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Impure Bargains (Impure series Book 1)

Page 8

by Decadent Kane

  The dark bag she'd been carrying had fallen beside her. It began to move and squawk. Haven turned her wrist and pulled quicker than he expected. She managed to elbow him in the jaw as she reached out to grab the bag, scrambling and wiggling beneath him. His hand flew up to protect his face out of reaction and he let her loose at the same time. She pushed herself backwards, sliding over the dirt and rocks. He could smell the copper of her blood as the movements broke skin. When her hand touched the bag, Haven vanished and he fell the rest of the way to the ground, growling. Who the hell had enough balls to help her escape him?

  His jaw clenched as he stood, dusting himself off. He carefully scanned the area before him. Not a single bug sang its evening song in his presence. The silence always managed to unsettle him. Desiderus took a deep breath and straightened his shoulders.

  He made the sigil of Ba'al again in the air before him and called Haven's name. Desiderus waited for the familiar black smoke to begin, revealing her in that tantalizing way he'd admired so much moments before.

  Nothing happened.

  Taking a deep breath to calm his anger, he tried to find the source of interference with his demon magic. Desiderus didn't sense anything within his radius that would keep her from him. He closed his eyes, feeling out with his magical senses. That internal sense telling him of danger, prey, or unnatural things running about. Still nothing. Not even a hum of other magics anywhere near him, other than the city. The magic he'd sent out in search rushed back to him and caused tiny goosebumps to race down his arms.

  He shook out his hands and again made the sigil, calling for Haven. Seconds flew by, then minutes.


  Could Ba'al have taken his magic from him? Desiderus pointed his finger out toward the fallen limbs. Concentrating, flames flickered from the wood a bright yellow-red. He closed his hand and it flushed out into smoke. The magic still resided within him. What in all the unholy hell is going on?

  Someone or something had hidden her from him. His skin heated, fingers curling into tight fists, nails digging into his palms. Smoke blew out his nostrils, curling in front of him as if he were standing in the cold. When he found the creatures responsible for keeping away one who belonged to him, they would pray to their gods and be sent to the lowest chambers of Hell. The inferno regions, catacombs in the underbelly of Hell. Unspoken nightmares, creatures of Ba'al's twisted imagination, roamed freely, tormenting, devouring, and torturing anything to fall there. A place even demons feared. Desiderus would happily shove them down the hole, unprotected from the monsters living below, and feast on their screams.

  The familiar tingle of a summons calmed his rage. It flowed over him like a warm bath on a cold night. He could always take it out on another, someone he could toy with a bit, take advantage of. Desiderus's mouth watered at the thought of how he could make the one summoning him sin, feeding his darkened soul, replenishing his abilities. He would savor the summons and summoner.

  Chapter Ten

  A throbbing pain pulsed in Haven's head. She tried to sit up and groaned. The unnatural bird plopped up and down in the L-sac beside her. Hands brushed skin, taking the sac and the bird, and Haven opened her eyes, squinting into a bright light trying to figure out how she got here and who the hell was touching her. Had the demon brought her somewhere to cage her like he said he would?

  "Somebody bloody help the lady stand, and get'er some water would ya?" A booming male voice increased the pounding behind her eyes. At least it wasn't the demon.

  Hands lifted her and her legs wobbled. She blinked her eyes over and over, and people started to come into focus. Beautiful, real humans staring at her. Some even blushed. Relieved, she allowed herself to be seated in a wooden chair in front of a man with a thick-lipped smile. Short, wavy, dark red hair barely reached his ears. "Who are you?" Haven asked. A glass of water was set down before her. Grateful, she gulped it down, wiping her mouth off with her bare arm. Then humiliation set in as she remembered her nakedness. She felt the heat rise from the very tips of her toes, sure it caused the blush to encase all of her. Stark naked, and surrounded by a bunch of men. No way it would end well. Desiderus would pay for this. She fumed under the blush, and that anger helped her keep her cool head. She would not let this stranger see anything upset her. He looked at her eyes the entire time he sat across from her. She didn't see his gaze stray once, though many of the others' did. Haven crossed her legs like she hadn't a care in the world. She wasn't insecure about her body: she was pretty. Not dead gorgeous or anything, but she could hold her own, and she made sure her confidence was very evident as she relaxed in the chair.

  "Tyson, sweets. And you?" Tyson seemed like he was the one who ran things around here.

  She cleared her throat. "Haven." She looked around for her L-sac, but whoever took it wasn't within sight. "Could I, uh, get a robe or something, maybe your shirt? I seem to have uh..." What could she say? Stripped for a demon? As amusing as it sounded to shock the man, it really wasn't the right time. She had no idea who he was, where she was, or what he was capable of doing. Haven didn't like uncontrolled situations. Being out in the open with untamed unnaturals was one thing, but being surrounded by strangers somewhere she'd never been with nothing familiar in sight, didn't bode well for her or the creature she needed to get back to DAIS.

  Tyson grinned and snapped his fingers. A long, dark shirt flopped into her lap and she put it on as quick and effectively as she could possibly manage with dignity, and hopefully not showing how embarrassed she truly was by the whole thing.

  "Good to meetcha." Tyson gave her a wink. "We weren't 'specting a beautiful woman to come with the beastie."

  "I could say the same, but am glad I did. You helped me out of a rough spot." Haven smiled. Her back stung from scraping it on the ground, and she straightened, wondering why Desiderus hadn't already summoned her back to him.

  "Glad to help."

  "So, uh, where am I?"

  "Tunnels 'neath the city, sweets."

  Haven nodded and looked around the well-lit area. It looked like a giant warehouse: cold, metallic, and unfriendly. Metal above, below, and on all sides. No windows and as far as she could see; only one door clear across the warehouse. A few strangers dressed in all black walked around checking out boxes stacked nearly as high as the ceiling. "And where'd you put my L-sac?" Her gaze followed a couple of men walking around crates, in sync.

  "Oh you are one of those?" He leaned in toward her, whispering the words.

  Haven raised a brow.

  "A snare for DAIS."

  Haven nodded, already uncomfortable with the conversation. How did he even know she was a snare? The man had to be either well informed or just very intuitive. Though in truth, anyone who knew anything about DAIS would have recognized the L-sac. Most people knew of the company as a medical facility, but not much about the sacs or her job as a snare.

  "I'll get you the sac back after we feast."

  "Not on my bird, I hope." Haven smiled.

  Tyson laughed, a full belly laugh that echoed throughout the huge area. "No, sweets, we ain't be eating no birds down here, 'specially that one." He stood and Haven's eyes followed the man up, higher, and higher. He had to have been over six feet tall. His muscular build only made him look more intimidating, and Haven swallowed. When his hand reached out to help her up, she hesitated, then took it. Who is this guy? He wasn't familiar, yet he acted as if he'd been around for a good long while. She would recognize him if he'd spent any time actually in the city. Perhaps they all stayed down here, never going up to the city.

  He put his fingers to his mouth and let out a high-pitched whistle. Everything seemed to stop and then the area was bombarded with the sounds of people walking around all at once, as if an army was in here. She hadn't seen an army, though. Haven peeked around Tyson. A few men walked toward a door on the far side.

  "Shall we, sweets?" His warm hand slid to her back and maneuvered her ahead of him. He snapped his fingers and one of the men ap

  "Yes, sir."

  "Grab a small set of sweat pants from the cabinets for our new guest."

  While the shirt was long enough to cover everything, sweats sounded like a relief. The man had stepped away for barely a moment when he tossed a pair of grey pants at her. She caught them and slipped inside the material.

  Haven listened to her shuffling feet and the strong boom of Tyson's steps as they made their way silently across the warehouse-type room. There was so much metal. She never imagined this kind of tunnel, room, whatever, beneath the city. It had to have taken years to build. What kind of people lived through the door slowly getting closer? All men, and here she was, a woman, stuck underground, no idea exactly where she had woken, and she'd come naked of all things. Maybe she was overreacting and many families lived here. Haven concentrated on picturing mothers making meals for children, everyone together in a giant kitchen sitting down to eat, much like a homeless kitchen. Though she doubted these people were homeless, if their manner of dress was any indication. None of the guys she saw, including Tyson, had holes in their clothes. They looked clean, not like homeless people. She almost had the impression of military, but no one wore guns or the kind of gear she'd seen near DAIS. Just black. Like ninjas. She curbed a giggle, allowing a smile to creep over her lips. Hiding under ground, unrecognizable, they could very well be some secret society. Either way, Haven was about to find out.

  Tyson opened the silver door for her, and warm lights shone within. Her shoulders drooped relief helping her muscles let go of the fear of someone attacking her. She swore most times her body had a mind of its own, because if it listened to her thoughts, well, it wouldn't give away quite as much to Tyson, or disastrously good-looking demons. Desiderus flashed into her mind and she shook her head, making him leave. The last thing she needed was an attraction to the very thing she intended to keep running from, at least until she found a different way to free her brother. Perhaps if she played nice, Tyson might lend her a hand with her brother. He had some kind of powers, or source to use magic, because other than demons, people didn't randomly vanish from one place to the next. He had something powerful on his side. Perhaps more was at play here than she thought.

  They shuffled down a long hall, and he turned her to the right. Another huge space engulfed her vision. It had chandeliers hanging from the high, arched metal ceiling. The walls weren't silver though. Instead they were painted, hand-painted from what she could see,, most likely. She let a wide grin loose. Utterly charming.

  Everyone's conversations hung in the air. She caught bits and pieces of different stories being told as she walked by, lead via Tyson. They reached the middle of the room and everyone hushed.

  "Fellow Celests. Please welcome Haven." Tyson's voice boomed out so everyone would hear. So that's who they were. A group of religious people. Church-goers were against magic and unnaturals generally, though, so what were they doing using it?

  Cheers exploded and Haven covered her ears. Tyson lowered his hands and the crowd hushed. "Everyone bow their heads in praise." He paused, waiting for heads to move down. "Lord, bless this meal we are about to receive, and our new friend. Let your light shine upon us, guiding our hearts and hers to your grace and truth. Amen."

  Everyone else said "amen" in unison. Haven pulled her head up without saying the same word, but wanted to be respectful. She hadn't noticed until now, but dinner had been served. The smell of seasoned beef made her mouth water. Tyson encouraged her to sit next to him. She did, with a rumbling stomach. She cut the roast into pieces and slid a savory morsel into her mouth. Pepper, salt, and a few other spices she didn't recognize exploded on her tongue, causing a moan to escape her lips. It had been forever since she'd had a home cooked meal of any kind, and that could be why she found it so delicious. She devoured the bite, only to quickly inhale another. If nothing else came of the situation, at least she'd leave with a full belly. Haven didn't cook often and when she did, if it didn't go in a microwave, well, she didn't need it. Cooking was not her strong area. Thankfully, as a snare she didn't need to cook. Just track.

  Tyson gave her a sideways look and the corner of his mouth quirked up. Goosebumps slipped over her flesh, but she chalked it up to chills. After all, she only wore sweats and a long T-shirt. Perhaps after dinner she might find some more fitting clothes to go home in. There was nothing here to harm her. At most she might not get her L-sac back, but a quick call to the company would fix it. She shrugged her unease off, and reached for the water beside her plate as a giddiness set inside her.

  Haven chuckled at her thoughts of DAIS. Such a silly place, really. They had no holiness in them. Scientists, the lot of them. Her vision drew back to Tyson and she could see him clearly, in all his glowing glory. A perfect white halo hanging just above his head, and sparkling white emanating from behind him, a holy angel from heaven to bless her, to heal her, and to show her a divine way. She could see the sway of nearly transparent wings coming from behind him. Her desire to fall upon her knees and bless this wonderful man almost overwhelmed her. She could never have wished to be in a more heavenly place. Tyson would help her down the righteous path. She could see where her sins had led her astray, down the darker trail, but the demon couldn't catch her in Tyson's presence.


  Haven woke to the sun shining through a circular window. Hadn't she been in underground tunnels? Her body sprung up. Where the hell was she? Eggs and bacon wafted to her nose and her stomach rumbled. Sitting up made her head pound behind her temples. What had happened yesterday? The image of Tyson rushed back to her. Bits and pieces of a conversation about him being the head of the Celests. Haven rubbed her eyes and groaned. Water. Her tongue tried to stick to the top of her mouth when she yawned, attempting to keep the bright sun from her eyes. She needed to get out of this place.

  The small room seemed to tilt as she moved around. The simple twin bed lay amok from her sleeping antics. Otherwise, nothing else furnished the room. No pictures, no dresser, just a bed. Haven knew the Celests were purist, but no decorations? Celests didn't like magic, but furniture didn't come close to being magic based. A few trinkets could possess magic, like a grimoire. But a dresser, stand, pictures...all basic everyday stuff. Haven stumbled out of bed, caught her balance on the wall, and slowly made her way to the door. The pounding in her head increased with each step. She reached the door, and left the small space. Haven needed to know where in the world she had slept, who was around, and where the hell her bird and L-sac were. She didn't recall Tyson giving them back as he said he would. Haven shook her head, attempting to lose the blur around her memories. It only made the pounding worse, and her stomach rolled, causing saliva to form in the back of her mouth. She abruptly swallowed several times and took a few deep breaths. Haven felt like she'd been on a drinking bender with a hangover from the underside of Hell.

  "Ah! You're awake. I was just heading to your room." Tyson's voice bellowed. Good God, did he have to talk so damn loud?

  "Shhh..." Haven brought a hand up to rub her forehead. The pounding was worse than a hammer; more like a bullet ricocheting around her skull.

  "Oh dear, a headache? That happens sometimes when we immerse people too quickly."

  Images came flying back to her. She'd been... Haven's heart skipped a beat. Had she agreed to be a Celest and follow Tyson? Yes. He'd said they needed a snare like her, that she should look up to him as she might a god. The food she ate last night… Haven shut her eyes. The food or water had something in it that made her look at Tyson in some kind of reverence. Her eyes popped open. Tyson used magic to control the people. Celests weren't really supposed to be into magic. How had he spelled the bird to bring it to him? Why would a purist like him use magic to begin with? The questions flew out of her head faster than she could try to create answers for them. She wanted to beat her head against the wall, as with each question came the next wave of pounding.

  "Of course. So sorry to bother you with this when you already do
so much for us." Haven smiled, hoping it looked right, as if she adored the man. "Do you have any aspirin for the headache?" The magic he used must not be so potent on her. A deep pit settled in her stomach. Instinctively she knew, without any trace doubt, he shouldn't know it didn't work. While Haven didn't fear most people or animals, she needed Tyson for a while, long enough to get her belongings and possibly see what mischief he was getting himself into. Pretend to worship head man of Celests, easy as roasting marshmallows.

  "It's no bother at all. Here, take these." He pulled the aspirin bottle from his pocket. He had to have known she would feel this way. "Please come, eat some breakfast. I'm sure it will help." Tyson put a hand on her elbow, steering her down a short hall and into a living area. Coffee took over any pride she had and Haven found herself on the verge of begging for a cup.

  "Coffee sounds wonderful, Tyson."

  He laughed and pointed past the oversized chairs and a couch, to a buffet sitting along the wall. Two coffee pots rested at one end, and a long line of food followed. Her mouth watered as she took long strides, reaching for caffeine. Once the warm substance reached her mouth, she sighed. True heaven. Black coffee. She swallowed the pills with another gulp of the dark liquid.


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