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by Will Durant

  133. Grimm, Corresp., VII, 51.

  134. Walpole, H., in Mossner, Bishop Butler and the Age of Reason, 175; cf. Mornet, Origines, 139, and Morley, Life of Voltaire, 88.

  135. Letter to Mme. du Deffand, June 1, 1770.

  136. Ignorant Philosopher, Sec. XXIV.

  137. Mark IX, 45–48; Matt. XIII, 40–42; Luke XVI, 23–26.


  1. Pomeau, 300.

  2. Mornet, Origines, 206.

  3. Gauchat, Lettres critiques, XV, 224, in Vartanian, Diderot and Descartes, 313.

  4. Pomeau, 338.

  5. Voltaire, letter of Dec. 8, 1776.

  6. Palmer, R.R., Catholics and Unbelievers, 96.

  7. Ibid., 142.

  8. Our account follows John H. Pappas, Berthier’s Journal de Trévoux and the Philosophes.

  9. Ibid., 38.

  10. 23, 137.

  11. 48.

  12. 128.

  13. 48.

  14. 205.

  15. Ibid.

  16. 184.

  17. 186.

  18. 110.

  19. 113.

  20. 119.

  21. 122.

  22. 131.

  23. Desnoiresterres, III, 389.

  24. Hazard, Eighteenth Century, 78.

  25. Cornou, Êlie Fréron, in Martin, K., 96.

  26. Crocker, Embattled Philosopher, 240.

  27. Ibid.

  28. Brandes, II, 205.

  29. Ibid., 206.

  30. Noyes, Voltaire, 51.

  31. Ibid., 71.

  32. Lanfrey, 195.

  33. In Masson, La Religion de Rousseau, III, 31.

  34. Crocker, Age of Crisis, 382.

  35. Lichtenberger, A., Le Socialisme et la Révolution française, 6n.

  36. Crocker, Emb. Philosopher, 305.

  37. Toth, Woman and Rococo, 224, 234.

  38. Goncourts, Woman of the 18th Century, 305.

  39. Toth, 234.

  40. Letter of Jan. 10, 1758, in Naves, 53.

  41. Oeuvres, 231, 239–40.

  42. Ibid., 235, etc.

  43. Grimm, II, 373.

  44. Palmer, Catholics and Unbelievers, 7.

  45. Parton, II, 334.

  46. Pappas, 85.

  47. Ibid., 114.

  48. 117.

  49. Fülop-Miller, Power and Secret of the Jesuits, 374.

  50. Gay, Voltaire’s Politics, 310.

  51. Pappas, 129.

  52. Beard, Miriam, History of the Business Man, 414.

  53. Martin, H., Histoire de France, XVI, 201.

  54. Lanfrey, 267; Campbell, The Jesuits, 482.

  55. Ibid., 483.

  56. Catholic Encyclopedia, XIV, 98a; Martin, H., XVI, 211; Ranke, History of the Popes, II, 447.

  57. Campbell, 487.

  58. Ibid., 485.

  59. McCabe, Candid History of the Jesuits, 251.

  60. Robertson, J. M., History of Freethought, II, 236.

  61. Desnoiresterres, VI, 269.

  62. Bertrand, D’Alembert, 132.

  63. Lanfrey, 269.

  64. Ibid., 270.

  65. Pappas, 135.

  66. Pomeau, 317.

  67. Gilbert, Prince de Ligne, 138; Carlyle, Friedrich the Second, VII, 470.

  68. Campbell, The Jesuits, 639.

  69. La Fontainerie, French Liberalism and Education in the 18th Century, 143, 149.

  70. Cumming, Helvétius, 160.

  71. La Fontainerie, 80.

  72. Ibid., 117.

  73. Ibid., 39; Desnoiresterres, VI, 239.

  74. Letter of Apr. 1, 1766.

  75. Lanson, Voltaire, 183.

  76. Smith, P., Modern Culture, II, 446.

  77. La Fontainerie, 240.

  78. Sée, H., Les idées politiques en France, 142.

  79. Mornet, Origines, 177.

  80. Lacroix, Eighteenth Century, 265.

  81. Helvétius, Treatise on Man, Vol. II, p. 402.

  82. Brunetière, Manual of French Literature, 298.

  83. Hazard, 369.

  84. Bury, Idea of Progress, 149.

  85. Smith, P., II, 614.

  86. D’Alembert, Éléments de la philosophie, Ch. iv, in Hazard, 166.

  87. Hazard, 169.

  88. Voltaire, Works, XIXa, 89 f.

  89. Hazard, 250.

  90. Rousseau, Sur le gouvernement de Pologne, in Black, Art of History, 20.

  91. Source lost.

  92. Martin, H., Histoire de France, XVI, 212.

  93. Bury, Idea of Progress, 203; Parton, II, 433.

  94. Hazard, 126.

  95. Buckle, I, 620.

  96. Parton, II, 507.

  97. Lecky, History of. . . Rationalism, I, 125.

  98. Tocqueville, L’ Ancien Régime, 165.

  99. Lecky, History of England, V, 336.

  100. Mornet, Origines, 214–16.

  101. La Harpe in Taine, Ancient Regime, 400.

  102. Walpole, H., letter of Oct. 19, 1765.

  103. Id., letter of Nov. 19, 1765.

  104. Mornet, 269.

  105. Ibid.

  106. Toth, Woman and Rococo, 234.

  107. Mornet, 272.

  108. Willey, Eighteenth-Century Background, 192.

  109. Taine, Ancient Regime, 293.

  110. Robertson, J. M., History of Freethought, II, 278.

  111. Montalembert, Monks of the West, I, 86.

  112. Mornet, 141.

  113. Voltaire, Oeuvres complètes, XLIII, 237.

  114. Letter of Nov. 9, 1764.

  115. Wilson, Diderot, 286; Palmer, Catholics and Unbelievers, 17.

  116. Torrey, Spirit of Voltaire, 133.

  117. Condorcet, Progrès de l’ esprit humain, 251.

  118. Mornet, 125.

  119. Ibid., 273.

  120. Eckermann and Soret, Conversations with Goethe, 421, 529.

  121. Frederick to Voltaire, May 5, 1767.

  122. Grimm, Corresp., Sept. 15, 1767.

  123. Dict. Phil., art. “God.”


  1. Crocker, Embattled Philosopher, 407.

  2. Sade, Marquis de, Justine (1791), Juliette (1792), Philosophie dans le boudoir (1793).

  3. Musset, Alfred de, Confessions of a Child of the Century, 21 f.

  4. Chaponnière, Geneva, 231.

  5. Phil. Dict., art. “God,” Sec. IV; art. “Polytheism.”

  Bibliographical Guide

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