Book Read Free

Own It

Page 10

by M Dauphin

  “Can we play hide and seek, uncle Jett?” She shrieks, twirling around and making her costume dress she’s wearing fluff up around her.

  “Absolutely. You go count, Addi and I will hide!” She runs to the couch and buries her head in the pillows and I head into the kitchen and hide behind the island with a very loud, laughing nine month old.

  We spend the afternoon playing and by naptime I’m in dire need of a break. No fucking wonder Paisley looked so worn down. This parenting thing is nonstop!

  It takes two episodes of Mickey Mouse, but I finally get Emma down for a nap and lay Addi in her pack-n-play before heading into the kitchen for a snack. My phone’s lighting up on the counter and I grab it while shoving a chip in my mouth.

  Lo: What r u up to tonight ;)

  I smile and walk into the living room, snapping a picture of the sleeping kiddo on the couch as my response and hit send, smiling to myself as I walk to the fridge for some food. Being a cool uncle is fucking exhausting and I’ve learned I really need to baby proof this place if they’re going to start spending more time here. Shouldn’t be too hard to know what needs to be done. Just let the baby go for a little bit and there’s a laundry list of shit that needs to be safety-rigged. I also need to get to work on converting my spare room to a room for the girls. Jesus so much to do.

  My phone dings and I pick it up, shoving a pickle in my mouth.

  Lo: OMG! I love her!

  I chuckle and shake my head, typing out my reply.

  Me: The baby’s asleep in the pack and play. I’m eating everything in sight. These devils are insane!

  I shove another pickle in my mouth and grab some water. Hell, who needs the gym when you’re crawling all over the floor entertaining kids? I’m thrilled these girls are here and that Paisley felt comfortable enough to leave them with me over night. I just hope I don’t blow it.

  My phone dings again and I hit the silencer so these texts don’t wake the kids. Just the thought of Lo sitting there texting me has my balls screaming for attention. Hell, that girl’s done something to me and I don’t want it to stop.

  Lo: You’re a good uncle <3

  Me: Damn straight

  I smile and head to the bedroom, flipping on the TV and hit ‘send’ on the call after I pull up her number.

  “Hey you,” Lo croons into the phone.

  “Hey yourself.” I shift back on the bed and sigh, laying my head back and ignoring the TV.

  “What’s up?”

  “Break time, thank God.”

  “You dealing okay?”

  “Yea, for now. I have to do bath time later. Not certain how well that’s going to go over.” She laughs and I groan. “I’m serious. These kids never stop moving. How do I not drown one?”

  “Oh my God, Jett. Do you want me to come help you?”

  “Well yea, thank you. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to ask, God took ya long enough.”

  She barks out a laugh.

  “I would have been there to help all day, you know.”

  “I know,” I sigh. “I haven’t seen them since the funeral and I kind of missed them. I feel like I needed some bonding time with the little runts.”

  “All kids need an uncle like you,” she croons. “It’s so awesome.”

  “I’m pretty fucking awesome,” I murmur.

  “I’ll be over soon. Unlock the door for me.” She ends the call and I smile to myself. The kids don’t need a bath; I just wanted her to come over. She’d hiding from the world. She’s closed herself off from feeling anything. Tonight may not be a good idea, but at least it’ll make her feel something.

  I give her a half hour then head out to the kitchen, unlocking the side door and shooting her a text to come through that one so she doesn’t wake the kids. She walks through not five minutes after I send it, all smiles.

  “What did you bring?” I ask, eyeing the bags in her hands.

  “Well, you said one niece was a baby and you have no baby proofing shit. SO I brought some necessities. The rest you can get later. Also… snacks. Because kids love snacks. “

  “You didn’t have to do this.”

  “I did. Because you don’t have kid friendly things here.” She smiles and huffs, putting her hands on her hips. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?” Her eyes narrow at me and I almost lie to her.


  “I didn’t know how you’d be able to take it. You know… with… well.”

  Her eyebrows shoot up and though I’m happy I told the truth I feel like a massive dick.

  “I’m a grown woman. I don’t hate kids because mine was taken too early, Jett. That’s not how it works.”

  “Well you said yourself you don’t care anymore.”

  “I care!” she whisper-screams and I grin, making my point.

  She fucking cares. She doesn’t want to, but she does.

  “Well good.” I grin. “So what else did you bring?”

  She narrows her eyes at me as I stand here grinning from ear to ear. I’ve made it my goal to make her realize that she can’t just slum it in her brother’s place… not in those words obviously. She needs to realize that there’s still life out there even though she thinks hers ended. I’ve got her to accept a job and now I got her to accept that she still does care about shit, even if she acts otherwise.

  One day soon, Lo, I’ll make you see that life isn’t worth living if you’re not completely living it. She needs to live fully. And she will.

  “Well you said they needed a bath… and I know for a fact you don’t have kids soap here…” she pauses and grins. “So just some bath shit and toys for the tub and whatnot.” She rambles off and quickly dismisses the bags and she tiptoes into the living room.

  She fucking brought so much shit for kids she’s never met and for a moment I think I’m going to blurt those fucking words that’ll ruin everything, but I hold them back. But Jesus! This woman is amazing!

  She walks back in, silently grinning from ear to ear, her arms crossed in front of her.

  “Jett they’re beautiful,” she whispers sadly then walks over to me and lays her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her, knowing she’s full of emotions right now, and hold her until we hear footsteps in the living room.

  “Emma?” I whisper, watching her peek her head into the room. She grins and scrunches her nose at Lo.

  “Who’s that?” She asks me but won’t take her eyes off Lo. I smile and let go of Lo as she backs away and smiles down at Em.

  “I’m Lo. What’s your name?” Lo crouches down to Emma’s level and Emma walks over to her.

  “I’m Emma. I’m free.” She holds up three fingers and grins at her.

  Lo smiles so wide I think her fucking face may crack. Why can’t I ever get that awesome of a smile out of her?

  “Well I’m way older than you, but I was hoping you could teach me how to play with this new toy I brought today, Emma.” She walks over to the bag and pulls out a bubble blower. Emma’s face lights up and her eyes go wide.

  “Uncle Jett! She bwought us a bubble bower!” she screeches. I laugh and scoop her up.

  “Yes, I see. That’s awesome, pugs, but you gotta whisper. You’re about to wake your sister,” I tell her, attempting to be stern when her cute little face is scrunched up right in front of mine. God I love these girls.

  “I can take you out back if you promise to teach me how to use it,” Lo tells Emma. She squirms out of my arm and runs to Lo, grabbing her hand and heading for the door. Lo smiles and winks at me on her way by and my heart swells so fucking big for this amazing woman.

  “Bath time later, I guess?” She grins from the door.

  “Oh they don’t need one. That was a total lie just to get you here.” I grin back and cross my arms. Her mouth pops open but before she can retort, Emma yanks hard on her hand.

  “We’ll discuss this later, Jett,” she whispers on her way out the door.

  Yea, sure we will. Later will be infested with kid activities and as soon
as they go to bed I plan on having my way with the woman who’s completely stolen my heart.

  The baby starts to whine shortly after they head outside and I rush in to grab her before it turns into an all-out scream. I take her into my room to change her diaper and halfway through the mess of diaper explosion 2017 I hear footsteps in the hallway and turn my head to see Lo standing in the doorway watching me with a look of pure awe on her face.

  “Emma had to use the potty,” she says, nodding towards the bathroom.

  “Ah,” I say, turning my attention back to Addison. I’ve left her without a diaper one time too many and I don’t need these sheets getting pissed on right now.

  “You know how to change a diaper,” she says from the doorway. I grin to myself and nod, finishing up the clasps on her onesie and picking her up.

  “Hell yes I do. I’m super uncle, you know.” I bounce Addi and she laughs as I make funny faces at her. Emma comes barreling out of the bathroom and grabs Lo’s hand again. I wink at Lo and she can’t stop grinning at me and if I’m not certain, I think I just completely stole her heart.

  Man it’s amazing what hot men and babies can do to women.

  “Addi, you’re the best wingman I’ve ever had,” I whisper to her after Lo and Emma are out of hearing range. She giggles and I take her to the living room to get some tummy time in before dinner.

  This pretend-family time tonight has got me thinking about my future.

  Could I really have a family and settle down? Yes, I could.

  As long as it’s with the right girl.

  And by ‘right girl,’ I mean the girl out back chasing bubbles with my niece like she’s her own.

  Fuck me I’ve turned into a love sick sap.

  Last Sunday I woke up on the couch to a three year old playing with my hair. There have been plenty of mornings I’ve woken up in that house lately, but that was the first morning I’ve felt completely full of joy in a long ass time.

  It was amazing. It was surreal. And it almost brought tears to my eyes, but I couldn’t let Jett see me get emotional. I just couldn’t. He doesn’t need to know how miserable on the inside I am. Especially now that I’ve decided to take the job and move on with my life… I feel like moving on is me forgetting about Sam. I feel like if I let myself get too happy it’s somehow going to look bad on me as a grieving mother.


  Hell, I don’t know. Jett makes me happy. I want to be happy… I think. But then I feel fucking guilty again! Jesus!

  I glance up as the door to the shop opens and the sun glares in for a brief moment. I plaster on a smile even though I’m really not feeling it today.

  “Can I help you?” I ask a woman as she slams the shop door behind her. She looks up at me, shocked apparently, and slowly narrows her eyes.

  “Who are you?” She clips, throwing her hand to her very bony hip.

  “I’m Lo,” I smile. “What can I help you with?”

  I’ve been at this gig for four days and it’s the easiest damn job I have ever had… mind numbing at times. Not to mention the fact that Jett pays me absolutely too much to sit here with this tight tank top on and take phone calls. I tried talking him down but he wasn’t having it. He was convinced on Monday that I’d work for the money… so far I’m not doing much other than running calls and making appointments.

  I fucking went to veterinary school and this is what I’ve diminished to.

  But I said I didn’t care, I let my life spiral out of control… and according to my brother I have no one to blame but myself.

  I beg to differ.

  “I’m Marla. I’m just here to see Jett.” She grins and bites her lip, sashaying her stick figure frame and super fucking fake tits right by me and to the back of the shop. I sigh and attempt to calm my nerves.

  “He misses me, gotta make sure to keep him on his toes.” She winks and walks to the back of the shop before I have a chance to stop her.

  I don’t care.

  He can see whomever he wants to see.

  We haven’t ever talked about being exclusive so I have no grounds to feel as rage-tastic jealous as I am right now.

  Straining my hearing to try to hear what she’s crooning over, I about damn near fall off the stool I’m sitting on when she starts whining about her tits.


  “What’d I tell you last week, Marla?” I hear him growl.

  Last week? Why’d he see this woman last week? She whines something else in response but she’s so quiet that it’s hard to make out what she’s saying but I have a pretty fucking good guess.

  “No. Not again.” He says it with a sigh and I feel my heart break a little. It shouldn’t be. I haven’t given him my heart…



  Marla doesn’t waste any time in waltzing back out front and smiling at me.

  “Men, right?” She winks and walks to the door, turning to grin back at me before she walks out. “He wouldn’t know which side of the bed to get out of if I wasn’t here to hold his hand the entire time.” She lets out a laugh and I clench the pencil in my hand so hard as she walks out I break it in half.

  Mother fucking bitch.

  I just need to breathe. I have two hours until I can leave here and you better fucking believe I won’t be going back to Jett’s house tonight. I’m actually hurt he didn’t come out here and try to clean up that mess that just waltzed out of here, but maybe he doesn’t care as much as I thought he did.

  I shoot a text to Bex angrily.

  Me: We need to go out. Tonight.

  It doesn’t take her long to reply. Never does.

  Bex: Done. Meet me at Halter’s at seven?

  Me: See you then.

  Bex: Good lord. The proper short texts– there better be a good story, woman

  Me: Oh trust me. There isn’t.

  I slide my phone in my pocket as Jett walks up from the back. He’s covered in grease and Jesus Christ if it doesn’t turn me on. Why? Why does this man radiate so much sex?

  “You doin okay out here, kid?” He’s wearing a super worried expression, whether he knows it or not, but I’m not about to give him the time of day right now. If he fucked her last week… he was fucking me last week!


  “Yep. I’m so good,” I say, leaning forward on the counter and letting him get a good eyeful of my cleavage. He wasn’t lying when he said he was getting tighter shirts. This shirt makes my tits look amazing and I fucking know it.

  “Great,” he all but growls, shoving the towel he was using into his back pocket. “Few more hours left. I should have a new client coming in in a few. Make sure you let me know when he’s here.” He’s talking to me but his eyes won’t leave my cleavage and I grin, sitting up and taking away the view from him. He growls and grins at me.

  “Got it, boss.” I smile sweetly and he narrows his eyes at me.

  “I like that coming out of those sweet lips. Am I going to get to taste them tonight?”

  “I have plans,” I pout, shrugging dramatically. “Maybe tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow’s your dinner with your mom,” he states.

  “Yep,” I say, standing up. “I’m gonna head to the bathroom.” I walk by him and make sure to brush against him, grinning when I hear Dan call for help from the back. He groans and walks off; no doubt angry he can’t join me in here for a quickie. I mean, we’ve done it every other day this week.

  Good thing he didn’t though. I’m not letting him anywhere near this until he tells me what the fuck that was with ‘Marla.’ Hell, just saying her name makes me cringe. Like, that little slut Darla from Little Rascals.

  Boy hungry bitch.

  Just as I start to text Bex about details for tonight, the door opens and the god of all Greek gods walks in the front doors. I’m certain my mouth falls open when I make eye contact with him.

  “H-Hi,” I stammer, making him chuckle.

  “I’m Antonio.” He extends his hand and I take it, letting out a gig
gle when his finger tickles my palm a little. He winks and pulls his hand away.

  “What can I do for you Antonio?” I’m a firm believer of not flirting at work… but I mean come ON! This man is tanned skin, toned lean body, tattoo sleeves running up both arms and then some considering the ink I see peeking out from the neckline of his black t-shirt.

  Plus, I’m really hoping Jett sees this and he wants to rage as much as I do today.

  Payback’s a bitch.

  “Well I was here for Jett, but I think I’ve set my sights on something a little more delicious,” He grins and I about cream my panties right there. Holy God. I let out a giggle and lean forward. Antonio’s eyes flick to my tits and I immediately hear Jett clear his throat and grin to myself.

  “Let’s leave the lady alone, Antonio?” He poses it as a question but after turning and looking at the red face and clenched fists I know he’s not giving the man a choice. I sit up and roll my eyes, looking back at Antonio.

  “It was amazing meeting you, Antonio. I hope to see you again soon.” He takes my hand and kisses it and Jett lets out a growl before flinging the door to the back open.

  “Right this way,” he all but yells, glaring at the man as he passes through the door. He doesn’t look at me and I’m glad – I almost feel guilty for that show of attraction, but if Jett can have playthings why can’t I?

  Antonio isn’t here for long. Something tells me Jett isn’t going to take his business from the way that Antonio leaves in a hurry and Jett glares at him on the way out. He flicks me a glance before slamming the shop door and a few seconds after that I hear a round of curses and tools clashing and can’t help but smile. It feels good to make him jealous… to make him feel like he made me feel with Marla.

  Two can play this game, Jett Voss.

  At six I lock the front door and head to the back, getting a decent view of Jett doing what he does best. The way a man can mold and shape bikes into works of art is just amazing. I never knew so much could be done with a vehicle, especially one like a bike. I mean, there’s only so much you can work with, but Jett uses every space and always ends up creating something brilliant. The silver masterpiece he’s currently working on was commissioned out of Mexico, more than likely for a biker gang but I’m not one to ask. No need for more drama where it’s not needed.


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