Book Read Free

Marshal's Law

Page 27

by Maddie Taylor

  “Must I remind you—?”

  “—I know, it isn’t 2013, Aaron.”

  “I’m not convinced that you do, honey. Or at least, you’re not accepting of the fact.”

  She looked away, blinking rapidly to control the tears that threatened. “Tell me why you took me to see Doc that day and by the store and to Mrs. Mayhew. Were you just humoring me?”

  He looked away, and she had her answer before he said a word. “To be honest, I never thought Doc would go along with your idea, Janelle. He is very old-fashioned. A lot like me, I guess. That he changed his mind is a real testament to your persistence. As far as the herbal remedies go, I thought they were a great idea and had a feeling folks were really going to take to those, which they did. But they don’t take you away from home, traipsing all over the countryside and into dangerous situations. It may seem selfish to you, but I want my wife here, safe at home, where she belongs.”

  “You’re right, Aaron. That does seem selfish, because I could help a lot of people. I’m an excellent nurse and have gotten really good with my herbs. But I guess in this day and time, housekeeping, sex, and childbearing are all I’m really needed for.” Feeling defeated, she murmured, “I’ll get your supper.”

  Janelle left the room before she could say something she’d come to regret. He couldn’t help the way he was. The time he lived in had molded his beliefs and values, but understanding that didn’t make her frustration any easier to endure. As she walked down the hall to the kitchen, she heard his husky voice call after her, but she couldn’t discuss it anymore right now and kept going, answering respectfully, “It will be ready in about ten minutes.”

  Supper was awkward and silent. Janelle was afraid to risk saying anything that would unleash the crushing disappointment that weighed heavily upon her. Aaron, perceptive as always, remained silent as well. He didn’t try to tease her out of her sulk or encourage her to talk. Instead, he gave her occasional sidelong glances as if he expected her to explode at any minute. Janelle thought a good freak out might relieve some of her bottled up emotions, but her bottom likely would have suffered for it. The silence was fine with her, giving her time to work through yet another adjustment in her new life.

  Aaron’s position was clear, and his way of thinking was not entirely unreasonable. If the photo could be relied upon, they would have a family soon—twin sons, for heaven’s sake. She knew that was going to be a lot of work and understood his fears about her safety as well. Everything he said made sense, but she wasn’t about to let him know that. She wanted to be able to make her own decisions and do what she wanted to do. Most of all, she resented being told that she couldn’t do something. She wanted to rail at him like a rebellious teenager and declare ‘you’re not the boss of me’.

  As usual, being obedient to his command just went against the grain. For the first twenty-three years of her life, she was told she could be or do anything she wanted. That kind of conditioning was hard to undo. Still, as she sat there thinking about the photo and the precious children that would be coming into their lives soon, she knew he was right. What did she expect to do when she was pregnant, or after the twins were born? Go haring off to parts unknown with them in tow? Or maybe strapped to her back like a papoose. Many of the places they would need to go weren’t accessible by wagon. She couldn’t tote infants around on the back of a horse. Or maybe she’d hire a nanny out of her salary of hens and eggs and smoked hams, which according to Doc was often how he got paid by the country folk who did well to just get by. Dammit! She hated it when Aaron was right—like usual.

  Having no appetite, she silently moved her food around on her plate, eating nothing, lost in thought and self-recrimination. She suddenly stood up, murmuring, “I have apple pie for dessert.”

  He grabbed her wrist before she could pass. “Janelle, talk to me about this.”

  “I can’t, Aaron. I need time to think.”

  “We’ve talked about this.”

  “I know but… I guess I didn’t think it was real or would apply to me. Pretty naïve of me, huh? I’ve been here long enough to know a woman’s role. I just thought…”

  “What, honey?”

  “All my life I’ve just wanted to help people and make a difference. I thought I could use my knowledge to help others. I had a plan for my life—thinking I could have a career and a family. Stupid, huh?” She pulled her wrist free. “I’ll be back with your pie. I made apple, your favorite.”

  * * *

  Janelle went up to bed early that night. Aaron was out taking care of his horse, giving her some time alone. Time to think, as she’d requested. By the time he’d locked up and come upstairs, she was already in bed, lying awake, staring at the ceiling. He undressed and slipped into bed beside her, pulling her body against his. She was stiff at first, but soon relaxed, her head coming to rest on his shoulder.

  “Let’s talk about this, sweet pea. I don’t want to go to sleep angry, with this between us.”

  “I’m not angry, Aaron. I’m disappointed. I spent four long, arduous years studying the human body in order to become a nurse. I have something to give, something important that can help others. To be told that I can’t is disheartening.”

  “Caring for your family isn’t important and rewarding?”

  “I didn’t say that.” Unexpected tears burned her eyes and overflowed. Hating her vulnerability, she quickly wiped them away and sat up. “Do you know I’m not usually a crier? But since I arrived here, I’ve never cried so much in my life.”

  His big hand stroked her back. “I can’t stand to see you unhappy, Janelle. Tell me something, didn’t you plan to marry and have a family in 2013?”

  “I always thought I’d settle down, but not for a few years. And I love kids. As an only child, I missed out on brothers and sisters, so I always planned to have at least two or three.”

  “That’s good to hear. So tell me this, in 2013, would you have started a new career like this if you knew you were having twins in the near future? Possibly within the next year? What would you and your husband of the future do with twins?”

  “I’d probably take time off to care for them, at least until they went to school.”

  “So, why is my request any different?”

  Turning back to him, she put her hand on his chest. Was he right? Would she have been this disappointed in her own time? “Maybe because it’s not a request? It’s a dictate, and I don’t really have a choice.”

  Lying back down beside him, she sighed heavily, resigned. “I’d still like to make my herbals. Would that be suitable? I do that at home, anyway. Besides, I’ll need them if someone in the family gets sick.”

  “Of course, honey. In fact, I’d like to see you keep that up. Sell them or give them away if you’d rather. The town is all abuzz about Mrs. Jackson’s herbals.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I’m sorry this has been so hard on you, sweet pea.”

  “It just seems like I’m the one who is making all the concessions.”

  “These are the times you now live in. When a woman takes marriage vows and gains a husband, she goes from her father’s authority to her husband’s. I can see how difficult this is, especially after being on your own for several years. It seems to me that is what you have the biggest problem with, Janelle—independence, or the lack thereof.”

  Angling her head up to him, Janelle thought to herself, he’s amazingly perceptive for a Neanderthal. Of course, being an intelligent woman, she kept this entirely to herself. “I guess I shouldn’t have vowed to obey, huh?”

  “That never would have been an option. I know I can be arrogant and demanding, Janelle, and I’m trying to be understanding of your feelings and need for independence. But in this, I have to stand firm. Our family and your safety will always come first with me. As for the wedding vows… There’s no do overs. You’ll just have to suck it up, as you like to say.”

  She huffed a little laugh at his use of modern slang. She was obviously rubbing off on
him a little. Maybe if she kept at it long enough… Her thoughts were interrupted by his warm lips as he pulled her in for a deep, lingering kiss.

  When he raised his head, she smiled softly at him. “I still love you, even if you are a Neanderthal and a male chauvinist.”

  “I love you too, sweet pea. Especially because you are a smart, beautiful, independent woman. But someday you are going to have to tell me what that means so I know when I’m being insulted.”

  “It means someone who has an overwhelming urge to make love to his wife. Please, Aaron?”

  “Ah, darlin’, I don’t believe it for a minute, but who am I to argue?” He pulled her on top of him, sinking his hands into her hair and holding her head still, before taking command of her mouth. Releasing her long moments later, he whispered against her lips, “Take off this gown. I want you naked.”

  With his help, the long gown was swept over her head and gone in an instant. Already naked, Aaron guided her so that she straddled his hips. His length pressed hard and demanding against her core. As usual, she was wet and ready for him. “Take me inside and ride me, honey. You set the pace and be in charge this time.”

  She smiled down at him, recognizing he was oblivious to the fact that even when relinquishing control, he kept it by ordering her to do so. He was the consummate dominant husband. Taking him inside, she began to ride him slowly, undulating against him, rolling her hips in a sensuous motion as she took him deep.

  Watching her with passion heating his brown eyes, he crossed his arms behind his head, a sign that he was willing to allow her to set the pace. Janelle eagerly watched his muscles as he moved. Unable to stay completely still, his hips flexed each time she lowered onto his shaft. His movements created a sexy ripple in his washboard abs, and she couldn’t resist running her fingertips along them. When she reached his bulging pecs, she splayed her fingers wide, savoring the feel of his chiseled chest beneath her hands. Rocking slowly, her body took him with long, deep glides of her wet sheath.

  Her fingers playfully tweaked his small, hard nipples—their hardness one of the few signs he was affected by their lovemaking. She smiled seductively when she saw his arms twitch. Obviously, he was itching to retake control. Leaning forward, she caressed his body with her own, deciding to test his self-control. “How does it feel? Lying there so still, as I move against you, feeling you deep inside me. Do you want me, Aaron? Do you want to touch me all over, caressing and stroking me?” Her breath teased his heated skin, and her tongue slipped out to lap at one hard nipple, before she captured it between her teeth, nibbling gently. She smiled in satisfaction when he sucked in his breath, body tensing, fists clenching, as he twisted the linen covered pillow in his strong hands. When she released him, she licked his abused flesh with her tongue, whispering, “Do you like that, Aaron? Is that what you want to do to me? To lick and nibble and taste me all over with your sinful, sexy mouth?”

  “Sakes alive, honey. Don’t tease me while I’m inside you or we’ll be done far too soon.”

  She smiled seductively, high from the control he had given her. Her fingers and mouth left his nipples, nails scraping lightly over his chest, teasing across his under arms, upward along the bulging, rippling muscles of his biceps and forearms, until she reached his big hands. She tormented him, dragging her breasts along his chest until she lay fully on top of him, her fingers intertwining with his.

  They were face-to-face, her hair falling in a soft, sweetly-scented curtain around them. His eyes snapped with barely-contained desire.

  “Aaron,” she said huskily as she lapped at his lower lip¸ capturing it gently between her teeth.

  “Janelle, you’re killing me here. I need you to move, baby, before I go insane.”

  “Just one thing…”

  “Heavenly day, Janelle,” he groaned as if in pain. “Talk after.”

  “I just need to tell you something important. You know how I resist your control now and then?” She paused, when he snorted at the last part. “Okay, when I resist your control more often than not?”

  He groaned, his muscles growing rigid and tense as he struggled to hold back his need. “Yeah, honey, what’s your point?”

  Feeling bold and exhilarated by this small scintilla of power, she turned her head and nibbled along his cheek until she reached his ear. Taking his lobe between her teeth, she nipped him lightly, then soothed the sting away with her tongue.

  “Criminy! Finish me, Janelle, before I take over!”

  “It’s just that I like it.”

  His tightly closed eyes flew open, meeting hers in question. “What do you like, honey?”

  “I like when you dominate me in the bedroom. It gets me hot.” That was all he needed. His hands moved, clamping her firmly around her waist. In a second, she was flat on her back with his big body looming over her. His gaze was intent and passionate as he began riding her, stroking into her deeply, savoring the snug embrace of her slick, sultry passage.

  His mouth lowered to hers, and his beard tickled as he spoke against her lips. “You, my lovely wife, are a consummate tease.”

  “You think so?” she whispered, arching into him, her hips rising to meet each exquisite thrust.

  “I know so, naughty girl.”

  “That makes us even, bad boy. Because I learned it from you.”

  Chuckling into her mouth, his tongue swept in and seized her in a masterful kiss. Fingers locked together, they moved as one, taking and giving equally, until they climaxed together in a writhing passionate release of ecstasy.

  * * *

  The next morning, Aaron came downstairs for breakfast to find a radiant and happy Janelle practically bursting out of her skin with excitement. She greeted him with an effusive hug and reaching up to cup his cheeks, pulled him down for an enthusiastic good morning kiss. Grinning down at the woman before him, he marveled at how she was the complete opposite of the sad, withdrawn creature of the evening before.

  “I’d like to take credit for this change in mood, sweet pea, but even I’m not that conceited.”

  “Stating the truth isn’t conceit, dear husband. Actually, I had what I think is a brilliant idea, and I hope it will not offend your manly view of my woman’s role.”

  “Janelle, that sounds a tad disrespectful, don’t you think?”

  “I was trying to tease you, Aaron. A bad joke, I agree.”

  “Pa would be disappointed, sweet pea.”

  She looked at him curiously and he could see her replaying their words in her mind. When his meaning finally dawned, her smile reemerged. “They can’t all be ‘real humdingers’, now can they?” She leaned up and pursed her lips, waiting for another kiss, which he graciously gave. “But seriously, my idea is to write a book. A book of recipes, actually, on how to make my herbal concoctions. I have my reference book to help me get started and can get Doc to contribute. He can have his say, maybe even do a bit of research through his clinic, and his name and credentials will add legitimacy, which is a must. It will be written in common, everyday language that everyone will understand. I have seen cookbooks written by women; surely that is an acceptable feminine pursuit. I can get your ma to contribute with tips on how to grow the herbs and cultivate the bark. I thought it might even be helpful to get Joseph Whitefeather to contribute. His mother must have tons of Native American treatments. Then we can—”

  “Whoa! Catch your breath, Janelle.”

  “What? Wait a minute. That’s what you said the last time you said ‘no’. You’re not going to veto this idea too, are you, Aaron? What harm can a book be? You are truly a chauvinist if you can’t bring yourself to agree to an innocent book of herbal recipes. Seriously, I—”

  He cupped his hand over her mouth, silencing the barrage of words spilling uncontrollably from her lips. “Janelle. Please catch your breath before you pass out. I wasn’t going to say no. I was going to tell you what a wonderful idea I think it is.”

  “You do?” Her words were a muffled sound behind his hand,
and he barked with laughter at her shocked face as he pulled it away.

  “Yes, and it will let you help more than a handful of people locally. In print you can share your knowledge with hundreds—thousands even.”

  “Do you think it could be that successful?”

  “Of course, you do know that my objection to you working with Doc has nothing to do with your ability, don’t you, Janelle? I admit to feeling incredibly selfish by not allowing our friends and neighbors and all the good citizens of Cheyenne County to benefit from your expertise.”

  “Oh, Aaron, thank you. It’s good to be acknowledged,” she said and hugged him close once again.

  “Funny you should say that, because I have a few rules for your book.”

  Her brow furrowed in concern. What kind of archaic rule was her macho man going to lay upon her now? “What?”

  Lifting his hand, Aaron traced her mutinous frown with a long finger. “First and foremost,” he said, with a teasing lilt to his voice, “no trying out your concoctions on your husband when you’re angry.”

  “I’d never—” She stopped short, a mischievous smile crossing her face.

  “Stop right there, Janelle, I can see the wheels turning. I was joking, not trying to give you ideas.” His voice took on a warning tone at the scheming look on her face.

  She instantly lifted her hand, three fingers raised in her old Girl Scout salute. “I solemnly swear to use my knowledge for good, not for evil, especially against my darling husband. So help me God.”

  Watching her giggle, amusing herself with another future reference he was certain, he succinctly stated, “No one likes a smart Aleck, Janelle.”

  It was her turn to look surprised.

  “What? This time you need a translation?” he guessed incorrectly with a little twitch of his lips. “That’s from a detective series. It means wiseacre or know-it-all. But in your case, it means you’re getting a bit sassy.”

  “Touché, honey. Although I’m familiar with the term, I thought it was a 20th century expression. It’s morphed a little in my time, along with wiseacre. They combined them with another name for a donkey and have made it part of the common vernacular. So much so that the words are no longer that offensive and vulgar.”


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