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The Bride

Page 5

by Julie Garwood

  The Kincaid’s skill in battle was a whispered legend in England, a shouted boast in the Highlands.

  Henry also knew that Alec didn’t particularly like the English. He mentioned to Edgar his hope that the marriage would soften the powerful laird’s attitude. Perhaps, Henry suggested, in time, harmony would be achieved.

  Edgar was far more astute than Henry believed, however. He suspected Henry wanted to sway Alec’s loyalty toward England.

  Both Alec and his leader were highly amused by Henry’s naivete. Edgar was Henry’s vassal, aye, since the day he’d knelt at the feet of the king of England and given his pledge. He’d also been raised in the English court. Still, he was king of Scotland, and his loyal clansmen came before all others . . . especially outsiders.

  Henry obviously didn’t understand the bond of blood ties. Both Edgar and Alec believed England’s king saw only the possibility of another strong ally in his back pocket. He’d misjudged the Kincaid, though, for Alec would never turn his back on Scotland or her king, no matter what the incentives.

  Daniel, Alec’s friend since childhood days, and soon to be named laird over the neighboring clan Ferguson, had also been ordered to take an English bride. Daniel, too, had spent a tiring month in London. He’d found the duty as unpleasant as Alec had, and was just as anxious to get home.

  Both warriors had ridden at a furious pace since dawn, pausing only twice to rest their mounts. They fully expected to spend little more than an hour or two at Jamison’s holding. That would surely be time enough, they’d reasoned, to eat a full supper, choose their brides, marry them if there was a priest in residence, and then be on their way.

  They didn’t want to spend another night on English soil. It mattered not if their brides had other inclinations. The women were simply property, after all, and neither Daniel nor Alec considered the wants of a bride significant in the least.

  They would do as they were told, and that was that.

  It was Alec who won the privilege of taking first choice by tossing the caber farther afield than his friend. In truth, however, neither man had cared enough to give the feat of strength his all.

  Aye, it was an errand they were completing, and a damn nuisance to be sure.

  The devil and his disciple arrived at Baron Jamison’s holding three days ahead of schedule.

  Beak was the first to catch sight of the Scottish warlords, the first to give them those fitting names. He was sitting on the top rung of the ladder used to reach the loft, thinking to himself that it was time he had a proper snooze, for it was getting on high afternoon, after all, and he’d been working steadily in the warm spring sun without letup since his nooning meal. Still and all, Lady Mary had dragged her sister, Jamie, off to the south meadow and he really should chase after them just to make certain they weren’t getting into mischief. When Jamie was nagged into putting her chores aside, the streak of wildness sometimes got the better of her nature. It was a fact that she became too uninhibited for her own good, Beak thought. Yet another reason she needed a strong man to watch over her. Why, his sweet Jamie could talk a thief out of his stealings if her mind was set on the task, and God only knew what troubles she’d talked Mary into stirring up.

  Just thinking about all the possibilities sent a shiver down Beak’s spine. Yes, he’d have to go after the wild pair, all right.

  He let out a loud yawn and started down the ladder. He was on the second rail from the top when he spotted the two giants riding toward him.

  Beak almost lost his balance. He knew his mouth gaped open just like a baby sparrow’s waiting on food from his mama, but Beak couldn’t seem to get it closed tight. He stopped himself from making a hasty sign of the cross, though, and was thankful the warriors couldn’t possibly hear his knees knocking together when he finally managed the rest of the climb down.

  He could feel his heart slamming inside his chest. Beak reminded himself he had Scottish blood running through his veins, though it came from his ancestors in the civilized Lowlands. He also tried to remember he’d never been caught judging a man solely on his appearance. Neither reminder soothed his initial reaction to the giants watching him so intently.

  Beak started shivering. He excused his cowardice by telling himself he was just an ordinary man, he was, and the sight of these two warriors would give the apostles goose-bumps.

  The one Beak thought of as the disciple was tall and burly with wide shoulders, hair the color of rusty nails, and green-as-the-ocean eyes. The man had grim wrinkles at the corners of those chilling eyes, too.

  The disciple was a big man, aye, yet seemed puny in comparison to the other.

  The one Beak thought of as the devil had hair as bronze as his skin. He was a good head taller than his companion and had not a bit of softening fat on his unforgiving Herculean frame. When Beak stumbled forward to get a better look at his face, he immediately wished he hadn’t made the effort. There was a bleak coldness there, lurking in those brown eyes. That gaze could frost a summer bed of clover, Beak thought with growing despair.

  So much for his foolish plan to save his Jamie. Beak decided he’d go to hell cheering like a happy man before he let either of these two barbarians near her.

  “My name’s Beak and I’m stable master here,” he finally blurted out, hoping to give the impression there were other stablemen about so they’d think him important enough to converse with. “You’re early,” he added with a nervous nod. “Else the family would be lined up outside in their finery waiting to give you a proper greeting.”

  Beak paused for air, then waited for a reply to his remarks. His wait proved to be in vain and his eagerness quickly evaporated. He soon began to feel as important as a flea about to be swatted. It was unnerving, the way the two giants continued to stare down at him.

  The stable master decided to try again. “I’ll see to your mounts, milords, while you make your presence known to the household.”

  “We take care of our horses, old man.”

  It was the disciple who’d made that statement. His voice wasn’t particularly pleasant, either. Beak nodded, then backed up several spaces to get out of their way. He watched the lords remove their saddles, listened as each spoke a word of praise in Gaelic to his mount. Their animals were handsome stallions, one brown, the other black, and Beak took notice that neither animal had a flaw . . . or a strap mark on its hind flanks.

  A glimmer of hope was rekindled inside Beak’s mind. He’d learned a long time ago that a man’s true character could be discovered by the way he treated his mama and his horse. Baron Andrew’s mount was riddled with deep lashings and if that wasn’t proof enough that his theory was true, Beak didn’t know what was.

  “Have you left your soldiers waiting outside the walls, then?” Beak asked, speaking in Gaelic so they’d know he was friend, not foe.

  The disciple looked pleased with his effort, for he actually smiled at the stable master. “We ride alone.”

  “All the way from London?” Beak asked, unable to keep the surprise out of his voice.

  “Aye,” the lord answered.

  “With no one seeing to your backsides?”

  “We don’t need anyone else seeing to our protection,” the lord answered. “That’s an English inclination, not ours. Isn’t that right, Kincaid?”

  The devil didn’t bother to answer.

  “By what names are you called, milords?” Beak asked. It was a bold question he dared to ask, but the warriors weren’t scowling at him any longer and that fact had given him courage.

  The disciple turned the topic instead of answering. “You speak our language well, Beak. Are you Scottish, then?”

  Beak’s shoulders straightened with pride. “I am, with red hair afore it turned gray on me head.”

  “My name’s Daniel, of the clan Ferguson. He’s called Alec by those who know him well enough,” he added with a nod toward the other warrior. “Alec is chieftain over the clan Kincaid.”

  Beak made a formal bow. “It’s my humbl
e pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he announced. “I haven’t spoken to a full-blooded Scotsman in so many years I’ve forgotten how to act,” he added with a grin. “Forgot how big the Highlanders are, too. You gave me quite a start when I first spotted you, you did.”

  He opened the doors to two clean stalls adjacent to the entrance, saw to the feeding buckets, the water as well, and then tried to engage the two men in further conversation.

  “’Tis the truth you’re three days early,” he said. “I’m thinking to myself the household will be in an uproar.”

  Neither lord commented on that remark, but Beak could tell by the way they glanced at each other that they did not particularly care if they caused any disruption.

  “Who were you expecting if not us?” Lord Daniel asked, frowning over his question.

  Beak was puzzled by the question. “Expecting? No one, leastwise not for three more days.”

  “The drawbridge was down, man, and not a single watch in sight. Surely—”

  “Ah, that,” Beak said with a long-drawn-out sigh. “Well, it’s true the bridge is down most of the time and there never is a watch posted. You see now, Baron Jamison is a mite forgetful.”

  When he saw the incredulous looks on the warriors’ faces, Beak thought he really should try to give his master some defense. “Being out here in the middle of nowheres like we are, we’re never bothered. The baron says he doesn’t have much of value to be snatched away,” he said with a shrug. “And no one’s ever come inside without a proper invite.”

  “Nothing of value?”

  Alec Kincaid had finally spoken. His voice had been soft, yet surprisingly forceful at the same time. And when he turned to give Beak his full attention, the old man’s knees started shaking again.

  “He does have daughters, doesn’t he?”

  His scowl could set a fire blazing, Beak decided. He couldn’t meet that gaze for long and had to stare at the tips of his boots in order to concentrate on the conversation. “He has daughters all right, more in number than he’ll be wanting to admit to having, too.”

  “Yet he doesn’t protect them?” Daniel asked. He shook his head in disbelief, then turned to Alec and said, “Have you ever heard the like?”

  “Nay, I haven’t.”

  “What kind of man is this Baron Jamison?” Daniel asked Beak.

  The Kincaid answered his question. “An Englishman, Daniel.”

  “Ah, that does explain it, doesn’t it?” Daniel remarked dryly. “Tell me this, Beak. Are the baron’s daughters so unsightly there be no need for protection? Are they without virtue?”

  “They’re all pretty,” Beak answered. “And every single one of them as pure as the day she was born. Strike me dead if that ain’t the truth. ’Tis their father who shirks his duty,” Beak added with a scowl.

  “How many daughters are there?” Daniel asked. “We never bothered to ask your king.”

  “You’ll be seeing three,” Beak muttered.

  He was about to expound on his remark when both warriors turned and started for the door.

  It was now or never, Beak determined. He took a deep, settling breath, then called out, “Are you both mighty lairds over your clans or is one more powerful than the other?”

  Alec caught the fear in the stable master’s voice. It puzzled him enough to turn back to the man. “What is the reason for such an impertinent question?”

  “I mean no disrespect,” Beak rushed out, “and I’ve good honest reasons for my question. I know I’m stepping above meself; I’m meaning to interfere. You see, someone has to look after her interests and I’m the only one who would be caring enough.”

  Daniel frowned over the odd explanation. It made little sense to him. “I’ll become laird over my clan by right of tanistry in another year or two’s time,” he answered. “The Kincaid is already chieftain over his own clan. There, does that answer your question, Beak?”

  “Will he have first choice in this bride-choosing then?” Beak asked Daniel.

  “He will.”

  “And he’s more powerful than you?” the stable master asked.

  Daniel nodded. “For the moment,” he announced with a grin. “Beak, have you never heard of the Kincaid warriors?”

  “Aye, I’ve heard all sorts of stories.”

  The grimness in his tone made Daniel smile. The old man was obviously frightened of Alec. “I take it some of the stories you’ve heard include descriptions of Alec’s methods in battle?”

  “They have. I shouldn’t be believing them,” Beak added with a hasty glance in Alec’s direction. “They were told by Englishmen, you see, and I’m sure they exaggerated the laird’s . . . ruthlessness.”

  Daniel grinned at Alec before responding to that remark. “Oh, I doubt the stories were exaggerated in the least, Beak. Did they say he never showed mercy? Compassion?”


  “Best believe the stories then, Beak, for they’re true. Aren’t they, Alec?”

  “Aye, they are,” Alec agreed, his tone hard.

  “Beak,” Daniel continued, “your questions amuse me, though I’ve no idea what it is you’re really wanting to find out. Is there another question you’d like to put to us?”

  Beak timidly nodded. He turned to stare up at Alec now. A long, silent moment passed while he tried to think of a fitting way to explain about his Jamie without being downright disloyal.

  Alec could see the fear in the old man’s eyes. He walked back over to stand directly in front of the stable master. “What is it you wish to say to me?”

  Beak decided the Kincaid’s intuition was as unsettling as his size and voice. His own voice trembled when he blurted out his question. “Have you ever mistreated a woman in all your days, Alec Kincaid?”

  It was obvious the laird didn’t care for that question. His expression turned as fierce as a bolt of lightning. Beak took an instinctive step back and had to steady himself by bracing his hand against the wall.

  “I’ve been patient with you because you’re Scots, old man, but if you ever put such a foul question to me again, I swear it will be your last.”

  Beak nodded. “I need to know, inside my heart, because I’m set on giving you a great gift and I have to know you’ll recognize its value, my lord.”

  “He speaks in riddles,” Daniel stated. He walked over to stand next to Alec. His frown, Beak noted, was almost as fierce as the Kincaid’s. “You’ve been in England too long, old man, asking such obscene questions.”

  “I know I ain’t making a spit of sense,” Beak admitted in a forlorn tone. “Yet if I blurt out the full of it, then it would make me disloyal in my mistress’s eyes. I can’t have that,” he added. “She’d have my hide, she would.”

  “You admit to being afraid of a woman?” Daniel asked.

  Beak ignored the astonished look on the man’s face, ignored the laughter in his voice, too. “I’m afeared of no woman. I just don’t want to break my word,” he explained. “The lass means the world to me. I ain’t ashamed to admit I love her like a daughter.”

  Beak valiantly tried to meet Alec’s hard stare. It was a pitiful effort, though. Oh, how he wished the other warrior were the more powerful of the two. At least the one called Daniel smiled on occasion. “Are you strong enough to protect what belongs to you?” he asked the Kincaid, wanting to get to the heart of the matter as soon as possible.

  “I am.”

  “Baron Andrew will call forth many soldiers. He’ll come after the gift I’m giving you. He’s also called friend by England’s King Henry,” Beak added, wobbling his eyebrows to emphasize that fact.

  The Kincaid didn’t seem impressed with that statement. He shrugged with indifference. “It would matter not to me.”

  “Who is this Baron Andrew?” Daniel asked.

  “An Englishman,” Beak answered.

  “All the better,” Alec said. “If I decide to take this gift you’re offering, I’ll welcome a challenge from an Englishman. He’ll be no threat to me.

  Beak visibly relaxed. “No ifs about it,” he boasted.

  “Is your gift a horse perchance?” Daniel asked, shaking his head in confusion. He still didn’t understand what the stable master was trying to tell Alec.

  The Kincaid understood. “It isn’t a horse, Daniel.”

  Beak grinned. The man was proving to be as astute as the best of them. “Once you see my gift, Laird Kincaid, you’ll be set on having it, all right,” he boasted. “Are you partial to blue eyes, milord?”

  “Many have blue eyes in the Highlands, Beak,” Daniel interjected.

  “Well, now,” Beak drawled out, “there’s blue and then there’s blue.” He let out a loud chuckle, then cleared his throat and continued, “Now to me riddle, Laird Kincaid. Baron Jamison treats his daughters just like his horses and that’s a fact. Only have a look around you and you’ll get my meaning soon enough. The pretty little ladies in these three stalls are for the baron’s daughters, right there for anyone to see. But if you’ll walk down this long corridor and turn the bend, you’ll see another stall hidden away in the far corner by the side door. It’s separated from the others. That’s where the baron keeps his beauty, a magnificent white pretty just waiting for a proper mating. Humor this daft old man, for I’m Scots if you’ll remember, and take a good look at the horse,” Beak urged, motioning the warriors forward. “It’s worth your time especially, Laird Kincaid.”

  “He’s caught my curiosity,” Daniel told Alec.

  Both men followed the stable master. Beak’s manner changed considerably when they reached the stall. He poked a piece of straw between his front teeth, leaned against the wall with one foot casually crossed over the other, and proceeded to watch the high-strung filly put up a grand fuss when Alec reached out to stroke her. The side door was cracked open, letting the sun filter inside to cast a soft banner of light on the horse’s silver mane.

  The proud beauty wouldn’t settle down for a good long while, but in the end, the warrior wooed her into showing a hint of her gentle nature. Beak only hoped the laird would gentle Jamie with just as much patience.


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