Lovers in Deep: A Reverse Fairy Tale Merman Romance (The Sea Men Book 3)

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Lovers in Deep: A Reverse Fairy Tale Merman Romance (The Sea Men Book 3) Page 7

by Dani Stowe

  Although it tickled me earlier, I blush with embarrassment this time. Levi’s action also seems to have caught the attention of everyone in the room and they’re all staring.

  Except for the big guy.

  He’s staring and gritting his teeth.

  “I think you should take a sip. You need to live it up a little,” Levi continues. “After what you told me in the car, Athena, it’s like you’ve been living on a secluded island your whole life.”

  “And what’s wrong with that?” interrupts the stranger.

  “Nothing,” Levi shakes his head in a quandary.

  The two men eye each other up.

  “I’m sorry, man. Have I offended you somehow?” asks Levi.

  The big guy looks offended and I swear it seems he’s about to pounce on poor Levi and really hurt him for some unknown reason.

  Snaking my arm around Levi’s back, I turn my head about the room as a reminder that I’ve brought Levi as my guest. When I make eye contact with the big guy, his face softens.

  “Excuse me,” says the stranger. “I don’t mean to sound brash. What’s your name?”

  “Levi.” My date responds.

  “I apologize Levi. I’ve just recently returned from a long voyage. I’ve been told being away at sea has a tendency to make a man mad. Please—” the big guy picks up the furniture he knocked over, dusts off the seat, and presents it to Levi. “Have a seat in the Captain’s chair.”


  What did he say?

  The Captain’s chair?



  As Levi graciously takes a seat along with the others. While the men clear their peels and Shelley loads the table with a barge worth of pasta, salad, and bread, I see Athena doesn’t move. She seems stuck. She bows her head to look at her painted toes.

  “Athena,” calls Shelley. “Honey, sit down.”

  Athena bites her lip. Her nostrils flare as she squeezes her eyes shut.

  “Girl, c’mon,” encourages Kumiko. “Sit.”

  Inhaling, Athena lifts her head and opens her eyes. Like a magnet, her irises dart in my direction.

  Breathe. Just breathe.

  Athena’s lips spread into a wide grin accompanied by a few bashful blinks of soft eyes and a faint rosy blush to her cheeks.

  I also blush.

  I’ve never felt such warmth.

  She’s just figured out who I am.

  She takes a step towards the only open seat on the left—the one right across from me and right next to Levi sitting at the head of the table. With a stern brow, she makes eye contact with each of the others. She slowly lowers her arse in the chair, also pursing her lips to each of them so they know just how angry she is.

  Once I’m fully seated, the awkward silence is broken by Henry’s moving hands.

  “Let’s eat!” cheers Shelley.

  Laughter and cheers erupt as the clamor of dishes—forks against plates and toasts between glasses—resounds. But Athena refrains from joining in on the conversation as well as the meal. She doesn’t eat. She doesn’t speak. She doesn’t move. I believe she must be in somewhat of a shock. A few questions land on her ears, but she just nods, unable to understand what is truly being asked of her. She probably wouldn’t be able to articulate an answer anyway. I doubt she’s ever envisioned meeting me, as a human, this way.

  After sitting and fidgeting with her hands planted in her lap for a time, I decide to prop some creamy white dressed angel hair on her plate. She glances at my hand which holds the tongs, serving her pasta.

  “You have big hands,” she says softly.

  “Mmm,” I nod.

  “You have many calluses. What type of work do you do?” She’s questioning herself now—not entirely sure she trusts her instincts telling her I am who she thinks I am.

  “I’m a sailor,” I say boldly, “or I was.” I don’t know why she won’t just ask me my name. Perhaps she is afraid of how she will behave in front of the gentleman she’s brought if the truth were to hit her abruptly.

  “A sailor you say?” She forces a grin. “I can see that.”

  “Can you now?”


  “So, tell me, miss, what else do you see?”

  “It’s embarrassing.” She blushes. “I won’t say.”

  “Please, as I mentioned earlier I’ve been gone for quite some time. Humor me, why don’t you?”

  “Well… um… for one, you have very hairy arms.”

  It’s taking much strength to control my laugh as Levi chokes on his pasta.

  “And what does a man’s hair on his arms have anything to do with sailing?” I ask.

  “Your hair is hardly noticeable except up close because it’s been bleached by the sun to a near transparent blond.” Her eyes wander from my forearm up to my bicep as I reach to clench more pasta and drop more noodles on her plate.

  “I think that’s enough for her.” Levi shields Athena’s plate of dangling noodles. A towering heap nearly touches her chin and I sigh, returning the tongs to the plate.

  Athena and I make eye contact, which is quickly broken by Levi’s head leaning forward across the table as he reaches for bread. The man winks, planting bread atop Athena’s heap of pasta. “Hey babe, you okay?”

  Babe? As in baby? Did he just call her a baby?

  She blushes at the pet name. “I’m fine, thank you.”

  “You want some salad?” I chime in, grabbing a smaller plate and tossing some lettuce drizzled with dressing named after a Roman king, parmesan, and a few bread cubes. “You’ll like this. I’ve tried some while my host was making it earlier,” I boast, cocking my head to Shelley who blows a kiss my way. “I had no idea lettuce could be mixed with sauce and cheese or crisp stale bread in such a way that is pleasing.”

  “I have had Caesar salad before. Thank you.” Athena smiles.

  “Would you like a little extra parmesan?” asks Levi, reaching for the block of aged cheese and the grater. “She likes extra parmesan.” He nods before he begins to grate, covering her pasta.

  “That’s enough,” she says, watching Levi put the block and grater down, which I pick up.

  “Have a little more on your salad as well.” As I grate, a smile plays at the corner of Athena’s mouth.

  “Enough!” interrupts Levi, catching the attention of the rest of the table, which becomes awkwardly silent once again as all eyes glare at loads of shredded cheese smothering Athena’s salad like thick snow leaving no trace of the earth after a blizzard.

  “That’s enough, don’t you think?” Levi has his hands up, his elbows on the table.

  “Forgive me.” I place the cheese and grater down looking Athena in the eyes. “When you’ve been at sea as long as I, you can’t wait to have your fill of everything.”

  “I’m sure Athena does not want to overindulge. If she gets too full too fast, then she might get tired and I’ll have to take her home early.” He rubs her shoulder. “I certainly don’t want to do that. Small, simple pleasures, one at a time. That’s how I believe Athena likes things. Huh, babe?”

  There he goes, calling her babe again.

  She blushes shamefully.

  It irritates me. “Overindulgence is not something you concern yourself with but rather fantasize about when you’re at sea, especially when it comes to women,” I confess. “Small, simple pleasures are fine, but grand gestures—big and strong—are the tools I use to win a woman’s heart.” I give Athena a wink. “Indulgence—that has always worked for me.”

  “And how many women’s hearts have you indulged?” Athena glowers wild-eyed.

  “Many,” I admit. “But like I said, I’ve been away and I—“

  “What do you do with them?” She cocks her head, squinting.

  “With what?”

  “The hearts of the women you’ve won.”

  “He breaks them!” shouts Orphelius taking a gulp of more beer.

  That drunk bastard!

  “Is that true?
Do you break their hearts once you’ve won them?” Athena’s question spurs a pang in my chest.

  “Does it matter?” interrupts Levi. “He’s a sailor and we all know the stereotype. They have no home other than what lies across the horizon. But when it comes to women, they’ll go wherever their compass points them.”

  Henry waves his hands around.

  Shelley interprets. “Henry says you talk as though you have some experience as a seaman yourself, Levi.”

  Levi pushes on the bridge of his glasses to lift them up his nose. “I sail.”

  “For what purpose? Work? Pleasure?” I ask.

  “I move cargo.”

  “Alone or—”

  Levi leans back in his chair. “I have a superior.”

  “So, how many hearts have you and your superior broken?” I wonder. I know how lonely it can be at sea.

  Levi looks to Athena. Her shoulders are raised, her arms are crossed, and she’s hugging her own elbows. She is anxiously awaiting an answer.

  Levi taps his fingers across the table’s top. “None.”

  “Liar,” I growl.

  Levi clears his throat. “Excuse me?”

  My voice turns low. “You’re a fucking demon.”

  “That’s rude!” Athena barks, standing up.

  I stand up, too, kicking my chair over.

  She huffs. “You can’t call my date a demon.” She seeks help from the others, searching their stunned faces. “He can’t call my date a demon. Tell your Captain he can’t call my date a demon.”

  “Captain?” Levi stands up, rubbing Athena’s shoulder again and I swear to the gods, I want to break his arm. “Hey, it’s okay,” he assures her. “We should leave.”

  “What?” She blinks. “No, I can’t. I have to make the flyers.”

  “You don’t have to do anything,” says Levi.

  Athena rubs her forehead, wincing. “I-I’m sorry Levi, but I have to stay and I’m so sorry if you feel insulted.”

  “I’m not insulted.” The demon has his fingers wrapped around her upper arm pulling her toward him as he continues. “In fact, I don’t even know these people, so I don’t really care what they think or say about me.”

  “You should care,” Orphelius tips his near empty mug in Levi’s direction.

  Levi wraps his hand around the back of Athena’s neck, pulling her even closer. “And why is that?”

  “Because you don’t just have your hand wrapped around our Captain’s prize but the very thing he believes is his horizon. And like you said, a seaman never ceases to chase what lies beyond, so I’m warning you. Our Captain’s compass leads straight to that girl you’ve got your claws on.”

  Levi points between Athena and me. “So, you two know each other? Because I was under the impression you didn’t know this guy.”

  “I don’t.” Athena talks calmly, grabbing Levi’s hand, pulling it from her neck to hold it. “I’ve never laid eyes on this...,” she waves her other hand up and down in front of me, “before tonight.”

  “So, you’ve never spoken with him?” asks Levi.

  Athena gulps. “Well… y-yes I have.”

  Levi’s face turns sour. “What’s going on? Why do I feel like I’m being played? Am I in some staged mind game?”

  Athena shakes her head. “No, nothing like that.”

  Levi steps up to Athena. I can sense the agitation in his demeanor. “Then what? You need to tell me or I’m leaving.”

  “We’re a...” All heads lean in closer. Is Athena about to spill the beans? “The seamen are all from…” She fumbles with her skirt. “The captain, he’s a… uh…”

  A bell rings repeatedly, which is odd as the sound seems to be coming from Levi’s trousers. He pulls out a device, which I have learned everyone seems to carry on land for quick communication, called a cell, and he speaks into it.

  “Yeah… sure…” He huffs. “I’m on my way.”

  Levi stuffs his phone back into his pocket and grabs Athena by the chin. “I’m sorry, I have to go. Work.” He tugs her hand, pulling. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”

  She halts dead in her tracks. “I can’t go. I have to stay and finish the flyers.”

  “For the sheriff? I wouldn’t worry about him. He’s more of a pussycat than a lion. I’m sure you can roll one over on him.”

  “I have to finish, Levi. Not just for him. But for the girls, the girls that are missing. I should have had these flyers done and put up yesterday.”

  Levi looks around the table. “I’m not sure I want to leave you with...” He cocks his head at the rest of us around the table, “them.”

  “They’re my friends. I’ll be fine.”

  He wraps his hand around the back of her neck again (I really need to just break his arm). Pulling her in, he speaks softly, “Are you sure about that? They don’t act like they’re your friends. They all seem to talk to you like you’re an outsider.”

  “Regardless.” She pulls his elbow, walking him to the front door and opening it. “I still need their help if I’m going to finish tonight.”

  “Fine.” His eyes gloss over her lasciviously and I’m thankful the bootlicker has to leave. I just wish he’d hurry the fuck up and go, but instead, he pauses to ask, “Athena, you know I like you, right? Despite the age difference.”

  She smiles.

  I’m tempted to walk over there and kick him in the arse! Right out the door!

  He kisses her and my heart crash lands onto the floor. My eyes feel like they’ve just caught on fire. The young man spins her so her back is to me and he’s facing the rest of us. Wrapping both hands behind her head, he kisses Athena more passionately and I’m about to look away until Levi makes eye contact with me.

  He’s kissing her while he’s looking at me, and although I should be upset, a breeze passes through the beach house, putting me at ease.

  Being a seaman isn’t always about sailing. Being a commander of the high seas is most certainly not.

  To divide and conquer—that is what was always expected of me by my superiors—to divide and conquer is the only reason a man would ever want to be Captain.

  I smile at the demon.

  This is going to be fun!

  What a wonderful game this demon and I are going to play.

  No, tis not a game.

  This is going to be a war.

  A war I intend to win.

  My gods! It feels so good to be a man again.



  Shock. I believe I’m in a state of shock.

  The hard-press of Levi’s lips on mine electrifies my body while his hands at the back of my head are coaxing me into the storm he is arousing in my core.

  But there is a pull, tugging me from behind, in an opposite direction to keep away from the storm, away from the lightning.

  The embarrassment of being kissed so hard in front of my hosts forces me to pull away from Levi. With a sucking sound, our lips come apart and I’m even more embarrassed when Levi cups my face and attempts to kiss me again.

  I turn my head away, pretending I need to catch my breath.

  “Walk me to my car?” asks Levi flashing those puppy dog eyes at me again.

  Of course, I can’t resist. “Yeah sure,” I say, as he takes my hand and pulls.

  Once we are clear of the house, Levi’s tone turns gravelly. “Athena, I’m not so sure I want to leave you here. I think I’d rather take you home.”

  “The flyers,” I say.

  “Screw the flyers,” he says, pulling on my arm until we are flush against one another and his hand is behind my head. “I don’t want to leave you in the company of that... guy.”

  “Which guy?” I ask nonchalantly although I know exactly which guy Levi is talking about. I just want Levi to believe I’m not giving Willis any thought.

  “The big guy. I still don’t understand what’s going on between the two of you but it’s obvious he likes you and I don’t like that.”

  In truth, I’m
excited to know that Levi is feeling a little possessive over me, and I wonder if it’s because he genuinely likes me, which is why he’s behaving so protectively.

  “You don’t have to worry about the Captain.” I offer a sweet show of gleaming teeth.

  “The Captain,” Levi scoffs. “Just hearing you say that makes me…” His jaw tenses as he shows me his gritting front teeth.

  “Why are you so worried?” I ask, now feeling unsure of Levi’s intentions. The tone in his voice and the anger deepening in his face makes me think Levi might be the too overly protective type, which I’m not so sure I like.

  He sees the caution in me and the tense grip he has on the back of my head loosens. “I just… after what you told me earlier about you never having been with anyone before, I guess I just don’t want to see you… you know?”

  “Know what?” I want to hear him say what I think he’s about to say.

  He pulls my head into his chest and whispers in my ear. “You’re perfect and pure and I don’t want to see you ruined in any way. You’re beautiful. I want to see what you look like underneath your clothes. Promise me you’ll stay pure until you’ve given me a chance to...” He squeezes.

  The heat radiating between Levi and myself is causing me to melt. I blink up at him.

  “Promise me,” he repeats.

  “I promise,” I say sincerely.

  Levi lifts my chin with a finger to plant a kiss on my lips. I find myself swaying, my hips twirling back and forth with my hands behind my back pressed in silent prayer as he lets go.

  Yes, I’m praying as I watch Levi get into his car and drive away. The way he makes me feel—adored—it must be genuine, although I wonder what type of work he does. I thought he was a student, but he’s never mentioned coursework. Just the word, “work.”

  Laughter explodes from behind me causing the shack to shake. All those little sparks which Levi has left me with are quickly extinguished when I realize the purpose for which I am here. As Levi’s tail lights get smaller and disappear into the dark night, I recognize how isolated Shelley’s blue shack is along this patch of seacoast.

  I wonder if the girls who the sheriff suspects have been abducted are okay. I also wonder where in the world they could possibly be and who in all the world could have taken them. Why would someone take them?


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