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Santa's Helper

Page 2

by Hines, Yvette

  would take what she could get. "I'll be right there." Looking at her for a long moment, he nodded then walked out the

  door. Alone once again, Nicole grabbed her breasts and squeezed them, trying to reduce their ache. She wondered if David could see how tight her nipples were through the green and white top. For the second time today, she neared the point of coming by just being in his presence. Everything about him intoxicated her, especially his scent. He smelled like a man, non-distinctive soap and masculine sweat.

  To Nicole's amazement, her attraction toward David escalated over the last six months, even though he'd barely been around. Maybe it was true that distance made the heart grow fonder. Every time he left, her emotions would seem to have doubled the next time she saw him.

  Even now, just the few minutes standing around him, her body felt on fire. When she walked she could feel the pooling wetness between her thighs as the lips of her sex moved back and forth against each other and herclitoris brushed the inside of her panties.

  As much as she needed to climax she couldn't risk the same stunt in the Marco household as at her afternoon break at work. Laverne almost caught her before, if it happened again, she would surely be canned and she liked eating and having a place to live too much to lose her job. Besides, they paid very well, regardless of all the meaningless crap Mrs. Marco put her through.


  "Attention everyone." Dale Marco's deep baritone voice rang out

  over the thirty or so guests in attendance. When the room reduced to only small murmurs, he began to speak. "Everyone knows how hard I have been searching the West Coast looking for the best places to open up two more Marco and Company department stores, and we have finally settled on the areas. A couple of months ago we signed the contracts to buy the buildings, started renovations and ordered the stock." The room fell silent as Dale paused for effect. "On New Year's Day, Marco Beyond and Marco Beyond II will open up in Denver, Colorado and Seattle, Washington with my two sons Steve and David running each of the stores."

  Everyone cheered, but Nicole's mood plummeted. Of their own accord, her lips twitched up into a weak smile. She felt ill, sick to her stomach, and in need of air. Crowded in the room with everyone, she couldn't think of a polite way to say…Get the hell out of my way before I throw up all over you. So she tried to take slow deep breaths, attempting to keep the bile from moving past the back of her throat.

  Glancing over at David as he stood proudly beside his father, her heart wept. David's gaze traveled the room then rested on hers. No, she wanted to scream. Within days, he would be walking out of

  her life for good. Dale Marco continued as he patted his youngest son on the back. "And as soon as Jeremy graduates from college and spends a few years training in the main store, we'll open up one in Tucson, Arizona."

  Nicole bit down on her bottom lip, trying to keep her emotions under control. She could feel someone's heated gaze upon her. Shifting her eyes to the other side of Dale, she met the sparkling eyes of Mrs. Marco.

  At that moment, the certainty that the older woman knew how she felt about David assailed her. Nicole wondered if Laverne somehow orchestrated the move to keep her away from either of her sons.

  Then she forced some reality into her thoughts, why would Mrs. Marco have anything to worry about? Three years without the slightest amount of encouragement from David, Laverne should have no worries. Her middle son did not seem at risk of giving his heart—or any other member of his body—to Nicole. * * * * "Goodnight, Mr. Marco, and thank you for a delightful evening." Nicole allowed Dale Marco to assist her in putting on her coat. Almost midnight and well past time for her to leave, as always, by the time she left, an hour had passed since the other guests departed. Unable to find a good excuse to escape early, Nicole busied herself with assisting the catering service in cleaning up. Thankful for the strenuous activity that kept her occupied and away from all of the well-wishers who believed it to be the best idea for David to move away and run one of the other stores. As Nicole moved in and out of the party, she heard the people's excited babble. It would give him independence. Allow him to grow. It would keep him away—indefinitely. "Nicole, it's always a pleasure to have you around. I don't know

  what my wife would do without you." Find another insignificant creature to kick around. "I'm sure someone else would step in to take my place." She went with the safer comment.

  Dale placed both hands on her shoulders. "That may be, but I hope you know how much we appreciate your work ethic."

  You mean slave labor . "Thank you." Nicole pulled her hat on her head and over her ears.

  Grazing her chin with his thumb, he finished. "It hasn't gone unnoticed."

  Before tonight, Mr. Marco telling her that would have sent her heart soaring, but with the news of David's impending departure, it barely gave her a flutter.

  Giving him a small smile, she turned and walked out of the house. Stepping gingerly but quickly through the snow-covered sidewalk, she headed to her car. The icy wind whipped underneath her coat flaps and chilled her legs making her fold her arms tighter around her body. Nicole wished she had thought of bring a set of clothes to change into something warmer and appropriate for December.

  When Nicole reached her car, she used the sleeve of her coat to brush the thick white snow off the front window. Praying the cold hadn't frozen her lock, she slid the key inside and turned. Relief showered her senses when she heard the lock release. Opening the door, she slid in behind the wheel and closed the door fast. Her teeth were chattering as large puffs of visible cold air danced in front of her face. Placing the key in the ignition, she attempted to start the engine.

  Silence greeted her. Nicole tried again. Nothing. "Come on." She yelled as she smacked the steering wheel and tried it again to no avail.

  Frustrated, she tried it for a third time, to have the eerie quiet settle into the car's interior once again. "No, no, no," Nicole chanted. After everything today, tears welled up in her eyes. She had fought them for the last two hours. She couldn't take anymore. This was not Murphy's Law, but more like Murphy's Curse. All of her pent-up feelings about David's leaving came flooding out. If the few times he went away had made her feelings for him intensify, then no doubt when he left for good she would forever be stuck in the limbo of unrequited love. Leaning forward, her head pressed onto her steering wheel, she caused her car horn to blow, making her cry even more. Tap, tap. With a tear soaked face, Nicole turned her head toward the small

  circle in the icy snow covering her driver side window. Great, now someone is out there to witness my embarrassment.

  Reaching out, she unlocked the door. It swung open wide and David stood in the gap, still dressed in his Saint Nick apparel minus the hat, hair, and beard. "Are you okay? We heard you honk and Dad sent me out here to check on you."

  Her heart felt constricted as if a fist squeezed it, knowing he hadn't come out here on his own. She sniffled. "My car won't start." His eyes scanned her face and noticed the tears. Taking off a glove, David stretched his bare hand toward her and brushed her tears away with his thumb. "Don't cry, Nicole, you most likely left your lights on."

  Her eyes closed for a moment as Nicole savored his consoling touch. The feel of his hand and blunted fingers felt warm, strong. David's touch was gentle. David removed his hand from her face and turned the dial for the

  car lights and sure enough, the knob clicked back into place. "How stupid am I?" Nicole muttered to herself not truly wanting an

  answer. "Not at all. It happens to the best of us." He gave her a reassuring

  smile. "Come on. I'll take you home." "Thanks," she grumbled. She felt humiliated and ashamed that

  David had witnessed her crying. "My car—" "Don't worry. I'll make sure it gets to your house." He escorted her around the side of the house to his SUV and helped

  her into the passenger side of the car. As they drove away, Nicole remained sullen, staring out the window and watching the snowfall as the city passed by.
David drove in silence, seeming to respect her mood and allow her the peace she needed. * * * * "I'll walk you up." David opened her door. "It's not necessary." "Yes, it is." She smiled at his kindness. "Are you excited about your move in the

  next few days?" David shoved his hands deeper into his pockets and hunched his shoulders against the wind. "Yes. It's been a great learning experience working with my parents, but I've been ready to be in control for a while."

  "I'm happy for you." Nicole told him the truth. Regardless of the sadness she felt with his impending departure she knew this was the best for him. They stopped at her door. "Well, here you are, home safe and sound." He adjusted his glasses. Nicole adored the self-conscious gesture he made. "Yup." She stood there in the cold, warmed by David's presence. "I'm sure you must be exhausted with all of your hard work today." She smiled at his idle chatter. David never spoke more than a few passing words to her in all the years she had known him. Maybe he would miss her a little when he left. That thought caused her pulse rate to speed up.

  "Actually, I'm still pretty wired. I was going to make some hot cocoa." Light shone in David's eyes. "I don't know the last time I had a cup." Was David asking for an invitation? Her chest tightened and she struggled to breathe between words as she asked, "Do you want some? I have a secret recipe and I always make enough for two or three people." "Do you have marshmallows?" Nicole licked her lips nervously, the cold air chilling them

  immediately. "I do believe I have a few left." "Then I'm game." Excited to have more time to spend with David, Nicole turned, slipped her key into the lock, and opened her door. The warm interior beckoned them inside.

  "It feels great in here. I was two seconds from becoming a block of ice out there." David removed his coat and gloves.

  "You?" Nicole asked, taking off her coat and hat. "I'm the under dressed one."

  Something flickered in David's eyes as he gazed at her state of dress. "Sorry, I forgot about Santa's little helper."

  Nicole took his coat from him as she noted the gravelly sound of his voice. Refusing to have false hopes, she focused on hanging their things in the small closet by the door.

  "I'll start the cocoa, you can make yourself comfortable. There's music over there on the shelf." She pointed toward a double rack in the corner by the television that held both CD's as well as DVD's. "Just put it inside the DVD player. I don't have a stereo." "Don't worry, I'll make do." Smiling at the sight of David standing in the middle of her living room, she headed into the kitchen. Quickly, she poured water into the electric coffeepot then pulled out vanilla, hot chocolate, Hershey kisses, liquid creamer, marshmallows, and two mugs. As she waited for the water to finish percolating she stopped and leaned against the counter. Her insides felt a quivering mess, evident in the shaking of her hands. Her walking, talking, and living fantasy now stood in her house, less then ten feet away from her. Nicole didn't know if she could trust herself around him.

  David. Even saying his name silently made her sex swell and her clitoris tingle. Every ounce of the want and need she felt for him slammed her in full force. Her knees also trembled. Nicole didn't know how she would take the drinks into the living room without spilling them.

  Soft jazz music played in the other room as she squeezed her thighs together and slightly rotated her hips. Again her panties brushed the swollen sensitive tip of her clit.

  "Can I be of assistance?" David's sexy voice inquired from behind her.

  Turning in shock, she stared at David, who stood a foot away from her. What did he see? She asked herself, but as she saw her lust mirrored in his eyes, she knew. The shine and heat of his intense gaze gave it away.

  As the coffeepot continued to gurgle in the background, Nicole found herself pulled into David's arms and his firm lips pressed against hers. His tongue glided across her bottom lip, coaxing her mouth to open. Nicole wasted no time in complying as her senses thrilled with the feel of his hot, moist tongue slipping across hers. She tasted him as he almost devoured her with his deep and passionate kiss.

  One of his hands held her head, fisted her mahogany curls, as the other roamed her back, sliding down her spine to finally palm her ass pulling her closer to him, fitting them together.

  Leaning back he said, "Nicole, I have never wanted any woman as much as I've wanted you."

  She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his mouth back to hers. "I'm glad." Her mouth brushed against his as she spoke.

  The kiss started again. This time she controlled it, showing him in her kiss what she felt for him, but not willing to risk putting it into words. They might have this moment, this night, but soon he would be gone regardless. She would keep their time together as a memory to soothe her emotions during the coming cold nights. "I need you, Nicole. Don't deny me tonight." David's brown eyes met hers. As if I could. "Never," she told him. Pulling her body into his, David held her, burying his face in the curve of her neck as Nicole enjoyed the feeling of being in his arms. David's arousal pressed into her mound.

  "Your outfit has been teasing me all day." His lips brushed the shell of her ear."Turn around. I want to see your candy cane."

  Confused for a moment, Nicole pondered his request until she remembered the green bloomers had a stitched replica of the small Christmas treat on one side of the back. Stepping out of his arms, she gave him a seductive smile as she

  pivoted, giving him her back, then raised her skirt. "Lean forward and lift your ass high in the air," he said, his voice

  thick and full of lust. Obeying the authority in his words, Nicole bent toward the counter and arched her back. Glancing over her shoulder at him, she noticed the small beads of sweat popping out on his upper lip. A shiver of anticipation caressed her skin as Nicole witnessed her affect on him. Over the past three years she'd been the one flushed and flustered around him, Nicole loved returning the favor.

  David stepped forward and Nicole felt the warm pressure of his mouth on her behind over the candy cane.

  He rose. "When I saw you bending by that tree I thought I'd come in my pants." Lifting his gaze to hers, he said, "I wanted to fuck you right there, regardless of my parents' house being full of guests in the other room."

  Her breath caught in her throat. She took a deep breath. Her voice sounded shaky as she asked, "You did?" David confirmed her question with a nod. "Are you wet, Nicole?" Wet? Saturated better described her current state. "Yes," she

  answered, her voice quivering with desire. "Show me." Feeling bold in front of David, Nicole reached underneath her skirt, slid her bloomers down her legs, and stepped out of them. Dragging her hands slowly up the back of her thighs, she took her time lifting her skirt hem so he could see her red and white striped holiday thong. She heard him groan at the sight. "Don't tease me, Nicole. I'm already working on borrowed time." Understanding his urgency, she hooked her thumb in the thin straps and pushed them toward the floor, wiggling her legs. The wisp of material fell quickly to her ankles, allowing her to step out of them. Then, without further direction, she bowed her body over the cool counter top. "Spread your legs," he commanded. She did. "Oh, how you glisten, Nicole." Nicole looked at him, not wanting there to be any doubt about the truth of her words. She admitted, "It's what you do to me. What you always do to me."

  Her knees almost buckled when David's hand reached out and touched her, sliding a finger between her aching lips. Nicole's teeth gripped her bottom lip, stifling her moan.

  She heard a soft thump as he dropped to his knees behind her and began to taste her. Spreading her ass and thighs wide with his strong hands, David must have had every area of her sex available to him.

  His tongue licked her slowly at first, stroking her clit with light touches then sliding up, over her sex, to her open cheeks. The feeling of his tongue swirling around the sensitive puckered hole caused her to grip the counter.

  David seemed to show no shame in the pleasure it gave to her. Sucking her pussy lips into his mouth, he kissed her sex, deep and intimate, groan
ing as he flicked the stiff bud of desire. His tongue slipped between her moist lips he took his time in stroking the delicate skin between her hooded clit and the weeping opening of her sex.

  Nicole's legs began to tremble and her thoughts became incoherent as all of her sense centered on his talented mouth.

  Two of his fingers entered her body where she needed him the most and she tensed moments before she climaxed. Shuddering, her knees knocked up against the cabinet doors.

  Still trembling, she became aware of the tip of David's cock as he moved it through her juices. She wanted to see it. Know what it looked like and see how her fantasy measured up to the stiff reality about to press into her.

  Not giving her time to turn, David called out, "hold on!" Gripping her hips, he entered her.

  Stretching her. Even dripping wet, she could feel the thickness against her pussy walls as he pulled in and out, each time moving a little deeper. "David…" she panted, not sure how much more of him she could take.

  Pressing his hand to the center of her back, he instructed her, "Arch your hips higher. Take a little more."

  His voice coaxed and soothed her, making her need to feel all of him, every glorious inch of his erect length. She didn't know his size by sight, but her pussy ached with pleasure as she received him, making it apparent that David was much larger than the other two guys with whom she'd had sex. Already feeling him in the depths of her pussy, she seized her bottom lip with her teeth then lifted her hips higher, rising on her tiptoes to receive him. He rewarded her actions by wrapping his forearm around her hips

  and under her belly, supporting her. His strength amazed Nicole. This man, quiet, introspective David, amazed her. His astuteness always excited her, but experiencing another facet of his personality made heat spread out from her belly and down her legs, making her toes tingle. She didn't think she could be turned on any further, but feeling his strength surround her caused Nicole to climax again. Her sex clamped down on him as she cried out and rotated her hips back, taking him fully. "Yes, baby, all of it," David encouraged her. He pulled out and the force of his returning thrust claimed her completely. The impact caused her feet to lift from the floor. On and on, he continued.


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