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Solitude (Artistic Pricks Ink #3)

Page 6

by Cat Mason

  After she gives me the address, I hang up the phone and jump off the couch. Not bothering to change out of my black shorts and white tank top, I shove into my sneakers, grab my wallet and keys and jump into my car, hoping that I get there before he gives them a reason to lock him up.

  The minute I step into the police sub-station, I instantly wish I hadn’t. “Heeeeeeeeeey there, sweeeeeeeetness!” Mitch calls from his seat in the holding cell. “Aw, you didn’t have to leave your Hooter’s audition just to come get me,” he snickers, earning him a few laughs from the male officer behind the desk.

  “Very funny, cockclown.” Flipping him off, I give him a little wink. “How about I circle the block for a bit? We’ll see if your pretty ass can manage a prison husband before breakfast?” The officer laughs, Mitch does not. “You sure you don’t want to get some practice in with your Taser or maybe demonstrate a little police brutality?” I ask with a shrug. “I’d be more than happy to wait over here and order a pizza or something.”

  “I’m offended,” Mitch whines, crossing his arms over his chest. “Is that any way to treat a friend?”

  “Oh honey,” I laugh, walking around the desk and stopping at the bars separating me from him. Running my finger up the bar, I glare at him. “Don’t push your luck.”

  Tapping my foot on the tile floor, I cross my arms over my chest, feeling a lot more like a mother scolding a child than a friend. Seems pretty fitting since Mitch is acting like a damn child. The officer pushes to his feet, makes his way over and opens the door. Mitch stands, wobbling quite a bit before staggering through the opened door.

  “Mr. Taylor, you’re free to go. Here are your personal effects,” the officer says, handing Mitch a plastic bag from the desk and informs him that, in the future, to drink more responsibly.

  “Take me home, woman,” Mitch shouts, throwing out his arm like he is about to charge into battle.

  “For fuck’s sake,” I say gritting my teeth. Shaking my head, I follow Mitch out to my car. Unlocking the door, I help him inside before slamming the door and making my way around to the driver’s side. Climbing inside, I start the car and look over at him carefully. “If you puke in my car, we’re gonna have an issue.”

  “I don’t puke.” He shoves the bag in the floorboard at his feet and winks at me.

  “Uh huh, okay. My upholstery and I thank you.”

  Shifting into gear, I pull out of the parking lot and head toward Mitch’s house. “Thanks for coming,” he says after a while.

  Stopping at a red light, I turn and look at him, but don’t say anything. I don’t know how to respond. There are a million things I want to say, but I don’t know what to start with. My nerves are a frazzled mess and I can’t even begin to sort them out just yet. He continues to put himself, and others, in danger by drinking and driving. He doesn’t think about what it does to people who care about him to watch him self-destruct. It hurts to watch someone fall apart over and over again like this.

  This could have been so much worse.

  Pulling into the empty parking spot in front of Mitch’s condo, I shut off the car. Looking over, I see his eyes are closed and his breathing is evened out. Climbing from the car, I walk around and yank open the passenger side door. “Mitch, we’re here,” I say shaking him.

  Opening his eyes, he looks up at me and smiles. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers. Reaching up, he brushes the back of his hand over my cheek. “Didn’t anyone tell you that angels don’t belong in hell?”

  “That sweet shit doesn’t work on me. I’m a lot of things, prick, but an angel isn’t one of them. Right now, I’m just the secretary that needs to get you outta my car,” I say, grabbing his arm. I help him to his feet. Grabbing the bag from the floor, I dig out his keys then help him inside.

  “Especially when you’re mad,” he continues rambling as I follow him in and close the door behind me. “That’s why I like to wind you up.”

  “That’s good to know,” I reply, causing him to turn around and face me.

  “Sweetness,” he slurs, then I snap.

  My fist connects with his stomach, knocking the breath out of him with a whoosh. “Asshole!” I shout, shoving him with both hands, causing him to stagger back and fall on to the couch. “Do you have any fucking idea how scared I was to get a call from the police about you?” I ask, yanking my hands through my hair. “I didn’t know if you were in an accident or…”

  Clapping a hand over my mouth, I can’t allow myself to finish my sentence. Tears burn my eyes and nose, the reality of what could have been grips my heart like a vise. I force it back, refusing to let him see the emotions bubbling just beneath the surface of my hard shell exterior. Taking a deep breath, I drop my hand and continue. “You’re lucky you only got arrested instead of getting in an accident and possibly hurting yourself or someone else.”

  “I was detained,” he corrects me.

  “Detained,” I repeat, rolling my eyes, “for breaking into your own truck. Because that is soooo much better.”

  “What the fuck do you know about what I go through?” he asks, pushing to his feet. “Mind your own business, Shelby.”

  My hands are shaking. I can feel the control I have over my temper slipping. It takes everything I have in me not to slap him. Stepping up to him, I look up into those haunted brown eyes. I can’t get pass the thought of how differently tonight could have ended up if he had gotten into his truck and driven. The idea of losing anyone at the shop in any way is something I never want to face. Especially not Mitch.

  We stare each other down. Neither of us budging, neither of us saying a word. His jaw ticks angrily while he studies me. I don’t give an inch, determined to drive the point home that I am pissed and he isn’t getting off easy with me like he does everyone else.

  “I’m making it my business, prick.” Shoving his chest with both hands, I glare at him. “If you don’t care enough about yourself, then think about all the people who love you. Have you thought about what you’re putting them through? Do you realize how much it hurts us to watch you do this to yourself? Oh, that’s right,” I say, a tear slipping down my cheek. “Mitch, the selfish bastard, is only worried about himself. You are so diluted in your own bullshit that you honestly believe no one can understand what you’re going through. That no one has ever felt loss like you have. Hate to break it to you, babe, but God did not single you out. You’ve made yourself a martyr all on your own.”

  “Do you think I enjoy it? I didn’t ask for this,” he shouts, staring me down. “You think I like being alone? You have no idea how it feels to be me, Shelby. Everyone around me is happy. They go on about their days as if nothing ever happened, living their lives and falling in love. Do you have any idea how much it hurts to watch the people you care about build these bright futures, knowing I have nothing ahead of me, but darkness?”

  “It doesn’t have to be that way, you stubborn bastard.” Blowing out a breath, I shake my head angry at myself and the now free flowing tears I have allowed to fall. “You know what, I can’t do this. I care about you too much to sit here and watch you self-destruct. Good bye, Mitch.”

  Walking towards the door, I reach out and grab the handle just as Mitch’s palm slams against the wood. Spinning me around, he presses my back to the door. His tongue runs across his bottom lip. I freeze, unable to move. His rough, calloused thumb runs over my cheek, wiping away a stray tear causing the breath to lodge in my chest.

  Then he slams his mouth to mine.

  Mitch’s free hand goes to my hip, his fingers digging into my flesh through the fabric of my shorts. His lips part and he teases me with his tongue, running it over my bottom lip before biting down on it and sucking it into his mouth.

  Oh God. Mitch is kissing me. What the hell?

  The second he pulls back, I lose the last thread of control I have left. Balling up my fist, I rear back and punch him in the stomach again. “What the fuck was that!” I roar, shoving at his c

  Mitch heaves for breath and grabs for my wrists before I can hit him again. Before I know it, he’s pinned them above my head. His other hand grips my hip, pulling my body into his. “Do you have any idea how much I want you? What you do to me?” he asks, watching his hand as it roams higher, stopping just beneath my breast. “I feel like I’m going crazy. Fuck.” He blows out a breath, shaking his head in disbelief. “This was never supposed to happen. I’m not supposed to want anyone else, but I don’t have any strength left to keep fighting this.” The haunted look is gone, replaced by need. The brown blazes with hunger, scorching every inch of skin it touches.

  Heat pools through my entire body. Every nerve ending in my body sparks, stoking a fire that has been silently burning beneath the surface. I realize now that it has been burning a whole lot longer than I thought.

  Shit. I’m so fucking screwed.

  Chapter Eight


  Shelby stares up at me with tear filled eyes as I pin her to the front door with my body to keep her from leaving. Tears for me. The minute she turned to leave, dread and fear settled in my chest, and I knew I couldn’t let her walk out that door. Everything about her makes me teeter on the edge of sanity. Fighting with her has also made my dick hard enough to pound nails into asphalt. I never thought I could ever want someone again as badly as I ache to feel her right now.

  I stare down into her eyes, trying to make sense of everything swirling through my head. Taking advantage, she stomps on my foot, catching me off guard. The second I release her wrists and take a step back, she shoves me. “You’re a fuckin’ asshole!” she shouts, jabbing me in the chest with her finger. “What the hell do you think you’re doing kissing me, you… you… ugh…”

  “Fuckin’ asshole?” I ask, finishing her sentence for her. “Looks like I’m in great company then, aren’t I?”

  Her hand cracks across my face, the sound echoing off the walls around us. My jaw throbs like a motherfucker, but goddamn if it doesn’t make my cock even harder. I grip her arms and she fights me like a caged tiger, her eyes blazing with heated fury. “I hate you,” she grounds out angrily, her lips now inches from mine. “I fucking hate you.” Grabbing my shirt, she fists the fabric with both hands.

  It’s like an explosion the second our mouths collide again. I can feel every ounce of rage in her kiss; I match it beat for beat. It’s rough and intense, fueled by anger and lust.

  Nothing has felt this good in a long time.

  I have felt nothing but guilt, loss, and pain every waking moment, for months. It’s made me so numb to anything resembling true happiness that it is difficult to imagine feeling anything different, mostly because I haven’t wanted to. This, whatever it is going on between Shelby and me, is different. It pushes back all of that and I feel something other than the emptiness.

  My hands go to the ass I have been secretly staring at for months, urging her legs around my waist. Every lush curve of the body that has silently taunted me, fits against mine like a fucking dream. Shelby slides her hands into my hair, yanking the strands as I fumble across the room to the sofa.

  I don’t have any energy left in me tonight to fight against wanting her. My body aches to feel hers and there is no denying it now. Shelby called me selfish. She’s right, I am, because I won’t let her walk away from me, no matter how wrong I know it is to do this. The repercussions of tonight will most likely haunt me like nearly every decision I have made in the last eighteen months; but, right now, I don’t give a shit.

  My shin slams into the side of the coffee table, causing it to flip over. The pile of decorative shit and stack of mail on top of it, scatter to the floor around us causing us to tumble to the cushions. Lust roars through my veins and I succumb to it, getting lost in the eruption of desire. She consumes me. The anger and frustration with this woman are just a bonus right now, only feeding the need to have her.

  Shelby pushes me back against the sofa. Breaking the kiss, she straddles my thighs. Her lips run along my jaw and down my neck before she sinks her teeth into my skin. I hiss out a breath, my cock aching behind the tight confines of my zipper.

  “Give me an excuse not to ruin you,” I say, giving her one last chance to run like hell before it’s too late.

  She smiles against my skin, nipping me with her teeth before meeting my eyes. Reaching down between our bodies, she cups my cock through my jeans and I swear I nearly weep like a baby. “Why?” she asks, batting her eyelashes. “It’s more fun to give you reasons to try.”

  “You have no idea what you’re in for. Last chance.”

  “You sound so sweet askin’ for permission to fuck me.” She flexes her fingers, with a wicked little laugh that is sexy as hell. “If I wanted sweet, I’d buy a candy bar.”

  “Not askin’,” I growl, yanking her hand away from my cock. Gripping her hip, I thrust my hips and grind her down on my dick, “but by the time I’m done, you’ll be beggin’.”

  “Cocky bastard,” she moans, her eyes rolling back in her head.

  Sliding my hand into the back of her shorts, I repeat my movements, while digging my fingers into the bare skin of her ass. Gripping her hair with my other hand, I tug hard and wrap it around my wrist. Her head jerks back so that she meets my eyes. I don’t respond. I’m not about to waste time arguing with her over the one thing we are on the same page on. She grins, her eyes heating and the blue sparks like strikes of lightning.

  Shelby is a walking, talking deadly sin. She tastes like heaven, but the look in her eyes is pure fucking evil.

  Grabbing her hips with both hands, I shove her onto the cushion beside me and stagger to my feet. Tugging my shirt over my head, I toss it to the floor. Kicking the overturned coffee table out of my way, I yank her to her feet.

  Spinning her away from me, I bend her over the arm of the sofa. I stare down at her ass, palming it through her shorts with both hands. “You gonna fuck me, or just stand there starin’ at my ass?” she taunts me, rocking back against my dick.

  God, the things I want to do to that ass.

  Gripping the hem of her shorts, I yank them down her thighs. The sight of her bare ass has me wanting to drop to my knees and sink my teeth into her creamy white skin. Bending down, I palm her ass, and blow a breath over her already heated flesh. Shelby shivers, her body arching back for more. She sighs and that one fucking sound is enough to make me blow my load in my fucking pants. Unable to wait another minute, I pop the button on my jeans and release my cock.

  Without a word, with not one thought in to foreplay, I slam into her balls deep. “Holy shit!” she cries out. The walls of her pussy clamp down on my cock, my knees damn near buckling instantly at the feel of her heat surrounding me. Shelby arches her back, letting out a little moan. Bracing her arms on the sofa, she rolls her hips.

  Angling my hips away, I nearly slip from her completely. “Fighting with me makes you wet; doesn’t it, Shelby?” I growl, thrusting back inside her so hard it causes the couch to slide forward. Stilling inside her, I yank her wrists behind her back, holding her in place.

  “Ass,” she snaps, trying to wiggle free.

  “Yeah,” I moan, gripping both wrists with one hand and securing my grip. “I’m getting to that.”

  Bringing my hand down hard on her ass, I finally move again and give my aching cock some relief. I get lost in the pace, taking all the aggression and frustration I have been feeling out on Shelby as I fuck her. The couch shifts again, sliding across wood floor. The arm slams into the floor lamp, shattering the bulb when it crashes to the floor and darkening the room.

  The piercings in my dick pull and tug painfully, but that doesn’t stop me. If anything, it is a welcome sensation. I absorb every ounce of what I can see, touch, and feel right now, in this moment. I push beyond everything else and focus on this to drive me. It feels so damn good not being numb, for once, to everything around me.

  Shelby moans, her body trembling beneath me. Leaning
down, I brush my lips over her ear. “Let me know if it’s too much for you, huh, sweetness?” I ask, before biting down on her earlobe.

  “Let me know when you actually get started, asshole.”

  Trailing my lips down her neck, I bite down on her shoulder. Hard. She cries out, screaming my name as I drive into her over and over. I don’t know if she’s close, but I need her to be. It’s been so long and I need her to come on my cock while I’m buried inside her.

  My fingers find her clit and I circle the bundle of nerves, ready to feel her explode around me. “Fuck!” she cries out, her finger nails digging into my forearm, breaking the skin. “Don’t stop, Mitch.”

  “You like it hard and fast, don’t you?” I ask, running my tongue along the bite marks I left in her shoulder. “Rough.”

  She doesn’t give me an answer or even a smart ass comment. Instead, she buries her face in the couch cushion, effectively muffling the screams I want echoing off my walls. I don’t think so. I stop mid-thrust. Stepping back, I let my dick slip from her completely. Her entire body goes rigid as soon as we break contact. “What the fuck?”

  Wrapping my arm around her, I yank her to her feet and spin her to face me. My hand fists in her hair, yanking the strands, forcing her to meet my eyes. “I want to hear every scream that leaves your lips while I’m buried deep inside your pussy.”

  “You know the way to a girl’s heart,” she responds, wrapping her fingers around my dick, her thumb brushing over one of the barbells on my shaft. “Dirty talk and a hard fuck.”

  “Not your heart I’m aimin’ for,” I growl, releasing my hold on her hair to grip her hip. Slamming her ass to the wall, I position her between it and the corner of the couch.

  Shelby releases me, kicking out of her shorts completely. Slipping one hand behind her knee, I open her to me before sinking into her slowly. I watch her eyes as I give her the only ounce of gentle she will get from me before I fuck a permanent indentation of her ass into my living room wall.


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