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The Age of Voltaire

Page 132

by Will Durant

Leith, Scotland, 112

  Lekain (Cain), Henri Louis (1728–78), 482

  Lely, Sir Peter (1618–80), 222

  Lemonnier, Pierre Charles (1715–99), 512, 537, 545

  Lemontey, P. E., 19th-cent. French historian, 258

  Lemoyne, François (1688–1737), Regency painter, 25, 311, 313, 321

  Lemoyne, Jean Baptiste (1704–78), sculptor, 309–10, 311

  Lenclos, Ninon de (1620–1705), 3–4

  Lenormant d’ Étioles, see Étioles

  Lenormant de Tournehem, see Tournehem

  Leo, Leonardo (1694–1744), 660

  Leominster, Herefordshire, England, 52

  Leopold, Prince of Anhalt-Cöthen (fl. 1717), 414–15

  Leopold I, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau (r. 1693–1747, 457, 493

  Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1658–1705), 435, 436, 453

  Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1790–92), Grand Duke of Tuscany as Leopold I (r. 1765–90), 598

  Lerici, Italy, 109

  Lerma, Francisco Gómez de Sandoval y Rojas, Duque de (1552–1625), Spanish prime minister, 29

  Leroux, Abbé, 493

  Le Roy, Pierre (1717–85), 782

  Lesage, Alain René (1668–1747), 23, 28–29, 188, 197, 200

  Les Misérables (Hugo), 267

  Lespinasse, Julie de (1732–76), 302, 493, 652, 653, 781;

  as character in Rêve d’Alembert, 652–55

  Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim (1729–81), 184, 401, 428, 477, 498, 779;

  and Diderot, 633, 671, 679;

  and Reimarus, 502;

  on the theater, 381, 398

  Le Sueur, Eustache (1617–55), 322

  Leszczyńska, Marie, see Marie Leszczyńska

  Leszczyński, Stanislas, see Stanislas I

  Le Tellier (or Tellier), Michel (1643–1719), Jesuit priest, 17

  “Letter from Xo Ho” (H. Walpole), 504

  Letters concerning Several Late Attempts of Freethinking (Haller), 478

  Letters from Rome (Middleton), 122

  Letters of Voltaire and Frederick the Great, The, 445*

  Letters on the English (Voltaire), see Lettres sur les Anglais

  Letters on the Spirit of Patriotism (Bolingbroke), 100

  Letters on the Study and Use of History (Bolingbroke), 99–100, 465

  Letters to His Son (Chesterfield), 81–88 passim

  Letter to Dr. Waterland (Middleton), 122

  Lettre à M. d’ Alembert sur les spectacles (Rousseau), 482, 642

  Lettres (Maupertuis), 467

  Lettrés à Eugénie … contre les préjugés (Holbach), 699

  Lettres chinoises (d’Argens), 504

  Lettres critiques (Gauchat), 755

  Lettres d’ amour de Voltaire à sa nièce, 392*

  lettres de cachet, 17, 35, 267, 368, 371, 630

  Lettres de quelques Juifs (Guénée), 756

  Lettres persanes (Montesquieu), 33, 263, 290–91, 341–44, 345, 358, 370, 376

  Lettres sur les Anglais, or Lettres philosophiques (Voltaire), 344, 361, 365, 366–71, 596

  Lettres sur quelques écrits de cette âge, 760

  Lettre sur la musique française (Rousseau), 297

  Lettre sur les aveugles (Diderot), 624, 628–31, 634

  Lettre sur les sourds et muets (Diderot), 633

  Leucippus (5th cent. B.C.), Greek atomistic philosopher, 616

  Levellers, 90

  Lhasa, Tibet, 560

  Liaisons dangereuses (Choderlos de Laclos), 331

  Liberté de la presse, La (Malesherbes), 638

  liberum veto, 271, 357

  libraries, 433, 499, 786;

  circulating, 162, 323;

  monastic, 433, 471, 501;

  public, 476, 481

  Licensing Act (England, 1737), 183, 193

  Lichfield, England, 117, 579

  Liegnitz, principality of, 451

  Life of Cicero (Middleton), 122, 334

  Life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great, The (Fielding), 70, 195–96

  Life of Woolston (Anonymous), 120

  light, 509, 514, 517–18;

  aberration of, 540;

  refraction of, 515, 517

  Ligne, Prince Charles Joseph de (1735–1814), Imperial soldier and diplomat, 460, 590, 772, 780

  Ligniville d’Autricourt, Countess Anne Catherine de (1719–1800), wife of Helvétius, 680–81, 692, 783

  Lille, 262, 305, 379

  Lillo, George (1693–1739), 184, 205, 625, 669

  Limousin, 259

  Lincoln College, Oxford, 130

  Lincoln’s Inn Fields Theatre, London, 183, 187, 233, 235

  Lind, James (1716–94), 551, 591

  Linnaean Society of London, 565

  Linnaeus, Carolus (Carl von Linné;1707–78), 498, 507, 561–65, 570, 572

  Linné, Nils, 561

  Lintot, Bernard (1675–1736), 168, 169

  Liotard, Jean Étienne (1702–89), 481

  Liria, Duke of, 109

  Lisbon, 199, 538, 590;

  earthquake in (1755), 68, 370, 555, 720–23, 744

  Liszt, Franz (1811–86), 419

  lit de justice, 18

  Lithuania, 583

  Little Theatre, Haymarket, London, 183

  Liverpool, 55, 92

  literature: English, 77–78, 162–213;

  French, 5, 28–31, 33, 165, 323–60, 400;

  German, 400–401, 477;

  Italian, 165

  Livry, Suzanne de, 35–36

  Livy (Titus Livius; 59 B.C.–A.D. 17), 347, 361, 486, 500

  Locatelli, Pietro (1695–1764), 650

  Locke, John (1632–1704), 45, 87, 176, 214–15, 353, 366, 374, 480, 581, 582, 713, 757;

  antisensationists’ rejection of, 401, 583, 690;

  and the decline of religion, 119, 123, 609;

  Diderot and, 625, 627, 690;

  and the Encyclopédie, 633, 636, 637;

  Helvétius and, 682;

  Hume and, 141, 142, 146, 155;

  his view of labor, 155, 707;

  Voltaire impressed by, 247, 248, 369, 716, 747

  Loeben, Countess Johanna Victoria von (d. 1747), 277

  Logan, James (fl. 1747), 576

  Logique (Condillac), 583

  Loi naturelle, La (Voltaire), 718

  Lombardy, 436, 455

  Lombe, Thomas (fl. 1717), 52

  London, 59–62, 185, 220–21, 222;

  city council, 215;

  Great Fire of, 60;

  growth of, 55, 108;

  hospitals in, 68, 597;

  as mercantile center, 55, 398, 783;

  pleasure gardens in, 62, 77–78, 78–79;

  police, 71;

  population of, 59–60;

  theaters in, 62, 183, 187, 230–41 passim; see also air pollution

  London, bishop of (1720–48), see Gibson, Edmund

  London Bridge, 60, 79, 222

  London Journal, The, 64

  London Merchant, The (Lillo), 184, 669

  Long, Crawford Williamson (1815–78), 600

  Longchamp, Voltaire’s secretary, 373, 383, 384, 391

  Longchamp racecourse, 289

  Longmans, publishers, 163

  Lords, House of (British), 72, 82, 103, 353

  Lords, House of (Irish), 105

  Lorraine: duchy of (to 1737), 371, 372;

  kingdom of (1737–66), 271, 276, 308, 388, 435, 455, 471

  Lorraine, Duke of (r. 1729–37), see Francis I, Emperor

  Lotario (Handel), 234

  Louis (1661–1711), Dauphin of France (“Le Grand Dauphin”), son of Louis XIV, 5–6, 29

  Louis (1729–65), Dauphin of France, son of Louis XV, 309, 321, 322;

  at Fontenoy, 277–78;

  marriage to Infanta (1745), 280, 293, 383;

  pleads for Jesuits, 770;

  and Mme. de Pompadour, 281, 283

  Louis, Duke of Burgundy, see Burgundy, Louis, Duke of

  Louis IV (Louis of Bavaria), Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1314–47),

  Louis IX (Saint Louis), King of France (r. 1226–70), 486

  Louis XIII, King of France (r. 1610–43), 251

  Louis XIV, King of France (r. 1643–1715), 3, 11, 32, 33, 248, 323, 342, 400, 598, 621;

  the arts under, 25, 303–9 passim;

  attacked in J’aivus, 34–35;

  has bastard children, 6, 8, 19, 30;

  his death, 5–6, 9, 30;

  and Fouquet, 271;

  and James III, 91;

  and the Jesuits, 765, 768;

  and Mme. de Maintenon, 21, 35;

  his manners and morals, 8, 21, 23;

  and the nobility, 8, 30, 251, 253, 352;

  his persecution of the Huguenots, 343, 505, 608;

  his persecution of Jansenists, 17, 34–35, 608, 765, 768;

  and the Regent, 8, 9;

  theater and opera under, 28, 267, 295;

  Voltaire’s study of, 464, 465;

  his wars, 24, 259, 275, 276, 305, 435;

  his will, 6, 9

  Louis XV, King of France (r. 1715–74), 248, 268, 272–85, 294, 295, 306, 337, 342, 403, 493, 762;

  accession of, 5–6, 272;

  his appearance and character, 273, 288;

  affianced to Infanta, 32, 273;

  as art patron, 26, 283, 306–15

  passim, 320–21, 322;

  assumes administration of realm, 270, 272, 276;

  his astronomical clock, 309;

  “le Bien-Aimé,” 276;

  as a boy, 5–6, 9, 17, 18, 272–73;

  and Calas case, 732;

  and the Church, 255, 642, 699;

  comes of age, 32, 269;

  Damiens’ attempt on, 496, 641, 737, 767;

  his daughters, 174, 283, 285, 756;

  and the Encyclopédie, 641, 642, 644*;

  equestrian statue of, 307, 309;

  and Fleury, 269–73;

  at Fontenoy, 277–78, 385;

  and Frederick the Great, 271–72, 285, 309, 516;

  and Helvétius, 681;

  and d’Holbach’s books, 699, 708–9;

  hunting, his love for, 270, 273, 275, 280, 281;

  illnesses, 273, 276;

  his indifference to government, 266, 275, 300, 324;

  his indifference to literature, 283, 465;

  and Jacobite invasion of England, 109–10, 111;

  and Jesuits, 256, 269, 272, 283–84, 641, 759, 767, 769, 770–71;

  leads army in Flanders, 276, 300;

  and Marie Leszczyńska, 269, 274–76

  passim, 284, 293, 314;

  and Montesquieu, 344;

  as music patron, 297, 298, 414;

  and Nesle sisters, 271–72, 274–77, 282, 300;

  and the nobility, 251, 269;

  and Parc aux Cerfs, 273, 284, 489, 610, 767;

  conflict with parlements, 352;

  and Mme. de Pompadour, 257, 269, 279, 280–85, 306, 315, 321, 329, 384–86

  passim, 470–71, 611, 644*, 767;

  his portraits, 273, 320–21;

  and Protestants, 257, 495, 783;

  and the Regent, 17, 37;

  his religious moods, 275, 277, 281, 283–84;

  and Richelieu, 273, 291, 383, 385, 761;

  and science, 522, 539, 575, 598;

  and Voltaire, 40, 255, 362, 371, 381–82, 383, 385, 386, 393, 470–71, 713, 736, 744, 751;

  and War of Austrian Succession, 272, 275–78, 300

  Louis XVI, King of France (r. 1774–92), 251, 254, 291, 473, 508, 594;

  death of, 362, 666*;

  and Lagrange, 511;

  and Necker, 479, 784;

  tolerance of, 694, 710, 732;

  Voltaire appeals to, 735

  Louisiana, 13–14, 264, 289

  Louis Quinze, Place (Place de la Concorde), Paris, 307, 309

  Louis Quinze style, 303–4, 306, 309, 315

  Louvois, François Michel Le Tellier, Marquis de (1641–91), 464

  Louvre, Musée du, 113, 311, 312, 319, 321

  Louvre, Palais du, 464;

  as arts center and residence, 19, 283, 315, 319, 322;

  Salon art exhibitions in, see under Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts

  Louvre, Place du, Paris, 313

  Love in Several Masques (Fielding), 193

  Loves of the Plants, The (E. Darwin), 580

  Lower Austria, 453, 454

  Lower Pomerania, 437

  Lower Silesia, 452, 453, 454

  Lübeck, 227, 413

  Lucan (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus; A.D. 39–65), Roman poet, 161

  Lucca, 539

  Lucerne, 473–76 passim

  Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus; 96?–55 B.C.), Roman poet, 150, 443, 522, 619, 624, 692, 739

  Ludolff, Christian (fl. 1744), 519

  Ludwigsburg, Wurttemberg, 398

  Lully, Jean Baptiste (1632–87), 295–98

  passim, 464

  Lunar Society, Birmingham, 528, 529

  lunar tables, 510, 538, 549

  Lüneburg, 406, 412, 416

  Lunéville, Lorraine, 271, 276, 388–91

  passim, 630, 631

  Lusignan, Guy de, see Guy de Lusignan

  Luther, Martin (1483–1546), 59, 136, 412, 423, 424;

  Voltaire and, 747;

  Wesley and, 131, 132

  Lutheranism: in Germany, 402, 413, 415, 416, 423, 428, 747;

  ritual of, 224, 424–27, 437;

  in Scandinavia, 495, 496

  Lutrin, Le (Boileau), 166

  Luxembourg, Maréchal Chrétien Louis de Montmorency, Duc de (1675–1746), 301

  Luxembourg, Madeleine Angélique de Montmorency, Duchesse de, 301

  Luxembourg, Palais du, Paris, 20, 21, 26, 313

  Luxembourg Gardens, 295

  Luynes, Charles Philippe d’Albert, Duc de (1695–1758), 22

  Luynes, Marie Brulart d’Albert, Duchesse de (fl. 1730), 22

  Lycée des Arts, Paris, 536

  Lynn, Norfolk, England, 55

  Lyons, 23, 262, 305, 308, 472, 565;

  arts in, 308, 310;

  Voltaire’s visit to, 471

  Lyons, Academy of, 471, 498

  Lyttelton, George, 1st Baron Lyttelton of Frankley (1700–73), 216

  Mabillon, Jean (1632–1707), 487

  Mably, Gabriel Bonnet de (1709–85), 300, 776, 777

  Macaronis, 75

  Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1800–59), 96, 158

  Maccabaeus, Judas (fl. 166–161 B.C.), 241

  Macdonald clan, 110

  MacFlecknoe (Dryden), 171

  Mach, Ernst (1838–1916), 512

  Machault d’Arnouville, Jean Baptiste (1701–94), 255

  Machiavelli, Niccoló (1469–1527), 346, 359,* 360, 446, 452

  Maclaurin, Colin (1698–1746), 508, 539, 544, 556

  Macao, 503

  Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 335, 756

  Madame de Pompadour (Goncourts), 644*

  Madison, James (1751–1836), 649

  Madras, India, 113, 264–65

  Maffei, Marchese Francesco Scipione di(1675–1755), 381, 408

  Magdeburg, free city of, 397

  Magellan, Strait of, 558

  magnetism, 514, 517, 522

  Magyars, 431

  Mahomet (Voltaire), 335, 378, 379, 380–81, 385, 736

  Mahón, Spain, siege of (1756), 289, 294

  Maillebois, Jean Baptiste François Desmarets, Marquis de (1682–1762), 454–55

  Maillet, Benoît de (1656–1738), 553, 578

  Mailly, Louise de Nesle, Comtesse de (1710–51), 274–75, 280, 307

  Maine, Louis Auguste de Bourbon, Duc du (1670–1736), 6, 8–9, 18

  Maine, Louise de Bourbon-Condé, Duchesse du (1676–1753), 8, 20, 36, 301;

  her court at Sceaux, 6, 18, 23;

  in Cellamare plot, 18, 32;

  satirized, 331;

  and Voltaire, 6, 34, 36, 386

  Maintenon, Françoise d’Aubigné, Marquise de (1635–1719), 21, 26, 28, 31, 35

  Mainwaring, Joh
n (1735–1807), 232

  Mainz, 397, 470

  Mainz, Bishop-Elector of, 406

  Mairan, Jean Jacques Dortous de (1678–1771), 374

  Maison du Roi, 278

  Maisons, Château de, 39

  Maisons, Marquis de, 40

  Maitland, Charles (fl. 1720), 209, 210, 595

  Malagrida, Father (d. 1764), 721, 767

  Malebranche, Nicolas de (1638–1715), 616, 705

  Malesherbes, Chrétien Guillaume de Lamoignon de (1721–94), 376, 638;

  is lenient toward philosophes, 348, 496, 610–11, 633, 638, 639, 643, 651, 681, 693;

  refuses to suppress antiphilosophes, 497, 641, 783

  Malthus, Thomas R. (1766–1834), 261, 570

  Manchester, Charles Montagu, 4th Earl and 1st Duke of (1656?–1722), 229

  Manchester, England, 111

  Mandeville, Bernard (1670?–1733), 138–39

  Manichaeans, 515

  Mannheim, 398, 409, 470, 551

  manners: English, 49, 79–81, 83, 85, 87, 205, 247;

  European, Chinese influence on, 504–5;

  French, 81, 83, 205, 268–69, 292–95, 298–302, 308;

  German, 397, 403;

  Montesquieu on, 348

  Manon Lescaut (Prévost), 14, 332–35

  Mansard, Jules Hardouin-, see Hardouin-Mansard, Jules

  Mansion House, London, 215

  Manuel des Inquisiteurs (Morellet), 693

  mapmakers, 560–61

  Mar, John Erskine, Earl of (1675–1732), 92–93

  Mar family, 107

  Marana, Giovanni Paolo (fl. 1684), 341

  Marat, Jean Paul (1743–93), 535–36, 713

  Marburg, University of, 402

  Marchand, Jean Louis (1669–1732), 414

  Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Emperor of Rome (r. 161–180), 347, 739, 748

  Maréchal, Georges (1658–1736), 598

  Maréchal, Sylvan (fl. 1771), 780

  Marées, Georg de (1697–1776), 404

  María Ana Victoria, Spanish Infanta (b. 1719), 32, 273

  Mariamne (Voltaire), 39

  Mariana, Juan de (1536–1624), 765

  María Teresa Rafaela (1727–46), Infanta, later Dauphine, 293, 383

  Maria Theresa, ruler of Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia (r. 1740–80), Holy Roman Empress as wife of Francis I, 431, 434–36

  passim, 451–51, 601;

  accedes to Hapsburg throne, 436, 449;

  attacked by Frederick II, 271, 436, 451–52;

  appeals to Diet of Pressburg, 453, 455–56;

  publishes Fleury’s request for terms, 272;

  reveals secret truce to France, 454;

  crowned queen of Bohemia, 455;

  makes peace with Frederick, 454, 457;

  and Mme. de Pompadour, 285

  Marie, Abbé (fl. 1788), 511

  Marie Antoinette (1755–93), Queen of Louis XVI of France, 511

  Marie de Médicis (1573–1642), Queen Regent of France (r. 1610–17), 26, 313

  Marie Josèphe (Maria Josefa) of Saxony (1731–67), Dauphine of France, 321


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