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Highland Deliverance (Blades of Honor Book 3)

Page 7

by B. J. Scott

“As a matter of fact, there is.” Sinclair cupped her elbow and steered her down the first side street they came to, one that passed several small huts and ended abruptly at a high stone wall.

  When they reached the end of the street, Roslyn turned to face Sinclair. “It appears we must go another way.” She tried to step around him, but he clasped her wrist.

  “What’s your hurry, lass?” Sinclair asked, then wrapped his arm around her waist and hauled her against his chest. He dropped his head and nibbled on her earlobe.

  Roslyn squirmed in an attempt to wriggle free, but he tightened his embrace. “Release me at once. You have no right to take such liberties.”

  “On the contrary. Your brother told me to feel free to do whatever suited my fancy and he’d look the other way. We are to be married after all. And a man should have an idea what’s in store.”

  “We may be betrothed, but we are na married. You have no right to touch me until after we are wed. If we are ever wed.”

  He tugged the combs from her hair, her locks tumbling free. “I like it much better this way.” He wrapped several strands of her hair around his fist, then yanked her head back. You are lovely,” he growled then kissed her.

  She pounded her fists on his chest, but he refused to relinquish his hold. Her attempt to break free seemed to heighten his excitement. She could feel his arousal pressed against her hip as he forced his tongue between her lips, ravaging her mouth without mercy.

  Not caring about the consequences, she bit down, hard.

  Sinclair yelped in pain and released her. “Damn you, bitch! You’re to be my wife and you’ll learn to accept me.” He followed his words with a backhanded slap that sent her to the ground.

  She tasted blood, then dragged the back of her hand across her lips and glowered up at him. “I’ll never accept you. Nor will I marry you.” The words spilled out before she could stop them.

  “We’ll see about that.” He grabbed for her, but toppled forward, landing in a heap on the ground.

  “Are you hurt, lass?” a man asked as he rolled Sinclair over, then nudged him with his boot.

  She peered up at the man and gasped. “Ian. What are you doing here?”

  “By the look of things, I came along just in time.” He dropped the rock he was holding in the dirt and offered his hand. “Let me help you up.”

  Roslyn allowed Ian to assist her, then stared down at her betrothed. “Is he dead?” she asked, part of her hoping Ian had killed the rogue. And at the same time, she feared the repercussions from her brother and the Sinclair clan if he had in fact passed on.

  “Nay, but he will have a headache when he awakens. Hopefully—”

  “Then you must leave this place, at once. Go before someone sees you here and tells my brother what you’ve done.” She clasped Ian’s arm and tugged. “Roderick will have you executed if he finds out.”

  Ian dug in his heels and grasped Roslyn by the shoulders. “I willna leave you to face your brother’s wrath alone. I will stay and accept whatever punishment he deems fitting.”

  Roslyn shook her head. “Nay. If you truly want to help me, then you must go. But, I have one boon to ask.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Quinn. The lad in the tower. I want your word that you will do your best to protect him. And if at all possible, help him to go home to his clan. He’ll tell you where to take him.” She twisted free of his hold. “Do I have your word?”

  Ian nodded. “Aye. But you also need protecting.”

  “As long as I know Quinn is safe, I’ll be fine,” she said and bolted down the street before Ian could argue further.

  Chapter 8

  Roslyn dashed back into the castle, fully intending to go to her chamber, praying her brother would spare her the beating he’d promised if she disobeyed him or insulted her betrothed again. And she’d done both.

  The image of Sinclair sprawled out in the street, with a lump the size of an egg on the back of his head, flashed before her. She praised the Lord for Ian’s intervention, but there was no telling how Roderick would react when he found out. And what of Quinn? Would her brother really harm the lad, or was it just a threat to scare her? Either way, she was about to find out.

  “Where are you headed in such a hurry?” Roderick shouted from the top of the stairs. He glanced at the door and around the main entryway of the castle. “And where is Sinclair?”


  “I’m right here,” Sinclair staggered in with the assistance of two guards.

  Roderick rushed to his side. “What in the world happened to you, man?” He rested his hand on Sinclair’s shoulder and stared at Roslyn. “Explain!”

  “We found him lying in the street. Someone hit him on the head with a rock, then left him for dead,” one of the guards said before she could answer. “Might have been a thief, but we dinna know for certain.”

  “You were there, Roslyn. What do you know of this brigand?” Roderick demanded.

  “I have no idea who he was. He came out of the shadows and was gone before there was time to react,” Roslyn replied. “In fact, I believe there was more than one of them.”

  “And you left him there?” Roderick snarled.

  “I was coming for help,” Roslyn lied.

  “I know who is responsible.” Sinclair pointed his finger at Roslyn. “And if you think I am going to marry this witch, you’re sorely mistaken. I’d spend the rest of my life sleeping with one eye opened. Never knowing when she might strike again.”

  “You did this?” Roderick growled.

  “I did no such thing.”

  “If not you personally, then did you arrange for someone to attack your betrothed?” Roderick asked bluntly.

  “You know me better than that, brother. Or so I thought.” Roslyn raised her right hand in the air. “I will swear on our mother’s grave if you wish. I knew naught about the attack in advance and dinna have anything to do with arranging it.”

  “She is a cunning liar.” Sinclair rubbed the back of his neck. “So dinna waste your breath. Besides, your sister would be better off in a convent. Take my advice, Roderick, send her to the priory and be done with her.”

  “What does he mean by that?” Roderick asked.

  Roslyn shrugged. There was no point in telling her brother that Sinclair made inappropriate advances toward her. He claimed Roderick had given his permission to do with her as he wished, so would likely applaud his deplorable behavior, not condemn him for it.

  Sinclair faced Roderick. “Have someone ready my mount. I’m leaving. Now.”

  “Gordon, be reasonable. Let us go into the great hall and talk. I will have Marcus bring a jug of my best whisky.” Roderick place his hand on Sinclair’s shoulder and tried to usher him down the hall, but the man stood his ground.

  “Get your hand off me, Morgan. I have no intention of going anywhere with you. And even if she were the last woman in Scotland, I wouldna marry her.”

  “The marriage arrangement was made by our fathers. You canna back out,” Roderick snapped. “Roslyn, I demand you tell me what happened.”

  “You’ll have to ask Lord Sinclair.” Roslyn tried to bolt up the stairs, but Roderick stopped her by grasping her upper arm, his nails digging into her flesh. “You’ll stay put until I give you permission to leave.” He looked at Gordon. “Sinclair, tell me exactly what happened.”

  “We went for a walk, and when we found ourselves on a dead-end street, she began flirting with me,” Sinclair lied. “I’m but a mortal man and found it impossible to resist such beauty. I told her how comely she was and asked if I might kiss her. But when I tried, the bitch pushed me away and rejected my attention.” Sinclair pressed a hand to the bump on his skull. “I was trying to figure out what sort of game she was playing when someone came up from behind and struck me on the head.”

  Roslyn battled the urge to call Sinclair a liar. But she knew her brother would not listen to her side of the story or care about the truth.

  Roderick gla
red at Roslyn and tightened his grip until she winced in pain. “You insult your betrothed and will pay dearly.”

  Fuming, Roslyn could no longer hold her tongue. “I did nothing wrong. I dinna flaunt myself as he claims. He tried to take intimate liberties and made inappropriate advances. The animal had his paws all over me. He doesna bother to ask for a woman’s permission, he merely takes what he wants. He tried to—”

  “Enough of your lies. Lord Sinclair is your betrothed. He has the right to take whatever liberties he pleases,” Roderick snapped.

  “Not any more. I’m leaving as soon as I can gather my things. You can keep your sister. And heaven help any man who thinks she will make an obedient wife.” Sinclair whipped around and stormed up the steps.

  “You’ve destroyed an alliance with Clan Sinclair that has been two years in the making.” Roderick pointed to the stairs. “Go to your chamber and wait for me there. Hopefully, I can talk some sense into Sinclair.” He raced after his guest, halting when he reached the top of the staircase. “Blake.” He summoned a guard with the flick of his hand. “See my sister to her room and make certain that she stays there.”

  “Aye, m’lord.” The burly man trotted down to the first floor of the castle and took Roslyn’s arm. “You heard the laird, m’lady. Come with me.”

  She tugged free of his grasp and inclined her chin. “Unhand me. I’m na deaf, nor do I require your assistance. I’ll go to my chamber as my brother ordered, but will do it on my own.”

  Blake escorted her to her room and opened the door. “I’m sorry about this, Lady Roslyn. I’m just following orders.”

  “I know you are. But it doesna make it right.” Roslyn entered her chamber and waited until she heard the click of the lock, then pressed her forehead to the cool wood of the door. “What will become of me now?”


  Startled, Roslyn spun around, shocked to find Ian standing in the middle of the room. “What . . .? How?” She swallowed hard and tried to calm her racing heart before she spoke. “What are you doing here? You must leave at once. If my brother catches you in my chamber, he’ll flay you where you stand.”

  “Your brother is a buffoon. He should never have allowed you to go out with Sinclair unescorted. Does he na know of the blackguard’s reputation as a womanizing arse?” Ian asked and moved closer. “I’m just glad you werena hurt.”

  Roslyn shook her head. “That would make no difference to Roderick. He’d see nothing wrong with Sinclair’s behavior. In fact, I am sure he’d praise him for it. He only cares about forming an alliance that would gain him land and wealth.” She studied Ian. “For a servant, you know a lot about my future husband.”

  Ian shrugged. “I’m very observant and merely keep my eyes and ears open.”

  Ian now stood less than an arm’s length away. Her pulse quickened, her heart hammered, and she found it hard to draw a breath. She lowered her gaze and spoke again. “What have you observed about me?” She tried her best to keep her voice from shaking as she spoke, but failed miserably.

  Ian stroked his knuckle along her cheek. “I see before me a very unhappy woman. A breathtakingly beautiful lass who is trapped in a life she wishes were different and longs to be set free.”

  His touch sent a warm, tingling sensation coursing through her veins. She clutched his hand and held it against her cheek, then peered up at him. “You’re very astute, Ian Forbes. What else do you see?”

  She’d never been so bold with a man before, but with Ian it was different. Fiona was right in her assumptions. He’d caught her attention the moment she laid eyes on him in the great hall. The thought of his powerful arms wrapped protectively around her made her want to forge ahead with reckless abandon and no regard for the consequences. Lord help her, but she wanted him to kiss her.

  As if he knew her inner thoughts, Ian snaked his arm around her waist and hauled her against his chest. He slid two fingers under her chin, then raised it until their gazes met. “I see emerald eyes that can look into a man’s soul, the spirit of a warrior, and lips made for—” He dipped his head and kissed her soundly.

  Roslyn knew this was wrong and she should do everything in her power to resist temptation, but she couldn’t bring herself to push him away. Instead, she thread her fingers through his raven hair and returned his kiss with equal enthusiasm, consumed by a passion she’d never known.

  Ian swept his tongue across her lips and she opened her mouth to his sweet invasion, savoring the moment and wishing it would never end. Heat spread throughout her body as his hands roamed up and down her spine, then settled over her bottom. She gasped when he pressed his hips into the hollow of her thighs, and he deepened his kiss, their tongues entwined in an intimate dance.

  After a moment, and to her dismay, he raised his head and released her. “Forgive me, Lady Roslyn. I meant no disrespect. If you wish to have me flogged, I understand. But before you see me punished, let me say this.” He hesitated and lightly traced her lips with the pad of his thumb. “You are the most beautiful, desirable woman I have ever met. If sampling your lips means death, so be it. I will die a happy man,” he said, then plundered her mouth without mercy again.

  Her head spinning and knees weak, Roslyn fisted his tunic for support. She wanted this encounter to go on forever, but she knew her brother could barge into the room at any second. If Roderick found her in Ian’s embrace, he’d throw him into the dungeon and torture him until he drew his last breath. She planted her hands on his chest and shoved until he released her. “We mustna do this.”

  “Forgive me,” Ian said. “I had no right to take such liberties and should never have acted on my feelings.”

  “Nay. It is I who should be ashamed.” Roslyn backed away. “I did naught to stop you, nor did I want to. But if my brother finds you here, he’ll kill you.”

  “Are you saying what I think you are?” Ian asked, once again closing the gap between them.

  Roslyn nodded. “Aye. But it mustna happen again,” she quickly added.

  “Because you are betrothed, or because I am a servant,” Ian asked.

  “It has naught to do with either of those things. I hate Lord Sinclair, and after what happened, he has cancelled our engagement. As for you being a servant, I care not about status. It’s what’s inside a man or woman that counts.” She thumped her fist against her breast. “It has naught to do with land or money, but how a person lives their life. The heart knows goodness and no one can dictate who you love.”

  Ian wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her near. “And men are not always as they appear.” He pressed his lips to her forehead.

  “What are you saying? Who are you, Ian Forbes, and what brought you to Morgan Castle?”

  He tipped her chin. “Fate,” he murmured against her lips.

  “Move aside Blake and unlock the door. I want to have a talk with my sister,” Roderick’s voice echoed in the hallway.

  Seized by panic, Roslyn clutched Ian’s arms and stared up at him. “You must go!” She ran to the door and barred it from the inside, then frantically searched the room, looking for a means by which Ian could escape. “Roderick mustna find you here. But I see no way out.”

  Roderick pounded on the door. “Unbar this at once Roslyn. If necessary, I will get a battering ram and break it down. You are only making things worse for yourself.”

  Ian grasped her by the shoulders. “I came in through the window and can leave the same way.”

  “The window?” she shrieked, then peered into the courtyard below. “There is but a thin ledge of stone and a straight drop down. To slip would mean certain death.”

  “If I stay, Roderick will kill me. I’d rather take my chances on the ledge.” Ian threw one leg over the windowsill, then held out his hand. “Come with me. It isna safe for you to remain.”

  “I canna.” She backed away. “I am terrified of heights.”

  “Well you canna stay here.” He motioned with a flick of his hand. “I’ll na let you fal

  “I fear na for myself. I have faced my brother’s wrath before. But If I defy him again, it will only make things worse for—” She lowered her gaze.

  “For who?” Ian climbed back into the room.

  “I fear he will take his anger out on Quinn. He vowed he would and I willna take that chance,” Roslyn said. “Please go, Ian, and dinna come back. I’m begging you.”

  Ian scratched his head. “Surely he wouldna harm a lad he claims is his son. Na because of something you’ve done?”

  “You dinna know my brother. He can and he will hurt Quinn if I do anything else to upset him.”

  “I canna leave you behind to face the blackguard alone. If you willna come with me, I’ll stay here and defend you.”

  “With what? You have no weapon and my brother will be heavily armed, not to mention accompanied by his guards. You wouldna stand a chance.”

  “Roslyn!” Roderick shouted. “My patience grows thin. Either you open the door now, or I will. And heaven help you.”

  Roslyn took Ian’s hands between her own and peered up at him. “If you truly care about me, you’ll go. I dinna want to see you die. And you may be the only one who can help Quinn.” She kissed his fingertips before steering him toward the window. “Please be careful. If you can make your way along the ledge to the next room, you can enter through the window.


  She placed two fingers against his lips. “Go Ian, and dinna think about me again. Promise you will do what you can to help Quinn instead. Use my brother’s ire as a chance to help the lad escape. He’ll be so busy reprimanding me, he’ll na be thinking about Quinn,” Roslyn said. “This may all be a blessing in disguise. And my misfortune may prove to be my nephew’s salvation.”

  “How can you call your torture and punishment a blessing?” Ian countered. “It is my fault this is happening. I attacked Sinclair and should be the one punished.”

  “Nay, Ian. You did what you did to save me from that fiend. And the Almighty has a plan for all of us. Perhaps the Lord put you here to save Quinn. Return him to his mother. It is my last wish.”


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