her innocence, rough, because I know she needs reassurance.

  “No more lies,” she begs as I pull her head back for easier access. “Say it, Blane,” she demands.

  “No more lies,” I tell my love, crossing my fingers behind my back.

  Chapter 15

  I’ve got her attention now.

  I see Emme every day.

  I even skip work; just so I can be with her … taste her.

  She softens when I touch her, loses herself in my mouth, my want for her. It’s driving me fucking insane, because she’s so sweet and innocent, but she still wants me so badly.

  I take her to the movies, and I hold her hand when she cries at the sad endings.

  I buy her popcorn and endure her throwing it at me, because her laugh is infectious.

  I take her to feed the ducks, and I bring a picnic blanket like a total dipshit, because it makes her happy. I do all that, and I’d do a thousand other things for her, because she’s quickly becoming my everything.

  Aiden is stewing in his anger because she’s so busy lately. I don’t tell him shit, and she doesn’t, either. He complains that she must have a boyfriend, and tells me how he’ll beat him into a pulp when he sees them together, some weird mix of a protective brother and a jealous man.

  Bring it on, brother, I think angrily, still mad about his lies. Let’s see which one of us gets the girl this time.

  But most of the time, I manage not to think of Aiden. I’m too lost in Emme.

  We spend so much time together, but our interactions are few and far in-between. She lets me kiss her goodnight, but breaks it off before I can get what I want. She lets me stroke her hair, but when my hand moves downwards, she laughs and runs away, waving me off. I live for the horror movies she likes to watch because she lets me hold her when she’s scared, and I’d do anything to feel her soft skin on mine.

  She wants to take it slow, and it’s killing me.

  Every night ends with me jacking off, thinking of Emme, only Emme …

  And I know I won’t be able to hold off much longer. I’ve never in my 25 years had sex with someone who meant th
is much to me. I’ve never tried this hard for a girl. I love it, but I need more, more and more every day.

  The PG13 stuff is okay, but I’m an R rated man.

  And the release day is coming closer and closer …

  Chapter 16

  My little doll is having a bad day.

  She’s wrapped up in my arms – for once – crying her heart out.

  “I want to tell,” she sobs. “But what will everyone think?”

  She wants to go public, and my panic grows with every one of her sobs. We can’t tell anyone, because I need to deal with Aiden first. Need to tell him the plan is off, Emme is mine. And if I know my brother – and I do, like the back of my hand – I know he will not take it well.

  I can feel the eyes of the patrons in the coffee shop staring at us, so I somehow scoop Emme up and bring her to her feet. “Shhh,” I say softly, stroking her hair. “Let’s get you home.”

  She lets me take care of it all, dialing her driver, getting her in the car, covering her up with a blanket on the backseat. I’m about to kiss her goodbye when she pulls me back. “No,” she pleads. “Come with me.”

  She has never, never asked me to come back with her.

  And on any other day, I would have said no.

  But looking at those big, round and pleading eyes, I know I don’t have a choice.

  I get in the car and let her snuggle against me as we start driving.

  I guess today is the day I battle my demons.


  We pull into the driveway I know so well. This place was my home, and I haven’t set foot in it for almost a full year. I fight hard to keep walking straight, to keep my emotions at bay as we stop in front of the beautiful building.

  The driver opens the door for Emme and I get out on the other side, taking in my past home. It’s majestic – an enormous dwelling surrounded by trimmed grass and flowers in bloom. The sun is setting behind the house, coloring the sky in vivid watercolors. It’s like a fairytale here, and as I look at Emme, I wonder how she stays here by herself.

  She must be so lonely.

  I take her arm and we walk in without saying a word.

  The driver goes home after I promise to take care of Emme for the night, and the housekeeper has left some dinner in the oven. I inspect the Mac and cheese she made for Emme.

  Take care of yourself, girlie! says her writing in cursive on a note in the kitchen, and I wonder if Emme has ever had a person who didn’t want to take care of her like she was a little girl.

  Sure she has, my mind reminds me. Aiden just wants to fuck her over.

  I ignore my inner voice and set Emme down at the counter. The dining room has an enormous table and I think she’ll feel safer here, close to me.

  It bothers me that I know this kitchen like the back of my hand. I know exactly which drawer to open, exactly which button to press.

  I warm up Emme’s dinner and bring it to her, watching her eat and calm down simultaneously.

  “Why are you staring at me?” she asks with a full mouth.

  I laugh at her and wipe the corner of her mouth with my finger. “Because you’re beautiful,” I answer simply.

  “I’m a mess,” she complains, but I shake my head. She rises from the table and walks over to the window, looking at her reflection. “Blane!” she yells at me, and I topple over, laughing.

  I don’t care if she’s been crying; she is always perfect to me.

  She makes me sit down at the counter and produces a magazine for me to read, insisting that she has to ‘powder her nose’.

  I obey, only because I’m hoping this means something.

  Hoping she will let me stay …


  “Blane?” she asks and I look up at her.

  Fuck me.

  She’s wearing a silk robe; her hair is down from the ponytail she wore today, natural, silky – just the way I like it. She’s wearing red lipstick, and while I thought it would make her look like she’s playing with Mommy’s makeup, she looks … so fucking gorgeous.

  “Come here,” I say roughly.

  “You come catch me,” she giggles and disappears down the hallway.

  I don’t need to be told twice, and I run after her as she screams with pleasure.

  It’s like when we were kids. Carefree, running around the house. But it’s a different game today.

  I make sure to be slow enough to catch her in the bedroom upstairs.

  Her pretty princess pink room I remember from last time is now a woman’s boudoir. Rich silks, buttery wood, scented candles and a mirrored vanity, which she’s standing in front of now.

  I rush up to her and grab her by her waist as she shrieks with pleasure.

  It soon turns into moans of pleasure as I kiss her willing lips.

  I take her hips and turn her around, pushing her down until she’s leaning against the vanity. I pull her hair back so she can look at us in the mirror.

  “Blane,” she says hoarsely. “Blane.”

  She writhes against me and I feel my cock get harder than ever.

  I pull her back into my embrace and with the flick of a hand, I open her silk robe.

  She’s naked under it.

  Emme gasps and it’s the sweetest, most dangerous sound she could make. I stare at her exposed chest, my eyes taking in her perfect curves hungrily. My heart is thumping with desire, the fact I’m finally seeing her naked barely registering.

  Her nipples are hardening and I haven’t even touched her. She’s moaning, whimpering against me. She arches her back and her hands shoot up, finding her breasts, pinching her own nipples as she looks me in the eyes.

  I’ve had enough.

  I strip off her robe and it flutters to the floor.

  Emme is naked in front of me and fuck, she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

  Her chest is rising and falling with each intake of breath as my eyes travel south. She has a beauty mark on her flat stomach. Her hands flutter to the place between her legs.

  “Move them,” I order her, and she obeys, trembling under my watchful eyes.

  Her pussy is waxed bare save for a line of soft blonde hairs leading my eyes down. She moans softly when she sees she’s turned me on, and I have to fight back the urge to bend her over the vanity again and just take her, rough and hard, right there.

  I move closer, but she scrambles back, bumping into her night stand.

  “Wait!” she says hoarsely and I have to use my every effort to look away from that devilish line of hairs to her eyes. She’s scared.

  “I won’t hurt you,” I promise her.

  “I … I know you won’t,” she smiles weakly. “That’s why I wanted you to do it.”

  “Do what?” I ask, confused.

  She moves closer and wraps her hands around my neck, the peaks of her breasts touching my torso so I groan out loud. “To be the first one to fuck me,” she whispers in my ear.

  Chapter 17

  “Fuck, Emme!” I curse and move away immediately.

  She’s confused, her naked body enticing me.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks worriedly. “I … I thought you would like it.”

  “Like it?” I ask her angrily, gripping her shoulders, focusing my eyes on hers because otherwise, I wouldn’t trust myself. “I want you, Emme, I want you so badly … Do you think you’ll stay with the same person who is your first fuck?”

  I’m realizing now this could be true – she is 21. She hasn’t had a boyfriend when we were still a family. She could be … a virgin.

  She flinches at the word, but I’m not about to stop.

  “You won’t, baby,” I tell her, softer this time. “You just won’t.”

  She looks me dead in the eyes, her mouth pouting. “I do what I want,” she says sternly, and suddenly, her hands have found my jeans, jerking down the zipper. “Haven’t you figured that out yet, Blane?”

  Her voice is sweet sugar as her hand pushes down my boxers and pulls out my hard cock. I groa
n and close my eyes as she gasps with surprise, barely able to circle her fingers around the thick head.

  “Don’t, Emme,” I beg her, because I don’t trust myself around her, not now, not ever.

  She doesn’t listen. Instead, she kisses me roughly, her finger circling the tip of my cock while I fight all my inner demons.

  I try so hard to resist, I swear I do.

  But when her tongue meets mine and I feel her fingers grow wet with my pre-cum, I know I’ll lose this battle eventually.

  “Fuck,” I moan, my hands shaking as I bury them in my hair, pleading with my eyes to make her stop.

  Emme doesn’t listen.

  She slides down until she’s on her knees and she pulls my jeans and boxers down. My cock springs up to her mouth, like I’ve been waiting for her to lick it all my life.

  She’s taking her time, and it’s killing me, but if this is dying, I want her to do it every second of every day. She gently takes the base of my cock in one hand, her mouth slipping over the tip as I groan loudly.

  Her tongue flicks against the tip, teasing me relentlessly. Just when I’m about to beg for more, she leans closer so slowly it’s killing me, taking me in her mouth.

  With each extra inch in her mouth, my resolve weakens. She chokes a little and I whisper for her to stop, but she is even more determined. She keeps going, leaning forward, until I’ve filled up every empty inch of her mouth.

  “Fuck, Emme,” I cry out and my hands find her head. I wrap them in her hair and push her forward as gently as I can when all I want is to cum down her throat.

  She moans softly against me and then she moves her tongue against the base of my cock up, up, up. I curse loudly and bite my bottom lip as she moves away, focusing on licking the wet tip of my cock.

  “See?” she asks.

  I look down and I’m pretty sure that’s when I lose it. Seeing her on her knees, playing with her breast with one hand while she jerks me off into her mouth with the other absolutely kills me.

  “I’m good at it,” she says innocently, her tongue poking out of her mouth to lick the length of my stiff cock.


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