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Texas Lawman

Page 24

by Ginger Chambers

  “And you’re sure Tate’s here,” Jodie said, needing additional reassurance.

  “I saw him myself. And talk about handsome! Wow!” Harriet wagged her fingers as if they burned. “He came with his mother and Chief Lovell.”

  Jodie shifted from foot to foot. She was ready for the ceremony to begin.

  Thankfully the flowers had arrived on time, the cake was on the dining-room table, the champagne had been iced, the minister welcomed. All that remained was for the organist to start playing. At that exact moment organ music floated upstairs.

  Gwen tapped on the door and opened it. Nearly twelve, she was mature enough to really appreciate this wedding. Her gray eyes, so like her mother’s, were shining with excitement. “Aunt Mae said to tell you everything’s ready downstairs.”

  Jodie’s heart gave a strong beat, then a number of quick smaller ones. Her fingers felt like ice in comparison to Shannon’s as she accepted the bouquet.

  She laughed giddily. It was happening! It was truly happening!

  She accepted kisses and smiles of good wishes from all around, then as she stepped into the hall, she reached for her father’s arm.

  Gib did look handsome in his tuxedo. And very proud.

  The others hurried downstairs to take their seats.

  “All the luck in the world, sweetheart,” her father murmured as they started forward.

  Jodie could hear her flowers shaking, a low rustle just below the sound of the music.

  The entryway looked like a spring garden, as did the living room. Mae had spared no expense. Most of the furniture had been removed and white wooden chairs set in place. A cluster of white blossoms and greenery marked the side of each aisle chair.

  Everyone watched as Jodie and Gib proceeded down the narrow walkway. Smiling faces, a few with tears of happiness. Jodie looked from one to the other—the people who meant so much to her life. She saw Tate’s mother, tearing up. And Jack Denton, urbane in a suit.

  Then she saw Tate. Waiting for her beside the minister.

  Tate, in his tux. Strong and handsome and vital. Looking at her as if she was the most wondrous vision.

  Jodie increased her pace, ready to get on with it! The ceremony and their life!

  ISBN : 978-1-4592-6367-3


  Copyright © 1998 by Ginger Chambers.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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