Lovers in Deep: A Reverse Fairy Tale Merman Romance (The Sea Men Book 3)

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Lovers in Deep: A Reverse Fairy Tale Merman Romance (The Sea Men Book 3) Page 6

by Dani Stowe

  This is the first time I’ve seen Lenora’s hair loose. I suspect she’s freed her mane to match her newfound disposition. Since acquiring the other seamen’s powers, the witch’s attitude has changed. She seems more pleasant. One would think with so much magic at her disposable, she’d be wielding those powers to her advantage—wreaking havoc without mercy. But instead, she’s made a new home for herself inside an old sunken pirate ship, which she’s decorated rather nicely, keeping her quiet as of late. I also see she no longer keeps pets—no more prisoners in chains—like she used to.

  “I should’ve known you’d be waiting for me,” I say without actually making a sound. The power Lenora has over sea beasts, which she obtained from Orphelius, makes it easy for the sea witch to read my mind.

  “Not you,” Lenora chuckles, a hint of sarcasm in her tone. “I’ve been waiting on your powers.”

  The witch stands, kicking the stool out from under her arse at the Captain’s table. The stool floats with a gentle tumble as she walks over to a full-length mirror to look at herself. She’s fully dressed in contemporary attire. She’s wearing men’s trousers of modern times and a collared shirt. She tugs on the collar, attempting to lift the folds up higher on her neck, but the fold won’t stay upright since we are underwater.

  “What are you up to, Lenora? Have you been playing with my brothers and I all along?”

  “Playing?” She twitches. “You of all people should know I don’t play.”

  “No. You don’t. You curse, which is the reason we are in this mess in the first place.”

  “How dare you?” She crosses her arms. “Do you think I like handing out curses? Do you think I wanted to bring this fate upon us? I’ll have you know, I hate the sea. I never wanted to board that vessel centuries ago to become a slave in some unknown world. I cursed the ship to save myself and the other poor souls aboard from torture. It’s not my fault you and your fellow seamen did not heed my warning. I warned you not to come back onboard, Captain.”

  “So, what now?” I ask because I am at Lenora’s mercy and I figure if we do not come to some type of agreement, we will remain as we are and at an impasse for all eternity.

  “Now,” she replies, “we strike a deal.”

  “You want my power,” I affirm, though I believe I should warn Lenora. “I’ll have you know the power to control the sea is not all it’s cracked up to be. Though I have the power to control the ocean’s motions, I am also at its mercy. The sea has higher masters than me. The celestial bodies—the earth, sun, moon—they are all masters of the ocean that you will have to learn to obey. Not to mention, humans. They have no control over how the waves behave, but humans will stop at nothing to gain dominion over all seas, which cannot be allowed or they will destroy it. It’s a great responsibility. Not for one day have I felt as though I’ve possessed magic. The power to control water isn’t magic at all and certainly not the type of magic my Athena seeks.”

  “Your Athena.” Lenora laughs. “Typical. She’s not yours. That girl is not a thing to possess or own.”

  If I had teeth, I’d be gritting them right now. “You know damn well that’s not what I meant.”

  “That’s exactly what you meant!” Lenora roars. “You want to possess that girl as badly as she wants to possess you. The only difference is you’re too stupid to allow yourself to be under her command.”

  Under her command? The thought baffles me.

  “Can you imagine it, Willis?”

  “Imagine what?”

  “Imagine what it might be like to have a captain of your own?”

  Where is the witch going with this? “I am my own Captain.”

  “Of course, you are. Of course, Willis, but imagine this...”

  The witch floats and twirls, pointing to the mirror, and I see Athena. She’s naked. If I had a heart, it would be thrumming against the cavern of my chest. I’ve never seen Athena looking so lovely. Beautiful. I scan the full length of her body. I had no idea small, perky bosoms could appeal to me so much. Her breasts are perfectly bite-sized and I imagine how they might feel completely engulfed in my mouth and the reaction her body would have as I suckled them.

  Athena combs her wet hair. It appears as though she’s primping herself, and I regret that she’s likely adorning rouge and glossing her lips for another.

  “Look at her,” Lenora interrupts my thoughts. “And look at you.”

  Look at me? Is she kidding? If I had hands, I would break that mirror into thousands of pieces. “I see nothing of myself. There’s nothing to see but water.”

  “Water isn’t so bad,” Lenora smirks. “Athena likes you in this form. In fact, the poor woman has become an expert on your unnatural state. Though, I do think it’s sad Athena has yet to navigate you. Why haven’t you let her?”

  This witch is a loony. “What nonsense are you speaking?”

  “Think about it. Wouldn’t it be grand to give that woman full reign of Captain’s duties? To let her roam over you? Just think of how nice it would be to let that woman explore you, your body—a human body. Then, you could give Athena complete authority in handling all your precious cargo, but...” The witch laughs to herself. “If only you had flesh and bone.”

  Looking at Athena in the mirror, preparing herself, I am imagining it—myself inside of the goddess. I imagine what her pink, sunburnt skin must taste like and what her warmth must feel like. I imagine the two of us together: on the beach, in a boat, in the backseat inside of her mechanical carriage as I’ve observed young people parked along the beach at wee hours of the night. With Athena’s legs wrapped around my waist, I imagine myself—

  Lenora interrupts my imagination. “Admit that you want Athena and I’ll give you legs.” I stare the witch down through the mirror. “And stop looking at me like that,” she scoffs. “Your eyeballs are ghastly looking without sockets to hold them. You knew before you came here, Captain, there’d be a price to pay. The question is do you love this woman enough to pay it? The price for legs is non-negotiable.”

  I search my soul. I’m still not quite sure I know what love is, much less what I should pay.

  Lenora begins to gather her floating hair into a bun, readying to work her magic, despite the fact I have not yet agreed. “And by the way, Captain, I should tell you that if there ever were a time to reveal your true nature to Athena, that time is now. I’ve already tried to warn the woman about the demon chasing her. If she isn’t able to shake herself from the demon’s lure, her very essence is going to be lost. If this demon’s snake should sneak its way into Athena’s virgin vessel, the Athena we know—the goddess of wisdom and wishful thinking—will forever cease to exist.”

  With the witch’s words, I realize there is no more need for negotiation. “Give me more than just flesh and bone,” I tell the witch. “I want all of my mass back.”



  A hundred texts—that’s how many messages I had to scroll through after I got back from my one-day trip with Willis. Never have I ever felt so important. Levi, Shelley, and the sheriff all began with messages wanting something from me but after I did not respond right away, as I always do, they seemed genuinely worried.

  Of course, I called the sheriff first because I knew I was going to get an ass chewing for going MIA, especially without having any flyers ready.

  Shelley, I called second to calm her anxiety. The sheriff had enlisted her help with the flyers and she was afraid I’d become one of the missing. Considering her family history, I was not surprised to get an ass-chewing from her as well.

  Last, I called Levi. I’d stood him up. It took me a half hour to come up with a good reason why I couldn’t keep our date or much less call him back. I told him I hadn’t slept the night before after our first date because I couldn’t stop thinking about him and that I’d passed out hard on a lounge chair in the library and my battery had died. Thankfully, he bought the lie I gave him and he asked me out again.

  But by the time I’d got
ten to Levi’s call, I’d already made plans to make flyers for the sheriff with Shelley and the gang at the beach house. Levi insisted on joining in after getting me into so much trouble with the sheriff and breaking the copy machine. So, after I made one more call to Shelley, I got the okay to bring a guest. To think, I’ll finally get those flyers done in plenty of good company, although I wonder what the seamen, Orphelius and Henry, will think of Levi.

  Reaching for my glasses, I pause. Tonight, I decide I’m going to wear my contacts. I rarely wear them. My mother encouraged me to wear contact lenses all through high school, but I chose not to. People, or boys, usually left me alone as long as I was wearing my glasses. Levi seems to like to look at me with and without the glasses.

  My pulse quickens when I think about him looking at me so hungrily again.

  After placing the second lens into my eye, I blink. My vision comes into focus and I see myself in the mirror but I’m not exactly sure what I’m looking at.

  Sure, I see me. I see towels hanging to the left behind me and the framed seashell art above the towel rack, but I get the strangest feeling there’s something behind the mirror. There’s something I should be seeing but is invisible, as if I’m being watched—from beyond.

  My initial thought is of Willis and I get the strangest feeling something is not right with him. Dread washes over me. Quickly, I turn on the faucet and call out to him.

  “Willis?” I don’t know what I’m expecting to see.

  Him? Or any resemblance of him?

  But I see nothing. Only a stream of water scented with a hint of chlorine flows straight from the spout and down into the drain.

  I feel so stupid. I just spoke to a faucet. I can’t recall the last time I’d felt this dumb, but dumb feelings do seem to recur often with Willis. I’m completely alone and yet Willis has still found a way to humiliate me.

  I reach for my mascara. It’s been a long time since I’ve worn mascara since it doesn’t matter when I wear my glasses. Not to mention, mascara and water don’t get along, but I’m sure Levi will appreciate a double coat over my long lashes either way.

  “You look great tonight,” Levi smiles, pulling along the side of the road to park his rental Corvette in front of Shelley’s beach house.

  “Thanks,” I smile with a quiver of my lips. I’m desperate to contain my smile from getting too big, showing how overly excited I am, like a girl rather than a woman.

  I reach for the door to get out, but Levi pulls at my arm. “Hey, wait a sec.”

  I turn to him. He’s biting his bottom lip and staring at me with those big puppy dog eyes again. He wants something.

  “What’s up?” I ask.

  His lashes flutter as he takes off his glasses. “I was thinking maybe I could go over to your place after this and we could hang out.” His finger trails my shoulder and then my collarbone.

  My core ignites!

  “M-m-my place?” I stutter.

  “Yeah,” he cocks his head, grabbing my hand to pull my fingers to his lips where he kisses them.

  Oh my God, I’m on fire!

  I exhale. I know exactly what he’s asking and for the first time ever, I’m not afraid to give in. After the sensual moment under the waterfall, making me feel a deeper longing than I’ve ever known, Willis left me in the cold. I’d never felt so empty or needy. I need to feel warmth. I need to feel full. I want to be desired and Levi clearly desires to be with me. But I need to be the big girl here and be honest with Levi. He’s twenty-three and I’m thirty. I’m sure he has plenty of experience, but I have none and I don’t want to be a huge disappointment.

  I pull his hand to my lap. “Levi, I have to tell you something.”

  “Uh-oh.” He grimaces. “Am I being too forward? I’d invite you over to my place, but I don’t actually have one. I’m living with a friend on a bo—”

  “I’m a virgin,” I cut in.

  Levi’s face falls flat, blood draining from his cheeks. He turns white, his jaw dropping, his eyes blinking blankly.

  For heaven’s sake, is it really that bad? Jeez, I thought some guys might be happy about it. “Levi?”

  He leans back in the driver’s seat, rocking his head back, bumping his skull gently against the headrest a few times.

  Watching the rocking motion makes me feel ill. “Levi, if you don’t want to stick around, I understand. I can have one of the others take me home.”

  “No, no,” he coos, leaning over and gripping me by that back of the head to pull me to him. He kisses my forehead and my sunken spirit is lifted. “Let’s enjoy this time with your friends and decide what we want to do later. Okay?”

  Despite his assurance, I’m still worried about what he thinks. He must think I’m a prude being as old as I am. “Are you sure? You seem disappointed.”

  He shakes his head, gripping my chin. “No, I’m not disappointed. Not at all. I knew you were something special when I met you, but now I’m sure you’re worth even more.”

  Levi kisses my fingers again before he scoots out, flashing his pearly whites. “Let me open the door for you.”

  Levi comes around, takes my hand, and helps me out of the car. It’s sweet and I think to myself how stupid I’ve behaved for the last three decades. I’ve been so obsessed with mermen that I’ve neglected to consider how a real man might make me feel.

  And good golly me! Levi makes me feel good.

  He puts his hand at my back as we walk up the front steps to the beach house. The gesture makes me think he’s as happy to be with me in this moment as I am with him. We pause at the top of the landing to look at one another as cheers erupt amidst outbursts of laughter from inside the beach house. Shelley and Kumiko, along with the seamen, are already having a cheery good time.

  Levi knocks on the door.

  Orphelius answers, his smile beams brightly below shiny, red rosy cheeks. “Athena!” he shouts. “Come in. Oh, you are a lovely goddess. We are so happy you’ve decided to give up your scholarly pursuits to join us this evening.” He hiccups. Or burps. One or the other. Orphelius has already had his fill of booze—obviously.

  “We still have to make the flyers,” I remind him.

  The seaman’s brow furrows, and his voice gets low. “Of course. Shameful business for such young people to go missing, robbed right out from under their loved ones’ noses.” Orphelius scans Levi from head to toe. “Don’t you think, mate?”

  Levi clears his throat. “Uh... yeah.”

  We a hear a woman shout from inside. “Orphelius, are you going to let Athena in?” I see it’s Shelley, waving.

  Orphelius moves to the side, opening the door. “Please come in. Have a seat at the table, why don’t you?” Once I step through, Orphelius plants his hand on Levi’s chest. “Not you.”

  “Orphelius!” I snap.

  Orphelius hooks his arm around Levi’s shoulders and yanks the leaner man to his side. “This young man needs a beer. He’s coming with me back outside. Henry and I have been brewing our own ale in the shed we built out back. Come, lad! Let’s get you drunk while the women do the lawman’s busy work.”

  Levi seems ambivalent as he is escorted away and I debate with myself whether I should save him. But the debate quickly comes to a halt as Shelley shuts the door, separating us.

  “Hey, girl.” She hugs me. “Have a seat at the table. Are you hungry?”

  “You must be,” adds Kumiko. “I heard you had a long night last night. Took a trip and everything.”

  Took a trip? I’m baffled. “How do you know?”

  Kumiko shrugs. “A seagull told me.”

  My nose crinkles. “Really?”

  “Mhm.” She nods.

  I walk towards the table and see Henry in his wheelchair with a huge smile on his face, scribbling on paper—communicating with someone, a very big someone, who I don’t recognize. His back is to me and Jesus! The guy is ripped. Rock solid. The light aqua blue T-shirt he’s wearing is stretched at the seams allowing every contour of his mus
cly back to bulge through. And his shoulders! They are buckling as he peels an orange, no a mandarin, and I see the squirt of citrus spray as I suspect he’s chomped hard into a tiny juicy wedge.

  His laugh is also tremendous—low—but so husky and loud the old wooden floors of the beach house shake beneath my sandaled feet.

  The man with a tan and hints of toasted pink and peach drops the mandarin peel on the table and rakes his hefty fingers through his sun-kissed shoulder length, wavy blond hair. I swallow, trying to contain the emerging gasp as I watch his deltoids and triceps tense and flex when he picks up another mandarin to peel it. By the look of the stack of peels, he’s had to have eaten an entire orchard’s worth.

  Henry makes eye contact with me and flashes a brilliant smile, holding his hand out across from him, indicating that I sit down. Right. Next. To. The. Big. Guy.

  Big guy turns around and... Oh, dear Lord. I feel faint. The fluttering blink of his stormy gray eyes shoots lightning, electrifying me. But the pink in his cheeks accompanied by a sweet smile embedded in a square jawline masked over with a shadow of scruff makes me woozy.

  “Athena!” The big guy jerks up, knocking his chair over.

  “Athena!” sounds another with a higher-pitched tone accompanied by a few stomps from behind me. Swiveling, I see Levi barging back in the front door. “Athena, you have to try this,” he says, cupping my bottom and planting a glass filled to the brim with bubbly clear amber liquid topped with foam in front of my face. “These guys made this. Try it. It’s homemade beer. It’s amazing.”

  “I don’t drink beer,” I confess, sliding the glass out of view. I can’t take my eyes off the stranger, who is beginning to look familiar, though I’m confident I’ve never seen him before. Not to mention, he’s got to be from out of town because I keep records on everyone who lives here, including the regular tourists.

  “Well, that’s too bad,” replies Levi, taking a swig of his ale before he kisses my forehead as he did in the car.


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