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The Kiss That Saved Me (The Tidal Kiss Trilogy Book 2)

Page 45

by Kristy Nicolle

  “I am NOT wearing that!” She scowls after I unzip the garment bag, it’s hanging on a curtain rod that has been frozen into the walls of the room, the ice keeping it set in place.

  “I know it’s not exactly your colour… but…” I begin. Azure rounds on me, twizzling on the vanity stool.

  “No. It’s pink. Absolutely not. When have I ever worn pink? Do I look like a freaking Princess to you?” She snarls, her eyes diluting black like someone’s injected ink into them. I sigh. She definitely isn’t a Princess. I’ll give her that one.

  “These were provided by the Adaro, Azure. They’re our hosts. Can you at least try to seem grateful?” I plead with her and she rolls her eyes. In a way I’m glad, it’s the first time I’ve seen her acting like her usual sarcastic self in days.

  “I’m not going to thank someone for making me look like a shrimp puff,” she turns away, bratty as usual. I roll my eyes and laugh, shaking my head, at a loss for what to do next.

  There’s a quick knock at the door. I walk over to it briskly, knowing I soon need to be ready myself. When I’d offered to do Azure’s hair and makeup I hadn’t realised it was going to be this traumatic. My hand stings against the cold of the door handle as I heave it open. It’s Orion. I breathe out, relieved at his proximity.

  “Oh my God… you’re healed!” I burst out in a smile at his blemish free appearance. He rolls his eyes.

  “Um… no. The mermaids… they made me put make-up on,” he looks like he might cry, his manly beauty marred by the mermaid’s shallow obsession with perfection and vanity. I can’t stop myself from almost choking as I try to suppress my building laughter.

  “He’s wearing what!?” I hear Azure move from the glass stool on which she’s perched, darting behind me to get a view. “Well what do you know, they make even his ugly face look pretty. Damn, I might have to start listening when they’re going on about pore shrinkage!” Azure is beside herself, giggling and laughing. Orion cocks his head but a sly smile slips across his lips, unable to ignore the long awaited return of his sister’s eccentricity.

  “Fine, fine, laugh it up. I was only being nice, coming up here to bring you something to wear that isn’t salmon!” He moves to walk away and I grab his arm, noticing the sheen of black silk draped across the sleeve of his tux.

  “Don’t you dare. I’m not listening to her moan about that dress for hours,” I yank the dress from over his arm and dart in, kissing him on the cheek. My lips come away powdery and he winces. “I’ll see you when we’re ready.” I wink at him and close the door.

  For a moment, just a moment, I forget that tomorrow we’re leaving this place. Leaving the Adaro and heading somewhere new and unknown. The reality that this is all temporary silliness before the harshness of real life comes back in and kicks us all in the stomachs once more. I sigh.

  Azure looks at me impatiently as she sits back down at the mirror.

  “Well, what are you waiting for? Beautify me!”

  If I’d thought the Lunar Sanctum was large I’d been wrong. The ballroom of the Aurora Sanctum is tall, spiralling upward in an icy shard that pierces the night sky with its acuteness. The room is huge, with windows lining every wall so that it’s almost as though we’re floating. I can look out into the night and see the bluish, green hues swirl and dance. The night is drawing on and the Adaro are dancing, talking with members of the mer pod, trying to learn about our customs, our ways. Gideon and I have spoken about them fighting with us before, but as I look around at all the happy faces and then back up into the face I had most wished to see for so long, I can’t help but wonder if I want to be responsible for putting yet more lives at risk.

  “What are you thinking about?” My father asks me. A jazz band is playing. As it turns out, a few of the Adaro are righteous on the saxophone. Marina has offered to sing and is belting out Unforgettable by Nat King Cole.

  “Everyone is so happy. I wish I didn’t have to leave,” I sigh.

  “Well, once this is all over you can come back whenever you like. You know my doors are always open to you,” he promises me this, kissing me on the forehead and pulling me in close to his hard body.

  “If I’m still alive.” I murmur, fearful.

  “You will be.” He replies, so sure.

  “How do you know?” I ask him, biting my bottom lip.

  “Because I haven’t had time to know you yet. You can’t go anywhere, because I need more time with you. I love you so much already and I barely even know you.” It’s exactly what I need to hear, but a lump forms in my throat as we dance, wondering if this will be the last time. Then I realise if this is the last time, I better savour it.

  “I love you, dad,” I whisper. My dad’s forehead is creased, his eyes watering slightly.

  “Thank you for finding me,” he whispers back.

  I feel eyes on me all of a sudden and hairs rise on the back of my spine. I know what it means immediately. Orion is watching.

  “Thank you for giving us your army. Your people. The Adaro are incredible,” I say it, knowing it’s a lot to ask.

  “No matter what happens, we’ll be there. The question… is when,” Gideon frowns. Suddenly Orion is behind me. Gideon stops dancing.

  “I might have an answer to that. Azure just had a vision. The blood moon.” He runs his fingers through his hair, his black tux slimming his figure and making him look taller.

  “But that’s not long away…” I think, starting to panic. My heart picks up the pace, thumping a frantic rhythm.

  “Calm down, Callie. It’s okay. We have time. I’ve been speaking with Cage and with Nika. We’re going to be prepared. If Saturnus and Solustus want a war, we’re sure as hell going to give them one.” He’s animated, perhaps more animated than I’ve ever seen him in his role as ruler. It feels like at the death of Starlet something within him has snapped, allowing him to heal, come back stronger, and ready to rule.

  “You’ve got that right.” Gideon nods, removing his arm from around my waist and letting my hand drop.

  “We still have five more vessels to find though, and these ‘pieces of eight’, whatever the hell they are. This is if Vex is in fact the vessel for Poseidon!” I try to express my anxiety as I turn to Orion. His eyes meet mine and comfort me instantly.

  “I know. We can do this. I know we can,” Orion startles me with his confidence.

  “Well look at you all confident,” I hear Azure’s dull tone travel over his shoulder. I look back to her, appreciating the work I’d done. She’s in a black strapless floor-length gown. She looks so pretty, and then she pulls the top of her bustier up under her arms, reigning in her assets. The picture is ruined. So much for ladylike. “What? Don’t look at me with that horrified expression. It’s all fun and games until they pop out of the top and I blind someone!” She says this with a deadpan, serious expression. Orion snorts and I smack my hand to my face. Oh dear God…

  “Azure… why don’t we just sit you down over here… so you don’t injure yourself,” Gideon takes her by the hand and she looks stunned at his forwardness. Orion can’t help but laugh and I nearly choke on air.

  “My sister everybody…” Orion makes a faux announcement. I purse my lips together trying to reign in my laughter. I must be ladylike... I must be ladylike… I am a queen, I remind myself of this, inhaling deep. My father waves to me as he takes Azure to a nearby table and sits down with her, they begin to talk about something and suddenly she starts to laugh.

  “Well, I’m glad to see she’s finally back to her old self… sort of.” I roll my eyes.

  “Rather unkempt and crude than beating me senseless I suppose,” Orion sighs. Suddenly we both realise we’re standing awkwardly in the middle of a dancefloor, Adaro couples swirling around us, some of them on ice skates, twirling and spinning together in antiquated rhythm. I had also been offered a pair, but I’m not even confident on two feet half of the time, so the thought of blades attached to them makes me even more nervous about falling on my face in f
ront of these new people than normal.

  I look down at myself and fold my gloved hands over one another. I’m wearing a white fur wrap over the top of my shoulders and an ice blue A-line gown that had been chosen by my father. My hair is up in a messy bun and curls fall around my face. I catch Orion looking at me as I gaze out upon the northern lights.

  “Do you want to go out onto the balcony? The air is refreshing. It might help you feel calmer,” he suggests. I nod, giving him my gloved hand. He takes it and we sweep across the floor of the icy ballroom floor, careful not to slip, especially because I’m in heels. We reach the large glass doors and Orion opens them before me. I hear a sigh and look back; the mermaids are watching us. I poke my tongue out at them and they all look at me, mock offended looks plastered onto their heavily made faces.

  Outside on the balcony, the chill of the Arctic rustles my fur wrap, making the hairs move in a gentle sway.

  “Wow!” I say, looking up at the Aurora Borealis, I run to the edge of the balcony, reaching the railing and leaning over, looking up into the diamond scattered deep blue of its velvet. The lights flicker, shimmering in and out. It’s incredible. Every shade of green from aqua to jade undulates.

  I feel my eyes widen. “It’s so beautiful!” I gasp, propping my head into my hands, resting my elbows on the icy sheen of the guardrail.

  “Yes. You are,” Orion announces, his eyes connecting with mine as my head snaps sideways in response to his compliment. His hands are hidden in the pockets of his pants and he’s staring at me, leaning back against the edge of the balcony. I turn my body to him, blushing.

  “Thanks,” I reply, bringing my hand up to cover my mouth shyly. I walk over to him, keeping his gaze tenderly. I wrap my arms around him, resting my head over his heart.

  “I can’t believe tomorrow we could be on the other side of the world,” I admit.

  “I know. We could be anywhere,” Orion puts his arms around my spine and I look up at him. “I said I’d show you the world, remember?” He smiles at me and I narrow my eyes coyly.

  “Ah… because of course you knew this was going to happen…” I jibe and he laughs.

  “Yes, of course. I purposefully allowed for the destruction of an ancient city just so we could go on a ‘jolly holiday’.” He cocks his head, widening his eyes in distaste.

  “Well, now that you mention it I thought that was suspicious.” I laugh and he rolls his eyes.

  “You are extraordinarily unfunny… you know that?” He says with a deadpan expression.

  “Well compared to you with a face full of make-up I’d say that’s true, you do make quite the Miss Teen Mermaid 2016.” I contort my mouth into a pucker and wiggle my eyebrows.

  “I have the crown… got a sash stowed somewhere?” He jokes back and this surprises me.

  “The man who doesn’t know what In ‘N’ Out burger is, knows about the ins and outs of beauty pageants? Well that’s nothing short of suspicious. Something you aren’t telling me?” I prod him in the chest with a gloved finger and I immediately regret it as he winces.

  “Starlet loved to watch them. She thought they were fascinating… she used to love to yell out how fat they all looked in their bathing suits. She was always a huge spoil sport too, because she always knew who was going to win…” Orion starts to laugh but then trails off and looks out into the night in deep thought. “I miss her.” He sighs, pulling me closer to him and resting his chin on the top of my head.

  “I know. I’m so sorry. She was so brave, in the end. Your father would have been so proud of her.” I try to comfort him but there are no words to fill the hole Starlet has left behind.

  “It makes me feel better to think that they’re together right now.” He smiles a little, melancholy, but at peace. The anger I had known to rage inside him before has been extinguished by the cold of this place. “There’s a fight coming though, I can feel it. It’s unavoidable and people are going to die. More people…” He looks out across the empty, snow covered waste land of the night covered arctic, his face looking stormy and determined. “Starlet would have made a better ruler than I ever will.” I don’t know how to reply to this, I don’t know what kind of ruler Starlet would have made, nor what he saw in her that sparked such a claim. Their relationship was so different from any I’d seen between siblings. I breathe out, needing to lighten the mood.

  “It will be okay though, right?” I ask him.

  “I don’t know… I could lie to you and say yes. But that’s not real,” he sighs.

  “No more fantasies,” I whisper.

  “No. Our lives are filled with enough fantasy for anybody,” Orion laughs and I nod my head against his lapels. “I know one thing though,” he continues as I listen to his breathing. “You’re strong enough to handle whatever comes next.” He bends down and kisses me, his lips gracing mine. My heart rests beneath the stars as I kiss him. It had been at war for too long. For now, it would be my sanctuary, just like Orion.

  “You really believe in me?” I say to him as he breaks the kiss. We stand beneath the aurora’s heady magic, its glow illuminating our faces.

  Orion looks down at me, his eyes sparkling, reflecting back at me all the magic of the Northern Lights.



  The Necrimad sits back on its haunches, the colossal size of it boggling even my mind. It breathes in, its scales flaring and parting, revealing a white-hot orange glow from beneath. Its eyes burn with the same intensity and every time it moves, the very earth beneath its talons rumbles, shifting. I watch as the Psiren army struggle, idiots that they are, to contain it. To place the chains forged by the metal master around the beast’s neck, around it’s legs. It moves once more, swatting them away with its skull, which is covered in spiny protrusions. It impales one or two of them, and I watch as they flail, laughing at their misfortune. I’m watching from far away, mainly because the beast can exhale gallons of boiling water into the surrounding ocean in mere seconds. It is magnificent. I see more of Alyssa’s children coming back from the place where it rests, their skin boiling, falling from bone like it were no more than pork from a spit-roasted pig. I look around, realising I haven’t seen Alyssa lately. Where the hell is she? Do I really care?

  “Solustus. Brother. Isn’t it magnificent?” I hear the slithering tones of Saturnus creep toward me. His face is maniacally happy. In this moment I can see the family resemblance between him and Caedes certainly.

  “Yes. It is. And yet…. It is still in flesh.” I’m impatient now, for the first time that I can remember. It has always been so very illusive, the premise of power, and yet to see it in flesh, in a form that causes the very men made from its power to tremble, it makes me hungry for the power I know is mine. It makes me wanton. It makes me desire.

  “Yes. Now all we need to do is wait. Wait for the return of those with light magic running in their veins. Destroy it… and we shall be victorious.”

  “And you’re certain? Absolutely certain, that there are only a few mer who survived?”

  “Of course I’m certain! I’m not incompetent! They’ll come back here and we’ll pick them off one by one. We will succeed!” My brother is ranting, raving even. “Then that bitch… she’ll know what she was missing when she chose Atlas… and Poseidon….”

  “What was that?!” I demand, cutting him off, suddenly feeling uneasy. Saturnus has never spoken of Poseidon in such an angry tone before. I feel my suspicions grow. Wondering if he has motives I don’t know about.

  “Oh… he’ll have to return the power to its rightful place. Of course.”

  “Yes. Right you are, brother,” I say, looking down my nose at him.

  “Have you seen Alyssa around here?” Saturnus asks me, as though he’d read my previous thought. I laugh at his intrigue.

  “Oh Saturnus you think you’re so sly… don’t tell me you’re softening to something as ridiculous as your soulmate now?” I laugh, knowing full well that my brother, after his death,
could never stand the love of anything beneath the rank of Goddess.

  “Would you desist in being so goddamn vile? The thought you’d even suggest I would look at such a revolting creature… just ugh. You know full well that’s why I stuck her with that stupid merman Gideon, Solustus. Though of course you can’t deny her devotion did become incredibly useful in the end, him breaking her heart and unlocking her true potential as Psiren, it was genius if I do say so myself. I couldn’t have orchestrated it any better if I’d tried. That’s the only reason I asked. I thought a little more recruiting to the cause couldn’t hurt. Besides, Alyssa is too stupid to work out that I was her soulmate, hidden in plain sight. However, somebody didn’t find me soon enough to stop my soul being split in half by that...bitch. So I’d watch your tongue. It’s your fault.” He goes on and on like this for a few minutes and I zone out, thinking back to the night his soul had been split. It had been only a few days before I had tainted his blood with Poseidon’s fury, a shame, but not entirely useless as he’s suggesting. Alyssa was stupid and naïve when she had turned, being a prostitute in her mortal life, she wasn’t exactly clear on what the difference between love and sex was. Besides, by the time Saturnus had met her, his heart was blackened and love was impossible, but confusing her and manipulating her for his own agenda had been easy. I remember speaking the truth of the matter aloud to Vex, a generous piece of wisdom that I hope he’ll remember and cherish…

  Psirens don’t love. It’s not who we are.

  “I haven’t seen her.” I say lazily, bored of the conversation. Saturnus halts and cocks his head, dismissing the thought of Alyssa altogether before continuing on with business as usual.

  “Oh… another thing before I go, Solustus. Regus caught Vexus having a vision. He’s torturing him as we speak.”

  “What!? That should have been the first thing out of your mouth!” I bark. Coming up close to Saturnus, my grey eyes burn into his yellow pupils. I push my rapier into his stomach ever so lightly. Letting him know I’m not playing around.


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