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Highland Deliverance (Blades of Honor Book 3)

Page 1

by B. J. Scott

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24


  Blades of Honor Book 3



  New York




  Cover Design by Ramona Lockwood

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, business establishments, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

  The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

  Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  Published in the United States of America by

  Soul Mate Publishing

  P.O. Box 24

  Macedon, New York, 14502

  ISBN: 978-1-68291-278-2

  The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

  As always his book is dedicated

  to my husband Steve,

  for his continued support

  and encouragement to follow my dreams.

  To my street team.

  You make writing a pleasure and keep me focused.


  In addition to thanking my husband for his love, support, and the sacrifices he makes so I can write, I want to thank my street team for their steadfast encouragement and dedication to spreading the word about my books. Each one of you are a blessing and words cannot express how much I appreciate all you do to promote my stories. Thanks to my friend, Personal Author Assistant Debbie McCreary who keeps me focused and smiling, even when the muse is not cooperating or life throws me a curveball. Thanks to Ann Leeson. I can always count on your keen eyes for a final read through of my books, and tons of support.

  I also want to thank my editor, Deborah Gilbert and Soul Mate Publishing for helping me to make my books the best they can be. Thanks to the talented cover artist Ramona Lockwood-Kasper. You have once again captured my characters perfectly. And last, but never least, a huge thank you goes out to my readers. Without you, there would be no need for books.



  Highland Legacy

  Highland Quest

  Highland Homecoming


  Highland Hellion

  Highland Resurrection

  Highland Deliverance


  Her Highlander’s Promise

  Bedded By Her Highland Enemy

  Chapter 1

  Ian Fraser fastened the cinch on the destrier’s saddle, then led the warhorse out of the stable.

  “What’s happening, Ian?” his brother John asked as he raced up beside him. “I was training in the list with several other warriors when we were told to grab our armor and weapons, then meet Connor in the bailey.”

  “Quinn was taken by Roderick Morgan and we are going after them,” Ian said.

  “What do you mean he was taken?” John asked.

  “The lad was playing with Bryce’s son Tristen when a heavily armed stranger cornered them, asked which one was Quinn, then hauled him away kicking and screaming.”

  Clearly puzzled, John dragged his hand across his chin. “Fraser Castle is the best-guarded stronghold in the Highlands. How does a blackguard like Morgan get inside the curtain wall?”

  “After speaking with Tristen, Connor learned the lads have been sneaking outside the wall and playing in the woods for some time now. Roderick somehow found out and he and his men were waiting for them.”

  “But how would he gain this knowledge?” Their youngest brother, Collin, joined them. “I just heard the news and am here to offer my help.”

  “Either Morgan has been watching Quinn for a while or has someone on the inside who knew the lads were leaving the bailey and betrayed their secret.” Ian thumped Collin on the back. “Lazarus will be grateful for your help. We need all the trained warriors we can get. I knew we could count on you and John.”

  “I guess it really doesna matter how or why Morgan knew where to find the lads. Quinn is missing and we need to get him back,” John said. “Connor would be hard pressed to scold them though, since we all used to do the same thing when we were their age.”

  Lazarus exited the castle, raced down the stairs, then sprinted toward his waiting kinsmen, his face contorted with worry.

  Unwed, with no bairns of his own, Ian could only imagine the torment his cousin must be feeling. And while he had not sired Quinn, Lazarus loved the lad as if he were his own son. If ever faced with the same situation, Ian knew he would do anything humanly possible to get his bairn back.

  “Thank you for readying my mount, and gathering the men, Ian.” Lazarus reached for the reins.

  “The more time wasted, the harder it will be to track the men who absconded with Quinn.” Ian released the reins, then stepped aside. “It must be the worst feeling in the world to have your bairn taken.”

  “Aye. A gut-twisting agony, I’d hoped I would never experience again. When we rescued Quinn from Father Marquis, I vowed to protect him.” Lazarus hung his head. “But I’ve failed.” He fisted the destrier’s mane, prepared to climb on top when Connor grabbed his forearm. “Unhand me. I must find my son.”

  “I understand you’re upset about Quinn’s abduction and are anxious to get him back. And I canna say as I blame you,” Connor said. “But before we leave, you need to answer a few questions. Are there things you havena told us about the lad?”

  “We dinna have time for questions.” Lazarus tried again to mount his horse.

  Connor refused to relinquish his hold, pinning his brother with an intense stare. “Make time. This will only take a minute.”

  “If one of your bairns were abducted, I’m sure you wouldna stand around yammering while the scoundrels made off with him,” Lazarus challenged.

  “You’re right,” Connor conceded. “But if we are going to risk our necks and possibly start a feud with another Highland clan, we have a right to know why the bairn was taken.”

  Lazarus raked his fingers through his hair and blew out a heavy sigh. “I promised Sheena I would never tell anyone about the secret she’s carried for nin
e summers. But you do have the right to know why you were putting yourselves at risk.”

  “Tell me,” Connor demanded.

  “Quinn isna Sheena’s brother,” Lazarus replied.

  “What are you saying?” Connor released Lazarus’s arm and took a step back.

  “He’s her son.”

  Connor’s eyes widened and his mouth gaped open. “Her son? Why the lies?”

  “When Sheena was seventeen summers, she was gathering herbs for her ailing stepmother. Roderick Morgan accosted her.”

  “He dishonored her?” Bryce rested his hand on Lazarus’s shoulder.

  Lazarus nodded. “Aye. Then after he’d had his way with her, he told her he wanted her to become his mistress, to be at his beck and call day or night.”

  Connor raised a brow. “And she agreed to this?”

  “Of course na. But the damage was done. He’d already stolen her virtue and planted his seed.” Lazarus fisted his hands at his side and sucked in a deep breath before he continued. “The mere thought of Sheena being violated causes my blood to boil. When she refused to be his whore, the blackguard retaliated by declaring if he could na have her, he make it so no decent man would ever want her.”

  “And the devil cut her face?” Ian asked.

  “That, and he vowed if she ever left the village, he’d hunt her down and drag her back.” Lazarus shook his head. “She has been running from him ever since. Afraid if she stayed in one place for long, he might make good on his promise.”

  “Bastard!” Alasdair slammed his balled fist against his open palm. “The bugger should have been hung up by his ballocks and flogged. Why was nothing done to punish the blackguard?”

  “My sentiments exactly,” Lazarus concurred. “But Sheena figured no one would believe she dinna throw herself at his feet, so she held her wheest. Roderick was the future laird of Clan Morgan so it would have been the word of a commoner against his. Hell, her own father dinna stand behind her. He disowned her and called her a whore when he found out she was with child.”

  “That must have been a difficult blow for Sheena to handle.” Ian couldn’t understand how a father could turn his back on his daughter, especially when she’d been violated by a fiend like Roderick Morgan. “But why tell people that Quinn was her brother?”

  “After her stepmother died in childbirth and her father shunned her, Sheena left, fearing if Roderick found out she was breeding, he might take the babe,” Lazarus explained. “Later, when Sheena gave birth, she did so alone, then passed the babe off as her brother, hoping to keep the lad from being called a bastard, or worse, a whore’s son.”

  Connor cupped his brother’s shoulder. “If you’d told us the truth, we’d have thought no less of the lass, and perhaps done more to protect the lad.”

  “I dinna find out until the day I proposed to Sheena. She refused my offer of marriage at first. When she told me about Quinn, I assured her it mattered not to me if he was her brother or her son. I loved them both regardless.”

  Ian held a great deal of respect and admiration for Lazarus, for all four of his cousins. Lazarus had suffered greatly over the years, yet never lost his inherent sense of honesty and decency. At age fifteen, he was left for dead, following the brutal battle of Berwick-upon-Tweed. He was found and cared for by an order of monks before spending the bulk of his adult life as a Knights Templar. During those fateful years, he’d survived horrific battles in the Holy Land, was tortured and imprisoned, then spent two years as a fugitive being chased by the French Monarchy. Meeting Sheena and Quinn had truly been a blessing, and for the first time in his tormented life, Lazarus found peace.

  In his younger days, Alasdair, with his larger-than-average stature and gruffness, had always been known as the hothead of the clan. He was quick to act and damned the consequence. He’d gentled considerably after marrying Edina, but when challenged he was still as ferocious as any warrior Ian had known.

  Bryce was equally impulsive and often acted without thinking. But he usually got by with his handsome looks and way with words. Especially when it came to the ladies.

  Connor, on the other hand, with his level head and calm reasoning, was by far the best choice for laird of the clan.

  “Does Quinn know the truth?” Ian asked.

  Lazarus shook his head. “Nay, and Sheena hoped he wouldna find out.” He climbed onto his horse and picked up the reins. “I promised her I would never betray her secret, and a man’s word to his wife is as binding as a vow made to God. But things have changed, and getting Quinn back safely is all that matters.”

  Connor nodded, then mounted his destrier. “You’re right, brother. Now let’s get your son back.”

  “Wait for me.” The door opened. Tristen stepped out of the castle, toting his wooden sword, then he ran down the steps. “I’m coming too.”

  Bryce leapt from his horse and raced toward his son. “What do you think you are doing? This isna a game, nor is it a place for bairns. Get back into the keep at once.”

  Tristen crossed his arms over his chest and planted his feet. He raised his chin and glared up at his father. “I’m na a bairn. I’m almost nine and old enough to ride with the men. Quinn is my cousin, and my friend. I want to help.”

  “While admirable, your da is right,” Connor said. “I’m sure Quinn would appreciate your bravery and loyalty, but we canna allow you to come. Go back into the castle and stay with your mam. We are counting on you and the other lads to take care of the woman and bairns while we’re gone. It’s a big responsibility, but a task I’m sure you’re up to.”

  Tristen hesitated for a moment, then bobbed his head. “Aye, Uncle Connor. I will do as you ask. Tell Quinn we miss him and are awaiting his return.”

  Bryce hugged his son, then tousled his hair. “We will. Now go back inside so we can depart.” He watched the lad scurry up the castle steps, then called out, “Tristen!”

  The lad stopped and turned around. “Aye, Da?”

  “I’m very proud of you, son,” Bryce declared, then climbed onto his horse. Once seated, he looked at his brothers. “Let’s ride. We’ve tarried long enough.”

  “Agreed.” Connor turned his mount, then sped toward the portcullis with his brothers, cousins, and a garrison of heavily armed Fraser warriors hot in pursuit.

  Roslyn Morgan stood outside a chamber at the end of a long, dark hallway. Roderick had warned her to stay clear of that area of the castle, but seldom did she listen to her arrogant brother’s demands. Laird or not, he was up to something and she intended to find out what it was.

  She shoved open the heavy oak door and slipped into the room, surprised to find Roderick confronting a young lad. She’d heard rumors over the years of an illegitimate son, but had dismissed the gossip as hearsay. Until now.

  “I wanna go home.” The bairn dragged his sleeve across his tearstained cheeks and sniffled. “Who are you, and why did you bring me here?”

  “I’m Laird Roderick Morgan. That’s all you need to know for now.” He glared down at the lad. “You’ll learn why you’re here soon enough.”

  “My Uncle Connor is laird of Clan Fraser. And when he finds out I’m gone, you’ll be punished for taking me.” Quinn inclined his chin and puffed out his chest. “He and his brothers will bring their army to rescue me.”

  Despite his attempt to appear brave, the lad’s voice quivered as he spoke. Tears glistened in his eyes, but to his credit, he held them at bay. While tempted to intervene on the bairn’s behalf, Roslyn remained silent.

  “You dinna say?” Roderick stroked his chin, then laughed. “I’m quaking in my boots. How old are you?”

  “I-I’ll be nine soon,” Quinn stammered.

  “Then the time has come for you to stop sniveling like a wee babe. If na, perhaps I should give you a reason to weep like a lass.” Roderick balled his fists, then took a menacing step forward.

  “I’m na a babe or a lass.” Quinn stood his ground, defiantly peering up at Roderick. “Strike me if you wish, but i
t willna make me mind. I’m na afraid of you.” He launched himself at Roderick, his hands flailing. “I dinna like it here and I want to go back to Fraser Castle.”

  Roderick grasped Quinn by the shoulders, holding him at arm’s length. “You’re as insolent as your mam and need to be taught a lesson.”

  “What do you know of my mother? She was a respectable lady and died giving birth to me. She wouldna associate with the likes of you,” Quinn snapped.

  “I know her better than you think.” Roderick raised his hand in preparation to strike. “I’ll show you who is in charge and where you belong. I willna take any—”

  “That willna be necessary.” Roslyn rushed toward them and clasped her brother’s wrist. “He’s but a wee bairn and this is all new to him. Give him some time to adjust.”

  Roderick twisted free of her grasp, then shoved his sister to the ground. “Dinna interfere with me and my son,” he snapped. “Though I find it hard to believe this sniveling whelp is from my seed. When I’m finished with him, he’ll know what happens to people who disobey me.”

  “Leave her be,” Quinn shouted, then wildly pounded his fists on Roderick’s back. “I’m na your son. My da is dead. He passed when I was a babe from the fever. You’re na my father. You’re na my kin.”

  Roderick wheeled around and delivered a backhanded slap that sent Quinn tumbling to the floor. “Hold your wheest, lad! I’ll na abide your loose tongue.”

  Roslyn slowly climbed to her feet, grasping the back of a chair to steady herself. “Enough, Roderick! Now that our father is dead, you may be laird, but you willna gain any respect from me or the clan by abusing an innocent bairn.”

  “The lad is none of your affair,” Roderick growled. “But you’re right about one thing. Father is na around to protect you, so I’d watch what I say if I were you, sister. Least you wish to find yourself on the receiving end of a lash.”


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