The Age of Voltaire

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The Age of Voltaire Page 122

by Will Durant

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  Dates in parentheses following a name are of birth and death except when preceded by r., when they indicate duration of reign for popes and rulers of states. A single date preceded by fl. denotes a floruit. A footnote is indicated by an asterisk. Italicized page numbers indicate principal treatment. All dates are A.D. unless otherwise noted.

  Aachen, 237, 381

  Aargau, 474

  abbés commendataires, 22

  Abbeville, 262, 733–35, 742, 772

  Abélard, Pierre (1079–1142), 167, 780

  Aberdeen, 590

  Aberdeen, University of, 108, 201

  Abjuration, Oath of, 105

  abolition movement, 68

  Abrégé de l’histoire générale (Voltaire), 471, 484

  absolute zero, 517

  absolutism, see despotism

  Académie de Chirurgie, 598

  Académie de Musique, Paris, 296, 297

  Académie de St.-Luc, Paris, 310

  Académie des Sciences, see Académie Royale des Sciences

  Académie Française, see French Academy

  Académie Royale de France, Rome, 314

  Académie Royale de l’Architecture, 19, 327

  Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture, 26, 27, 308


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