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Marshal's Law

Page 11

by Maddie Taylor

  He tugged down her drawers and began a series of hard slaps on her bare backside.

  “No… I’m sorry. Don’t do this Aaron, please. No one was around to see but you.”

  “This road leads to town, Janelle. Someone could have ridden up at any moment. Besides, I told you what the consequences would be, but you didn’t heed my warning. Now hush before you attract unwanted attention. You’ve earned what you’ve got coming.” He kept up a steady barrage of stinging swats until her cheeks were ablaze and Janelle was crying and compliant over his lap. She continued to cry even though he stopped. Helping her up, he tried to gather her into his arms, but she resisted. Both hands went to her behind, rubbing gently.

  “Can we go now?” She wouldn’t look him in the eye as she sniffled and tried to mop her face dry with her sleeves as the tears kept on coming.

  “Yes, we can go. But keep in mind that pouting, temper tantrums, and the cold shoulder will only earn you more of the same. Understand?”

  Worry over receiving another paddling on top of an already tender bottom had her nodding and hurrying toward the buggy, away from her Neanderthal husband. She thought it best to get back on the road as quickly as possible.

  Her mouth had never kept up with her brain, however, and she couldn’t hold her tongue at the perceived injustice of her situation. “I understand your orders, Aaron. What I don’t understand is how you can accuse me of exposing myself and then do the very thing by pulling down my drawers for a spanking. That’s rather hypocritical isn’t it?” Spinning around to confront him, she pointed her finger at his chest to make her point. “Also, your language is just as salty as mine at times. That remark about nickel night, for example. I think there is a double standard here, and I don’t like it. I cry foul.”

  “If you’re still this sassy after twenty swats, I guess I didn’t spank you hard enough.” That shut her up fast. “Are you through, or do you need another twenty swats to regain your composure?”

  She gulped. From the look on his face, he’d be happy to haul her right back across his lap. She shook her head wisely, stating, “No, I’m through.”

  “Smart girl. Let’s go.”

  As he escorted her back to the buggy, she wondered what she had done to get stuck in an era where men spanked their women and arrogantly controlled their behavior. Thinking back on some of the spanking romances she’d read, it had been just that very thing that turned her on and kept her buying more and more, filling up her kindle. Careful what you wish for, Janelle.

  * * *

  As they resumed their trip, silence encompassed them both, and he wondered if she’d foolishly decided on the cold shoulder routine. He decided he’d give her until town to get her thoughts in order. Only a few minutes passed before they came across some neighbors on their way home from town and a few minutes later a few men on horseback. Aaron stopped briefly to greet them and introduce Janelle, but moved along as soon as politely possible. As they drew nearer to town, they ran into more buggies, wagons, and riders on the busy road.

  Aaron watched her with sidelong glances every now and then. He wondered when she’d realize why he had been so upset. Her deepening blush told him she’d figured it out. If any of these folks had come along a few minutes earlier, they might have witnessed her spanking or her unladylike display on the buggy seat. Aaron didn’t utter a word. He’d already meted out her punishment, and that was that. But he hoped she’d eventually own up to her lapse in judgment and accept responsibility for her actions. She didn’t speak another word of complaint about the heat or the spanking, although he noticed her shifting uncomfortably atop the buggy seat every time they encountered a rut. His girl sure couldn’t handle more than a mild paddling.

  Aaron was attentive as he showed her around town, introducing her to friends and acquaintances before stopping by Mrs. Mayhew’s. He was also quite generous, buying her six ready-made dresses along with enough material for Ma to make up another four or five. As they conducted their errands, Arron noticed that she was quite introspective. She was quiet but polite, answering his questions or speaking only when addressed.

  When they came to their next stop, she finally opened up and talked to him. As he lifted her down from the buggy and turned to guide her inside, she laid a hand on his forearm and stopped him.

  “Aaron, I’ve been thinking that I’m having a harder time adjusting to what is expected of women in this day and age than I expected. I was also considering my behavior earlier…”

  “You can talk to me, Janelle. Did you come to a conclusion?”

  She nodded and took a steadying breath before she continued. “I decided that from what I know about this time period, my earlier actions were rather inappropriate and even scandalous. I have to remind myself that what is normal behavior for me is probably shocking and alien to you. I’m sorry for the way I behaved earlier. Please, won’t you be patient with me?”

  He looked down at her contrite and earnest expression and nodded. “Of course I will, honey, and I accept your apology. As for patience, if you think about it, you’ll realize I was patient this afternoon. For half an hour, I listened to your fussing and complaining. Even when your language deteriorated and you opened your blouse, I only instructed and gave you a warning, but you persisted. Finally, when you flashed your drawers and began talking about Satan’s hind parts in a very unladylike fashion, well, darlin’, that was the final straw. I am a fairly patient man, but you have to learn you can only push me so far. But I think something else was going on today.”

  Her eyes flew up to his in question as she quirked a delicate blonde brow. His hand cupped her cheek as he clarified his thinking for her. “You were pushing me a bit, Janelle, maybe testing me a little.”

  She considered that for a moment. Had she pushed him on purpose? “I don’t know. Maybe I was.”

  “That’s normal, darlin’. We’re new as a couple. I know it’s going to take time to become accustomed to each other, especially for you, Janelle. In a short time, your life has been thrown into upheaval. Since then I have become your rock, and you are testing me to make sure I won’t budge.”

  She looked up at him thoughtfully for several moments. “That makes a lot of sense. You have been the one constant since I arrived. For good or bad you have been there for me, Aaron.” Looking down at their clutched hands, she asked the next question in a soft voice, near a whisper. “So you think I wanted to be spanked, subconsciously? As a test? But a spanking hurts, Aaron.”

  “Yeah, but it is also something quite tangible. You’ve lost a lot, honey. I think you might be acting outrageously, pushing me hard to see if I’m suddenly going to give up on you and walk away. I think you’re afraid to lose me, just like you’ve lost everything else in your life so recently.”

  “That’s some really deep thinking, Aaron. Quite ahead of your time, I might add.”

  “Really? Before you praise all my theories, let me add that you might be misbehaving to get a spanking because it gets you aroused.”


  He chuckled as she looked up and down the city block, checking to see who might have overheard.

  “See, you’re a proper lady when you’re worried people might see or overhear. But on the road today when you thought we were alone and it was safe, you had your skirts around your ears, showing your goods.”

  “I did not,” she challenged

  “I exaggerated, but you were testing all the same,” was his return volley.

  “You’re right, I was.”

  Cupping her cheek, he looked deeply into her eyes. “I can promise you, Janelle, that I won’t be going anywhere.”

  “I’m sorry, Aaron.”

  “Apology accepted, darlin’.”

  “What about your other theory?”

  He knew she referred to the spankings when she wouldn’t meet his eyes.

  “It’s not so unusual for a woman to be aroused by a spanking.” Bending low to speak into her ear to assure privacy, he said, “I can a
ssure you that most men like it too. It’s an intimate act, as you lie across my thighs with your bottom bared, my hand so close to your most private parts, my fingers near your wet cunny, my hard cock pressed into your soft belly. How could we not get aroused…?” Hearing her shallow breathing, he figured he’d better settle them both down. They were on a public street after all. Stepping back, he looked at her flushed face and passion-glazed eyes. Lifting her chin, he waited until she met his gaze. “We’ll explore that later at a more appropriate time. But I want you to know that I heard you, Janelle. It isn’t fair for me to use salty language but to scold you for doing the same. Let’s both vow to work on that together, shall we?”

  She had to concentrate to regain her composure, licking her dry lips and taking a deep breath. Afterward, she gave her wholehearted agreement, hugged him close, and vowed to do the same.

  Aaron returned her embrace briefly, “We better stop before the town gossips start spreading rumors and talking about the scandalous Marshal Jackson carrying on with his new bride. They have little else to do around here for entertainment, so the least bit of news spreads like wildfire in town and can often be vicious.” Grasping her shoulders, he gently turned her to face the large cottage-style house they stood before. “Now, how about we go inside before I kiss you right here on the walkway and really create a stir. Besides, I’d like to give you a tour of the house.”

  He closely watched her reaction to the two-story red brick home in front of her. It had a high-pitched, slated gray roof edged in terra cotta trim on the eaves. There were covered verandas in front that bracketed a large, round, column-like structure. The tall dormer gracing the second floor had large windows, and the rounded roof made it look just like a castle turret. He was proud of his home, having helped with the design and selection of materials. It had turned out exactly as he’d imagined, and he hoped it would please his new bride.

  “Aaron, it’s beautiful,” she squealed excitedly. “Please, tell me it has indoor plumbing.”

  Laughing, he escorted her up one of the two sets of front steps and into a foyer, which he called the hall. It was spacious and well decorated, with shiny hardwood floors. He turned her to the right, and they entered a hexagon-shaped parlor with large windows on four of the walls. Moving to open the drapes, he raised the windows, allowing a breeze to sweep through the room. Guiding her down the hall, they toured the dining room and kitchen located at the rear of the house, and he opened more windows as they went, creating a cool cross breeze from the shade of the silver maples behind the house.

  The kitchen was large and flanked by a pantry and china closet on one side and another shorter hall leading to a third veranda in the back. He let her open the remaining door and laughed aloud when he heard her delighted squeal.

  “Honey, I have never seen a woman get so excited over a toilet before.”

  Next, he led her up the staircase to the second floor, where there were four bedrooms and another bathroom, complete with a claw foot tub and another toilet. Aaron ended their tour in the large master bedroom with tall windows that overlooked the mountains. He moved around the room, opening the windows to let in some air but drawing down the shades for privacy.

  “Get undressed, darlin’. I’ve wanted you since I paddled your bottom this morning.”

  “But, Aaron, I’m all dusty and sweaty. Don’t you want to bathe first?”

  “I want you now. We can bathe after, together.” As he spoke, he walked up behind her and began impatiently removing her hat, pulling the pins from her long hair and spreading the golden fall across her shoulders. Pausing, he couldn’t resist burying his face in the fragrant mass as he inhaled. “You smell sinfully delicious, baby. I can’t wait to taste you.”

  He made quick work of her skirt and petticoats, letting them fall in a pool around her ankles. When he pulled away her blouse, he noticed the stiff whalebone corset that squeezed her already small waist and growled his displeasure. “No wonder you were burning up. Who told you to wear this monstrosity?” He began unlacing her corset. The material was damp, and he could see where it had dug into her pale skin where it had been laced too tightly.

  “Your mother said I would need to wear one in town.”

  “Utter nonsense. You have a tiny waist as it is. You don’t need to be squeezed into one of these cages. I suppose we’ll have to go back to Mrs. Mayhew’s to re-measure you since I forbid you to wear this nonsense again.”

  “But Aaron, both your mother and the seamstress said that decent women always wear a corset in town.”

  He cursed silently at the ties that were tightly knotted and beyond his capability to loosen. Bending, he pulled a knife from his boot to cut them.

  “Aaron, please, don’t cut it. It’s my only one. I’m sure people are gossiping about me already. Let’s not add fuel to the fire by me going around underdressed.” She looked up at him imploringly.

  “Are you the same woman that was complaining about all these women’s trappings only a few hours ago?”

  “Yes, sir, but I’ve seen the error of my ways.” Turning her back on him, she looked over her shoulder beseechingly. “Please. Try again?”

  “Fine, but come over here where the light is better.” He sat on the bed where the setting sun cast a swath of light through the light-filtering shades. As he waited for her to come to him, he admired the sight she made in her corset and drawers. Her hair shone like spun gold in the light as it swept across her bare shoulders, and the tops of her breasts were pushed up high by the tight corset. The half chemise she wore underneath concealed very little and detracted none from the fetching display. “I guess that silly contraption has one redeeming quality. You look absolutely sinful in it.”

  “In my day, corsets are only worn to entice men. Wives and lovers buy them in all kinds of sinful colors, like black, red satin, and royal purple. They wear them either with nothing underneath or with skimpy panties or garters and hose.”

  Aaron imagined Janelle wearing nothing but the corset and garters. Her breasts bare and spilling over the top. Her bottom and silky mound exposed and tempting. “Come here, woman. I’ll give it five more minutes, but then I’m either removing your drawers and taking you in that erotic contraption, or I’m cutting it off. Either way, my limited patience is wearing thin.”

  She hurried to him and turned her back, but not before he saw the impish little smile that played across her lips. He brought his broad hand down on her barely covered ass in a playful swat, as he leaned in to whisper in her ear, “Teasing your husband will leave you a corset short, wife. Be good for another minute while I get this torture device off you.”

  Ten minutes of Aaron’s grumbling passed before the stays came loose. It hadn’t hit the floor before he’d scooped her up and dropped her in the middle of the plush mattress. As he stepped back to strip off his own clothes, he watched her bounce slightly, jiggling in the most delightful places.

  “Lose the shift and drawers, baby. If you want to keep them, that is.”

  Protective of her limited undergarments, she stripped, tossing the linen drawers over the side of the bed just as he pressed his knee into the mattress and crawled toward her. No, she thought, more like he stalked toward her, a wolf after his prey. When he reached her feet, he wrapped his fingers around her delicate ankles and spread her legs wide. His hands slid up her calves, past her knees, and spread across the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. Pressing them wide, he gazed hungrily at her moist, pink center. Suddenly, her shy hand was covering his prize, and his eyes snapped to hers to see what was wrong. Finding her cheeks coloring to a fiery red, he shook his head slightly as he stared intently into her brilliant blue eyes. He silently compelled her to move her hand, once again revealing her most susceptible parts to his avid, hungry gaze.

  “Don’t ever hide from me, Janelle. You are beautiful, and you’re mine now, my sweet bride. I want to see you, all of you.”

  “Yes, sir. I was feeling a bit like the hungry wolf’s next meal, is a

  “Funny,” he chuckled, amused by how their thoughts mirrored each other’s. “I was feeling a bit wolfish myself, but you have nothing to fear, Red Riding Hood. I won’t hurt you.” He leaned forward and licked up the valley between her breasts, then up her throat, until he was able to latch onto her earlobe, nipping gently with his teeth. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, Aaron. Please…”

  “I aim to please, honey. But let’s test how much you trust me.” He lifted his head just enough so he could see her eyes. He planned to test her compliance just a bit. How obedient would his little tempest be when she was out of her mind with lust, aching and craving satisfaction?

  “Reach above you and grab the headboard. Leave your hands there until I tell you to move them.” His deep brown gaze watched patiently, compelling her to do what he asked.

  Hesitantly, her hands reached blindly above her head until she felt the spindles of the headboard. Finally, when she lay compliant beneath him, he went back to his primary target.

  “Such a good girl you are, Janelle. I want you to trust me.” Pushing her thighs unbelievably wide, he lowered his mouth, hovering over her unguarded flesh. His teasing breath as he spoke made her heated flesh quiver. “Can you do that, Janelle? Can you give me your trust?”

  Her whimpers became more frantic, and her breaths were short as she panted, “Yes, Aaron. I trust you, but please… end this torture!”

  “Just a bit more, darlin’. When you take the time to slowly savor the pleasure, the reward is that much sweeter.” Aaron’s tongue lapped and teased her aching clit. “This is such a delicious little cunny, Janelle. And it’s all mine. Isn’t it?”

  He watched, delighting as his teasing, naughty words primed her response, causing her head to rear back as she moaned uncontrollably. But he was relentless. “Say it, Janelle. Who do you belong to?”

  “You, Aaron. I belong to you.”

  Satisfied, his lips moved to her little bundle of nerves, surrounding it and applying suction until she arched off the bed with a low, prolonged groan of ecstasy. He gave her little bud his undivided attention until he felt her hands in his hair, fingers winding around the strands, pulling him closer.


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